Government Experiments: Fact or Fiction?

Now I can agree with you. And yes, you may very well endanger your life, and knowing myself, I probably already have, which is part of the fun in this game we call "life". The military will very well start requesting at a later date that military members get implants such as this implanted, that has been in talks for a little while, some men "DO" have them. Not too many though, but give it some time and once they are happy with the results, you are correct, they are going to request it. And for those who deny it such as the Anthrax vaccine like I did, will catch hell for it and one of two things will happen, they will either find a way to sneak in the vaccine/implant or they will discharge the member for refusal/disobeying a direct order. The military issue smart cards are just a step in this, a way of getting the men and women serving in our smile, grand military, to accept the implants at a later date. People that are currently being used to test these implants are those that have successfully made it into SEALS and Special Forces. Right now, there some odd things happening if you should happen to talk to recruits in schools such as the Naval "A" schools. These recruits are coming out with Top Secret clearances and are being posted in places that just don't seem right. Such as those who graduate at the bottom of their classes and get put into commands that don't normally get anyone ranking below E-5, and all of a sudden they are getting E-1's and E-2's. Such as those supposedly advanced schools that have people failing all their classes, yet get passed anyways and sent to commands that they have no business being at. I will not go any further than this on whats really going on at the moment. But, thank you for bringing this up, I sure as hell wasn't going to, but I have no problem with following it up in order to keep things straight in areas I know about.


<This message has been edited by Shaun Holt (edited 28 September 2000).>
And now that we all have had an opportunity to visualize "The Big Picture" a little more with clarification to the evidence provided here, let's attempt to digest this "food for thought" a little more progressively.

With the unsurmountable evidence being reported, in relation to all of this gathered information, it does not appear infathomable that these microscopic implants being geneticly constructed on a molecular level, using applied "Nano-Technology" are being tested to spray upon populated areas to get them forced into the bodies of every living creature upon the earth, so the next time around, it would be more simplified to develop a secondary process to command the new generation of implants over a densely populated area, to succumb to their will, as our will is being driven by these microbial implants that are being breathed into our lungs. You can't get more simple than that, and of corse it saves the world GVT's tons of money! If it can be done, you can bet your livelyhood they will attempt it, and at your tax dollars expense, who would be the wiser to dare prove to a world that is being "Programmed" by this MOD of World wide experimentation & control, to prove otherwise? How do you wake up a world being placed into such an artificiated comma?

Now I present to you some more "Food For Thought" to digest with this in mind.


Where Have All The NATURAL
Clouds Gone?
From Purple Crow <[email protected]>

For the last TWO years now, I've been watching the whole chem-trail issue unfold in the sky and on the web. I've been on the radio with people like William Thomas talking about these lines in the sky and taking pictures, etc... There is one thing that I have observed very closely and I hear little about it. I have watched the skies for hours at a time and have noticed the complete LOSS OF NATURAL CLOUDS! You may be familiar with the pattern of chem-trail development where the jets dump a long whitish plume from the WINGS of the plane which slowly stretch out and become long spidery strands at a very high altitude. This same webbing drifts down slowly and hits a specific altitude and PUFFS UP into more 'natural' looking clouds. However, when the sun comes through these 'clouds' they have OILY SICKLY COLOURED RAINBOWS all through them. Meaning that they are NOT clouds at all, but something OIL based. (If you need help to see this effect, just darken your vision with a simple pair of dark UV safe sunglasses, cover up the sun with your thumb or hand and look around the edges) Then these clouds may become rain clouds, or they may just vaporize soon after formation. Either way this pattern is always the SAME! I have drawn up a general breakdown of all my information and observations of this below:

1. 30,000 feet: Chem-jets dump their load on the population. There are TWO types of dumping going on, one vaporizes quickly, but the other can be SWITCHED ON AND OFF and this second type lingers to become a whitish streamer-like material. They often spray this around already formed plumes to hide what they are doing from casual observers. They have changed their tactics due to people such as William Thomas and others making this a public forum. (If you ask the regular media they will hang up on you or call you paranoid. Now what does that tell you about media control? Hmmm...)

2. 30,000 - 20,000 feet: Spider webs form and occasionally block the sun's full spectrum creating 'false sun dogs' at about 15 degrees to the right and to the left of the sun. Also often you will find a HUGE RING AROUND THE SUN on heavy spray days. I can tell you that ICE particles DO NOT come from military jets or any other jets for that matter!

