Following John Titor

My bad. I never saw the threads you alluded to. I just posted it thinking it was fairly new. I couldn't care less about it either. It's a big joke to me, always has been. I usually don't waste my time with junk like this. Thanks for clueing me in. I won't waste any more time here or on that site either.

Nah - it's not a waste of time. There are people who hadn't seen the old thread before - here and on GLP. I'm personally not interested in running down the facts by asking Mr. Pohlman because I spent far too much time on the Titor Saga a decade ago. But that doesn't mean that someone like yourself, if interested, can't run this down.

I did do some work three years ago that I'll share with you:

Check out Pohlman's MySpace page:

Read his blogs to get an idea about who he is: sci-fi fan, typical Bay Area politics, claims of being able to "share dreams", etc.

Check out this member profile at The Out-Of-Body Travel Foundation:

Again, I'm not convinced that there's a smoking gun here, but it was interesting news. I stated in my last post that the entire application looks like a joke. There is another possibility and I'm surprised that no one picked up on it: he could have inserted the schematics into the application without any references simply as a message for someone to find - "Here's Titor". I don't buy it because there's no evidence to suggest it, but it's something to consider.

I don't know if you read the application. I have read it. It's, how do I say this nicely?, pretty typical Internet rambling pseudo-science. When you take some time to read further you discover some more facts about how he came to "invent" whatever ti is that he invented:

In 2003 he was under the influence of Modafinil that he said was prescribed in an off-label clinical trial for his Hodgkin's Lymphoma - and it temporarily seriously enhanced his mental abilities. So it's not surprising that his paper was a rambling mess and he somehow convinced himself that he had invented something that needed to be patented.