War cycles & the swine flue genocide
I found this a very informative article that explains a Lot of information about the side effects of Vaccines and the NWO plan.......
This article is dedicated to a topic which is much more important than your money: the health (and perhaps even the life) of you and your beloved ones... If, however, this article is saving the health of just one person, then I am happy the rest of my life!
For several years I have been researching war constellations and cycles because wars are a meta-factor for the financial markets: major wars change everything from scratch. For a long time I have been quite sure that around late 2009 the next major martial event should take place. In the next 20 years there is just one more important war window: the highest global martial activity in the 21st century due 2016/17. Among the reasons there is, for instance, the 6-year war cycle that has worked well since the 6-Day War 1967, but in principal it has had a large amplitude for centuries (link). The last instance was the Iraq war in early 2003, we had a minor war maximum due in Q3/2002 +/- some quarters with 3 wars: 9/11 war against terror - Afghanistan - Iraq. In addition the 33-months crisis cycle is due and the Galactic Center is triggered by Saturn. My latest war forecast from Q2/2008 said that around 8/8/08 or just before the highest geopolitical risk for quite some time can be expected. Thus the outbreak of the Georgia war was nailed more or less to the day. The Georgia conflict was the most important geopolitical event of the past 3 years.
Normally, the warmongering is getting louder in the months before a war actually breaks out, however so far nothing serious can be detected. So for quite some time I have asked myself how this war cycle would unfold. In July it became obvious to me that the coming war is most likely not a conventional war but a biological war against mankind with vaccinations being the main weapon.
Warfare is always and without exception accompanied by deception, and this time is not different with the brainwashed mainstream media spreading a huge number of swine flue lies. An important topic of the last Bilderberg conference in May in Greece was, as discussed before, to establish a global department of health and to reduce global population (to 500 million according to some sources). Vaccinations are an important factor on that agenda. The US hope to have 160 million doses of swine flue vaccine by October (link), Germany has ordered 50 million, the first are delivered in late September. Greece is the first country to plan mandated inoculation for every citizen, as soon as September (link). Why is Greece the first here? Because Greece hosted the annual Bilderberg conference in 2009, the country where the conference takes place often plays a special role in the near future, her license was revoked for spurious reasons.
Preliminary remark: I have studied medical questions intensively for about 15 years. Needless to say I can only discuss some rather arbitrary points in this article and offer many links for further information. I am lucky that I am no physician because medical practitioners warning of vaccine injuries often experience heavy repressions. While in the Western world it's quite safe to have medical opinions diverging from the official version, vaccine skeptics are often subject to modern witch-hunts. E.g. the best known Austrian vaccine skeptic Dr. Johann Loibner was totally screwed up by the vaccine mafia: not only was he banned from his medical profession, he also had to pay a high fine and was not allowed to make further critical statements in the public. In the US Dr. Rebecca Carley suffered a similar same fate. That's why many physicians are quite cautious and stress that this is an individual decision. What a joke! The decision whether or not to administer an inoculation is as 'individual' as the decision to jump out of the window in the 10th floor.
Let's start with a general discussion of vaccinations: nowhere else in the medical science you'll find more lies and more faked studies because nothing is stimulating the business with human illness more than vaccines. I estimate that 1/3 of all diseases are direct and indirect vaccine injuries, much of the disease genetically transferred to one's children and grandchildren. Animal tests have shown that often the coming generations are paying for the "sins" of the parent generations. This means that if all inoculations are stopped today and everything else remained equal (ceteris paribus), then the number of diseases should drop by 1/3 over the long haul (generations).
After having studied the 30,000 pages of scientific literature available on that topic, Dr. Viera Scheibner concluded that vaccines have caused more harm than any other human activity (in medicine). In order to obfuscate the facts the number of lies is huge. Authors of studies are offered good jobs by pharmaceutical companies - but only if the 'right' results are delivered. That's why many studies are manipulated, but many numbers are pure fraud, e.g. the reduction of tick-borne encephalitis since the vaccination was introduced.