3. These chem-webs occasionally make it all the way down to the surface of the planet before disintegrating. (Bend down low to the ground in your own front yard or a local park looking towards the sun and you will see these chem-webs laid out in parallel formation, or look on your apartment window towards the sun, you will find them if you look for them, but only the observant have noticed this already)

4. 15,000 feet: Using SCALLAR wave RF (HAARP) impulses this webbing is broken down into another oily component which has the appearance of natural clouds. (If you have a SW radio you can compare observations with the gov't HAARP site and you will see that their 'tests' happen at the same time often) The recognizable effect you have seen is where the clouds form in LONG PUFFY BANDS that span the entire horizon. These 'clouds' will ALL be aligned perfectly with each other, something that looks like it's from a Surrealistic science-fiction painting. You may also see another effect of SCALLAR wave RF technology if you look directly overhead, noticing the 'upside-down' look of the clouds. These clouds have an unrealistic look to them. They have many tiny repetitive and symmetrical aspects unlike natural clouds do. It's hard to describe here in text mode, but you can go to a chem-trail web site and see for yourself perhaps. I have pictures of this myself, but they may not be posted anywhere currently.

5. 10,000 feet to the surface: Tiny oil like droplets fall intermittently to the ground along with the water which has collected on them, almost like natural rain formation. (Rain happens when tiny dust particles catch moisture in the air and become heavy) You will also note that there is a heavy DARK effect to the clouds lately, making them seem rather ominous and discolored. You will also often notice the air has a heavy pinkish-brown mist to it even if you live FAR away from any polluting sources like city smog. This heavy PARTICULATE MATTER can be seen when the sun is obscured by a cloud and the rays of the sun cast themselves from behind the cloud, making rays of light and dark very visible. (These clouds seem to BLOCK much of the light from the sun, which makes me think that maybe they are trying to block the sun's light for UV-type-3 protection) If it were not for this particulate matter in the air we would not be able to see this effect at all since the light from the sun would have nothing to bounce off of. (Like a flash-light around a campfire at night or in the fog, lighting the particulate matter in the light beam)

What does this mean? I'm still looking into it, but I think that it's a multi-leveled compartmentalized project where total secrecy is utmost at all times, possibly due to public outcry and panic! "Where have all the natural clouds gone?" That would be the question, indeed! After observing months of MAGNETIC FLUCTUATIONS of up to 10 whole degrees in one hour, I have to wonder what affect this is having on the Earth's weather system. Could it be out of balance? I think so, all the signs are here of exactly that. What are they doing? Perhaps trying to cover up the fact that our weather has become completely unstable and chaotic, maybe even completely absent in many areas of the world. Is this a natural occurrence, or did someone f*ck up the worlds weather? Did we really play a part in all these weather problems, or is there something going on in secret that is beyond our control? There is also the population control aspect of these chem-trails and a strange FLU LIKE PANDEMIC that is being witnessed by doctors and nurses all over the globe. There seems to be a direct correlation between FLU-like illness and heavy spray days. Three great sights about the MANY COMPARTMENTALIZED ASPECTS of chem-trails can be found here, including some of my own writings and pictures:

If indeed the sun has lost it's magnetic polarity, then we are like a tiny ship afloat within the sun's magnetic shiftings, to which we will also be severely affected on a GLOBAL LEVEL. Like a grain of sand on an ocean beach, the tide will move us back and forth at will since the power of water as an 'atmosphere' will push the hard (yet tiny) rocks around with great ease. "Suncruisers" have been spotted by SOHO and other devices for many months now, and we don't know what or WHO is there orbiting the sun. Indeed there are anomalous object there, and are occasionally censored from view, yet there seems to be the occasional 'leak' whether orchestrated or not. Are they ships? Rocks that can steer themselves? Who's ships are they, if they are ships at all? Why are they there right now?

Magnetic fields have played a distinct role in our emotional lives in ways we are just beginning to open up to in science. Humanity has been affected very easily by the weak magnetic fluctuations within the Earth herself, and we are still learning about this. It's also a known fact that all the WARS and major events that transpire amongst us on the Earth directly synchronize with SUNSPOTS and major solar upheavals. These events can all be verified scientifically. (Read about the Navy's research into this with the HAARP and other strong super-blasting RF devices. We are all under the blanket of a natural magnetic life force, and this life force is being tampered with. )

Still asking, "Where have all the natural clouds gone?"

