Military Control of Civilian Affairs
January 1st, 1998
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS), an organization which includes half of all living Nobel Laureates, agrees that the military is presently actively conducting domestic investigative intelligence operations in preparation for military control of civilian affairs.
According to all the best information we have, and this is hard to distribute the volume of links and excerpts, and it involves an extensive compilation of corresponding dates for thousands of military and industry calendars and activities, the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COUP, WHICH THE FAS CALLS ORWELLIAN, IS PLANNED TO TAKE PLACE BY EARLY MAY AT
Steven Aftergood
Project on Government Secrecy
Federation of American Scientists
<SOURCE: The Project on Government Secrecy is supported by grants from the Rockefeller Family Fund, the CS Fund, the Greenville Foundation, and the New York Times Foundation. [A HREF=">" TARGET=_blank]]</A>
[email protected]
Subject: Secrecy and Government Bulletin
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 14:23:31 -0400 (EDT)
The Secrecy & Government Bulletin
The Secrecy & Government Bulletin is an electronic version of the print
neewsletter of the same title published by the Federation of American
Scientists, Project on Government Secrecy. The Secrecy & Government
Bulletin aims to challenge excessive government secrecy and to promote
public oversight and free exchange in science, technology, defense, and
Project on Government Secrecy
Through research, advocacy, and public education, the Project on
Government Secrecy works to challenge excessive government secrecy and to
promote public oversight. The Project supports journalists and fosters
enhanced public awareness of secrecy issues through publication of the
Secrecy & Government Bulletin. In the current year, the Project is working
in particular towards a favorable resolution of the various secrecy reform
initiatives and their successful implementation.
Recent Contents:
* FAS Sues CIA for Budget Disclosure
* New Secrecy Legislation Introduced
* Leaks "R" U.S.
Steven Aftergood, author/editor,
[email protected]
Through research, advocacy, and public education,
the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
works to challenge excessive government secrecy
and to promote public oversight.
The Project is directed by Steven Aftergood and is supported by grants from the W. Alton Jones Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust, and the HKH Foundation.
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
Resolution of Secrecy Adopted by the Continental Congress, November 9, 1775
Resolved, That every member of this Congress considers himself under the ties of virtue, honour, and love of his country, not to divulge, directly or indirectly, any matter or thing agitated or debated in Congress, before the same shall have been determined, without leave of the Congress; nor any matter or thing determined in Congress, which a majority of the Congress shall order to be kept secret. And that if any member shall violate this agreement, he shall be expelled this Congress, and deemed an enemy to the liberties of America, and liable to be treated as such; and that every member signify his consent to this agreement by signing the same. (1)
(1) Quoted frown Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of U. S. Congress, Vol. I, p. 34. Back
Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States.
Government Printing Office, 1927.
House Document No. 398.
Selected, Arranged and Indexed by Charles C. Tansill
USMARC Cataloging Record
Above Top Secret - Uncovering Government Secrets - Government projects and facilities, including the notorious Area 51 in Nevada, as well as "Alien-related laws", government contractors, agencies and aircraft projects, such as the famous Aurora hypersonic spyplane.
Intelligence Briefing - Organizes and indexes all key intelligence sites available on the internet. A new intelligence portal allowing searching. Provides reviews of key sites.
Project on Government Secrecy (Federation of American Scientists) - Seeks to challenge excessive government secrecy and to promote public oversight of intelligence and national security policies.
Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project: ACHRE Report
Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project: ACHRE Report DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project ACHRE Report ACHRE Report Final Report Executive Summary Preface Introduction Part I Part II Part III
Lifting the Veil of Military Secrecy
here are still cases of weapons procurement, military operations, and government funding undertaken at levels of secrecy established during the Cold War. This program examines the pros and cons of military secrecy in the absence of significant enemies.
Featured Experts:
Steven Aftergood, Project on Government Secrecy
Federation of American Scientists
Rep. John Conyers, (D-Michigan)
United States House of Repesentatives
Theodore Postol, Professor of Science, Technology & National Security Policy
Massachusetts Institue of Technology
Admiral Stansfield Turner, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Director of the CIA, 1977-81
Produced: February 20, 1994
Running Time: 29 minutes
Show Number: 723
Price: $39
Internet Discount: $29
Drawing Back the Curtain of Secrecy, Sections VI, VII, VIII, and IX
Drawing Back the Curtain of Secrecy, Sections VI, VII, VIII, and IX VI. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT A. All reports on medical research and all health studies omitting such items as might disclose information beyond that authorized for declassification.
