Government Experiments: Fact or Fiction?

The China Card II
By Richard Boylan, PhD.

June 09, 1997

A Washington, DC-area intelligence "cut-out" who has been quite reliable passes on information that China now has acquired antigravity technology, which the U.S. has had and applied to successfully-flying aerospace vehicles since at least 1989. A world-class UFO/ET research professional has additionally provided me information that a renegade group in Japan also possesses antigravity technology. He reports that the possession of such extreme technology, <which besides ultrafast deployment also involves radar and optical invisibility and potentially time travel capabilities,> by a sometimes-hostile Asian superpower such as China destabilizes the West's military edge.

The China development has implications for impeding the public acknowledgment of UFO reality by the U.S. Government. The connection is thus.

Within the highest levels of military and intelligence leadership are ultra-conservative cliques of Generals and Intelligence officials, who are still virulently fearful of Communist takeover, and who are reactionary fundamentalist religionists. They view China's advances in research and development to the point of antigravity technology competency as representing a clear and present danger to U.S. military hegemony in the world. Further, they fear that revelations of Chinese government attempts to secretly make contributions to American political campaigns represents an attempt to exercise an eventual Communist takeover of America.

These right-wing Generals and Intelligence officials thus seek to block any public acknowledgment by the government of UFO reality, because world acknowledgment of extraterrestrial visitation and antigravity technology (UFOs) would permit China to display its antigravity craft. Thus, China would appear an equally-advanced rival to American military technology and be seen by impressionable countries as an alternative super-power to cozy up to. Thus, the military and intelligence right wing oppose revealing UFO reality.

Welcome to the Byzantine world of Washington politics, where the right of the public to free and well-informed flow of information comes in last.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA.
(916) 455-0120 E-mail: [email protected]
Primary website:

Author of: Close Extraterrestrial Encounters,
Labored Journey To The Stars and Project Epiphany
Email [email protected]
Lets examine one example of how we are not totaly aware of what is going on in the inside of certain compartmentalized forms of GVT, and their interactive counterparts to contract with private enterprise to do some of their secret biddings...........
How much do we really know, compared to what they tell us?

Here is a missing chapter from a future physics book.
Posted by Joshua Gulick on April 21, 1999 at 14:47:34:

Section 1: What is antigravity?
Section 2: How was antigravity harnessed?

Section 1: What is antigravity?

As was noted in Chapter 2, Einstein's theories necessitated his "cosmological constant" which was not rejected until 1999 when it was discovered that it was not a constant at all, but must have varied over the Universe's life. Einstein's equations didn't allow for the acceleration of the newborn universe accurately without a change to his constant.

Also that year, it was determined that the beautiful, unexplained, axial jets of matter and x-rays and gamma rays observed from black holes, neutron stars and galactic centers were the result of a repulsive force arising perpendicular to their rotation. < see [A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> Note that the jets appear to Aturn on and off@ as one would expect if matter passed over the axial repulsive fields variably] The effect is so strong from galactic centers that if our sun were placed in the repulsive field, its entire mass would be accelerated almost instantly to a speed quite near to the speed of light. Not only that, but the light emitted by the sun would be compressed to x-ray and gamma-ray energies as it traveled down the repulsion gradient. This wavelength compression happens in an opposite fashion to the wavelength expansion that is theorized to occur as light nears a massive gravitational source.

Soon after these discoveries were described, Einstein's Acosmological constant@ was discarded and equations describing the antigravitic effect substituted. In Einstein's defense, he did consider antigravity, but dismissed it as unlikely and much too controversial.

The antigravitic effect is best visualized as a two-body interaction. Assume the two bodies have equal mass and therefore equal gravitational pull. Assume the bodies are in a stable orbit around one another, maintaining an equal distance between them. The bodies orbit in a single plane around a single axis. As they orbit, a repulsive force is emitted from each body perpendicular to the orbital plane. The force is equal to each body's resistance to the gravitational pull of the other. In other words, the resistance to orbital compression is redirected perpendicular to the orbital plane. In our example, the average repulsive effect could be visualized as a cylinder or repulsion perpendicular to the orbital plane and intersecting with the orbital path. The repulsive force increases exponentially as the orbital plane is approached. As the mass and orbital speeds increase, the antigravity forces are likewise increased.
In most situations, the antigravity force is insignificant, due, in part, to the perpendicularity of the effect and also because the gravitational forces resisted are normally quite small. However, a black hole's gravitational pull is hardly small. Also consider that a black hole's core rotates exceedingly fast and is continually accelerated to its maximum rate as matter falls in from its accretion disk. As you remember from Chapter 2, as matter approaches the speed of light, it's mass increases exponentially. This increase in mass adds to the black hole's gravitational pull. It's this incredibly strong gravity that causes the huge antigravitic displays from black holes as their cores rotate and resist further compression.

Descriptive equations of antigravitic interactions are only simple in two dimensions. It's impossible to predict the repulsive effect generated by the complex and variable rotation of our sun. Suffice it to say that repulsion is strongest from the axis and negligible from the plane of rotation. It is this repulsive effect that accounts for the planarity, or disk-like shape of our own solar system and the repulsion of enough matter to form our Oort cloud. It is also this effect that accounts for the planarity of a black hole's accretion disk and even the planarity of galaxies.

Section 2: How was antigravity harnessed?

No discussion of antigravity would be complete without discussing the discoveries that allowed humanity to harness the repulsive force. In 1999 again, it was discovered that the antigravity effect could be duplicated in a laboratory by spinning atomic nuclei at very high speeds. An atom's nucleus is ultra-dense, not so unlike a tiny black hole. Because nuclei rotate fairly stabily and without friction, it is possible to accelerate their rotation to their maximum speed and produce very strong antigravitic effects.

So, how does one make nuclei rotate? It was discovered that certain nucleic geometries reflect, to a small degree, the movements of nearby electrons. The elements that exhibit such geometries have an odd number of protons and an even number of neutrons. In such atoms, the protons are not uniformly dispersed throughout the nucleus. Instead, one side of the nucleus is slightly more positive than the other. Elements that have this unbalanced nuclear charge are called electro-rotational elements. They exhibit a slight natural antigravitic effect that may be deduced by observing their atomic radii. The atomic radii of electro-rotational elements are significantly smaller than expected due to the repulsive effect generated by neighboring atoms. The electro-rotational element with the most massive nucleus is Bismuth, element 83. Its nucleus has the greatest gravitational pull and therefore can demonstrate the largest antigravitic effect when spun.

It was discovered that a sufficient electrical charge passed down a micro-thin ribbon of Bismuth sped and aligned the rotation of the Bismuth nuclei so that the axis were aligned perpendicular to the electrical flow. It was also discovered that micro-layers of Bismuth exhibit near superconductive properties at room temperature. This near superconductivity happens as the nuclei spin at very high speeds and act as miniature flywheels, guiding the electron flow and reducing electrical resistance.