(Ask this question for yourself as you observe with the rest of us what is happening over head today and every day. Then ask your friends and family the same question. Then ask the media, but don't expect a SANE logical reply...)
This makes me wonder about the time in July, July for christ's sake when it began to ice/sleet/ or slightly snow... however you want to look at it, and this happened in Memphis, TN a few years ago where I was living at the time. Wonder if there is a connection.
Everything is connected. We are just not privy to the "big picture." For us it is all guess work and conjecture. Quite honestly, I'm beginning to think that there is no central leadership to all that's going on. We have created too many heavily funded off the shelf groups in research, black ops, medical, technologys, assination etc. One hand no longer knows what the other is doing and each group has total freedom and immunity. The strength of each group is the use of gung ho young people. The older ones often get scared by what they see and become the objects of "executive action." With youth comes blind patriotism.
"It is not uncommon for engineers to accept the reality of phenomena that
are not yet understood, as it is very common for physicists to disbelieve
the reality of phenomena that seem to contradict contemporary beliefs of
physics" - H. Bauer

A Scientific Heretic Delves Beneath the Surface.

By Ken Ringle
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 1, 1999; Page C1

Computers used to cost millions. Now they're being given away. The country was rapidly going broke. Now we've got a $115 billion budget surplus. Butter was bad for us. Now we're not so sure. We're being forced to reexamine all our old assumptions on millennial eve, right?

So maybe we should finally pay attention to Thomas Gold. He says the world has an endless supply of oil and gas.

Gold, a Vienna-born physicist, cosmologist and general scientific heavy lifter, founded and for many years directed the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research. In his 79 years he's authored more than 280 scholarly papers on subjects ranging from astronomy to zoology.

He's also a full-time heretic, periodically parachuting into some new scientific field and infuriating academic plodders there with some outlandishly bold new theory. More annoying, his theories usually turn out to be right. Worst of all, he thinks the orthodox have so gummed up the gates of knowledge that they were more open to breakthroughs 50 years ago. Harvard biologist Stephen Jay Gould has labeled Gold "one of America's most iconoclastic scientists." Says Gold himself: "In choosing a hypothesis there is no virtue in being timid ... <but> I clearly would have been burned at the stake in another age."

In 1947, fresh from pioneering wartime work on the development of radar, he used his research into high-frequency receptors to publish an entire new theory of mammalian hearing. Physiologists shrugged it off for 30 years. Until auditory technology evolved enough to prove him correct.

In 1959, when everybody thought the surface of the moon was frozen lava, Gold decided it was covered with dust from meteor impacts. Footprints of the Apollo astronauts will testify eternally that he was was right about that, too.

In 1967 astronomers trashed his suggestion that energy pulsating in the distant universe was the signature of collapsing stars. The subsequent observation of pulsars won two other scientists a Nobel Prize. And proved Gold correct.

In 1992 he predicted that Martian meteorites might contain fossilized microbes. Four years later NASA announced the same thing.

Now in a new book, "The Deep Hot Biosphere," Gold says the origin and bulk of biological life is not on the surface of the Earth where the birds and bunnies are, but deep within it. Moreover, that microscopic life force is fueled by an inexhaustible supply of petroleum constantly migrating outward from our planet's volcanic core.

Eight years ago, when Gold was still developing his theory, some geologists were so incensed by it they petitioned to have the government remove all mention of it from the nation's libraries.

"It was an effort at book-burning, pure and simple," Gold says, shuffling around a computer-buzzing, paper-littered attic study as energetically unkempt as he is. Most petroleum geologists, he says, "simply have no concept of the laws of physics at work" beneath the Earth's crust.

People need to understand, he says, that the long-held assumption that oil comes from the millennial composting of dinosaurs and ancient swamps has always been dubious, whatever school science books may say. His theory of a deep, hot biosphere doesn't just solve its contradictions, it sorts out in the process such minor matters as the origin of all earthly life and its relationship with the rest of the universe.

Is there any wonder it makes people nervous?

Way Outside the Box

What's unique about Thomas Gold, says astronomer Steve Maran of the American Astronomical Society, is that unlike most scientists who are content to "pursue the advancement of knowledge in small, incremental steps," Gold "comes up with new ideas by starting from the original principles" in some field where others have labored for years.

When that happens, he's often "treated like a curiosity that can't be taken seriously," Maran says. "But he always shakes things up in a useful way, often opens up entire new areas of thought. Some denounce him even as they profit from the push he's given their thinking."

"Gold's style is in turn charming, intriguing and exasperating: short on details (where the Devil lies) and long on fiats and suppositions," sighed eminent geochemist Harmon Craig of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, reviewing Gold's book in Eos, the journal of the American Geophysical Union.

