Frequency Experiment 2009.


Temporal Novice

I am an amateur "psyentist" for The Cyma Institute (previously known as University of Washington). We are conducting a social experiment. What we seek is the the most popular form of internet communication medium, preferably a Internet forum like this one. A forum that is very popular in the year 2009 will do great. The more attention this experiment receives the better it will work.

Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute.
I have nothing specific in mind, simply an Internet forum that is well known. You will learn more about this experiment sooner rather than later.

Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute
This sounds like something preston nichols would talk about.
I believe he said he came to that conclusion also.
wow they got a lot of pages going on over there on that forum.

Yeah frequencies are all cool and everything until someone figures out how to
"cancel" someone out. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif Why is technology ALWAYS used for evil.
There is SO much good we can do with it.
Nothing to do with him as far as I know. I just remember Preston talking about everything
being frequencies and sound also. I don't know just remembered it that is all.
I was reading over there on the link I provided.
And when your methods are questioned and you can't prove yourself, which forum will you go to next? You ran away from us here at GLP pretty damn fast... coward. Theres a lot of questions for you to answer, get back here. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
have nothing specific in mind

You're a scientist from the performer formerly known as University of Washington, you're conducting a social science experiment and you have nothing particular in mind. Correct?

Not much of an experimental design, Perfeser. Why don't you go back to the lab at University of Washington, talk to your collegues and maybe get something particular in mind before spending tax payer and donor money on yet another program?
Just for grins, why would a professor (or grad student - you didn't say which) at a major university announce that he was posting from the university and use a Hong Kong proxy server to post?
No, sir. I was referring to Internet Communication Medium. I have no specific forum or medium in mind. However, a lot of time has gone into planning this experiment. Our team are truly dedicated to it´s purpose - I am lucky to be a part of this. Taxes don´t come into this. The monetary system has long since collapsed.

We use whatever means possible to interact with these Internet forums. Technology evolved beyond the digital age. Our only option is to use what was available during this time.

I apologise for any misunderstanding.

Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute.
I'm telling you'll of what 369.994 posted on GLP. He said that he from the year 2079. And he is communicating from that time to 2009. Using his own human brain. Which is connected to some kind of computer type system.

This isn't just one of his posts he made there. It's from more then one post he posted there. I don't know why I'm calling 369,994 a he? 369.994 could easily be a she.
However, a lot of time has gone into planning this experiment. Our team are truly dedicated to it´s purpose - I am lucky to be a part of this.

Well, I do hope that this goes a bit smoother here than it did on GLP, meaning your pre-planning, getting authority to answer questions before they are asked, etc. On GLP you seem to have jumped the gun by posting without total authority to answer questions, i.e. "I don't have authority to answer that so I'll have to check and get back to you on it." You do seem to have the ability to have all your proverbial ducks in line before next posting. Just read ahead and be ready to answer questions not yet asked (relative to our proper time here in 2009).

I say that you have that ability because on GLP you told a member that on 11-NOV-2009 s/he'd contract some disease and post about it on that day on GLP. So, "I'll have to check on that one" probably won't be a useful or even a particularly honest answer.

Anyway, lay out your experiment - details would be nice. Fluffy, touchie-feelie New Age rhetoric won't cut the mustard. You're a scientist. That language would do nicely.

Thanks in advance - but you already knew in advance that I'd be thanking you in advance.
And he is communicating from that time to 2009. Using his own human brain. Which is connected to some kind of computer type system.

Well...that part is not far-fetched. They are actually working on that now. Human-computer link.
It is going to be great for those like Hawking ...if he is still alive then.

You guys have to realize that even if someone may not be telling the truth about being a time traveler sometimes there is still information to be gathered or ideas to be spawned from their conversation. You should not cut people off so quickly. There is no harm in talking to people to see what they have to say. If you cut everyone off this forum would be dead...and thats not very fun.