Good example of what Titor was trying to tell us


Chrono Cadet
Its health insurance folks, its health insurance that's going to get the powers that be to punch your door in.

Universal HELLth Care (purchased by you, of course)

This is why Titor spoke of doctor's not caring about major diseases "if you get something serious, you die". He said doctors are more worried about "broken bones, childbirth, and (?) snakebites (?)".

What happens if you don't buy this (or any) health insurance, well guess the f*** what? YOU CAN'T WORK! Mark of the beast my friends.

What happens when you can't feed your family cause now you neither have health insurance OR a job, well we already know how the homeless, poor, and downtrodden are treated in this country, welcome to their ranks...
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Serj Tankian - Empy Walls video

I'm not sure where to post this so here goes.

This video actually made me weep, what do you tell all these children who were born in a post-9/11 world about things like Liberty, Trust, Faith, and Hope have all been destroyed in the name of "hunting down the people that did THIS"?

Having been born in the 1980's these are concepts I can relate to, but now what do we have left? Flame me if you want, but Titor's story becomes more believable every single day...
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

I also agree it seems Titors claims are coming true. Personally I dont care if he was a hoax or not its really not important to me. Im paying more attention to the message he was trying to get across. Noone can deny that the world we are living in has changed since 9/11. I do believe he was right about the NWO but I dont believe they will be successfull in their efforts at least in this time line. I have been following this Titor character for a couple of years now. At first I thought this was fake but I have experienced things in this life that is considered by me to be amazing. It has lead me to believe anything is possible in this world. John whatever his motives may have been still warned us about what may happen in our future. It doesnt hurt to be cautious.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Civil Rights Coming into Focus

I'm not good at making predictions, I analyze my situation and make a decision from that point forward. This only leads down one path though, whatever race you may be, this only gets harder from here.

While I would like to think that Jena 6 will be the catalyst that finally gets ALL of our rights back, sadly I know that is not the case.
Its health insurance folks, its health insurance that's going to get the powers that be to punch your door in.

Universal HELLth Care (purchased by you, of course)

This is why Titor spoke of doctor's not caring about major diseases "if you get something serious, you die". He said doctors are more worried about "broken bones, childbirth, and (?) snakebites (?)".


Titor wasn't talking about our situation in the post that you referenced.

Here's the post:

unregistered posted 06 December 2000 21:36
(What is the health care system like)
You would probably not like it at all. I would compare it to what you see in Western movies. We do have hospitals but there are more family doctors and house calls as compared to what you are used to. There is no real organized health care. If you get a serious disease, you die. This however has had a tendency to strengthen the general genetic pool. Doctors are more concerned about things like broken legs, snake bites and delivering healthy babies

He's talking about his post-apocolyptic communal farm village that is suffering from radiation poisoning, virtual zero child birth and a host of other maladys. In the "old west" that he refered to a broken leg was a life threatening injury. Given that half of the world's population was toasted in Titor's War, that all of the major cities were nuked and that most of the physicians in the country live in and around those cities he would have had a shortage of trained physicians - and medical schools. Triage medicine would be the norm.

But Titor aside, I do believe that you're on the right track re. forced universal health insurance. If it was passed the "rich" would be paying most of the bill. When that source was tapped out it would only take a re-definition of "rich" to increase the tax base, plus a few dollars more per gallon on the gasoline tax. (How are we going to fund alternative energy development if we divert the tax to health care? If we divert it to alternative fuel how are we going to pay for health care? OK, tax the doctors, hospitals and pharm companies - but then why would they stay in a profitless business? Tax the trial lawyers!)

Actually Titor does have some play here. Given enough time we'd all be classified as"rich" thus we'd all be equal - living as peasants in one of Titor's communal farms where we need permission from the town council to move to another community and where if we don't pull our own weight we get excommunicated from the village...

From each according to his ability - to each according to his need.
and this:
"WMR has learned from U.S. and foreign intelligence sources that the B-52
transporting six stealth AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles, each armed
with a W-80-1 nuclear warhead, on August 30, were destined for the
Middle East via Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.

However, elements of the Air Force, supported by U.S. intelligence
agency personnel, successfully revealed the ultimate destination of the
nuclear weapons and the mission was aborted due to internal opposition
within the Air Force and U.S. Intelligence Community."
end fair quote
Air Force refused to fly weapons to Middle East

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

"Since Titor´s predictions of a police state is also coming true before our eyes, the preponderance of the evidence strongly favors Titor´s credibility and a rationa person must conclude on the basis of the evidence than Titor is far more likely to have been genuine than a fraud..."
end quoted from:

then we got this Bush protest at UN

Link to YouTube

Bush Protest at UN lead...