But if Gold is right about subterranean microbes being the seeds of all life, and if they survive the Earth's next asteroid collision to restart evolution, he adds, "Let us hope that when new humans finally emerge and invent science they will have another Tom Gold to delight and exasperate them with his theories."

On this particular day the heretic himself is stopping by the local techno-emporium to pick up a new computer. It's a Macintosh, and with its blue-and-white neon tones and "Star Trek" design it looks like something morphed from one of his theories. It's unclear just why his former computer succumbed. It was only a year old, but he may have made it think too much.

"Supposedly all my files have been transferred into this one," he says skeptically, accepting only a modicum of help lugging it through the garage and up to his study. "But of course, you never really know."

Gold says his curiosity has been getting him in trouble ever since his father gave him a watch when he was little and he took it apart. He's worked at reassembling things ever since.

One of his boldest constructs was the steady-state theory of the universe, which is now regarded, says Craig, as "beautiful but untrue." Still, as cosmologist Freeman Dyson of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton says, if Gold hadn't put forward the steady-state theory, astronomers might not have been inspired enough to dream up the Big Bang theory, which replaced it.

We probably shouldn't be too hard on Gold for not quite figuring out the universe on his first try. After all, he rushed through Cambridge in only two years (there was a war on) and his degree was in engineering.

But his mind had impressed his friend Hermann Bundi, one of Cambridge's famous wartime coterie of mathematical geniuses, who suggested Gold would be useful on a highly classified war project. There was only one problem: Gold was interned at the time as an enemy alien. He and his parents were Austrian citizens, and despite being refugees from Hitler (his father was Jewish), they had been technically classified as Germans by the British after war broke out in 1939.

"I was probably the first person to go right from internment as an enemy to work on an ultra-secret project like radar," he muses.

After the war he went back to Cambridge where, impressed with his brilliance, administrators presented him with a prized four-year fellowship to do anything he wanted.

"I told them I would like to teach advanced physics," Gold remembers. "They said that was fine. But since I had never studied any physics, I had to learn it myself night by night, before each lecture."

In the process, he read widely on all sides of the subject and became convinced all physics was related. From that he published his steady-state theory, which held that whatever had happened once in the universe must be occurring someplace in the universe today.

That made a big splash in scientific circles and, says Gold, "I'm still not entirely sure it's wrong." From there he moved on in 1953 to become assistant to Britain's astronomer royal, who heads the Greenwich Observatory and holds one of the country's most prestigious intellectual posts.

There he says he accidentally discovered the ultrasound phenomenon now used to check out unborn babies. But his boss decided it had nothing to do with astronomy and tore down his laboratory, so Gold left for the United States.

He landed in Harvard in 1955, "either the youngest or the second youngest full professor on the faculty. I forget which." But he refused to live in Boston and detested commuting from the suburbs, so within four years he had migrated to a "much more livable" environment at Cornell.

He's been here causing trouble ever since.

Fueling Passion

Gold, who holds prestigious appointments to the National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of London, turned his attention to petroleum during the energy crisis of the late 1970s. He has not been universally welcomed by industry geologists. Gold's hypothesis on the origin of petroleum amid deep hot life "is not very well defended," sniffed geoscientist Alton Brown of Atlantic Richfield in a review of "The Deep Hot Biosphere" in American Scientist last July. "We ... know too much about the subsurface and about petroleum geochemistry to seriously consider these ideas."

But Gold is used to being dissed. While scientists like Brown have traditionally sought to explain petroleum by looking in the ground, Gold says, he developed his theory by looking in the other direction.

Far from being an earthly substance, he says, petroleum and its component hydrocarbons are present throughout the universe. You find them in meteorites. You find them in captured interplanetary dust. You can detect them quite abundantly on one of the moons of Saturn. About all this there is no scientific argument.

As an astronomer and geophysicist, he says, "it always seemed absurd to me to see petroleum hydrocarbons on other planets, where there was obviously never any vegetation, even as we insist that on Earth they must be biological in origin."

Yet wherever earthly petroleum is found, even miles below ground, oil always contains biological material, such as the wreckage of old, dead cells. If "fossil fuel" wasn't formed from ancient plants and animals, how did that material get there?

Another puzzle bothered Gold, though he says it seems to concern few others: the gas helium. Helium is one of the essential elements of the universe, present in trace amounts everywhere in nature. As a so-called "noble" gas, it stays chemically aloof from other elements, never combining like, say, hydrogen and oxygen do to form a third substance like water. Yet the only place on Earth helium is ever found in abundance is with pools of petroleum underground.