The first atomic antigravitic device was constructed in 1999. My, that was a busy year! The device was simply a 10-centimeter wide ribbon of Bismuth half a kilometer long and an average of 3 microns thick. It was coiled around a hollow copper core with a similar, 25-micron thick dielectric ribbon coiled around the core and between each Bismuth layer. The free end of the bismuth ribbon was grounded. When a high-voltage charge was applied to the copper core, the device punched through the ceiling and roof of the lab at a speed that was later estimated to be around Mach 8.

The antigravity platforms that we see every day use three standard antigravity generators of this type mounted at angles around an axis with 120 degrees separating each. Other designs were explored. One of the most successful ideas was to apply the Bismuth and dielectric layers directly to the exterior surface of a craft. This antigravitic "skin" slightly lowered manufacturing costs and allowed easier repairs. It also allowed us to explore our solar system with a greater safety factor and at higher speeds due to the protection from micrometeorites offered by the repulsion field that surrounded the craft. <To see some fragments of actual antigravitic "skin" and learn about them, visit [A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> ]

The first shape to get its antigravitic skin was the cigar shape. It was coated with the successive Bismuth and dielectric layers. When a sufficient high-voltage charge was passed across the Bismuth micro-layers from one end to the other, the repulsive field was generated tangential to the "skin" and perpendicular to the axis plane, giving a nice, stable lift. With the addition of two standard antigrav generators (one at each end of the cigar) maneuverability was achieved.

The traditional "flying saucer" shape was explored next. It was coated similarly and charged from top to bottom. Again, the repulsive field was generated tangential to the "skin" and perpendicular to the axis plane. Sitting on the ground, it repulsed laterally, providing zero lift. To direct the repulsion force from the lateral, the electrical flow needed to be made to travel around the axis instead of taking the shortest, fastest route between poles. The closer the spiraling of the electron flow, the closer the repulsive field aligns with the axis plane and therefore repulses more up and down. This spiraling was accomplished first with a spirally wound core and then more efficiently with a winding just deep of exterior surface. With this design, only one standard antigrav generator mounted axially is needed to provide maneuverability.

There are limitations to these craft arising from the fact that all the repulsive forces are directed tangential to the surface and never reach the interior of the craft. This limited the acceleration and deceleration to that which a human body could withstand. Then somebody had a brilliant idea. Why not put the occupants outside, on top of the craft. This way, the repulsion forces generated would, to a large degree, counter-balance the inertial forces on occupants as the craft accelerated. This is why we see domes on the top of early designs. Eventually, it was discovered that with the introduction of a sine wave ripple to the surface of a craft, the repulsive effect could be directed into the interior.

In conclusion:

Antigravity has allowed us to safely explore our solar system and to send explorers at high speeds to nearby stars. It gave us unlimited, clean, electrical power. It brought humanity together as nothing had before and caused us all to think seriously about our collective future. It eliminated much of our pollution and allowed our planet to begin to heal. It also made everyone look carefully at the magnificent design of the Universe and consider that it may have been intelligently created.

A personal statement from the author

Of course, this information is not really from the future any more than I am. This information is, however, factual, though perhaps not chronologically correct.

And now, I would like to personally and sincerely apologize to the individuals, governments and corporate entities that may have to change their plans, and/or accept financial and other losses due to the release of this knowledge. However, I believe that it is quite proper now to release this information and allow our society its rightful technological leap. For if antigravity itself does not allow super-efficient electrical generation due to the Laws of Conservation of Energy and Mass, it certainly does provide the means to supply our entire electrical requirements. For, with simple antigravity platforms high in the atmosphere and very long wires reaching down to the ground, as Tesla proposed, we may siphon off as much electricity as we like from our atmosphere, which is continually being recharged anyway.

Again, I apologize to those who may be negatively affected by the release of
this knowledge. In order to offset the negative a bit, I presently offer my
ideas, designs, and theories, indeed my antigravitational technology, and my
ability to profit from it - to every individual, government, and corporate entity.
But only if we agree to one condition. We have to share it. And we have to help those whose lives are disrupted due to it. Oh, that's two conditions. Well, we should do both, but we must share.

Oh, it will be weird to see strange things floating around. I wonder if they'll make the horses bolt?

For more information on this and my other research, or to comment on this e-mail, please contact me at:

Joshua Gulick
69 and One Half N. Franklin Street
Delaware, OH 43015

or you may use my e-mail address: [email protected]

As of April 20, I now have a website, I am adding as much from my notebook as I can each day. You may visit it for further information at: clicks through as "" where I get lost in advertisements.

Sounds to me like Josh has got it wired. I'd be looking over my shoulder if I were him.

Bismuth is diamagnetic. Is diamagnetism and antigravity the same thing or do they just share a common vector?
Air Force Lies To America About Chemtrails!

(See Official Document jpg at the link!)

This letter authored by Michael K. Gibson, Lt. Col., USAF
This document received by email on September 11 2000
Posted by Clifford E Carnicom
September 11 2000

"hoax (n.)- An act intended to deceive or trick."
"lie (n) - 1. A false statement deliberately presented as true.
(v) 2. To convey a false image or impression."
The American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd Edition, 1994.


Dear Lt. Col. Michael Gibson...About Your Chemtrail "Response"...

From Diane Harvey <[email protected]>

Michael K. Gibson, Lt.Col, USAF
Deputy Chief, Congressional Inquiry Division
Office of Legislative Liaison

Dear Col. Gibson:

This responds to your "response" to Representative Mark Green concerning chemtrails. I have of course removed your quotation marks from the word "chemtrails" and put them where they belong: around the word "response". Your ludicrous reply to sincere citizens demands for an explanation is receiving precisely the quality and quantity of outrage it so richly deserves. There are tens of thousands of us who have perforce been obliged to educate ourselves, in depth and at tedious length, in regard to this relatively new phenomenon overhead. We've done our homework, collected our research, and published our increasing encyclopedias of evidence. We are not amused with your infantile "ice crystals" taradiddle.

My father, like you, was a colonel in the USAF. He was physically courageous, deeply honorable and intellectually scrupulous. He never told lies, and neither do his children, who were patriotic little career Air Force brats. He thought of his service career, strange to say, as keeping the world safe for...well, what exactly was it he kept the world safe for, Col. Gibson? Oh yes: Democracy. Does this word ring any bells? I'm sure you've heard of it- the old "of the people, by the people, and for the people" kind of thing? Are you quite comfortable, morally speaking then, with your present function in our threadbare but still supposedly democratic society? Are you proud of yourself, sitting around churning out insultingly childish, barefaced lies to the American public? Who do you imagine is soothed by your serving up such an abysmally unintelligent piece of droning fluff? We are concerned, Colonel, and we are correct: your patronizingly meaningless letter is just one bit of proof that something is terribly wrong. And we can only be disgusted that the USAF, having done it's duty to help destroy Communism, seems now to be doing its part to destroy democracy as well.

Furthermore, Colonel Gibson, if you are "only following orders" and feel you absolutely must tell outrageous lies to the public, then at least let them be reasonably scientifically sophisticated and intellectually edible. Since you lack the courage and honor required of honesty and a decent response, at least give us worthier puffs of smoke and a bit of razzle-dazzle mirror-work. Don't bother your pretty little head trying to palm off pathetic imitations of Contrails 101 on a segment of the population which is highly informed. The purple dinosaur level of your letter to Mr. Green entirely fails to entertain us. You will need to command a far higher order of drivel altogether for that.

