General Conspiracies

Re: David Icke

There is no doubt that there is a world government agenda that includes, as part of the plan, to significantly reduce the planets population. That being said, there is the component of people who would resist such a change and those who want the world government and less population have the best chance of succeeding in their plan IF they know ahead of time who would resist.

When DHS came out with a statement to law enforcement about the "new" terrorists and that included US military vets, conservatives, legal gun owners, it prompted many to think that the memo may be a calling list for those that want global government. As who would most likely be a threat to (not America and the Constitution of the United States), but the globalists agenda.

The globalists need to be concerned with those who can fight back and organize. Their area of concern is exactly what the spring 2009 DHS memo outlined.

In the past, history has shown us that almost all of the major genocides in the past 100 years have been to societies that have been disarmed by laws just prior to the genocide. In 1936, the germany passed anti-gun laws, Jews were disarmed, we all know what happened next. In somalia in the 1970's i think, antigun laws were passed, a few years later 50,000 of one tribe were culled. China has done similar a few decades ago. In America, there are 40 million gun owners. We are the most armed society on the planet and thus the hardest to take over. Gorilla warfare inside the US would make gorilla warfare in iraq look like a kids picnic. The only to take control of the USA is to disarm 40,000,000 gun-loving patriots. That is not an easy task, but the globalists are going about it anyways. New laws are proposed for serializing bullet heads (making a single bullet cost about $10, thus severely reducing the amount of ammo a citizen could have). Other laws, such as in california are for limiting ammo purchaces to 50 rounds. New York, does not allow one to own a pistol unless they go through a year long, expensive process. All new gun sales are run through the ATF first, then the FBI, then the DHS, if needed. The official law is that the background check information is only kept on file for 24 hrs, then purged from the government database. The reality is that the record is stored,and not only that, the GPS coordinates of the front door of the home where the gun purchaser lives is tagged to the record. This I can only assume is meant for last resort arms collection/destruction via unmanned aerial drone.

A flu pandemic would give the government the power to enforce martial law upon the land. Under martial law, there are NO Bill of Rights, Right to Privacy, Rights of ownership of anything. Military can take your car, your last bite of food, and of course your gun.

I would not be surprised is flu pandemic hits bad, martial law is declared, guns are collected, and the USA is no longer. The president now has the power to shut down the inetrnet too, meaning that the last method of mass communication could be shut down and or controlled by the government. The TV and media sources are already under control, the internet was the last main source. Now a new law allows the president to control that too.

If, MPs started conficating weapons on a monday in south carolina and the inetrnet was still working, by tuesday morning, texas citizens would be locked and loaded. And the Alamo doesn't fall.
Without the inet, those texas citizens would not be prepared when the MP's roll up their drivways, have warrants under martial law, and conficate guns.

After society is unarmed,...well, history tells what happens next.
Re: David Icke

From his official site:

<font color="red">


David will be speaking for seven hours with more than 1,000 illustrations at the Orpheum Theater, Phoenix.

Supported by the Meria Show

David Icke Speaking in New Mexico, October 11th [/COLOR]
Re: David Icke

you raise some good points...

there is no doubt that IF the Viruses have been developed diberately by the powers that be... they
have certainly come up with a clever plan for the excuse to try and obtain full power over the masses.

On the one hand they certainly have a lot of armour and high technolgy in their favour.

but if the masses can be educated and oppose them in enough numbers their plan may not work as well as they expected.

according to this article.....

Third of parents oppose swine flu vaccine.... this may be a start..

Click here to follow link

Mod edit: Changed link construct to prevent it from making the page of this thread ultra-wide. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: David Icke

PB, was you considering attending any of events ?...

I would like to read about it if anyone attends is good enough to write about it.

There is one in London in May 2010.... I hope that I can attend... although he says 50% of
tickets have already been sold.
Re: David Icke

The best way to defeat a gorilla army is to break it up. If there is real fear and panic about a flu virus, then people will isolate themselves and not organize into groups for fear of catching said virus. If the internet (the last non-censored mass media) is shut down, then half the battle is already won.