What, Gold wondered, could explain that?

Then in 1977 a tiny research submarine probing deep beneath the Pacific Ocean near the Galapagos Islands discovered something that revolutionized our understanding of life.

More than 1 1/2 miles down on an ocean floor made otherwise barren by darkness and crushing pressure, the sub's floodlights revealed entirely new ecosystems living amid the scalding 600-degree heat and mineral-rich eruptions of subsea volcanic vents. On subsequent expeditions, scientists were astounded to find an entire food chain at the vents--blood red giant tube worms, albino crabs and other creatures--thriving on previously unknown forms of heat-loving microbes where no possibility of life was thought to exist.

That got Gold thinking.

Last year, in his book "Consilience," Harvard entomologist E.O. Wilson, a polymathic heretic like Gold, stirred the scientific pot by arguing that all forms of human knowledge are really branches of biology, and serve an evolutionary goal. But Gold goes further than that.

"Perhaps biology is just a branch of thermodynamics," he has written, and the history of life is just "a gradual systematic development toward more efficient ways of degrading energy. ... The chemical energy available inside a planetary body is then more likely to have been the first energy source, and surface creatures--like elephants and ... people--which feed indirectly on solar energy--are just a <much later> adaptation of that life to ... circumstances on the surface of our planet."

Endless Oil?

Working from that hypothesis, Gold's theory goes like this: Oil and gas were born out of the Big Bang and trapped in the Earth 4.5 billion years ago in randomly dispersed molecular form. But the intense heat of the Earth's volcanic core "sweats them out" of the rocks that contain them, sending them migrating outward through the porous deep Earth because they are more fluid and weigh less. In a region between 10 and 300 kilometers deep, the hydrocarbons nourish vast colonies of microbes where all of earthly life began, and where today there's a vastly greater mass of living things than exist on the surface of the planet. The migrating oil and gas "sweep up" the biological wreckage of this life as they percolate upward, together with molecules of helium, all of which eventually get trapped and concentrated for periods in near-surface reservoirs where oil is usually found.

As far out as all this may sound, in the years since Gold first noised the outlines of his theory, researchers throughout the world have documented extensively the presence of active microbes in the deep Earth under conditions of heat and pressure once thought impossible to sustain life.

Furthermore, some oil reservoirs long thought exhausted now appear to be mysteriously refilling. Gold considers the best proof of his program the extraction of 12 tons of crude oil in 1990 from a 6-kilometer-deep well drilled in the long-presumed oil-free granite of central Sweden.

Chris Flavin of World Watch Institute says he's found many elements of Gold's theory "pretty persuasive" in the light of such discoveries, and says there's much to cheer environmentalists. If Gold is right, he says, the greatest abundance of accessible hydrocarbons will be found in the form of natural gas. Gas is not only the cleanest-burning energy source right now, it promises "to be the bridge to the hydrogen economy in the future" which will be cleaner still, he says.

But skeptics remain.

"We know there's carbon deep within the Earth because that's where we find diamonds," says Nick Woodward, a geoscience program manager with the Energy Department. "And we know there's water, at least in small amounts, which, since it's hydrogen and oxygen, gives us the building blocks for petroleum hydrocarbons. ... "But whether that therefore means the source of all hydrocarbons is in the deep Earth, I think that's highly questionable."

Gold shrugs off such unbelievers. The scientific world, allegedly searching for truth, is really little more hospitable to it than when Galileo fell afoul of the Inquisition, he says.

"You know, I am very lucky that I received recognition and honors early in my career, so that by the time I started making real waves I already had stature," he says. "Even with my record I've had a terrible time getting some of these papers published. Without it nobody would touch me. ...

"The problem is this system of peer review" wherein established scholars in a field pass judgment on new papers before publication, he says. "That rewards small steps but discourages bold ideas and the very sort of cross-discipline thinking that can provide the greatest breakthroughs. I don't think there's any question that we produced more great ideas in the first half of the 20th century than we have in the second"--when peer review has ruled.

Nevertheless, Gold soldiers on. He's presently writing his memoirs of a lifetime of heresy. Chosen title: "Getting the Back Off the Watch."