You may choose to treat us as imbeciles, but this merely degrades you personally, and your department, and the USAF, and this government. I am not a liar, Colonel Gibson, and neither am I subject to inane delusional states. The countless other perfectly sane citizens of this country who are observing and reporting the factual proliferation of chemtrails are also not going to be content to be spoken to in such a shamefully dismissive manner. We know precisely who is hoaxing who, and we are hardly going to be quelled by such a fatuous and pathetic attempt at a reply. You have not heard the last from us, Colonel Gibson. If I were you, I'd give the matter of chemtrails some serious thought. As long as they are present in our daily lives, we are going to be present in yours, and in the offices of our elected officals.


Diane Harvey <[email protected] [BR>
cc: The Honorable Mark Green United States House of Representatives Washington DC 20515
ETs And Chemtrails -
The Cover-up Converges
From Will Thomas <[email protected]>

Dear Jeff,

What do UFOs and Chemtrails have in common?

Too much denial.

Anyone who has taken their chemtrail sightings to skeptics in the media, their own household or neighborhood has experienced the rejection and ridicule reserved for messengers of imminent alien invasion.

In both cases, continuing closed corporate media access stems from the same assumptions about a "reality" so limited, at least 90 percent of the human experience of their audience goes unreported and acknowledged. If a story doesn't fit the dominator paradigm, it doesn't exist.

But chemtrails are as real as a KC-135. Unlike UFOs reported in distant regions, chances are you can go outside and watch the big jets laying down patterns of long-lasting plumes right over your house and neighborhood.

It is a powerful advertisement that we are being daily deceived and endangered by the very people who are pledged and paid to protect us. Chemtrails are not contrails. And they are not going away. As more and more Americans learn to look up, the clouds of confusion and complicity woven by media's mass mesmerizers are seen to be as wispy and obscuring as continuing official reassurances that everything is "normal" - a condition that has not existed for quite some time.

Whether it's alleged beings from Betelgeuse, or toxins falling from Greenhouse skies, "National Security" is just another name for lying. Ironically, the more desperate and absurd the denials of aerial phenomenon taking place over millions of startled heads, the more anxiety, hype, hysteria and mistrust of authority results. Cynicism this deep is the death of democracy. Real security comes when everyone is informed of what's going on - and has a choice in a country's collective response.

William Thomas _____

ETs And Chemtrails - The Cover-up Converges

Excerpted from Whitley Strieber's Hidden Agendas UFO BRIEFING DOCUMENT by Don Berliner Dell Publishing June 2000

Introduction By Editor William Thomas

A 15th century painting depicting a clearly discernible flying saucer over the shoulder of the Madonna, and a Bubonic Plague-era woodblock print showing a dirigible-like craft spraying germs on the populace below provide disturbing pictorial documentation that UFOs and aerial biowarfare have been factors in human civilizations for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.

Possible convergence of completely disparate UFO and CT activities has come from reports and photographs of small silver spheres the size and metallic reflectance of drone-like WWII "foo fighters" observed pacing chemtrails in recent months.

Cobweb-like artificial filaments up to 40-feet long draped in recent years over oil rigs, highways, porches, powerlines and police cruisers have also been reported since at least 1948. Causing severe illness after landing on the backs of cows, horses and human observers, this "angel hair" material has, on at least two occasions in 1999 and 2000, been linked by eye-witnesses to passing jet aircraft.

The latest incident - which created a press sensation in Karoo, South Africa in July, 2000 - followed reports of intensive UFO activity in the same area. Carried by national television, these South African UFO sightings preceded "cobwebs" dropped from the sky onto a farmer,s cows one week later. This latest "coincidence" mirrors many similar reports over previous decades in which UFO sightings were later followed by the sudden appearance of unusual, possibly pathogenic filaments that often dissolved soon after falling from the sky to the ground.

Though the CT phenomenon is relatively recent, with widespread public notice of unusual jet aircraft plumes beginning around November, 1998, the reaction of authorities and media "content providers" is similar to sightings of other unusual flying activities documented since "foo fighters" shadowed bomber formations during the Second World War.

A major difference in assessing the validity of UFOs and CTs is that, unlike UFOs, radar corroboration of visual sightings of CTs is entirely lacking. Or suppressed.

Reading through Berliner,s UFO Briefing Document, comparisons between UFO and Chemtrail (CT) sightings and cover-ups by the press, military and government officials are striking. By simply substituting the acronym "CT" for "UFO" in Strieber,s introduction and subsequent statements quoted in Berliner,s book, I have found reports and official reaction of two completely different aerial activities - one involving unidentified flying objects and the other clearly identifiable U.S. Air Force tanker planes - virtually interchangeable.

In terms of government secrecy and duplicity, we have been here before. Ironically, attempts to maintain a cover-up over widely observed aerial anomalies in hopes of maintaining public security and confidence in their elected officials is having precisely the opposite effect. Whether contemplating the implications of ETs or CTs, a public that is increasingly convinced of both realities is growing increasingly cynical and suspicious of official denials.

The time for truth is now.

What do UFOs and Chemtrails have in common? Decide for yourself:

Quotes and <paraphrases> from Don Berliner's 'UFO Briefing Document' with "CT" (Chemtrails) substituted for "UFO"

In The Beginning "thousands of cases had been accumulated."

"It was the beginning of a sighting wave so massive that is was attributed by an uneasy press to hysteria."

"Sightings became more numerous and detailed."

"<Authorities> concluded that the CT mystery was not worth scientific investigation."


"Why is nothing being done? The reason is that even well-informed scientists disbelieve the CT information so completely that they do not consider it worth pursuing. <CT> briefing documents present damning evidence of government secrecy."

"Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the <unusual sky plumes and patterns> are nonsense."

"Officials have exerted great effort to convince the public that CTs have no validity and that they are no more than mistaken observations of <normal flight patterns>"

"Behind the shield of secrecy, it is possible for an agency or service to avoid scrutiny and essentially to operate outside the law. Accountability to the taxpayers and to the Congress can be conveniently avoided."

"Even those with secret and top-secret clearances will not have access to all highly classified information. Furthermore, it is doubtful whether any member of Congress can have access to all such information. Such information, allowing access only a need to know, basis, is not necessarily given to senior elected officials who come and go and can therefore be regarded as temporary, political and unreliable."

Chemtrail Cults?

"Secrecy has corroded the intellectual content of the culture in general and opened the popular imagination to a level of superstition that gives every evidence of forming itself, in time, into a new cult or religion."

Media Bias

"Because of the official denials and the lack of scientific study, there has developed a bias against the subject within the intellectual community and the media. CT-related stories, no matter how extraordinary, do not generally achieve coverage beyond the level of local newscasts, if at all. The bias against CT reporting is stronger in the print than in broadcast media, to the point that it is highly unusual that anything related to CTs gets coverage in newspapers and magazines, except to be rejected and debunked."

Scientific Bias

"Scientists outside <CT investigating panels> expressed surprise that a topic with such a high giggle factor, might be reincarnated for serious study."

