Experiment 002 - Cognitive Future Building

You folks are talking about things like creating a supernova, or making it rain fish, or causing Arod to be traded to the Reds, or earthquakes...... ???? Whatever happened to the tried and true wish of mankind for whirrled peas? Why not give that a go for August 10th? I am sure Darby could make it tight enough to meet experimental standards. Why not start small? Iraq. Peace in Iraq on August 10th. Ought to be a lot easier than supernovas, and definitely easier than getting Arod to give up his current fluff job. And I think it meets Pamela's request to do something good and not hurt people.
Pamela, please stop quoting me. I, and others reading this forum, I think, can follow the train of thought long enought to not have everything repeated. (somehow I expect to see the previous sentence in quotes soon). Ok. I do not want to do all the things mentioned (solar flares, raining fish, etc.) These are just ideas that we are discussing and when a group of people can agree on one item, we can better define the terms and try to manifest the event. I am open to any of the ideas that were suggested except the baseball and political ones, as like you said, without personal interest, I will not devote any thought to the subject.

And I did not say that predicting an earthquake in california and seeing one in minnesota was a hit. Our "hits" were within 10-20 miles of the target location, on the day predicted. If you can predict the epicenter of an earthquake within 20 miles, 40% of the time, then should being calling that a "hit". And no, I was not the one in Ventura.

Darby, like Pamela said, the lack of baseball interest for for deadens the thoughts. You are welcome to try this yourself, however my thoughts will not be centered on the task. And yes there are hundreds of earthquakes a day (usually small ones below 4 on the scale). You really need a 5 or better to feel something. We chose 5's as they are not harmful, yet not as common as the smaller scale quakes. Often we would notice a quake of lesser magnitude (3.2 for example) in the location and the time predicted, but these were not counted because as you know, there are lots of these. Of course there is a lot more square miles of california too and there seemed to be something to the fact that these lesser hits where more dead on in location and time. From what we dicussed, it seemed like our thoughts created an energy which built up over time and became more refined. My analogy for this one is like using Google Earth. You can zoom in real quick on a location of a house, but it takes the google server a 10 seconds to down load the close-up image. During the 10 seconds, you see at first just colored blobs with no definition. after a few more render passes, you start to make out a rectangle shape, a little longer and you see the defined resolution of the house you zoomed in on. If, during that 10 seconds though, you move the location, you will never see the house in full resolution. Maybe you only made it to the point where the house was seen as a rectangle. This, in quake prediction was like getting a 3 instead of a 5, or having the epicenter on the mountain edge instead of the valley center. The longer and more trained our group thoughts on one item are, the more accuarte the results.

Timenot, your political interjection was partially interesting, but didn't have much to do the experiment. Lets focus.
Lets say that this experiment is a success. We manage to do something because we predicted it, and the collective concious thought about it and managed to get it done. What will happen after that? Don't you think that many people will take concience about it? Use it for the worse? That is why powers and knowledge like this is only available to those with the needed spiritual advancenment because it is known that they won't use it to harm people but to help them.

Even though it would be interesting to see if it could really happen, I must say that I suggest against itFor all we know paladius is trying to see if it works in a mass scale, so he can go off and use it for himself...
I am focused. What is not explained is whether the prediction should be positive or negative and right now it all seems to add to the negativity already dwelling on this Planet.


Is anyone stating that predictions of positive things are out of this World?

So the only positive thing coming to mind is that Tony Blair will not be dead in the Middle East, and will continue to strive his (England's) domination (started up) again from that Country. Oh, I guess only part of that is positive, the rest is the result of their habits of interference that may will make the world worse again while stating something like they are fighting Nazi's again or some such BS. Not the same, so the prediction is that they do not actually think.

Well, perhaps I can come up with something else, like whether Vista from Microsoft is not shown to be a big elephant of an OS that does not sell as much as Microsoft wants to impress you with spending more of your money to keep their billions rolling in.

Prediction ----- the heat will be hot in August.

That's all I can think of:

Oh, the Pope will not have to leave the Vatican then as of yet perhaps due to extremism in this World.

Wait: I know, oh, forget it, I'll try and think of something else maybe more positive.

Pamela, please stop quoting me.

Whoa, big fella. There's a reason why we have a UBB "Quote" code. We quote the original poster so that there is no confusion about who and what is being responded to. It's inappropriate to scold a member for providing a quote (especially if the member being scolded is the senior member present).
Know what? I really think this is worth a try. I'd like to see a group of us experiment with time travel and take note of what we see in the future (I suppose not too far away) and get verification on that date we set in the future. We've talked a lot about individual time travel, but know what? Group travel might have more positive results, especially if we are all of a kindred spirit. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]

That one was your idea.

Yeah I don't like those either.


yes that is true usually.

that's not necessarily true.


I think you need to pick your own subject then.
yo yeye, what do think is happening in the world now? The war, the conspiracy, the hunger, the corruption...its all a result of the world collective conscious. People who have this knowledge use it for good? I doubt it. And I think if one person wants something and one person doesn't than they negate each other, unless one is much stronger mentally. So, in the end, the results are almost always what the majority wants. If want hell, we will get hell (as Jack says). And I will use this for myself? Well what would you think I would use it for? Maybe we can all focus on me winning the lotto. I'll buy you all a new hybrid car. I promise. Lets say the numbers 8.10.7 are 10,13,6,38,4 and 47. Thanks in advance ya'll!