There are 20 different companies making H1N1flu vaccines. I highly doubt they are all equal.

I think if using the flu to initiate martial law or reduce population is a goal, then I think martial law and vacinations will be modified to tailor the results to different regions. Look at Detriot for example, the city is HUGE and 33% are below poverty level. At first sight of no-electrity, no-food, no fuel, or swine pandemic, there will be uncontrollable chaos. 40% will kill each other in first week or two without any help from globalists. Then MPs can come in after the chaos and clean up the bad element and the rest are easy clean-up. The lack of FEMA help after Katrina may have been a trial run for this. Now take a different scene....Austin Texas. In Austin, you have gun and grenade loving patriots of the USofA, who believe they are direct line descendants of the forefathers. And they have Jesus on their side too. They are more of a treat to globalists, so they need to work a little harder to control that population. They may do so by shipping flu vaccines to those locations that either do nothing, or enhance the virility of the virus, causing the flu in those locations to do the dirty work that the uncontrolled populus would do in other places, such as Detroit. Again, after a few weeks, MPs go in and clean up the left overs after a deadly flu rips the population apart. (now I am not saying this will happen, just commenting on what I would do if I wanted to eliminate 80% of the worlds population).

And after the population/society is broken down, you (I) would need a private militia to protect the rebuilding of a small infrastructure to support the chosen community. Why do you think there are so many private police forces (called Private Military Corporations or Private Security Corps PMCs or PSCs) ? Each one of those PSCs have a leader or person in charge. When TSHTF, those PMC and PSCs will be working for and protecting a small group of people. They think they are all working together now, but there are al;ready plans to eliminate everyone who is no longer needed once that time comes. When the police force is not needed to control the mass populations, they will be eliminated (time delay flu strain, catalyst or activating agent given at later date?). Each PMC will be secretly working to knock out other PMCs until there are only a few left around the globe that have mutual interests.

David Ikke knows this, but he does not talk so much about it as he talks about the broader concepts that try to prevent the scenario described above.
Then again, who is to say that the people "informing" the public that the swine flu vaccination is the real danger are not working for the globalists and that they know the H1N1 strain by it self will cull the planets population by a certain percentage, say 25%....if the populous is NOT vaccinated.

By scaring people away from the vaccine, they are increasing the number of people who will die from flu strain H1N1,or N2 ...whatever it takes.

There is a blue pill and a red pill.

Sorry to confuse anyone...
Stock market warning..Beware !/ Re: David Icke

Hi Rainman,

The link that you modified doesnt appear to be working.

I mentioned the other week that I believed that the Stock market may had topped...
and that it may had fallen into Oct 10th time frame..

As the Market has held high into this weekend... My signals suggest the market may
well be in for a Big we may see a big decline into
My next main date in mind is Dec 21st 09...

The last big signal I had like this was on Sept 19th 2008 and that was the biggest fall in history.

You paint a frightening scenerio...

Do you suspect that AJ and DI may be Goverment plants ? or genuiene in trying to educate us ?
Re: David Icke

...texas citizens would be locked and loaded.

Texas citizens are "always" locked and loaded, no " would be " there !

texas citizens - conficate guns

Good luck with confiscating a Texan's gun(S) ! Reckon the "big" city folks might'n be the same as anywhere else. Quite a different story out in the countryside. And in Texas, there is a whole lot o'countryside. Why, round these parts, even our elementary school aged kids are taught how to fire a gun, and how to hunt.

On a more serious note: I understand what you've pointed out in the relative post. I believe there is "some" merit with what you've mentioned, but the real problem's are borne from complacency and an inability to accept personal responsiblity.

The differences between men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and a gaggle of others whom founded this country yesterday, and the people sitting at home collecting welfare and/or disability checks thinking the government is out to kill 'em today, is quite clear.

