God? Part 2

As of now, I have no mood to present any facts or write a long reply. My grandmother is on her dying bed now and all I can do is pray for her.
1. You gain experience at debating.
2. You are speaking with people all over the globe and brining us all a little closer
3. It is interesting to know what the different opinions are from a wide perspective.
4. You are challenged in your concepts to either re-think them or find more support for them.
5. You will be provided information otherwise missed.
6. Learn how to type faster.

Plus many more reasons to participate in what may appear to be useless arguements.
At least you are stepping up to the plate and taking a swing. Thats more than alot of people do, so kudos to you my friend.

Cheers to reasoning. I still wonder how I chanced upon this forum. From the paranormal to aliens to time travel to religion. Boy, what a ride.
i'm sure this bit has already been thrown in this thread somewhere, but there's no way i'm gonna read it all ;-)

basically what i want to say is that that only way you can truly know, understand, and appreciate Good, is to know what Evil is.

^in response to seeing "how can evil exist if God is good.^"
In response to:

Cheers to reasoning. I still wonder how I chanced upon this forum. From the paranormal to
aliens to time travel to religion. Boy, what a ride.

I do not believe you found this forum by chance, but that is just my opinion. :oops:
Disneyland is very close to where I reside. There is a ride called " Mr. Toad's Wild Ride". it is rather wild and alot of adults ride it even though it is in the childrens area.
So with this in mind....

"Welcome to Mr. Toads Wild Ride"!
So is this your answer to my question? I just want to make sure before I comment.

I don't think I actually answered your specific question, as that was kind of unanswerable. I don't have specific "criteria" for what I will or will not mock, I just call each situation as I see it. Sometimes I think I'm quite witty and astute, and sometimes I miss the mark and come across as a pillock. As do we all.

What I will say is that I certainly do not attempt to belittle someone or to have fun at their expense because they have a spiritual belief system that is different to mine. If I do come accross as doing so from time to time, then it is inadvertant on my part.

For someone who mocks religious belifs, look to ihavbeendoingit. Although, that said, I suspect that he is more of a persona than a real person, and is simply trying to wind people up.

Many of his people died with him, and he did nothing to save them, unlike Christ.

Do you know what went on inside that house? Would it have been safe to send people out into the gunfire? You do know that Koresh saw the local cheif of police the day before the stand-off, right? You know he offered to give himself up, but was told he was fine, right? I'm not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but there is plentiful documented evidence that shows that the FBI has clearly lied about events there, and let us not forget that Koresh had (has) the support of the local community including the police.

When you have (to quote the FBI) "massive amounts" od CS gas pumped into your building, holes blown in the walls, indiscriminate gunfire and helecopters and tanks outside...what are you supposed to do? Maybe the real son of God could have made sure everybody was safe. But I'm not claiming that Koresh was the son of God. I'm merely claiming that Jesus wasn't. And you cannot say what Jesus would have done in the same circumstances, because you simply do not know.

You did not answer the question I had asked you. Did you plan to?

What question? Do I think that Koresh believed what he said? Yes. Do I believe it? No.

It proved that some things lie beneath the surface.

No, it proved that some things can lie beneath the surface.

Just because you cant see it, did not mean it wasnt there.

And, equally, or perhaps more so, just because you can't see it did not mean it was there. In that painting I also can't see the painting of the Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies. That doesn't mean that it's there.

Religion was certainly used as quise for their actions, but the actual reasons were not Religious at all.

Absolutely. If you boil down religions like Christianity or Islam to their roots, the central message is very simple - love God/Allah and love each other. I think that all wars based off of these kinds of religions are completely opposite to the message of those religions. but the question I was asked was whether these atrocities were carried out in the name of God, and the answer is yes. The original question was whether I see modern Christians killing each other and claiming that the bible told them to, and the truth is that yes I do. Especially as a nearly 30-year old Brit. It's been a lot better in the last 10 years or so, but for most of my life I've grown up knowing that if I go to a large city, I face the possibility of being blown up by an IRA bomb. Every year I was in secondary school there was a bomb alert. Every year about the same time of year for 5 years without fail. About once a month I'd see on the news that another bunch of people had been killed (usually in London) because of this. I actually consider the situation in Northern Ireland to be great at the moment because it actually maks it to the news if a bomb goes off there. 10 years ago it wouldn't have made it to the news because it happened so often that it simply wasn't news - it was the status quo. And at no point when I went to London did I ever feel it was scary that I might be blown up - not because it was particularly unlikely, rather because it was commonplace enough to not warrent special consideration - like people who smoke or who don't wear sunscreen don't think about cancer.

So, yes, Christians do kill other Christins in the name of God. Christianity doesn't have some inherent "rightness" to it that means that that kind of thing doesn't happen any more, as was the implication.

I am sure that there are those who participate as a passage of rights ( boys to men ), Self-confidence issues, monetary issues, heritage, and of course the extremists.