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


Since Titor´s predictions of a police state is also coming true before our eyes, the preponderance of the evidence strongly favors Titor´s credibility and a rationa person must conclude on the basis of the evidence than Titor is far more likely to have been genuine than a fraud

Keep a couple of things in mind when relying on Karl Simononak as a credible source.

First, Karl was the first person that Pamela suspected of being Boomer - that was way back in 2002. She's since changed her mind. I've placed him down the list of Probables as being a member of Group Titor but he's never fallen off the list. Too many odd coincidences in his background. Before we even knew who or what a Karl Simononak was I concluded in an early analysis that Boomer may have attended the University of California at Davis. I'm not a time traveler - but when Karl surfaced we discovered that that's where he did his PhD work in Physiology with a minor in Radiation Biology. There are many more but that's already been covered in previous posts. Karl has an extreme political position and he's using Titor to promote it. No particular problem there, many people are doing the same. But its not a reliable criteria for determining that a source is credible on the subject of whether or not Titor was a time traveler. I expect just a bit more from a PhD in a physical science.

Second, Karl knows the meaning of "preponderance of the evidence". What he posted on his site does not represent anything close to a preponderance of the evidence. That level of certainty, though low, means that when the totality of all evidence is taken into consideration more than half is found to be credible. This is the level of certainty used in a civil trial. It falls far, far short of what would be required of a scientist to determine that someone is a time traveler. He threw out a term that he knows would sound impressive to people who might not know its actual meaning but which in reality isn't at all impressive.

Yet when you read the page on which the above quote is taken from he states that most of the "predictions" relative to the social issues have not come to pass. No civil unrest in 2004-2005, no Weekly Wacky Wacos and no civil war that should by now be apparent to everyone.

The topic of a "police state" is a buzz word that has been going around for several decades - and someone is always willing to say that it is a fact. Titor's "prediction" was a regurgitation of a hot topic on many sites, not the least of which were the militia sites. Mistrust of gvernment is an American institution.

Non-lethal waepons? We've been working on them for decades - principally because of law suits that have demanded them.

People are going to have their opinions of the state of affairs. But that in no way equates to their having relied on time travel to make predictions that are simply opinions that are subject to interpretation and which are certainly not universally held (or even a significant minority opinion). As far as I know, only Rick DOnaldson and I actually went through all of Titor's political-social commentary and predictions and checked them against what were hot Internet topics before Titor started posting. There wasn't a single item on the list that was not already something that was being debated on hundreds of sites. They not a predictions - they were news reports on current affairs - What's Hot Tonight on the Internet, or The Church of What's Happenin' Now.

The term that he used isn't just unimpressive, its not even accurate if used correctly. So far Titor has failed to make one undeniably accurate prediction. Its only the "predictions" that are subject to interpretation as to what he meant in his (non) responses to questions that are subject to any doubt.

As an aside relative to propoganda, go back to the YouTube video that you posted the link to re. the protest at the UN. Notice how the camera person photographs the scene. All close-ups with the camera pointed down toward the ground. How many people are involved in the protest? I counted fewer than 100. This is a common techniques that is used even by the "legitimate" news media. They use close-up and narrow angle lenses to fill the frame with people - but they are careful to make sure that there are few if any panning shots. That's a tip-off that the protest wasn't , how shall I say this, "well attended"?

If its a mass protest they make sure to get someone on a perch above the crowd for some wide angle panning shots to show that the crowd is large.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Here's the first example of the nanny-state that John warned us about: Mandatory Screening of Children for Autism

What do you think this is? Soviet Russia? Vaccinations is one thing, in the USA you cannot learn from a public school without Vaccinations, and I understand what they're used for, population control, you don't want a preventable disease "thinning the herd"...

This leads me to a personal belief that I've held for a long time, that Autism is the first "Darwinian activity" that has occurred in recent history. Forget ADHD, while quite problematic, it seems to be the exact opposite of what we call Autism today.

Autistic children are extremely brilliant, but their social skills aren't that developed (kind of like around here...)

Autism is a form of evolution, their brains have developed in such a way that they understand complex theory and physics in ways that put 90% of the adult population to shame.

You can chalk that up to their parents learning more complex topics in grade school thus becoming more mentally adept and passing that along to their offspring, or you can chalk it up to the hormones in the food supply that we've been eating for 30 years, either way, this is evolution baby!!!

This is probably one of the more benign forms of evolution that we as a species have developed, imagine if the reason that most Autistic children don't talk is because they're telepaths and don't need to orate with each other to communicate, now that's scary! But is that enough justification to single out and eradicate this genetic mutation? I fear we're going to find that out the hard way and chalk it up to "helping those poor children that don't talk"...
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


Autistic children are extremely brilliant

I do not believe that is a generally-accepted truth about all Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). You may be thinking more along the lines of the specific designation of Asperger's Syndrome.