Action Alerts | EPA Is Wavering on Polluter Secrecy Laws
Action Alerts | EPA Is Wavering on Polluter Secrecy Laws EPA Is Wavering on Polluter Secrecy Laws New Texas Deal Could Set Bad Precedent on Environmental and Workplace Secrecy YOUR ACTION NEEDED NOW: URGE EPA TO RECONSIDER! Nineteen states have pass
Internet Resources -- National Security
Internet Resources -- National Security The following sites provide comprehensive or unique resources relating to the work of the ACLU in this issue area. While some of these sites are operated by organizations that work frequently in coalition with.....
UFO Secrecy
UFO Secrecy ] Position Papers by Dr. Greer < | NEW Additional Position Papers UNDERSTANDING UFO SECRECY Introduction Over the past few years I have had the responsibility of briefing senior government and scientific leaders b [BR>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1995 CPEO Military List Archive
From: Lenny Siegel <
[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 12:59:00 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
The following is taken from a September 5, 1995 press release from
the George Washington University National Law Center:
Today, the parties in the Area 51 case were formally notified
that the federal court had denied the government's motion to dismiss
the action on grounds of national security. In a thirty-page opinion,
Judge Philip Pro ruled that the national security argument of the
government was "illusory" and "unpersuasive." Judge Pro, who was
appointed by President Reagan in 1982, gave the military until
October 2, 1995, to declassify the information demanded by Plaintiffs
or secure a personal exemption from President Clinton, which would
be the first of its kind under this provision. In response to the ruling,
Plaintiff's Counsel Jonathan Turley stated:
"This decision resolves the core question underlying the litigation: The
obligations of the military under environmental laws at all bases,
including its most secret "black" facilities. If the military's most
classified facility is subject to these laws, all federal facilities will need
to comply with environmental laws. Despite determined opposition
from the Justice Department, the court found that national security
claims do not trump the environmental statutes and that the military
cannot operate facilities outside the law.
"The military discovered today that its stealth capabilities do not
extend into federal court. The crimes committed at Groom Lake will
become all too apparent in the coming weeks as we explore the
ramifications of today's decision."
Professor Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University
law professor and Director of the Environmental Crimes Project,
represents workers at a secret Air Force base in two cases charging
that the military has committed environmental crimes at the base.
Represented anonymously as "John Does," these workers allege that
the military burned hazardous wastes in open pits and knowingly
exposed workers to the burning. Various workers have died of cancer
and other workers have become ill from a variety of complications,
including a rare painful skin disease linked to the burning of
hazardous wastes. The Project on Government Oversight, a national
watch dog group, has assisted in the investigation of these crimes.
Since the Court also ruled that the military has met two other
demands in the action, the Court's decision means that the entire
complaint against the EPA will have to be satisfied before the case is
terminated. Judge Pro rules that two claims in the complaint have now
been satisfied by the military after completion of a formal inspection
and inventory of the "black" facility. Despite their initial refusal to
admit that the facility existed, the military relented during litigation and
admitted the existence of the "black" facility and agreed to bring the
facility into compliance by allowing EPA to inspect and take inventory
of hazardous wastes at the site. While the Court called the Justice
Department's argument on these matters to be "somewhat dubious,"
the Court allowed those counts to be closed. "Simply put," Judge Pro
noted, "Plaintiffs' objective in bringing <these claims> have been
Moving quickly to capitalize on this groundbreaking ruling,
Plaintiffs have prepared an amended complaint in the second case
against the military. Not only does the decision prevent the
government from terminating the EPA action, but the decision also
strengthens similar claims against the military. The new complaint
against the military will include information confirmed in discovery
that shows knowledge of possible criminal violations at the base. The
expanded complaint will be filed tomorrow <September 6> in Las
Vegas, Nevada.