I'm sure that there are as many reasons as there are people. But you're right, I'm sure it can be boiled down to a few basic human traits and societal (and I include religion and politics as part of that) imperitives.

As far as the IRA, I thought they didnt want the British in Ireland, and this is why they bomb British targets.

Sorry, my bad. Other way round.

I do know that there are Christian militants in the Middle East, and have seen footage of them with engravings on their guns of Jesus and the Cross. I compeletly agree with you that anybody that uses any platform of God for violence is "horrible. It's reprehensible. It's counter-intuitive, even. But it's also, unfortunately, true."

And I completely agree with you that they're generally using religion as an excuse to justify whatever atrocities they decide to carry out. But, as always it's not as simple as that. If you're brought up to believe that if you kill people of a different religion the you'll go to Heaven, and you've never known any differnet, then is it really your fault? Is it Frankenstein's fault for creating the monster, or is it the monster's fault for actually killing the people?

As always, I'll simply say that it's just not that simple in real life.
Do you know what went on inside that house?

For one, Jesus didnt stockpile mass amounts of weapons.

No, it proved that some things can lie beneath the surface.

In that instance it did. And thank-you, so some things may have more significance than what you see on the surface, after all.

And, equally, or perhaps more so, just because you can't see it did not mean it was there.

It is there. No arguments will change the fact that another painting is underneath Blue Boy. Another misconception was that the posted picture is a bad one. The real painting is very vibrant in color, not dull as you saw it. And the real painting is huge, if you made a judgement as to its
dimensions and thought it was a standard portrait in size, you would have been mistaken.
As far as what it "may" contain, this is why further research was done on that painting . People who knew the painter's work and his style knew something was different with that particular one.

If you're brought up to believe that if you kill people of a different religion the you'll go to Heaven, and you've never known any differnet, then is it really your fault?

To a point. It is about taking responsibility for your own actions. I have a friend that grew up in a household where his father was a Grand Wizard for the KKK. It was pounded into his head that only white was right. He was intelligent enough to see that for what it was, only his fathers opinion. And he acted accordingly.
For one, Jesus didnt stockpile mass amounts of weapons.

That's true, but Jesus wasn't born in America in the 20th Century, either. I didn't say they were idenical, I said that they were products of their time who both claimed to be the son of God.

Let us not forget that had Jesus upheld everthing the Old Testament said then his teachings would have been very different, much more harsh and he'd have been seen as far less forgiving and loving than he is.

In that instance it did.

But that doesn't mean that in the instance of the Tree Of Life or the Kabbalah that it is.

And thank-you, so some things may have more significance than what you see on the surface, after all.

I've said as much. See my comments about A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 2.

Another misconception was that the posted picture is a bad one.

I did not say that it was.

As far as what it "may" contain, this is why further research was done on that painting . People who knew the painter's work and his style knew something was different with that particular one.

Well, truth be told, it wasn't actually that uncommon to re-use a canvas. It's been quite a while, so I'm very rusty, but I used to work in an art shop (as in selling prints and the like) and know a bit about the subject.

To a point. It is about taking responsibility for your own actions. I have a friend that grew up in a household where his father was a Grand Wizard for the KKK. It was pounded into his head that only white was right. He was intelligent enough to see that for what it was, only his fathers opinion. And he acted accordingly

When I typed that I was more thinging about these people who are brought up in a culture where the holy men are to be listened to above and beyond all else. The holy men they are told to listen to are people like al-Sadr. They are illiterate and only have access to propaganda-filled media. They are in a constant state of war. They hold their first semi-automatic when they are 3 kill their first person when they are 6 and get praised. Is it any surprise that they will blow someone (and themselves) up when they are 20?

I know that doesn't apply to Northern Ireland, but I just wanted to make the point that it's not that simple as to just say "all people who kill for religion are evil". And, no, the paragraph above is not exaggerated in any way.
To demonstrate where the same dynammics are involved, as with Blue Boy....

In the Bible there is a comment.."And lo, three men," ( Gen.xviii. 2 )

Can you tell me who the three men are?
That's true, but Jesus wasn't born in America in the 20th Century, either. I didn't say they were idenical, I said that they were products of their time who both claimed to be the son of God.

Let us not forget that had Jesus upheld everthing the Old Testament said then his teachings would have been very different, much more harsh and he'd have been seen as far less forgiving and loving than he is.

It was much more peaceful back in those days wasnt it. Jesus didnt come to uphold the teaching( as you phrased the comment ) of the Old Testament. He came to give humanity a New Testament. He also came and fullfilled the prophecys of the Old Testament, of which David K. did not.

But that doesn't mean that in the instance of the Tree Of Life or the Kabbalah that it is.

As with the Blue Boy, it does. Whether you see it or not, doesnt alter it for what it is. Do you understand or are you familiar with the methods of the authors?

I've said as much. See my comments about A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 2.