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 02 October 2000).>
Hey Time02112!!! I must comment you on your percistence to keep the hear-say from the documented fact in regards to the current topic matter!! Hats Off To Everyone!!! While it is a good feeling to be right in ones own interpitation of the small or big picture it is always in conjuction with the knowledge that ones processed in order to put the current thought into words. It is also easy to over intellectionilize the topic matter to throw off any kind of coherent interpitation of ones thoughts.. Are some of us that scared that to truethfully convey our feelings on a thought that we have to intellectionalize a perfabricated thought to try to pass go is good enough for us, but yet the populas is flabergasted by our psychobabble and couldn't follow what we are trying to convey because we want it that way. It's easy to hide behind a shield of our own making but someday we must rise above it and reveal what is the actual matter of substance.


As for petrolium, if everyone would melt down their rayon and polyester clothes we could drive forever on that fuel alone. A year ago I saw the car a genious constructed that drives at normal speed using only air and nothing else as fuel. I guarentee you the exxon corp. has purchased the rights and burned the blueprints by now. Just like the washing machine ten years ago that used no soap and cleaned clothes better with sonic water . Bought up and GONE! What controlles people the best? What we have been made to NEED! If we feel we need it we can be controlled. Plain and simple. Make it easy to get and we no longer need the government to save us. And who is the best friend of govt? Exxon-Kraft etc.
FOR THE RECORD: CIA Releases More Files
October 5, 2000 08:15 CDT

The CIA on Tuesday declassified 5 million pages of intelligence documents from 1947 to the 1970s.

"This is the largest release of formerly classified CIA documents ever," said CIA Director George Tenet. "It reflects my commitment to be as forward-leaning as possible in releasing information that with the passage of time no longer needs to be protected."

The documents were sent to the National Archives and Records Administration and the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library.

The declassification includes Directorate of Operations reports from 1947 through 1955 relating to the role of intelligence in the post-World War II era. The agency also released a series of its founding documents that describe how the agency was formed, as well as associated photos, film, and satellite imagery.

Reports on the release of the documents did not comment on whether any are related to UFO and ET investigations (such as the Roswell crash in 1947) that the agency may have had in its files.

Staff Writer Sally Suddock

Austin, Texas

According to an archivist at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library, very little information on nuclear testing has been recently declassified. The richest source appears to be the National Security files which contain three cubic feet of documents on nuclear testing dating from 1963-1968. Within this collection, there is material concerning the Bikini Atoll and underground nuclear testing. Approximately two inches of material on nuclear testing and the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty are in the Vice Presidential Security Files. A few papers, including correspondence, on Plowshare are in the White House Central Files under Atomic Energy, AT 2 and AT 3, files. Also within the White House Central Files are materials dealing with Radiological Health (HE 6), Territories and Islands including Bikini Atoll (ST 51), and Weapons-Ordnance-Munitions (ND 21). Finally, the Johnson Library also holds Administrative Histories for the Atomic Energy Commission and the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. The AEC History, which is classified, contains materials on Projects Cabriolet and Plowshare. The Arms Control and Disarmament History is largely declassified. Classified material is stored at the Johnson Library, and access requires permission of the originating agencies and appropriate clearances.

Government Resources
National Archives and Records Administration
Welcome to the White House
Herbert Hoover Library
Franklyn Roosevelt Library
Harry Truman Library
Dwight Eisenhower Library
John Kennedy Library
Lyndon Johnson Library
Richard Nixon Library
Gerald Ford Library
James (Jimmy) Carter Library
Ronald Reagan Library

(DMOZ Open Directory Project)