Some autistic individuals might show a marked proficiency in rote memorization which may help learn the foundation of these subjects; however, the exceptionally good aptitude (in these subjects) of high functioning autistic spectrum persons may be due to their ability to readily identify patterns and apply them consistently to new situations outside of established knowledge or teaching. These savant skills, although popularly considered to be a major part of autistic disorders, are evident only in a small fraction of autistic individuals, with estimates of the fraction ranging from 0.5% to 10%.

I believe you are thinking only of the "high functioning autism" diagnoses within the overall spectrum. (which is precisely why they denominate it as a complete spectrum). I happen to be quite aware of this as I have a nephew who is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

I "suffer" from Aspergers, but it is my opinion that it is a natural evolution of the human brain and not so much a disorder. I see "normal" people as over-emotional, and I see them time and time again hurting themselves and others for no reason other than "emotions".

It is also my opinion that these screenings are perhaps being used to ascertain in advance people who might not be easily given to mental control (such as the consumer lifestyle). "Aspies" are frequently given a hard time concerning their inability to speak the emotional language "normals" tend to rely on, because this emotional language is an easy way into the "normal" mind. Emotions are sort of a red button that can be pushed to override all logical thinking, making a person easily susceptible to mental suggestion. Aspies are notorious for being hard to control or exploit.

The only reason people consider "aspies" (I hate that word BTW) brilliant or creative, is the simple fact that the white matter in the brain connects various brain parts differently, and cause divergent thinking (divergent thinking is commonly labeled as ingenuity or creativity) by making neural connections the typical human rarely makes.

This emotional language can be learned by "aspies" but for me, it takes considerable effort to maintain on a day to day basis (dealing with people is a bit like looking at html code instead of an actual website) making life difficult since modern society is specifically designed for non-aspies. It is easy to see how this could be considered a disorder, but there is no known "cure" (and there never will be until somebody figures out a way to replace white brain matter). I do not consider it a disorder any more than two ants being born from the same parents, but turning out to be soldier ants, worker ants, or breeders (each of which are genetically different from the other, yet born of the same parents).
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Irrational people who show emotions over somewhat more intelligent comunications. Sometimes they are correct and most of the time, I doubt if they really know what it is they are talking about when using all the emotions. Just think, real Phd's have written books as far back as the '80's but emotional people always say that the techniques do not work. They do not practice to make them work, and as such, they are weaker because of emotions, not physically but phsychological, at least to me. I done the homework and done the work, and I am still the same person but different and not so prone to over-emotion.

As for Autism there was Nightline tonight that someone (a prize-winning surfer and his teenage autisic son) that said that making the kids with autism go into the water even by some force and getting them to like beginning surf makes a difference. They do not want to go in, and get very mad and all of that, but by the time these people are done and get them out there, they come back, less emotional then they ever were before. This makes them think that it will help autistic children.

Anyway it was on Nightline tonight and I suppose it may be somewhere on the Internet also.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

"They do not want to go in, and get very mad and all of that, but by the time these people are done and get them out there, they come back, less emotional then they ever were before. This makes them think that it will help autistic children."

Typical autistics have 2 emotions - pissed, and not pissed.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

well, somebody like gold, silver, platinum etc...
where are yours?
"Frontal Assault on Freedom: FBI Raids Liberty Dollar
Read this email closely. I just got it this morning. Those of you who consider the gold standard a quaint anachronism, pay extra close attention. If Ron Paul supporters, gold standard advocates and the Liberty Dollar were nothing but harmless kooks, why would the FBI raid their offices when no crime was ever committed? This is a currency competing with the USD, yes, but they never, but never make the claim that it is legal tender or anything other than what it is: private currency. And private currencies are numerous in the USA."

I'm afraid it's begun...
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


"Frontal Assault on Freedom: FBI Raids Liberty Dollar
Read this email closely.

What should be read even more closely than the email (because it does not discuss, at all, the reason why the raid took place) is the siezure warrant signed by the judge magistrate. These legal documents (by design) have a way of explaining what crimes people are suspected of.

Contrary to what the person writing the email is trying to imply (that somehow the gov wants to crack down on an alternate form of trade currency), here are the alleged crimes listed in the seizure warrant:

because it is property involved in, or traceable to, money laundering, in violating of 18 USC sections 1956 and 1957, under 18 USC section 982 (a)(3) because it is, or is traceable to, gross receipts or proceeds obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of mail fraud, in violation of 18 USC section 1341, and wire fraud in violation of 18 USC 1343.

In other words, these people are committing crimes...and wire fraud and mail fraud are biggies!

Was John Titor and advocate for mail fraud and wire fraud of the people???

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

None of that is legal tender and can not be used as private currency. It may be worth something to someone but then it has have a market in the first place, but I would not bet it can be used to actually pay for anything.

The Economy is based on Credit for a long time now.

Anyone can also look up "Gold Certificates" theirselves also.