It is reasonable to assume that hundreds of million people around the globe are suffering from direct and indirect vaccine injuries. Presumably vaccinations have killed more humans than the two world wars together. The 1918 flu pandemic killed 15-50 million while WW1 killed 'only' 10-15 million. The main cause for the biggest pandemic in history were the mass vaccinations in 1918:
All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases - or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.
That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease.
It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.
While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their flu cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and MACFADDEN'S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with their water cure, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other simple healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of natural foods. One health doctor didn't lose a patient in eight years. The very successful health treatment of one of those drugless doctors who didn't lose any patients will be given in the other part of this book, titled VACCINATION CONDEMNED, to be published a little later. If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors, there would not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu treatment.
There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against. (link)
On the epidemiological side of vaccinations please read the books by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, he is convincingly refuting all claims that "disease X was exterminated by vaccines". The sharp decline of epidemics such as typhus and others were mainly a result of the improving living conditions and better hygiene. Quite on the contrary, mass vaccines are the main cause of epidemics. As described in the German version of "La Rançon des vaccinations" by Fernand & Simone Delarue (page 6), an analysis of all poliomyelitis cases 1980-1994 in the US has revealed that 94.0% of the patients got the disease soon after they got the polio shot... By and large, the only way to get polio is through the vaccine which even the developer of the first polio vaccine admitted (link):
In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists, that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961.
Dr. Buchwald also describes the largest vaccine trial ever carried out: from 1968-1971 the World Health Organization carried out a large field trial to test the BCG-vaccine. It was a test model to eradicate tuberculosis on this planet (while reaping a few companies multi-billion dollar profits). In one area comprising 309 villages about 364,000 people were vaccinated against TB while another area of roughly the same size was left unvaccinated. The results however caused great consternation among vaccination experts: in the vaccinated area there were more cases of TB than in unvaccinated area. In Germany it took the STIKO (Permanent Vaccination Commission) 27 years to acknowledge the field trial and to remove the BCG-vaccine from the list of "recommended" vaccines. (link)
Clearly, the WHO performed no other study in order to suppress the truth about vaccinations. The claim that vaccines guarantee immunity is totally wrong, in reality it's preventing immunity. Not a single independent 'real' study confirms a positive effect of vaccines. The number of antibodies often used as a criterion for the success of vaccinations is total worthless. Double-blind randomized experiments are lacking, often a control group is missing for 'ethical reasons'. E.g. the verum group is receiving the real vaccine while the placebo group is receiving an 'empty' vaccine without the virus.
The problem with 'empty' vaccines is that they contain the same toxic cocktail as the 'real' vaccine. Each shot contains 100 different ingredients that don't need to be declared to protect the corporate secret. Probably the heavy neurotoxic and carcinogenic adjuvants added (like Thiomersal/ mercury, formaldehyde or aluminum hydroxide) are the worst about vaccines.