Marginalizing A Major Story

"Because of government secrecy, scientific indifference and press debunking, the whole CT question has been marginalized."

Who Is Reporting CTs?

"If chemtrails are so different from <normal contrails>, what are they?"

<There are over 6,000 reported sightings, many by pilots, police officers, active and former military personnel, and other qualified witnesses.>

"Most of what is "known" about CTs comes from individual descriptions of what they say they saw. If the individuals are reliable and knowledgeable about the sky, the information stands a good chance of being useful. <Credibility and strangeness are the two criteria of usefulness.>"

"Many of the reports...come from intelligent and technically well-qualified individuals whose integrity cannot be doubted."

<Every time I get skeptical, I think of all the reports by pilots, police officers, Air Force and Navy personnel who know what they are looking at. These people have told me: "I wouldn,t have believed it either, if I hadn,t seen it myself.">

"Why should these men of law enforcement and defense lie?"

"There are thousands of documents, photos, sighting reports <and seeming miles of videotape> demonstrating their existence."

"Webs and networks...unmistakably suggest systematic <aerial intent> and cannot be the result of chance."

"Though private groups and individuals have invested a great amount of time to investigating CTs, yet there is no consensus about their nature, origins or purpose. In the absence of any specific knowledge...there are no constraints on theorizing about the nature, technology and behavior of CTs."

Air Farce

"The United States Air Force has not acted in a reasonable manner."

Why The CT Cover-up?

"If it is a cover-up, then what is being protected, and by whom? The answers to these questions generally focus on the issue of national security and fear of the public reaction to an official disclosure of CT activity."

"It is the great mass of baffling reports from expert witnesses, past and present, that form the basis of the CT mystery. When studied as a group, these case histories exhibit clear patterns that strongly suggest that they belong to a distinct new class of phenomenon rather than being a formless collection of disparate observational errors."

"The US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. The purpose of the international conspiracy is to maintain a workable stability among the nations of the world and for them, in turn, to retain institutional control over their respective populations...Such extreme conclusions...probably reflect the fears of the "ruling classes" of the major nations, whose leaders (particularly those in the intelligence business) always advocated excessive government secrecy to preserve national security,".

"People are not stupid and they know very well when they have seen something out of the ordinary."

"The general coherence of sighting reports worldwide should not leave researchers indifferent."



Brief influential leaders and shapers of public opinion.

"It was determined that a good approach might be to create a compendium of the best cases in history and send them to everyone who might make a difference. Publication was to be restricted to a small group of highly placed officials and scientists only. It was funded by Laurance Rockefeller. It was sent to prominent politicians, world leaders and scientists. The document offers powerful evidence that CTs are real. Indeed the evidence presented here is overwhelming. The document does not ask the reader to "believe" in CTs. What it asks for is official recognition of the fact that the phenomenon is not understood and an appropriate scientific effort to explain it. Some of the cases are truly startling."

File FOIAs, but don,t hold your breath.

"Once these reports are classified, they can be declassified only by the originator or by a special procedure that moves along at a glacial pace. Nor does the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) help very much. It does not apply to most classified material."

Inform European organizations and agencies more open to CT reports.

"Written by the most distinguished group of officials and scientists to ever write such a report, a 1999 French government report is the closest any government has come to officially acknowledging that UFOs represent a real mystery and a serious issues. The group is called the Committee For In-Depth Studies (COMETA)."

Demand Congressional hearings.

"It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings."

"Target the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, which has held "Hearings On Unidentified Flying Objects". Also insist on a publicly-accessible investigation of FAA tower and radar logs by the Congressional oversight committee on transportation charged with overseeing commercial aviation."

William Thomas Sept. 2000

Video documentaries: "Chemtrails: Mystery Lines In The Sky", "Eco War"

Author: Probing The Chemtrails Conundrum Chemtrails Over America Bringing The War Home Scorched Earth


Dear Jeff,

In response to Will Thomas on ET and Chemtrails.

Certainly there is secrecy surrounding both UFOs and "Chemtrails" and similarities in the means used to implement such a vast coverup(s). I find that the convergence of these two fields of study (UFO and "Chemtrail") a natural progression in the search for answers to mysterious activities in our skies. From my own research and investigations, these two areas are merging in a most intriguing way.

As stated in Will Thomas introduction to Whitley Strieber's Hidden Agendas UFO BRIEFING DOCUMENT by Don Berliner Dell Publishing June 2000--connections between mysterious contrails, anamolous objects and strange substances falling from the atmosphere are being made by observers of the sky (and perhaps have for some time):

"Possible convergence of completely disparate UFO and CT activities has come from reports and photographs of small silver spheres the size and metallic reflectance of drone-like WWII "foo fighters" observed pacing chemtrails in recent months.

Cobweb-like artificial filaments up to 40-feet long draped in recent years over oil rigs, highways, porches, powerlines and police cruisers have also been reported since at least 1948. Causing severe illness after landing on the backs of cows, horses and human observers, this "angel hair" material has, on at least two occasions in 1999 and 2000, been linked by eye-witnesses to passing jet aircraft."

Based upon numerous sighting reports and photos/videos I have received, it certainly would appear that some kind of unidentified aerial objects are either originating from or attracted to persistent contrails (or both). An emerging pattern of interaction between persistent contrails, associated anomalous objects and nearby "clouds" suggests a intelligent coordinated planned activity and research to date on this activity will be covered in an upcoming article.

Whether these objects are human-made robotic devices or ET probes utilized for some mysterious project needs serious investigation. Whether this be environmental clean-up, sunscreening/UV protection, ozone 'zipping', "atmos-forming" for robotic or life-form replication, mass communication/psychops, camouflaging for covert operations or mass innoculations / BW / bioengineering project(s)--discovering the purpose of this massive global project should be a primary goal of all those searching for answers.

It does appear that the "mystery objects" hold a key and I would encourage researchers to focus on the behavior and activities of these devices. The more researchers and cooperation between them in obtaining information from ground observation with binoculars/photos/videos and air/ground samples-- the more information and evidence that can be available to present at public hearings.

For more information on making "connections" between seemingly disparate observations, I refer Will and other researchers and ufologists to Tracers ( and two articles previously posted on Sightings that describe research into the connection between UFOs and persistent contrails:

The UFO-Chemtrail Connection (

Mystery Objects in Chemtrails: Aerial Robotic Vehicles? (

We owe it to ourselves to take very seriously any clandestine activity (regardless of the source) that potentially involves dissolution of human and constitutional rights and diminishing of human health and our environment.

Brenda Livingston Living=Tracer Enterprises

A Short History Of
Secret US Human
Biological Experimentation

1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

1932 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated.

1935 The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occured within poverty-striken black populations.

1940 Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.

1942 Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.

1943 In response to Japan's full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.

1944 U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite.

1945 Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in the United States.

1945 "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system but much of the information is squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of atomic bombs.

1946 Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is given to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations" whenever reporting a medical study performed in one of the nation's veteran's hospitals.

1947 Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Comission issues a secret document (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.

1947 The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.

1950 Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.