It seems to me that a vast majority of folks have forgotten "who" the "governemt" is in this country. IF there is anything that anyone doesn't like, there are procedures set in place to change whatever it is not liked.

Unfortunately, most citizens are seemingly incapable of standing up and "doing something" themselves to bring about any changes, they only cry and complain, hoping somebody else does it for them.

Texas is going to secede from the Union, anyway, and become a member of OPEC. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: David Icke


and at the same time yes they could well offer an advantage to the goverment... in fact for all we know A.J could be working for them.. acting as our savior...that makes one even more paronoid..of what do you believe...I have questioned that also..

I surpose the question is would we rather not see what hes saying and Not log onto his site or accept what comes along...

Really? I would think the question (at least the more appropriate question) would be something like: Since the "evidence" (or lack thereof) could suggest either of these two extremes, does it even make any sense to worry about it either way?

The reality is, you don't know what you don't know. Plain and simple. To spend your life being paranoid (you used the word, and I believe it is very appropriate in your case) about scenarios which honestly have VERY LITTLE REAL EVIDENCE to support them is... a form of sickness.

You have posted enough now, timecycle, that I feel there is little room to doubt that you are fascinated by doom-and-gloom conspiracy stories. To the point where you seek them out. Now, I know you will likely respond with "well not so much fascinated as wishing to be informed", or something similar. But in all honesty, such a response is not fooling me. Do you really think that scaring yourself into "considering" any of these wacked-out stories is an intellectually healthy thing to do? And Paladius is doing nothing more than stoking your fire, which I also consider unhealthy.

Before anyone uses the tired conspiracy theorist creed of "it is better to be informed so you can be prepared", let me just point out that one aspect of a healthy mental condition (and you can research this in plenty of psych journals if you wish) is having the ability to know when something is out of your control, and simply letting go and choosing to focus on that which is in your realm of control.

Example: For all I know, the next time I take a biz trip to Dayton to work with the US Air Force, that pilot in the front of the airplane who is charged with my safety could possibly be a left-wing nutjob who is determined to "take out people who are killing our earth with excessive CO2 production." One might even drum-up some "evidence" from that pilot's past (if you can even find out who he is).

What are you going to do about it? (Other than worry your head off!)
Re: David Icke

Hi Rainman,

At the moment I think that the two main Consiracies(unless I have overlooked another) that have wrote about have been main "PX" and Goverment related issues... The Gov related issues that admittly can cover a wide range of 9/11 which yes I recall I did refer to.

I have been aware of David Icke and Axex Jones for sometime... and for me I surpose they have been the main people who have brought these things to my attention.

You say that I have little eveidence to confirm any of the recent issues that I have wrote about...
I myself may not, BUT I did assume that AJ and DI may well have far more... and all I am doing is
making ref to them.

I did only think the other day though, that maybe I should not be posting this on your site.. as you are not a direct conspiracy site and maybe IF I was the moderator I may not be too happy of having to deal with such topics.

If you or the majority do not really read this, then I will stop my posts..

I agree that much of this stuff is difficult to fullly prove.... all I am trying to do is point out what may be occurring that many of us may be completely unaware of...

Also few of us have any real power as individuals to do anything about it if this was true.

BUT I do see evidence IN MY opinion of some of these things occurring or going in this direction..
and I certainly do not like it one bit...

Chips in passports... etc where will they go from here...
Re: David Icke

Chips in passports... etc where will they go from here...

Perfect example, so let's consider the whole spectrum of issues surrounding this:

1) Is this not enormously better than chipping YOU? IOW, it is a relative issue and you are not examining it with respect to its relative value as well as its relative problems. You can always put the passport down and not carry it unless you wish to pass through an international gateway. Not so much if you have a chip in your body! :eek:

2) Are you aware that your passport does NOT belong TO YOU? (At least this is the way it is in the US, and most other countries). I realize you may get confused that, because you possess it, and because it identifies you, that it is your property. It is not. It is actually the property of the US government (just like the drivers license they issue you so you may enjoy the privilege, not the right, to drive on our roads).