Shaw and his four-scientist team from UBC and Louisiana State University injected mice with the anthrax vaccine developed for the first Gulf War. Because Gulf War Syndrome looks a lot like ALS, Shaw explained, the neuroscientists had a chance to isolate a possible cause. All deployed troops were vaccinated with an aluminum hydroxide compound. Vaccinated troops who were not deployed to the Gulf developed similar symptoms at a similar rate, according to Shaw. After 20 weeks studying the mice, the team found statistically significant increases in anxiety (38 percent); memory deficits (41 times the errors as in the sample group); and an allergic skin reaction (20 percent). Tissue samples after the mice were "sacrificed" showed neurological cells were dying. Inside the mice's brains, in a part that controls movement, 35 percent of the cells were destroying themselves. "No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated," he said. "This totally creeped us out. We weren't out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my God-we've got neuron death!" (link)
It's mind-boggling: 35% of the brain cells destroyed, 41 more memory deficits than in the control group. If you think that you have a better life with less brain and you want to enjoy Alzheimer when you are older (after all, you are getting to know many people every day!), then you shouldn't miss a vaccine. The illuminati want a brain-dead crowd and vaccines are an excellent method for that purpose. Of course, Alzheimer is yet another vaccine injury:
According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals), if an individual has had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had one, two or no shots. I asked Dr. Fudenberg why this was so and he said it was due to the mercury and aluminum that is in every flu shot (and most childhood shots). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. (link)
One should understand what a 1000% increase in Alzheimer risk really means: most 'normal' factors increase the risk of a disease by 50-100%. Only absolute 'killer factors' are able to multiply the risk of becoming a disease by 1000%, e.g. if you smoke 20 cigarettes or more every day over decades, then the risk of getting lung or larynx cancer is about 1000% higher. Please take these 2 factors into consideration:
(1) The design of the study makes only insufficient differentiations: the time observed was just 10 years (childhood missing), just one type of vaccination (flue) was observed and the 2 groups only differentiated between a higher or lower number of vaccines. A 3fold improved study design would analyze the Alzheimer risk of subjects without any vaccinations ever in their life and compare that to "vaccination fans" their whole life. I am convinced that the vaccination fans have a 2,000%-10,000% (20-100 times) higher risk than the vaccination skeptics. In other words, the one group will be almost totally healthy and the other one very sick...
(2) Heavy smokers are 'working' on their disease over decades many hours a day, a comparable damage is caused within seconds by some pinpricks! You'll agree that vaccines are the worst you can do for your health and you only want your deadly enemy to receive his shots.
Especially the poor innocent children are tortured unutterably without being able to fight back. There is just one reason why babies are vaccinated so fast: most side-effects are not visible when a child is just a few months old. Much of the damage and suffering becomes apparent when the child starts to speak and walk - but then so much time has passed that few parents see the link to the vaccines. Most studies agree that the most severe vaccine injuries are long-term in nature. There are a few exceptions though, e.g. the sudden infant death syndrome almost always occurs in the hours and days after a vaccine (link)... I have talked to parents complaining that their child no longer was the same after the shot: incommunicative, grumpy, autistic... The number of autistic children is almost to 100% a vaccine injury which research has shown: (early infantile) autism was almost unknown disease until 1943, 11 months until vaccines with thimerosal were first introduced... In China autism was unknown before vaccines with thimerosal were introduced in 1999, already by now it has it has 2 million autistic children! (link)
Exemplarily let's analyze the latest propaganda on cervix cancer (article): the propaganda promised a 100% protection. In spite of the very high number of 12,167 participants, after an in-depth analysis of the data presented no significant reduction of the cancer pre-stage could be detected! However, even the official version has severe methodical flaws and important data were not revealed. In addition we can be almost 100% sure that the study was further manipulated, although the facts usually don't come out until an insider like Dr. Mark Randall blows the whistle (link):
Q: How long did you work with vaccines?
A: A long time. Longer than ten years.
Q: Looking back now, can you recall any good reason to say that vaccines are successful?
A: No, I can't. If I had a child now, the last thing I would allow is vaccination. I would move out of the state if I had to. I would change the family name. I would disappear. With my family. I'm not saying it would come to that. There are ways to sidestep the system with grace, if you know how to act. There are exemptions you can declare, in every state, based on religious and/or philosophic views. But if push came to shove, I would go on the move.
Q: How are vaccine statistics falsely presented?
A: There are many ways. For example, suppose that 25 people who have received the hepatitis B vaccine come down with hepatitis. Well, hep B is a liver disease. But you can call liver disease many things. You can change the diagnosis. Then, you've concealed the root cause of the problem.
Q: And that happens?
A: All the time. It HAS to happen, if the doctors automatically assume that people who get vaccines DO NOT come down with the diseases they are now supposed to be protected from. And that is exactly what doctors assume. You see, it's circular reasoning. It's a closed system. It admits no fault. No possible fault. If a person who gets a vaccine against hepatitis gets hepatitis, or gets some other disease, the automatic assumption is, this had nothing to do with the disease.