1950 I n an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Franciso. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

1951 Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.

1953 U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

1953 Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.

1953 CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.

1955 The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.

1955 Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research, studying its potential use as a chemical incapacitating agent. More than 1,000 Americans participate in the tests, which continue until 1958.

1956 U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.

1958 LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Army's Chemical Warfare Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.

1960 The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the european population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.

1965 Project CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs.

1965 Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along.

1966 CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on humans and animals.

1966 U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.

1967 CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI, successor to MKULTRA and designed to maintain, stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons.

1968 CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington, D.C.

1969 Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from congress $10 million to develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists.

1970 Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.

1970 United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.

1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).

1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1978 Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.

1981 First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine

1985 According to the journal Science (227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.

1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.

1986 A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.

1987 Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.

1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.

1994 With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.

1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War .

1995 U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.

1995 Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.

1996 Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.

1997 Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use & Gulf War Syndrome.

Military Control of Civilian Affairs
January 1st, 1998

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS), an organization which includes half of all living Nobel Laureates, agrees that the military is presently actively conducting domestic investigative intelligence operations in preparation for military control of civilian affairs.

According to all the best information we have, and this is hard to distribute the volume of links and excerpts, and it involves an extensive compilation of corresponding dates for thousands of military and industry calendars and activities, the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COUP, WHICH THE FAS CALLS ORWELLIAN, IS PLANNED TO TAKE PLACE BY EARLY MAY AT

Steven Aftergood
Project on Government Secrecy
Federation of American Scientists

<SOURCE: The Project on Government Secrecy is supported by grants from the Rockefeller Family Fund, the CS Fund, the Greenville Foundation, and the New York Times Foundation. [A HREF=">" TARGET=_blank]]</A>

Sender: [email protected]
Subject: Secrecy and Government Bulletin
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 14:23:31 -0400 (EDT)

The Secrecy & Government Bulletin

The Secrecy & Government Bulletin is an electronic version of the print
neewsletter of the same title published by the Federation of American
Scientists, Project on Government Secrecy. The Secrecy & Government
Bulletin aims to challenge excessive government secrecy and to promote
public oversight and free exchange in science, technology, defense, and

Project on Government Secrecy

Through research, advocacy, and public education, the Project on
Government Secrecy works to challenge excessive government secrecy and to
promote public oversight. The Project supports journalists and fosters
enhanced public awareness of secrecy issues through publication of the
Secrecy & Government Bulletin. In the current year, the Project is working
in particular towards a favorable resolution of the various secrecy reform
initiatives and their successful implementation.

Recent Contents:

* FAS Sues CIA for Budget Disclosure
* New Secrecy Legislation Introduced
* Leaks "R" U.S.


Steven Aftergood, author/editor, [email protected]

Through research, advocacy, and public education,
the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
works to challenge excessive government secrecy
and to promote public oversight.
The Project is directed by Steven Aftergood and is supported by grants from the W. Alton Jones Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust, and the HKH Foundation.

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
Resolution of Secrecy Adopted by the Continental Congress, November 9, 1775
Resolved, That every member of this Congress considers himself under the ties of virtue, honour, and love of his country, not to divulge, directly or indirectly, any matter or thing agitated or debated in Congress, before the same shall have been determined, without leave of the Congress; nor any matter or thing determined in Congress, which a majority of the Congress shall order to be kept secret. And that if any member shall violate this agreement, he shall be expelled this Congress, and deemed an enemy to the liberties of America, and liable to be treated as such; and that every member signify his consent to this agreement by signing the same. (1)

(1) Quoted frown Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of U. S. Congress, Vol. I, p. 34. Back

Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States.
Government Printing Office, 1927.
House Document No. 398.
Selected, Arranged and Indexed by Charles C. Tansill

USMARC Cataloging Record

Above Top Secret - Uncovering Government Secrets - Government projects and facilities, including the notorious Area 51 in Nevada, as well as "Alien-related laws", government contractors, agencies and aircraft projects, such as the famous Aurora hypersonic spyplane.
Intelligence Briefing - Organizes and indexes all key intelligence sites available on the internet. A new intelligence portal allowing searching. Provides reviews of key sites.
Project on Government Secrecy (Federation of American Scientists) - Seeks to challenge excessive government secrecy and to promote public oversight of intelligence and national security policies.

Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project: ACHRE Report
Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project: ACHRE Report DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project ACHRE Report ACHRE Report Final Report Executive Summary Preface Introduction Part I Part II Part III

Lifting the Veil of Military Secrecy

here are still cases of weapons procurement, military operations, and government funding undertaken at levels of secrecy established during the Cold War. This program examines the pros and cons of military secrecy in the absence of significant enemies.

Featured Experts:

Steven Aftergood, Project on Government Secrecy
Federation of American Scientists

Rep. John Conyers, (D-Michigan)
United States House of Repesentatives

Theodore Postol, Professor of Science, Technology & National Security Policy
Massachusetts Institue of Technology

Admiral Stansfield Turner, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Director of the CIA, 1977-81

Produced: February 20, 1994
Running Time: 29 minutes
Show Number: 723

Price: $39
Internet Discount: $29

Drawing Back the Curtain of Secrecy, Sections VI, VII, VIII, and IX
Drawing Back the Curtain of Secrecy, Sections VI, VII, VIII, and IX VI. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT A. All reports on medical research and all health studies omitting such items as might disclose information beyond that authorized for declassification.

Action Alerts | EPA Is Wavering on Polluter Secrecy Laws
Action Alerts | EPA Is Wavering on Polluter Secrecy Laws EPA Is Wavering on Polluter Secrecy Laws New Texas Deal Could Set Bad Precedent on Environmental and Workplace Secrecy YOUR ACTION NEEDED NOW: URGE EPA TO RECONSIDER! Nineteen states have pass

Internet Resources -- National Security
Internet Resources -- National Security The following sites provide comprehensive or unique resources relating to the work of the ACLU in this issue area. While some of these sites are operated by organizations that work frequently in coalition with.....

UFO Secrecy
UFO Secrecy ] Position Papers by Dr. Greer < | NEW Additional Position Papers UNDERSTANDING UFO SECRECY Introduction Over the past few years I have had the responsibility of briefing senior government and scientific leaders b [BR>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1995 CPEO Military List Archive
From: Lenny Siegel <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 12:59:00 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military

The following is taken from a September 5, 1995 press release from
the George Washington University National Law Center:


Today, the parties in the Area 51 case were formally notified
that the federal court had denied the government's motion to dismiss
the action on grounds of national security. In a thirty-page opinion,
Judge Philip Pro ruled that the national security argument of the
government was "illusory" and "unpersuasive." Judge Pro, who was
appointed by President Reagan in 1982, gave the military until
October 2, 1995, to declassify the information demanded by Plaintiffs
or secure a personal exemption from President Clinton, which would
be the first of its kind under this provision. In response to the ruling,
Plaintiff's Counsel Jonathan Turley stated:

"This decision resolves the core question underlying the litigation: The
obligations of the military under environmental laws at all bases,
including its most secret "black" facilities. If the military's most
classified facility is subject to these laws, all federal facilities will need
to comply with environmental laws. Despite determined opposition
from the Justice Department, the court found that national security
claims do not trump the environmental statutes and that the military
cannot operate facilities outside the law.