I did only think the other day though, that maybe I should not be posting this on your site.. as you are not a direct conspiracy site and maybe IF I was the moderator I may not be too happy of having to deal with such topics.

I could care less about this, and this is why we have a conspiracy forum. I am more concerned about the mental health of people who spend so much time "worrying" about something for which there is so little real evidence. Post here all you want.

You say that I have little eveidence to confirm any of the recent issues that I have wrote about...
I myself may not, BUT I did assume that AJ and DI may well have far more...

You assume they have evidence. But have you seen it? I have not. The majority of what I read with respect to AJ is merely trumped-up innuendo and suggestion. That is not evidence, no matter how much you think it is. Regardless of how he "interprets" things, there is scant little that AJ presents that would stand the test of evidence in a Western court of law. Period.

all I am trying to do is point out what may be occurring

There are a lot of other things, for which there is even better evidence, that may be occurring that many are not aware of. For example, do you know just how much REAL, scientific evidence there is against Anthropogenic Global Warming (the idea that mankind, and not nature, is the driving force behind warming, which BTW has not been with us since about 2001)? Yet it appears so many people (in Europe as well as US) are buying-into it! Are you not concerned about what "may happen" as a result of this? Do you realize this is a way for the UN to take control of economies? With their most important target being the US economy! There is a "world government" alright. It is called the UN and it IS bent on taking over. But it is not hidden, unless you consider "right in front of your face" taking actions you see every day as "hidden".

It just seems you play one side of the record. I am pointing out there is a flipside to all of this stuff.
Re: David Icke

This may be a perfect eg of showing where they probably are going !...That is my main concern..
and yes the thought of this makes me VERY paroinoid and is without a doubt effecting my mental it would have done if I was a Jew and Hiltler/ the nazis were going to stamp me with his identity mark...only this time its going to be a microchip.... and this is already here...

They are starting with peoples pets and Rubbish Bins.... and also in the UK we have been asked if we want to buy a identity card which contains a chip..... talk about trying to sutaly bring it in.

New born babies will have them inplanted very soon IMO....

Talking of big brother, A survery came around a few weeks ago asking do we think we need cameras in our area to help cut crime.... A few weeks later... on NO Political VOTE... they have set them up in the area.... this is not just on main road, its on side roads....

The thing is the crime rate is not that bad... as I dont think we need them..

This is ALL happening very quickly.... SO YES I do suspect something is going on...

To me this is Becoming the start of total BIG BROTHER...and this is what David Ikce has warned about for some time now...

and I can understand that It may not be a good thing for me to post such material... as it can depress others....

But at the same time, I question should I make others beware....

If i was travelling around the USA, which I have done a few times , I need my passport to book into Hotels , hire a car etc... so they could Know every move I make ( within reason ) .. If they chiped us directly, they could know every move we make... This is one main thing that DI and AJ have been campaigning about and I agree entirely with their cause...

David Ikce explains in one of his videos about a man in the CIA who wanted to leave.. it was said he knew too much and he hated what he had got involved with.... It was said this operative was denyed leaving and has been planted with a RFID.... He cannot remove it or he will it somehow contains a poison or something that will activate if he trys to remove it...

I dont know for sure this is true... but I would not count it out...

There is a Hell of a lot of very serious consequences for certain people, that this could entail in a very negative way...... OK ...we may all think.. Yes, it would be ok for them to do this with criminals, potential terrorists etc... But any of us could end up in situations beyond our control that could lead us into bad situations with the law ...

Employers would know all ones personal details...maybe including things that we wouldnt want them to know.. this may be ok for employers, but may not so good for the general public....especially the poor... and more so in very difficult times when jobs are hard to get. Anyone with disabilities will find it harder to obtain employment...