Q: In your years working in the vaccine establishment, how many doctors did you encounter who admitted that vaccines were a problem?
A: None.
John Virapen, the former Eli Lilly boss in Sweden, one of the 'cleanest' countries on the planet (very low corruption).
John Virapen says that more than 75 percent of leading scientists in the field of medicine are paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. John Virapen writes that illnesses are made up by the pharmaceutical industry and specifically marketed to enhance sales and market shares for the companies in question.
Of the 535 US congressmen 533 (99.6%) are bought resp. bribed by the pharma companies - lobbying is nothing more than legal bribery (source: 'ORF-Weltjournal" August 09).
These facts are just a short teaser, one could stretch out the explanation to thousands of pages, please inform yourself. Further links:
Warfare against the population is nothing new. Example: sweeteners like aspartame were on the CIA list of biochemical weapons through the 1970s... and soon thereafter in our nutrition, just a 'coincidence'.
I proceed on the assumption that the illuminati have changed their strategy to establish the New World Order (NWO) in the past years. At first it was planned to introduce the global fascist dictatorship through a series of 3 world wars. The first 2 world wars worked out as planned, the 3rd world war was planned as a war of the Christian world against the Arabic/ Muslim countries (waking up a 1,000 year hostility going back to the crusades), the 9/11 inside job was the trigger. However, nowadays wars are very dangerous as they might escalate to nuclear wars, many countries have nuclear weapons today, so we have a serious risk of totally devastating the planet if the war gets out of control. In addition, intelligent biological warfare wasn't possible until the recent past, so they changed the plan to a bio-war. We find the typical 3 stages here, too, a brief chronology:
1. AIDS 1980s: AIDS was the first biological warfare experiment. Robert Strecker (M.D., Ph.D.) found out that the AIDS virus was produced in the 1970s by the WHO in cooperation with the Cancer Institute in Fort Detrick in Maryland (USA). Official documents prove that the political decision was made on Jun 9, 1969. His brother Ted Strecker was shot on 8/11/1988, soon after he had sent the documents to the government and congressmen (the official version is 'suicide'). For eons I have stressed the importance of the number 11, it's especially the 11th of each month when the NWO plans are executed. Robert Strecker's 2nd colleague, Douglas Huff (Illinois State Representative) was found dead on 9/22/1988 (22 = 2 x 11). The main reason why no AIDS vaccine is available is that this is a predetermined breaking point. The mastermind behind AIDS is Dr. Wolf Szmuness, under his guidance thousands of persons were vaccinated in the US in 1978-81, most of them were soon thereafter dying from AIDS - a pure coincidence, of course. Robert Gallo himself played a major role, too.
2. swine flue 2009: Again we see that importance of the 11th of each month:
* 10/11/08 Austrian politician Jörg Haider murdered (he was condemned in a secret Freemasonic ostracism)
* 3/11/09 terrorist attacks in Germany & US on that day (officially a "killing frenzy")
* 6/11/09 the WHO declared phase 6 of pandemic alert (highest alert). 3 times 6 is 666 is the Sign of the Beast and the bear market print low of the S&P 500 in March. This is pure madness, the highest alert was declared after a few hundred people (out of 7 billion on the planet) dead. The reason is obvious: the highest alert is needed to create the institutions desired and amend the laws to enable mandated vaccines. Is it just a coincidence that already 33 years ago (1976) a brainless swine flu hysteria in the US was fuelled? Hardly, the 33 is the highest number in the Scottish degree of Freemasonry: 33 = 11 x 3 (the 3 is the number of creation).
As the anticipated July release date for Baxter's A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.
Summary of claims and allegations filed with FBI in Austria on June 10, 2009
In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.