"The military discovered today that its stealth capabilities do not
extend into federal court. The crimes committed at Groom Lake will
become all too apparent in the coming weeks as we explore the
ramifications of today's decision."

Professor Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University
law professor and Director of the Environmental Crimes Project,
represents workers at a secret Air Force base in two cases charging
that the military has committed environmental crimes at the base.
Represented anonymously as "John Does," these workers allege that
the military burned hazardous wastes in open pits and knowingly
exposed workers to the burning. Various workers have died of cancer
and other workers have become ill from a variety of complications,
including a rare painful skin disease linked to the burning of
hazardous wastes. The Project on Government Oversight, a national
watch dog group, has assisted in the investigation of these crimes.

Since the Court also ruled that the military has met two other
demands in the action, the Court's decision means that the entire
complaint against the EPA will have to be satisfied before the case is
terminated. Judge Pro rules that two claims in the complaint have now
been satisfied by the military after completion of a formal inspection
and inventory of the "black" facility. Despite their initial refusal to
admit that the facility existed, the military relented during litigation and
admitted the existence of the "black" facility and agreed to bring the
facility into compliance by allowing EPA to inspect and take inventory
of hazardous wastes at the site. While the Court called the Justice
Department's argument on these matters to be "somewhat dubious,"
the Court allowed those counts to be closed. "Simply put," Judge Pro
noted, "Plaintiffs' objective in bringing <these claims> have been

Moving quickly to capitalize on this groundbreaking ruling,
Plaintiffs have prepared an amended complaint in the second case
against the military. Not only does the decision prevent the
government from terminating the EPA action, but the decision also
strengthens similar claims against the military. The new complaint
against the military will include information confirmed in discovery
that shows knowledge of possible criminal violations at the base. The
expanded complaint will be filed tomorrow <September 6> in Las
Vegas, Nevada.

For the moment, the military will need to decide whether to
declassify the reports from the base or seek an unprecedented
exemption. Previously, the Justice Department insisted that the
government has authority outside the statute to exempt information
from public disclosure. In arguments before the Court, Colonel
Richard Sarver stated that any argument that an exemption from the
President is required "is flatly wrong" and would run afoul of the
President's constitutional authority as Command and chief. The
decision would potentially require the President to name all "black"
facilities on either the federal compliance list or the noncompliance list
of Presidential exemptions.

Professor Turley and his clients were hopeful for a new
attitude toward compliance: "I hope that the military will view this as
more of an opportunity than a defeat. Compliance with federal law can
bring untold benefits and a real sense of citizenship."

Another issue remains unresolved. Last month, the
government declared papers contained in Professor Turley's office to
be top secret. In on-going sealed briefings, the parties continue to
fight over these documents and Professor Turley's refusal to turn
them over to the government. Professor Turley argues that such
material would reveal the identities of his clients and sources, who
have been threatened by the military in the past.

For additional information, Professor Turley can be reached
directly at 202/994-7001 or through Ms. Nora Kelley at University
Relations at 202/994-6460.

The Turning Point Project Economic Globalization Series The following advertisements were published in The New York Times . This is the third series in the campaign, which discusses how economic globalization is undermining democracy...

comparative research with the Northern Rim of the Mediterranean Sea
also available in Arabic (PDF file)
Extensive project description (in French)

Economic globalisation and the development of transnational flows imply a major redefinition of the role of Nation-States, principally as to local identity questions. Understanding these trends and phenomena imply accomplishing multi-disciplinary research on global economy, national policies and social transformations. World agriculture market and the development of rural societies are among the main observation sites of these interdependent phenomena.
The main objective of this project is to understand fundamental changes rural societies are going through in Arab Mediterranean countries, and how they interact with transformations in the North of the Mediterranean Sea. This research should focus on decision-making and national strategies in terms of economic and regional integration.

The lines of research :

Changes brought about in the international context by multilateral agreements and by new circumstances in regional geopolitics.
The regulatory role that may be and that is being played by bilateral agreements between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries, the consequences of secrecy regarding trade in agricultural products, and the impact of liberalisation of trade in other products.
The capacity for individual countries to use their agricultural policies for mediation.
The consequences for rural societies, the strategies used by the actors to adapt to the new context, and their capacity to negotiate to influence the new decisions.
The disintegration of old structures, the emergence of new actors and new kinds of organisations (village, communities, producer's groups or associations, development associations, etc.), and the intervention of outside actors (national and international NGO's, etc.). This will involve investigating changes in the respective roles of the government and of civil society in guiding farmers, and the rural world in general.

Hangar 51: Incredible Stories - Majestic 12 (Page 6)
Hangar 51: Incredible Stories - Majestic 12 (Page 6) Contents: Pop Culture Food & Travel Hot Gossip E-Shrink Spirituality Hangar 51 - Gullibility Quiz - Incredible Stories - Side Show Health Employment Our Friends Home Majestic-12

PROJECT 1947 - WHAT'S NEW PROJECT 1947 What's New Forum Site Update Link Update News Site Update 15 September, 2000 The Roswell Page When PROJECT 1947 was established as an inquiry into the UFO wave of 1947 - one of the largest UFO waves

The FCG Projects The FCG Projects In 1995, FCG will dedicate itself to four ongoing projects: The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is a public interest advocacy organization dedicated to the representation of courageous individuals who have

Military and space links

Central Intelligence Angency
Federation of American Scientists
Space Policy Project
Star Wars Programs
US Space Command
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Air Combat Command
UK - Ministry of Defence
Military Secrecy
Space Warfare Center
Team Space & Missile Systems Center

The HALO Project Project HALO The UKs 'Black' Budget Stealth Venture Details remain sketchy and the vacuum is filled from time to time with rumour but if the UK is developing stealth technology, in the form of a High Agility, Low Observability <HALO>

Details remain sketchy and the vacuum is filled from time to time with rumour but if the UK is developing stealth technology, in the form of a High Agility, Low Observability <HALO> aircraft, then very little in the way of facts has emerged from a project that remains shrouded in secrecy. Even the august publication Jane's Military Aircraft has failed to penetrate the top security which surrounds this affair and into which funding estimated in excess of £100 million of British taxpayers money has already been poured.

MIND CONTROL & CONSPIRACY LINKS Contents of this Section Mind Control Conspiracy Cult Watch Intelligence Mind Control......... Mind Control Forum Home Page Oriented toward victims of alleged electromagnetic and implant harassment with links to www.

CONSPIRACY Conspiracy Alternative HAARP Page Conspiracy Central Conspiracy Nation Conspiracy Pages Deep Times News Service Disinformation Environmental Crisis and NASA conspiracy Fifty Greatest Conspiracies of all Time Gonzo Links Gopher List of Tex...