Bush Presidential Library and Museum - George Bush (41st President: 1988-1992).
Eisenhower Center - Dwight D. Eisenhower (34th President: 1953-1961)
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum - 32nd President: 1933-1945.
Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum - 38th President: 1974-1977.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum - 31st President: 1929-1933.
The Jimmy Carter Library - 39th President: 1977-1981.
John F. Kennedy Library and Museum - 35th President: 1961-1963.
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum - 36th President: 1963-1969.
Presidential Libraries - Links to US presidential libraries that are part of the part of the National Archives and Records Administration program.
The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation - 37th President: 1969-1974.
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - 40th President: 1981-1989.
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center - 19th President: 1877-1881.
Truman Library Museum - Harry S. Truman (33rd President: 1945-1953).
Whenever the "tea and biscot" company declassifys anything you know its not important. Tea and biscot is a term from the old days when they worked out of a building with that name on it. Then they became just "the company". No matter what you call them you'll never get any pertinant information out of them.
• Alternative-Energy Scientist Fights to Save Patent. Randell Mills's physics and chemistry laboratories may have strangely united three forces that were presumed distinct: the U.S. Patent and Trademark office, the Department of State, and the American Physical Society. Unfortunately for Mills, they appear to have united against him. Mills, a Harvard-trained medical doctor and founder of the New Jersey-based technology start-up BlackLight Power Inc., was awarded a U.S. patent February 15 covering his claim to producing energy by shrinking the electron orbit of hydrogen below what most quantum theorists have thought possible for a century. He calls the smaller hydrogen atom a "hydrino" and theorizes it could lead to a nearly limitless supply of clean, cheap power. The news outraged Mills's fiercest critic, Dr. Robert Park, an APS spokesman and avid debunker based in Washington, D.C. Park mocked the patent decision in the press. Within days, the patent office pulled back a related chemistry patent for further review just before issuance, citing comments by Park and others - none of whom has tested Mills's devices or materials - in mainstream press reports that Mills must be either wildly mistaken or a fraud. <Source: The Village Voice>
THE GATES OF HELL OPENED?--Scientists are afraid that they have opened the gates of hell. A geological group who drilled a hole about 14.4 kilometers deep (about 9 miles) in the crust of the earth, are saying that they heard human screams. Screams have been heard from the condemned should from earth's deepest hole. Terrified scientists are afraid they have let loose the evil powers of hell up to the earth's surface. RECORDING OF THE ALLEGED SOUNDS OF HELL HERE More Info on the recording of the Sounds of Hell

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 09 October 2000).>

The Vatican Message
This message was received by the authors about two years ago and was also recently sent to a number of media personalities.
Dear Drs. Brocato & King:

I am one of the hierarchy of The Vatican. Please excuse my not saying more, but then it would be easy to narrow me down to one of 15 to 20. The consequences could be dire. However, I feel this information is so important, that you should have this. One of your sources here informs me that you are writing an indepth book on The Coming Chastisement. I feel you need to know this and may want to include it.

Comment: The editors had included this and a large portion of related material; however, it was so harsh, it was considered prudent to remove it. In fact, the original book was two-thirds larger than it is now in its final form. It was considered too harsh and the authors thought it the better part of prudence to edited those parts out of it.

I understand that many are curious, especially in scientific circles, of the relationship the Vatican has to the Hubble Space Telescope. In order to understand this, you must first understand something that occurred with the Soviet Cosmonauts in the Salyut 7 that orbited the earth in 1985. This is a rather hushed secret that has been leaked to the west, but that the Vatican has been sitting on for years now.

The six Soviet Cosmonauts in 1985 saw "celestial beings" on the 155th day aboard their orbiting space station. This was first reported by Cosmonaut Vladimir Solevev and Oleg Atkov as well as Leonid Kizim. This is what they said, "What we saw were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of angels."

As the Cosmonauts were performing medical experiments in Salyut 7 high above the earth, a brilliant orange cloud enveloped them, blinding them temporarily, and when their eyes cleared, they saw the angels.

The heavenly visitors, they said, followed them for about 10 minutes and vanished as suddenly as they had appeared. However, 12 days later, Cosmonauts Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibevok, who had just joined the others on the space station, also saw the beings. "They were glowing," they reported. "We were truly overwhelmed. There was a great orange light, and through it, we could see the figures of seven angels. They were smiling as though they shared a glorious secret, but within a few minutes, they were gone, and we never saw them again."

Now, Doctors, keep the above in abeyance as we discuss the second thing. But first, keep in mind the crux of the matter: what is the Vatican connection. Then, I will bring this all together for you.

As you know, the Hubble Telescope has been operating for a while. One of the things that certain officials or scientists connected to/or in your government are not telling you, and that the Vatican now knows, also, and has known longer than the United States Government, the Soviet Government, and the French Government, is that the Hubble Telescope in space has sent back the pictures of ethereal beings, bathed in this orange glow seen by the occupants of Salyut 7.

These "angels," according to scientists and astronomers, would cause a world panic and confusion because the Vatican knows that they--AND HERE'S THE VATICAN CONNECTION--are truly, "beings of light." But, these computer enhanced images have convinced scientists and astronomers alike that they are real, live angels. The Vatican's interest in the Hubble Space Telescope is that these beings are real, are being seen, but they are not the benign, friendly angels watching over us that the scientists think they are.

Scientists first thought they were a newly discovered star cluster because of the magnitude and brilliance of their colors. It became obvious, with the computer enhanced pictures, "that these were creatures we were seeing," according to one scientist at NASA. They--now get this--were, "a group of 7 angels flying together," in the NGC-3532, three-billion-year-old star cluster.