Burgermeister's charges include evidence that Baxter AG, Austrian subsidiary of Baxter International, deliberately sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu virus, supplied by the WHO in the winter of 2009 to 16 laboratories in four counties. She claims this evidence offers clear proof that the pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies themselves are actively engaged in producing, developing, manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly bioweapons on earth in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass death. (link)
This story sounded so incredible even to my ears that I asked the Austrian health ministry for confirmation, and it was even discussed in the Austria parliament. In late July Bürgermeister filed charges again a number of Austrian politicians including chancellor and high-degree Freemason Werner Faymann. While I have been writing about this topic for many years, my phones weren't tapped until I contacted Bürgermeister. This is telling you how serious the situation is. Still, we here in Vienna think that Bürgermeister (who is living just 1-2 miles from here) is drawing some wrong conclusions.
It's possible that the current or 'planned ' virus is the 2005 reconstructed Spanish flu virus (Link). Out of 350 people vaccinated against the bird flue in Poland, 21 (6%) died thereafter (link). The most absurd fact is that the vaccine offered against the swine flu was already ready before (sic!) the swine flu did break out... How is that possible? Some vaccinations against the swine flu (H1N1) contain bird flu viruses (H5N1) (Link)... It's quite revealing that the Tamiflu producer already projected a sales growth of an incredible +531% for 2009 (Link) which confirms that the entire hoggishness was planned long ahead.
That's why even every believer in the official version must inevitably come to the conclusion that the vaccination can't help at all! But this is not new: the vaccination mafia is telling us that we need a new vaccine against the (normal) flue each year because the viruses are changing all the time. What a pity that the new vaccine is based on the viruses of last year so it can't work... It seems to be easy to tell people whose brains have been severely impaired by vaccines a lot of hogwash...
I think it's unlikely but possible that the swine flu vaccine 2009 is intended to cause more than a global pandemic, perhaps the full effects are not seen before mid-2010, Jeff Rense has more on it.
3. global mandatory vaccines 2012-17: 2012-17 is the top of war cycles in the 21st century, which should also mean bio-war (mandated vaccines). We can distinguish 3 different goals:
(a) silence the population: the vaccine contains very powerful poisons and viruses. Possibly, the current or 'planned' swine flue virus is the 2005 reconstructed virus of the 1918 Spanish flue (link). Vaccine sufferers are turned into zombies, don't resist the NWO plans, and are easy to maneuver. If you have ever been sick you know that you absolutely don't care what happens around you.
(b) RFID chip: The vaccine contains a (personalized) tiny chip. As for instance Nick Rockefeller as a key player among the illuminati has confirmed, it's the declared goal to chip everyone (link). Meanwhile the technology is available even officially (link). While an open chipping seems to be next to impossible at present, a hidden chipping through mass vaccinations is much more likely. Quite often it is objected that today's RFID chips are still oo large and not enough powerful. In my opinion this is no problem at all because the shadow technology (mainly military) is decades ahead of the official technology.
(c) population reduction: a mandated vaccine contains deadly poisons which was planned as soon as 1972 according to a WHO memo (link)
What to do? Possible implication on 7 levels:
(1) total vaccine refusal: it's most important not to poison one's body again in the future through vaccines. This is especially true as long as not all toxic ingredients have to be declared and are tested by independent and trustworthy institutions (which has never happened before). Ideally, everyone should clean himself from all past vaccine toxins, e.g. with the aid of homeopathic nosodes (Dr. Tinus Smits).
(2) social: inform your fellow men about the insane NWO plans, set up networks. Links: National Vaccine Information Center (USA), Vaccination Liberation (USA), European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance, Australian Vaccination Network
(3) legal: Vaccines are a bodily injury, as soon as mandated vaccination is introduced, one has to file a class action (which requires a network).
(4) political: civil disobedience
(5) financial: earn a lot so you are able to pay the possible fines if you refuse to have your body be poisoned
(6) health: To my knowledge, the best remedy against infection diseases is MMS by Jim Humble (MMS2). However, MMS is the 'biggest hammer in the workshop' and should only applied carefully for a brief period and based upon certain strict rules.
(7) spiritual: this will be covered in more detail in the future