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Conspiracy Pages
Deep Times News Service
Environmental Crisis and NASA conspiracy
Fifty Greatest Conspiracies of all Time
Gonzo Links
Gopher List of Text Files
James Daugherty's New Paradigms Project
Military Secrecy
Proxima Conspiracy Center
Psychedelic Tabby Cabal
Richard C. Hoagland - Conspiracy Page
RIE Presents: Conspiracy or Coincidence?
Ruling Class/Conspiracy Research Resources
Secret History of The United States
Secret History of the United States 1962-1996
Steamshovel Press
Web O' Conspiracy


Conspiracy Central
Deep Times News Service
Environmental Crisis and NASA conspiracy
Gopher List of Text Files
James Daugherty's New Paradigms Project
Military Secrecy
Proxima Conspiracy Center
RIE Presents: Conspiracy or Coincidence?
Ruling Class/Conspiracy Research Resources
Secret History of The United States
Steamshovel Press
Web O' Conspiracy
Hey Time02112!! Yes it truly is a treasonious reality in this country that these things have, are, and will happen and is being committed by the very people sworn to uphold (not shread) the constitution and defend this country from enemies foriegn and domestic. The people of this country need to take it back wether it be by force or by vote and as I feel that someday the proverbial zit will pop and there will be another civil war it is only contingent on getting peoples heads out of the sands of disbelief and ignorance. The powers that be that are responsible for that acts and lack of action, that you've once again so informativly posted above, have underestimated the power and will of the people, that will be their downfall. People need to open their eyes to what is going on and only until then they will get pissed off enough to do something about it!!!!


Let me tell you about implants.....
most of them are not placed there by aliens but by our own government. a great deception.
implants are tracking devices most of the time surrounded by the victims own cellular material to reduce rejection.
They are usually put into people to track them and watch them.
most major scientists have them to prevent kidnapping from foreign countries..or if kidnapped..easy retrieval.
most military men have them at this time. they are activated and tracked by satelite. so if they are missing in action they can easily be found.
some civilians have them for obvious time02112 mentioned, experiments...potentials that may discover important things...or just someone they may want to keep an eye on.
these implants have greatly advanced from metal to biological they are found hooked to nerve tissue and near the brain.
they are advancing to the point where they are used for other reasons besides tracking now.
but advanced to control.....
If you understand a little about how the human brain works. under influences of magnetism,electricity,microwaves and radio waves.
you can magnetically stimulate nerve cells in retinas causing subjects to see bright flashes of light.
by implants you could control this and also produce hallucinations depending on the degree of impulse used and what part of the brain gets affected.
but here is the most important feature being used today:
....since the massive burst of electricity hits the hippocampus,a seat of memory formation and recall. it could produce partial amnesia. you may not remmeber or recall anything leading up to that event depending on the burst.
most abductions are NOT remembered.
most abductions remember seeing a flash of light and nothing afterwards.
and if you think brain to computer links will not be a reality you are not up on the latest things in science.
this is being worked on now at this time.
I was talking to a tow truck driver that mentioned his uncle having an implant he is a very important scientist. they told him it was incase he got kidnapped...they could find him.
The technology is there people...OPEN YOUR EYES.
I want you to listen very carefully and keep this in mind. They wont be happy until EVERYONE is implanted.
In the future you will be required to receive one.
Don't worry it is the size of a grain of rice now...and getting smaller...nano small...
dare you to look up information on "info-pet"
this is a transponder that they have now to place in pets and if they get lost you can find them. currently being placed in the fatty area of the pets back of the neck. and most farmers know of the technology. transponders, scanners. it advances to satelite tracking.
you wont be able to buy or sell without one it will be introduced as an ID in place of the smart cards.
you will receive it by hypodermic needle probably most will receive it on your hand in the fatty area between your first finger and thumb on the top of your hand.
Can you see the future? if this is allowed to continue..keep in mind what I have said.
The implants of the future will be even more advanced. can you imagine? and they are not only used as ID cards and tracking....... but CONTROL. COMPLETE CONTROL.
keep what I said in mind until they require you all to receive it in the future.
I have warned you in advance...because in the future....if you take it...........there will be NOWHERE TO HIDE.
hopefully you will be one that comes up on the scanner....."NO ID FOUND"
I must correct the statement you have made that "most military men have them at this time" That is incorrect. What they do issue are smart cards now, which will allow military members to be tracked anywhere, via satellite and it contains all info about them. Even here, I can't say most military men have them because its somewhat of a new experiment they are doing in hopes of being able to track every military members actions.
Genetic engineering will make implants and mind control unnecessary. Humans will be genetically designed to behave the way the designers want them to behave. The genetic changes will be passed on to, or inherited by, future generations.

Again, people alive today are the beginning of the final generation of humans as we have known it throughout history. The next generation is the beginning of the first genetically designed humans.
True, genetic construction wil replace many other things in the future, however until then, these "Implants" might be necessary for some massive control platform that will be launched just before the declaration of NWO, and will no doubt make the policing force of temp. martial, to law run more smoothly without the populus running amok.

Which brings me to the subject of HARRP, you don't suppose.........????????
I just popped back to see what's up and I'm thrilled to see Time02112 has picked up my banner and is running with it far better then I ever could. When I left off work was being done with some sort of bio chips implanted in the brain that already contained unknown information and was capable of "growth" or more imput without limit. The chips being living matter were effecting change in the "host subject" but I did not learn more. Thank goodness your all talking and getting this information passed along. Time, your data is excellent.
Also, another even more important note about mind altering implants: they totally distroy the matrionic link between the individuals aura and that of this planet. In layman terms it means worthless sleep and total depletion of the energies that make up the human soul. It is a "spiritual" or auroral death...

...~The Doctor~...
"There is no time to waste, only time to change"..."The sum of all knowledge is that you and your reality do not exist; only thought and imagination are real, and therefore...I am."~ Magi Systems Forums~
Just a comment to Shaun Holt: You must realize that what is told to service men and what is being done to them without their knowledge are two entirely different things. The "need to know" statement is not complete. It should say you never need to know anything. People are slowly being adjusted to technologys that are 30 years old.
And You Can Definately "Hang A Star On That One"!! Morkie Dela is right about this one Shaun Holt, Trust those whom have been in the know!
Here is one such example of somone who is "in-the-know"

Sims, Leir Say They Might
Have Hard Evidence of Abduction

<This story summarizes information presented by hypnotherapist Derrel Sims and physician Roger Leir at a public meeting in Thousand Oaks, California on February 23, 1996, sponsored by the local chapter of MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network). ISCNI*Flash thanks Debra Lindemann for writing this story.>

by Debra L. Lindemann

Dr. Roger Leir is a California surgeon who has removed what may be actual alien implants from two people brought to him by hypno-anesthesia therapist and abduction researcher Derrel Sims of Houston, Texas. Sims was the main speaker at a MUFON meeting on Feb 23 but turned the podium over to Dr. Leir for the medical part of the presentation.

On August 19, 1995, several alleged "implants" were surgically removed from two abductees who have been working with Sims. If preliminary findings are confirmed by further laboratory testing, these implants might provide hard evidence that the abduction phenomenon is a reality.

Dr. Leir removed a total of three objects, two from one patient and one from a second patient. Both specimens in the first patient, a woman, were located in her large toe, one on each side of the toe. The third object was removed from the back of the left hand of the second patient, a man, slightly above the web area between the thumb and the index finger.