1) Is this not enormously better than chipping YOU? IOW, it is a relative issue and you are not examining it with respect to its relative value as well as its relative problems. You can always put the passport down and not carry it unless you wish to pass through an international gateway. Not so much if you have a chip in your body!


PARDON any of us for being born ! and having any privalidges.... This seems like Total type Hitler worship ...that we have to be greatful for the Goverment allowing us to drive on the road or travel abroad.......... I am sure many of us are greatful for Life and its privaliges and SOME of the creations of mankind....

2) Are you aware that your passport does NOT belong TO YOU? (At least this is the way it is in the US, and most other countries). I realize you may get confused that, because you possess it, and because it identifies you, that it is your property. It is not. It is actually the property of the US government (just like the drivers license they issue you so you may enjoy the privilege, not the right, to drive on our roads).


With regards to Global Warming.... It does appear that this is a major genuiene issue...
Maybe it is , here appears a lot of proof.... Although I myself as an individual just like my other issues only take the word of so called experts...

The Other thing is the Earth runs in cycles of hot and Cold and has done throught out history..
So Global warming May be a natural cycle... although personally Just from the fact that the populations are greater than ever... I would be very surprised if it was not reasponsible..

There does appear to be some attack on the US economy... is it the UN.... If you follow David Ikce he will explain what goes on in the economy and how the elites rule this world with use of figure heads ,Gov / UN call it what you like.... Its all manipulated for their gain and our loSS to keep the masses down....and in low paid slavery for many... That is why the stock market world economy is crashing... to take away our wealth... and put it into their pockets...It happened in 1929/30s and it is happening again on an average life span of 75 yrs from the low of 1932 to top in 2007.....They dump the market and buy back in when prices are low and it / the cycle will start all over again....probably will be the same in Property market...

"Do you realize this is a way for the UN to take control of economies? With their most important target being the US economy! There is a "world government" alright. It is called the UN and it IS bent on taking over. But it is not hidden, unless you consider "right in front of your face" taking actions you see every day as "hidden".
what does it all mean?

I don;t know if AJ and DI are agents of good or bad. All I am saying is that IF I was going to control this planet one of the things I would do is infiltrate the enemy camp (those opposed to my world dominating control) so that I could make the transition from the current state of the world to my state of the world easier.

Unarmed people are of no concern to me. I can control them with basic necessities such as food, shelter, medicine, and sports games. It is the armed, self-sufficient individuals and groups that would not need my help to survive that offer the only real opposition to my take over. Texans are always locked and loaded, per KerrTexas. So they are a tough crowd. How do I get rid of/control them? I simply make them all sick with nasty flu strains and if they want to live, they need a vaccine, and if they want the vaccine, they need to come to my fema camp and get it, and once they are there, they need to stay a while for "quarantine" purposes. Here's how I'd do it. ... First give out some flu vaccines in very limited quantities (currently going on). Then I'd release a more deadly h1n2 virus that the vaccinated people would be immune to. The new virus sweeps through society quickly (I'm not worried about killing off my buddies, as they all know someone in the medical industry to get their vaccine). People start dieing by the massses. Cops and medical people are vaccinated and the public sees that the vaccines work. The public is afraid of the virus and will do anything to get the life saving vaccine. Fema, MPs, etc. set up make-shift camps to give out a new batch of vaccines, but since so many of the public has already been sick and basic services and businesses are shut down, and military law is in affect, it seems only natural that in order to get the vaccine, you must go to a fema camp and to prevent further contamination, after the shot, you need to be quarantined for a while. They'll do this in any number of the empty, newly built jails and high security bases that have been built in recent years. (ever notice how all those places are only built in gun-loving areas of the country? texas, arizona, montana....hmmmm). So, back to how I'd do it... you are not allowed to bring your weapons in to the fema camps to get the vaccines, even if you have a concealed carry'll be like a courtroom. So, once a critical mass of gun owners are secured, un-armed, I'd then send MPs around to a list of addresses to confiscate all guns, ammo. The list would include anyone who has purchased over 1000 rounds of ammo within the last 3 yrs. I'd have NSA track those via credit card purchases and internet orders. If you always bought ammo with cash, you might slip through the cracks. I'd store and compile all that data at one of many terraflop facilities around the country .

