Yes. I do put words in my mouth. That's why I ask you not to.
I believe the purpose was satisfactorially explained to you.
At no point have you explained the purpose of this "trap". I've had the usual babble from Rainman but, as you were the instigator of this masterpiece of debate, I'd like to know your reasoning. I dunno, if you give a good enough explaination, I might even see some form of logic or reason there. I wouldn't bet the bank on it, though.
I don't see anything there that refutes that the FBI and BATM had no evidence of illegal possession of arms, nor that the FBI and BATM were mainly or at least partically responsible for the massacre. Can you quote the relevent parts for me?
We could start with child endangerment. And child abuse and statutory rape might not be out of the question.
Did Koresh have a conviction for any of these things? Then my statement that he had no criminal record stands. Did the FBI and/or BATM have concrete evidence of these things? Was that even what they were investigating? Then my statement that they had nothing concrete to suggest of the law being broken stands. Were these the charges that were being levvied against Koresh? Was he being served for the illegal possession of firearms? Had the local police investigated him for the illegal possession of firearms and concluded that he had none? Then my statement that the local police had investigated the charges that the FBI were levvying against Koresh and found no evidence of wrongdoing stands. Did the investigations by the FBI after the seige reveal evidence of wrongdoing with regards to the charges? Then my statement that thre was no evidence found after the seige of wrongdoing with regards to the charges stands. Have the sources of the FBI's suspicions since had serious doubts cast on their motives? Then my statement that the sources of the FBI's suspicions have had serious doubts cast upon their motives stands.
Really, Azkaban, can you argue at all without Strawmen? Please,
please limit yourself to arguing against things that I actually
do say and believe, not things that I don't.
I am not claiming that life inside the compound was happy and fun, necessarily. I am not even claiming that it is impossible or even improbable that Koresh was a child abuser. I'm not even claiming that he was necessarily a nice man at all. I am saying that according to the FBI's own testimony to the courts that the whole "child abuse" allegations stemmed from one off-hand comment made at one meeting by one FBI member whose identity nobody can remember. I am claiming that Attourney General Janet Reno (who approved the FBI action) has officially stated that she believes that she could well have been mistaken about what she heard with regards to child abuse and that there was no evidence of child abuse. I am saying that the FBI has stated categorically that there was no evidence of child abuse either before or after the raid. I am saying that Koresh had been investigated for child abuse beforehand, when he co-operated fully and was fully absolved of all allegations. I am saying that the children who came out during the seige were examined and interviewed by the chief of psychiatray at Texas Children's Hospital, and he concluded that they had been beaten, but not enough to constitute abuse of any sort. I am saying that he also said that there was no evidence of sexual abuse whatsoever. I am saying that the children were also examined by the Texas Department of Children's Protective Services who also found no evidence of abuse. I am saying that both these sources also specifically commented that the children seemed to be very well-adjusted and mentally and socially healthy.
Do you deny any of these facts? Were you
aware of these facts?
FWIW, I believe that Koresh most probably was an abuser of children. He fits the profile, and I think there is enough circumstantial evidence to back it up. But that's why I have never claimed that Koresh was not a child abuser.
I have said repeatedly that my belief in where the blame lies in this instance does not sit well with me. but I have to deal with the facts from as many legitimate sources as I can. And they tell me what they tell me, and from that I form my beliefs.
And that is why you should stick to addressing the points I do make, rather than the ones that I don't. All using Strawmen does is undermine your own arguments, if because of nothing else, then because I am not stupid enough, nor a bad enough debator to fall for such a novice tactic.
And many were not, who eventually perished.
Those that were sent out (again, according to the Texas Children's hospital and Texas Department of Children's Protective Services official records and statements) only stated a desire to go back and rejoin their families. And, for example, Koresh asked to talk with Robert Rodriguez (no, not that one, the one who had been an agent pretending to be a student watching Koresh and who had become a close friend (and almost follower) of Koresh's in that time) and said that he would send out a six-year old girl in exchange. The FBI refused. The girl died.
A point which you seem to not wish to address[...]
It's a point I have clearly and explicity addressed more than once. From the very post you are replying to: "Either I wasn't clear enough, or you misread what I did say. No, I don't think they are exactly the same, nor do I think Koresh and Jesus are the same as David Ike and nor do I think that those 3 are exactly the same as Rev. Moon. But I do think that there are valid comparisons to be drawn between the 4. I hope that that is now clear for you."
I really
do hope that that's now clear for you, as I'm getting tired of repeating it, and I'm not sure how many more ways I can paraphrase it.
[...]and instead discuss other, less well founded evidence.
What less well-founded evidence is this? Do you mean the tonnes of cites of official statements, official records, court documents and the like I've supplied? And if we're talking about "well-founded evidence", need I remind you that you have provided precisely
zero evidence for your side of the argument? How can the extensive evidence that I have provided be less well-founded than the nothing that you have provided? The link above doesn't count because it simply doesn't address anything that I've said or believe at all.
They are words, which are symbols, and have no inherent meaning.
Wow, did you ever miss the point of that little conversation.
There is only the meaning that we ascribe to them as a result of our beliefs.
That's not what I said. It is, in fact, only partially right.
But it might be productive for you to stop trying to make others wrong while waving the banner of your beliefs.
I am not trying to make others wrong. I am merely espousing my beliefs, and explaining the basis for them.
You are one of those who claim to know "THE truth". I claim to present my opinion. I have stated my opinion that the FBI and the BATM were the people who were mainly responsible for the situation at Waco occorruing the way it did, as opposed to being a peaceful investigation. You have been trying to prove me wrong. I have stated my belief that there are some valid comparisons to be drawn between Koresh and Jesus. You, again, have been trying to prove this belief of mine wrong.
How is this me trying to make others wrong?
You have been trying to disprove
my beliefs.