(Excerpt from:
Have you ever wondered why things are the way they are on the planet, and why things have "changed" but remained the same, and why this planet is (and remains) dysfunctional, despite the best of intentions from a great many people? Why is much activity on this planet connected with covert activity, and why the necessity for concepts like "secrecy" and "national security"? Why the stress on ego, the body, security, sensation, fear, survival, power and the image? Why are exciting new developments in human knowledge routinely suppressed or manipulated in order to preserve the "status quo"? Why all the suppression of knowledge and scientific developments? Why are most orthodox versions of human history full of omissions and inaccuracies, after so many "victors" in a "win-lose"-model societies rewrote history the way they wanted it for thousands of years? What are they afraid of? They are afraid of the alternatives, where internal guidance and mature self-responsibility take the place of external social power and control systems. Vast areas of information provided to the public are incomplete, inaccurate or downright fabrications of orthodoxy, designed to maintain the "status quo". Ever wonder why many political "issues" have been around for decades without resolution? They are symptoms of greater un-addressed "issues" which underlie the structures and belief systems pushed on the population, most of which are shallow, artificial and don't accurately reflect the nature of the universe around us. Belief systems, rather than experiential observations, predominate. Most of the population seems to be asleep, on a social and genetic "autopilot". A great number of individuals, however, are not asleep, and view the system with either contempt or mixed amusement.
Contrary to popular social belief systems which portray reality is being mono-dimensional and mono-density, populated by bodies who walk, talk and interact, the nature of reality is quite different and more expansive. Reality is an infinite multi-nested complex of overlapping energies, intents and purposes, within which a "dance" of consciousness and spiritual being occurs. "Life on Earth" is a miniscule "grain of sand on the beach" . The "reality" picture humans are fed in terms of commercial media is both synthetic and suppressive, for the population, the planet, and all incarnated Spirit interacting on it.
How did it get this way, anyway? We examine many things on this website, including how subjective social reality perspectives are programmed into a population through cultural paradigms, how these are constructed and how they can be seen through. We examine a lot of suppressed information, alternative reality viewpoints, and add in contemporaneous discussions on the objective aspects of how realities, both local and general, appear to be laid out, based on experience involving non-local movement of consciousness and being and other sources, for your general evaluation, so that you may relate it to your own experience or use it to further your own experience, in the search for Self and a more accurate picture of reality.
We examine historical events and timelines, people, places and most importantly ideas, for ideas and information are what will shift the current stage of activity from one of conflict and polarity, to one of balance. This planet is the way it is at any one time, and because it is the way it is, we are all here to experience and learn "what not to do and how not to live", as well as personal objectives on a more expansive Spiritual basis. We are not so much here to "change the world", but to help make it possible for many of us to change ourselves, align with our higher Spiritual nature, and create something better together, that we would all prefer, in order to allow progressive evolution to take place more quickly. Nothing in current society will survive the necessary evolution. The changes have already begun,
I only hope for your sake, and everyone else reading this will ask themselves if they are truly ready.... Are You?