For the moment, the military will need to decide whether to
declassify the reports from the base or seek an unprecedented
exemption. Previously, the Justice Department insisted that the
government has authority outside the statute to exempt information
from public disclosure. In arguments before the Court, Colonel
Richard Sarver stated that any argument that an exemption from the
President is required "is flatly wrong" and would run afoul of the
President's constitutional authority as Command and chief. The
decision would potentially require the President to name all "black"
facilities on either the federal compliance list or the noncompliance list
of Presidential exemptions.
Professor Turley and his clients were hopeful for a new
attitude toward compliance: "I hope that the military will view this as
more of an opportunity than a defeat. Compliance with federal law can
bring untold benefits and a real sense of citizenship."
Another issue remains unresolved. Last month, the
government declared papers contained in Professor Turley's office to
be top secret. In on-going sealed briefings, the parties continue to
fight over these documents and Professor Turley's refusal to turn
them over to the government. Professor Turley argues that such
material would reveal the identities of his clients and sources, who
have been threatened by the military in the past.
For additional information, Professor Turley can be reached
directly at 202/994-7001 or through Ms. Nora Kelley at University
Relations at 202/994-6460.
The Turning Point Project Economic Globalization Series The following advertisements were published in The New York Times . This is the third series in the campaign, which discusses how economic globalization is undermining democracy...
comparative research with the Northern Rim of the Mediterranean Sea
also available in Arabic (PDF file)
Extensive project description (in French)
Economic globalisation and the development of transnational flows imply a major redefinition of the role of Nation-States, principally as to local identity questions. Understanding these trends and phenomena imply accomplishing multi-disciplinary research on global economy, national policies and social transformations. World agriculture market and the development of rural societies are among the main observation sites of these interdependent phenomena.
The main objective of this project is to understand fundamental changes rural societies are going through in Arab Mediterranean countries, and how they interact with transformations in the North of the Mediterranean Sea. This research should focus on decision-making and national strategies in terms of economic and regional integration.
The lines of research :
Changes brought about in the international context by multilateral agreements and by new circumstances in regional geopolitics.
The regulatory role that may be and that is being played by bilateral agreements between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries, the consequences of secrecy regarding trade in agricultural products, and the impact of liberalisation of trade in other products.
The capacity for individual countries to use their agricultural policies for mediation.
The consequences for rural societies, the strategies used by the actors to adapt to the new context, and their capacity to negotiate to influence the new decisions.
The disintegration of old structures, the emergence of new actors and new kinds of organisations (village, communities, producer's groups or associations, development associations, etc.), and the intervention of outside actors (national and international NGO's, etc.). This will involve investigating changes in the respective roles of the government and of civil society in guiding farmers, and the rural world in general.
Hangar 51: Incredible Stories - Majestic 12 (Page 6)
Hangar 51: Incredible Stories - Majestic 12 (Page 6) Contents: Pop Culture Food & Travel Hot Gossip E-Shrink Spirituality Hangar 51 - Gullibility Quiz - Incredible Stories - Side Show Health Employment Our Friends Home Majestic-12
PROJECT 1947 - WHAT'S NEW PROJECT 1947 What's New Forum Site Update Link Update News Site Update 15 September, 2000 The Roswell Page When PROJECT 1947 was established as an inquiry into the UFO wave of 1947 - one of the largest UFO waves
The FCG Projects The FCG Projects In 1995, FCG will dedicate itself to four ongoing projects: The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is a public interest advocacy organization dedicated to the representation of courageous individuals who have
Military and space links
Central Intelligence Angency
Federation of American Scientists
Space Policy Project
Star Wars Programs
US Space Command
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Air Combat Command
UK - Ministry of Defence
Military Secrecy
Space Warfare Center
Team Space & Missile Systems Center
The HALO Project Project HALO The UKs 'Black' Budget Stealth Venture Details remain sketchy and the vacuum is filled from time to time with rumour but if the UK is developing stealth technology, in the form of a High Agility, Low Observability <HALO>
Details remain sketchy and the vacuum is filled from time to time with rumour but if the UK is developing stealth technology, in the form of a High Agility, Low Observability <HALO> aircraft, then very little in the way of facts has emerged from a project that remains shrouded in secrecy. Even the august publication Jane's Military Aircraft has failed to penetrate the top security which surrounds this affair and into which funding estimated in excess of £100 million of British taxpayers money has already been poured.
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