According to Sims, these people were originally unaware that they had the implants. The objects were accidently discovered on x-rays taken for unrelated reasons. At the time, these individuals were seeing Derrel, as there were indications that they had a history of abduction. After extensive interviews were taken by Derrel, he ordered copies of their medical records and these objects came under scrutiny. There was no pain associated with these implants, and neither patient had any prior sensation of foreign objects in the body. Another peculiar fact is that these implants also left no sign of entry into the body; if there was an initial incision, it healed so perfectly that there was no outward scar.

To help locate the implants more specifically prior to surgery, Dr. Leir used a stud finder and a gauss meter. A gauss meter measures electromagnetic fields. When the gauss meter was put near the object in the man's hand, the meter "went crazy." Dr. Leir first tested the man with the gauss meter indoors, then took him outdoors away from all other magnetic influences. The results were the same. Similarly, when he used the stud finder, it lit up brightly over the man's hand, so they knew there was something there.

Prior to the surgery, both individuals received a type of local anesthetic which would normally anesthetize the area of surgery for up to six hours. While Dr. Leir was searching within the woman's toe for the first implant, he accidently touched the object and the patient "almost jumped off the table." Dr. Leir explained that the only time a surgeon gets this type of pain reaction under anesthesia is when something, in this case the object, is in close proximity to a nerve fiber. This is because the nerve fiber arouses the sensation of pain directly in the patient's brain, outside of the field of anesthesia. This happened in all three spots with both patients. When the objects were extracted, both patients had the same painful response. Dr. Leir concluded that these objects were somehow attached to nerves.

The first object removed was flat and approximately triangular in shape, about half a centimeter on each side. Though metallic inside, it was covered with a thick, dense gray membrane. Dr. Leir tried to cut into the membrane with a scalpel, but couldn't.

When foreign objects have been in the human body for a long time, they get covered with a dense fibrous coating, but usually such material can be scraped off with a blade. In this case, however, the membrane was nearly impossible to remove. A similar coating was found on all three objects.

Derrel Sims took the implants back to Houston for further analysis, while Dr. Leir sent samples of surrounding tissue to a local pathologist. When the objects were taken out, Dr. Leir had noticed that the tissue around them was a discolored gray tone, not the color normally seen in tissue inflammation surrounding a foreign object. He received three reports back from the pathologist, one for each of the tissue samples. He was excited to see that none of the samples showed any signs of inflammation.

Normally there is an inflammation response to any foreign object in the body. This results from white blood cell activity in the area, attempting to rid the body of what it considers garbage that doesn't belong there. If the object is something soft, like a sliver, the body is able to disintegrate it and take it away one piece at a time. If the body can't remove the foreign object, it does the next best thing. Thousands of cells join together in a process called differentiation, changing form and surrounding the object to wall it off and separate it from the rest of the body. Any type of foreign object placed in the body -- whether by accident, such as a splinter, or something surgically inserted by a doctor -- will show this type of inflammation. So it was extremely strange that the pathology reports on these objects showed no inflammatory cells at all.

Similary strange was the discovery that in the tissue around each implant, there were numerous nerve endings that didn't belong there. None of the investigators could say why these nerve endings were there, but it suggests the possibility that the implants act as some kind of monitoring device through attachment to the nervous system.

When Derrel Sims got the objects back to Houston, his first test was to expose them to ultraviolet light. He found that they all glowed brilliant fluorescent green. Derrel has found in his research with abductees that patches of some substance, invisible to the naked eye but fluorescent under black light, sometimes show up on the abductee's body following an abduction. He suspects that whatever this substance is, it could result from direct physical contact with the body of the abductor. With this in mind, he said he was not surprised to see that the three removed objects were fluorescent.

Later, Derrel dried out the three objects, and the membranes surrounding them became brittle. He was then able to scrape some of the membrane material off and send it back to Dr. Leir for analysis. After scraping off the brittle membrane, he found a highly magnetic, metallic, shiny black material inside.

When Dr. Leir received the three different scrapings of the membrane coatings from Derrel Sims, he sent them out to three separate pathologists. When the reports came back, it turned out that the main ingredient in this very tough membrane was something simply made from blood. In this bloody mass were some brown granules. The pathologists did an iron stain test and found that these brown granules were made of oxygen-carrying pigment from human red blood cells. Besides this, they also found a material called keratin, which comprises the outer layers of human skin, hair and fingernails.

Dr. Leir pointed out that if medical science could figure out how to duplicate this membrane, we would solve one of the biggest problems in medicine, that of transplant rejection. The membrane around the objects was apparently composed of material from the patients' own bodies BEFORE the objects were inserted. If we knew how to do this, we could put almost anything into the human body and have absolutely no rejection.

Leir and Sims illustrated the structure of one of the implants taken from the woman's toe. When first removed, it was flat and triangular. When the outer membrane was removed, inside were two separate pieces of shiny black metal, tightly joined together in the shape of a "T". Apparently only the membrane itself held these two metal pieces in alignment.

On February 22, the first preliminary lab reports came back on the metal itself. Leir and Sims both said they would await the final reports before announcing any details. They stressed that they had sent the samples for testing to highly specialized labs and had not indicated anything about where the samples came from. Dr. Leir told the Thousand Oaks audience that the preliminary findings are "mind-boggling," and that the first metallurgist simply said: "Wow, you guys really found something here." Dr. Leir stated that as soon as they get final reports from all three labs, they will make their findings public. "I think you're watching history," he said in conclusion.

Prior to working with Derrel Sims on this project, Dr. Leir had been an occasional consultant for MUFON, but had not been deeply involved. Now, he says, this project "has literally changed my life."
Alright, again, NO ONE can honestly say most men in the "MILITARY" have these implants. And when it comes to this, its safe to say, that "I AM" in the know. MOST MEN in the Military DO NOT have implants for manipulation or tracking. "SOME" may very well. As far as brain washing, yes, there is alot of it going on in the military and a nice chunk of experimentation. Granted, some of you are aware of a little bit of what i've gone through in the military, but that has not hampered my views on the military much, I've enjoyed every moment of it whereas most people would hold a grudge for life if they would have gone through what I did. Now TIME, in your last article it was not about the military, I ask that you find some information from someone who is "in the know" that has to do with the military and implants. Aliens, in my opinion are a whole nother ball park working with a totaly different section of our government that not many people are aware of with the main headquarters in New Mexico. Now if you want a little tidbit about the military, I'll use my dad, he has an upside down cross on his left forearm that he has no idea what or how it got there, all he knows is it wasn't there before the Army had fixed up his broke arm years ago. He hasn't had it checked out yet, but, we are another family with some ufo encounters, and I for one can't help but to be curious about his unexplainable scar and the flying objects i've seen over the house I grew up in along with what my dad has seen.

I am sorry Shaun Holt.
I definetly do not want to endanger the lives of any enlisted men with this information. maybe there are parts I should have left out.
I have told you this information with great danger to myself of what I have seen in the future.
When they start requesting everyone to receive one you will know I was right...but by then it may be too late.
my hope is....maybe it can be changed.