That just demonstrated that you didnt fully research the film, and didnt take the time to possibly ask the producer or writer. Debunking is the easiest game in town, I could do that with anything if I were to use the same, and you got huffy when I did. Pull up some concrete evidence that states that the hebrew alphabet doesnt have any numerical underpinnings, or that the authors did not place meaning into their creations.

Is it any surprise that they will blow someone (and themselves) up when they are 20?

No, it isnt.
Knowing the style or works of the author, we can apply the numerical values to the statement and it totals up to 701.

Where do you get that figure from?

These are Mikhael,Gabriel, and Raphael;
This also equals 701.

And where do you get those from?

. Jesus didnt come to uphold the teaching( as you phrased the comment ) of the Old Testament. He came to give humanity a New Testament.

That's exactly what Koresh said.

He also came and fullfilled the prophecys of the Old Testament, of which David K. did not.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but where the prophechies not these:

1) He would be a great political leader.
2) He would bring peace to the Earth.
3) He would rebuild the temple.
4) He would reunite the Jews.

Which of those, exactly, did he fulfill?

As with the Blue Boy, it does. Whether you see it or not, doesnt alter it for what it is.

If you're going to stretch the metaphor that far, then you can show me the x-ray that shows the rejected deeper meaning of the Kabbalah. It can be proven what was originally on the canvas of the Blue Boy. The same cannot be said for the Kabbalah.
No. Please refer to Gospel of Thomas.

Jesus fulfilled the prophecies in the Old Testament in the Gospel of Thomas, even though the Gospel of Thomas is one of the Apocrapha of the New Testament? You've lost me.

This should cover the other comments as well...

I don't see those as an x-ray.

If the Kabbalah is the deeper meaning, then surely I don't need to look beyond it? I can see it already. No worries.
Jesus fulfilled the prophecies in the Old Testament in the Gospel of Thomas

In the Gospel of Thomas....

10. Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes."

16. Jesus said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.

As far as prophecies fulfilled... on the right hand side, follow the index to prophecies fulfilled by Jesus


Dont you mean apocrypha? And yes, it is a part of that collection, as are many, many texts. More specifically it is part of a group called...the Nag Hammadi Texts, or Library.
Has anyone in this thread been reading the other threads? Those of us in the esoteric practices have been feeling tension for quite some time and have been discussing an upcoming event that will be happening soon.
It seems we arent alone with these sentiments.
In the Gospel of Thomas....

So, not the Old Testament, then?

And, yes, although I haven't got much time to go over them now, there are a few prophecies that he fulfilled ("being born of a woman" is a good one), more that can be fit to his life and a few, such as those listed above, that didn't even slightly happen. Prooftexting's all very well, but it doesn't help much in the credibility stakes.

Hey, Tyre was supposed to be destroyed and forgotten for 70 years before the Messiah came. It's still there.
"I don't have specific "criteria" for what I will or will not mock, I just call each situation as I see it. "

I was interested in a simple answer, not pontificating. To address your initial point regarding mocking people's reasoning, rather than their beliefs: So would this mean that you find your reasoning superior, or even infallible? And is it not true that people's reasoning most often is what leads to their beliefs? So, in mocking their reasoning you are indirectly mocking their beliefs. I would like to know why mocking is EVER appropriate.

"Do you know what went on inside that house?"

No, and nor do you. You only have access to the same information others have, and thus what you believe is nothing more than your belief. Let's stick to the known, and undisputed facts, and my original point: Koresh was being served for weapons violations. It seems no one disputes this, not even the Davidian's lawyer in the case against the US Govt. And so my point is still valid: Christ went willingly to his death. Koresh prepared for, and issued a fight, while implicating his followers. This is the primary difference. Koresh's attitude and demands of his followers is what lead to his circumstances. Whether either was the son of God is irrelevant in the face of their approaches being so different.

"What question? Do I think that Koresh believed what he said? Yes. Do I believe it? No."

I thought my question was quite clear. And you did not quite answer the true intent of the question. Here it is again, and focus on the "action" part:

"Do you believe he meant what he preached by the actions he took?"

Perhaps a quote attributed to Koresh might further the point I am making about the difference between him and Christ: (from http://www.whyaretheydead.net/misc/Factnet/CO0294.TXT)

"Prosecution witness Kathryn Schroeder, who agreed to plead guilty to a
lesser charge of forcibly resisting federal officers in exchange
for helping the government, testified that Koresh told his
followers: “If you can't kill for God, you can't die for God.”"

Would you like to provide some evidence that Christ ever espoused killing others?
In the bible there is a line..."And lo, three men ( VHNH ShLShH ) ( Gen. xviii. 2 )
If you were to use the numerical values they total 701.
These are Mikhael, Gabriel and Raphael also equals 701.

It is interesting to take two passages from different texts and find they have equality in there numerical values.

The example I presented is only one of many "comparisons".