Alex Jones videos have been taking my interest lately..with his theories aboutthe New World Order
and How a New Hiltler Nazi Type of regieme may be developing which the majoroity of us are unaware of..
Hello there!
i found these ones:
Jay Rockefeller: Internet should have never existed (and soon it won't)
Illuminati logo and double Eagle logo:
JFK told us the TRUTH.
Bilderbergers Want Global Currency
The MJ 12 List:
<font color="red"> J1: JMM
Adm. John M McConnell
a/k/a "Daddy-O"
Richard B Cheney
Vice-Resident, USA
Porter Goss
former DCI
a/k/a the CIA director
a/k/a "Snotface"
Adm. Bobby Ray Inman
former NSA director
a/k/a "The Cryptkeeper". However
in his defense, his Wikipedia entry contains the following: "In 2006, Inman criticized the Bush administration's use of warrantless domestic wiretaps, making him one of the highest-ranking former intelligence officials to criticize the program in public
Henry (Heinz) Alfred Kissinger
former Sec'y of State under Tricky Dick Nixon as well as his National Security Advisor
J6: ZB
Zbigniew Brzezinski
another former National Security Advisor, but the Democratic answer to J5. Highly critical of the Bush administration's Iraq policy
Richard B Myers
a/k/a "CJCS"
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Resident Bush until his recent retirement in Sept. 2005
J8: KT
Kevin Tebbit
Permanent Under Secretary for the British Ministry of Defence
alleged to be the "K" who provided or arranged for some of the 'leaked' information given to Burisch
J9: CT
Carol Thatcher
daughter to former Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher of Great Britain and a school chum to Dan while he was 'schooling' in the British Isles, appointed by Dan to succeed him as J9, Dan having succeeded Romano Prodi, an alleged Illuminist who was Prime Minister of Italy before Berlusconi
J10: AG
Alan Greenspan
former chairman of the Federal Reserve
a/k/a "Xxxx Xxxx"
deleted out of deference to Andrea Mitchell, his wife and a current leading broadcast journalist for NBC News
J11: HEV
Harold E Varmus
former Director of the National Institutes of Health and "an American Nobel prize winning scientist. He was a co-recipient (along with J. Michael Bishop) of the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovery of the cellular origin of retroviral oncogenes."
J12: (previously EM Kelly) [/COLOR]
Prince Philip Implies World Needs 95% Population Reduction
and Quoting my friend Softkiller:
George Ure, from thw Web Bots fame, said today there is one thread in another forum about some planetoid coming our way, which he thinks is credible.
I think it's worth to give some credit to it.
<a href=""&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us" target="_blank">"&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us[/url]</a>
Quid Veritas est?
end quoted...
<font color="blue">Interesting Isn't it? (Maybe it's just me)