The scientists showed these pictures to the Vatican, and there were, "seven giant figures. All had wings and mist-like halos," reports one engineer. "They were about 80 feet tall and had wing-spans as large as airplanes. Their faces were round and peaceful, and they were all beaming. It seemed like they were overjoyed at being photographed by the Hubble Telescope. They seemed to be smiling at each other as if they were letting the rest of the universe in on a glorious secret."

NASA finally revealed to the Vatican that this was not the first time such a thing has occurred through the Hubble Telescope. In the Souz 8 mission a few years back, after 120 days into the mission, Soviet cosmonauts of that flight also encountered similar smiling angels.

The Vatican's interest, as they have told the three governments in secret meetings above, is that these "angels" are truly those that are assuming the guise of an "angel of light" as spoken of by the Apostle Paul. The figure "7" represents the 7 churches of Asia and their problems that will soon come upon us. It also represents The Seven Periods of the Church, of which we are now into the Fifth Period. This is the bad period, the period of pain, suffering, and destruction. The Period to follow, the Sixth Period, will be a period of consolation.

Pope John Paul II is well apprised and advised of the above and has been for some time. He feels that we will see UFOs landing soon across the world. He further feels that these are not the benevolent beings they have been made out to be.

All this information is coming to you from sources in the Vatican. Doctors, read and use at your own discretion!
Hey Time!! I feel that the ironic part of the whole thing is that this was all prophesized in the book of Enoch which was banned, by the Roman Catholic Church, from being included in the bible because they felt the contents of Enoch's prophesies weren't consistent with the "Official Dogma" of the Roman Catholic Church.....

Not being Christian all I can relate to is the movie "Dogma," also consiered blasphmous by many where the true meaning of life was finally explained when god squeezed a woman's nose and said beep beep. That was the answer to all questions..meaning there is no answer. Worrying about answers is our problem...
Michael Cremo - Rethinking Human Origins
An ardent critic of the abuse of scientific position and power, Michael Cremo is considered a leading authority on anomalous archeological evidence relating to the antiquity of the human race. His persistent investigation during the eight years of writing the internationally acclaimed book, Forbidden Archeology has documented a major scientific cover-up. This is a Laura Lee Vault Presentation - originally aired 01/29/94
Click here...

(Scroll down
then click on the "speaker icon" next to the text pertaining, to listen to the broadcast.

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 10 October 2000).>
The following information I present does not necessarily reflect my personal beliefs, however I post the following, for our viewers to draw their own conclusions......


The Council Of Nine

One New Age channelling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge - very disturbing influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees worldwide. Known as 'The Nine', its disciples include cutting edge scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians. This exclusive extract based on The Startgate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince looks at the sinister origins of The Nine

I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the emissary. But the original time I was on the Planet Earth was 34,000 of your years ago. I am the balance. And when I say "I" - I mean because I am an emissary for The Nine. It is not I , but it is the group…We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one.

The declaration above is typical of the channelled pronouncements of the Council of Nine – or just ‘The Nine’. They contain all the usual New Age ingredients of grandiose statements, shaky grammar and unprovable predictions. But unlike all the other channelling cults, that of The Nine has serious clout.

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 12 October 2000).>
Dear Time,
do you know an Admiral Coeyman? I am quite sure he would be very interested in the anti-gravity copper tube design that shot through the roof at mock 8 in 1999. It just so happens that he invented a similar conscept along with the conscept of placing three anti-gravity coils around the surface skin of the aircraft 120 degrees apart. He has a primer on warp engines, if you are interested I will send you the primer by way of e-mail.
<font face=Tachoma bold font color=purple>
Here's the latest scoop on the "Chemtrail" issues, I will provide some brief highlights, a link to "William Thomas's" website, also a recent "Audio" archive link, to listen to a pre-recorded interview from the "Coast to coast AM Radio broadcast dated Oct.16 (Click here, to "Listen")</font>

<font face=Tachoma bold font size=4.0 color=blue>
10/16/00 - Mon/Tue
Guest: William Thomas

Wil Thomas is an independent journalist, author, and videographer. He reported for the Environmental News Service while serving as a member of a three-man Gulf environmental emergency response team during and immediately following the Gulf War. His thirty-minute Gulf War documentary, "Echo War" won the 1991 US Environmental Film Festival award for the best documentary short.</font>

<font face=Tachoma bold font color=red>Book: "Bringing the War Home."

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 17 October 2000).>
Hi; just wanted to make sure this posting didn't dissapear it is very interesting.

Edwin Gary Schasteen

No problem Gary,
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<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 30 October 2000).>