Side note here: the terraflop facilities are pretty cool. To start off they are in/on secured bases/compounds, but then they are usually 6-8 stories below ground. The entrances have a radar evading and electrified net canopy suspended over them...yes ELECTROFIED (for the paratroupers). Surrounding the entrance on land is a cobble stone moat 100' deep with stones around 6-8" in diameter...believe it or not, the government actually paid money to study this and found that it is physically impossible to run on cobble stones of that'd fall, twist, or break your ankles. Surrounding that are manned guard posts that are placed such that ...enough on that, it was just a side note.

ON to doom and gloom. I hope for the best, but I am prepared for the worst. I know too much not to be.

As for RFID chips, I agree with RMT that having the high tech passports is a good thing. Yes it sucks that you have to carry them to travel countries, but look around, this is a fuckeed up world, and without security measures such as that, it would be even more fckd up. You don;t need the passport for local travel. Here;s a thing most people don't know... the RFID chips have no batteries and work by absorbing an outside radio frequency, which the RFID converts that energy into a signal that is transmitted from the chip. What that basically means is that if you are in a place where you have cell phone service, you are in a place where someone can read/see your passport and triangulate its position. If there were an emergency situation and you left your home, you'd likely take your passport, as it may help you pass MP check points. By having that with you, you basically have a tracking device on you as long as you are within cell phone service range. You can block those signals though by creating a type of faraday cage around your passport. Cell phones are also tracking devices too, keep in mind.. Along with newer cars, GPS units, and some laptops. Nickel-steel alloys work well for shielding RF.
Biometrics / Re: David Icke

See what Alex jones has to say about the Biometric scan JUST TO RENEW his driving Licence...

NEXT they want our DNA of everyone on the Planet recorded on Goverment and maybe employment cards or documents.

The New Passport works in connection with scanners that can tell who you are from afar just from
JUST your Photograph on the passport in many airports....

So you can be detected JUST when entering an airport....

IF the authorities are waiting for someone they get alerted as soon as you enter the airport.

Yes Its a good thing if picking out Criminals / terroists... BUT they can also use it to snoop on behalf of employers etc etc... for eg if you happened to take a weeks holiday when on the sick...

Its now against the law to take your Kids on holiday out of School holidays here in the UK...

When I was young we always went away out of school holidays as it was much cheaper..

I feel very sorry for the kids today....

This is just one example of what control they are now trying to put on us..

I believe in the USA they are also wanting kids to have less holidays and be at school longer.
No doubt this will come in Europe anytime..
Biometrics / Re: David Icke

School should start at 930am, maybe 10 am and go until 5pm. That way the kids stay out of trouble after school and can pay more attention when they start school .

School is just a baby sitter and social club. If your child is to be an individual and intellectual, you must teach him or her yourself.
CIA RFID Chip / Re: David Icke

not hard to believe at all.

I saw pictures of developed nano-motors (molecule by molecule) 10 years ago along with other various machines. All smaller than the diameter of peach fuzz. That means those machines, 10 years ago, could have been suspended in fluids and injected like a shot.

I have not had privilege of seeing what has been developed in past 8 yrs, but I knew where they were headed, and I can only assume that that level was reached around 2005.

A poster previously linked a government study called AirForce 2025. Read it. One of the variables is for technology and whether it is exponential or condensed. What that means is whether high technology is available to masses or available to a select few (condensed). High technologies are condensed. Even though, you make think your iphone is da bomb, it is really old school in terms of what the top science minds are making these days.

What is even more interesting, and my focus of study, is how all the latest sciences from neurology to quantum physics, to pyschology, to earth science to chemistry and biology, astro, social, etc. all combine inside the human mind. The more you feel , the more you know.