Timenot, I think enhancing the Aurora Borealis is a positive thing. It may result in Aurora parties arcross the country and many people may meet at those parties and fall in love. It could also result in a future weapons designer instead becoming an astromomer. Plus it's pretty.

Darby, you're probably right. Pamela, my appologies.

Experiment1, sure, why not. How do you suggest we group time travel? It that a dream thing or should I make bong?

Ok Pamela, please quote away. I have no idea what you are talking about. Auroras down to souther state latitudes? I think thats a good one.
Jack Johnson, on I think his Brushfire Fearytales album said "if hell is what we want than hell is what we will recieve", or something like that.

ps- I'm surprised no one has asked about the coordinates I used as an example location earlier. Being that everyone here is into time travel in all.
I still have yet to hear one good reason why peace in Iraq is not a good target, and also a noble goal. Are all you people really that selfish and only concerned about mundane things? I'm especially surprised at Pamela and Darby, since they seem to wish to appear ethical. Do we not wish to live in a peaceful world?
There are several people already praying for Peace in Iraq. Peace in Iraq involves individuals free will. It has to be through their own choices and actions that bring it about.
It will require God working in their hearts to bring about change. Several of the other suggestions mentioned had nothing to do with over riding people's free will.

If you feel this strongly about Iraq you could always go and enlist in the military and be part of the change first hand. God does work through people and you could be one instrumental and influencing in bringing about this change first hand in the people you run into over there.

Other than that what are you going to do change the vibrational state of the whole atmosphere over there so people felt peace? How long could you hold this up? What is going to be the concentration point? How long could you do it? What you want over there is a lasting change and that has to come from the peoples decision themselves.

You cannot force peace on people it has to be something they want.
ps- I'm surprised no one has asked about the coordinates I used as an example location earlier. Being that everyone here is into time travel in all.

"such as 34 degrees 17' 39.60" N and 116 d 24' 13.30" W" =
converted into decimals=

Latitude 34.294333333333334
Longitude -116.40369444444445

plug coordinates in here

as it will not let me post the results page directly.
There shall be a law: "Congress has to get a note from his/her mommy explaining his/her self."

My note states "My son was attacked by a ruthless person (part of two people) that was smiling and conflict resulted."

The other law: "There shall be self-defense lessons taught to kids in grade school."

No, well then, still trying to come up with something then.

I suppose though that there are people praying for Peace in the Middle East though everyday. They probably do that. Although little known perhaps.
Inda, peace would be great, but I think we need to take a few baby steps first. There are so many millions of people that have deep religion hatred in that region of the world, that 10 people scattered across the globe wishing well thoughts will not change anything noticable enough for us to have concrete evidence of success. Without evidence of true success on Aug.1oth or 11th, there will no doubt be little interest in performing the next, slightly larger experiment.

So PAmela, do you know where those coords lead you?

Timenot, you;re still losing me. Auroras at low latitudes 8.10.7.
2400 Westwing Landers Ca 92285

Close to Linn RD running horizontally and Belfield Blvd. running vertically.
Those exact coords do not come up so I assume this is the most accurate?
It looks to be right in the middle of a circle in a circle but I do not know what it is.
It also seems to not be far from a military base. The 29 palms marine corps base.
The circle in teh circle is a building that was designed as a longevity machine. The design plans, according the builder came from being from outerspace. The builder was an airforce test pilot in teh 1950's, recieved teh plans, spent 20 years building it and died before he finished. Most thought he was a mad man. I have seen teh building personally and it uses Tesla technolgy from tesla patents that were never exploited/used, as they seemed to have no econoical or useful purpose. If you are close by, take a drive out to the desert and see for yourself.

Auroras visible all the way to FLorida on August 10th 2007!
I am not close by. I live in Ohio. I would love to visit there someday. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Is there a web site on it where we can read more about it?

I know why you like that location. Because it kind of looks like a dart board from the air. LOLOL
Theres a round circular building in the center of something circular and then a larger circle of something. kind of like a bulls eye! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
What you're talking about is the Integratron built by Contactee George Van Tassel. I lived on the property for about six months about 15 years ago. This was well before the big (Landers) quake. Landers itself is --or was-- not much more than a post office and and Eagles Hall.It is a few miles away from Joshua Tree.

Van Tassel wanted to use high voltage for Lakhovsky treatment, but the structure was never completed.The dome-shaped building is constructed without metal. I have looked the Integratron over very carefully. Right around the corner, about a mile to two away in the desert is the old Giant Rock Airport that Van Tassel used to maintain, and which was the site for many a UFO Convention, which attracted thousands of people in the late 50's.Nearby Giant Rock is Crystal Hill which used to have a huge piece of quartzite at the top of it. A local resident named Daniel Boone told me someone had carved a chair in it. It is also a perfectly symmetrical hill less than a hundred feet high.

Yes, just over the hill is a Marine base (I think) Twenty-nine Palms. There is also an orchid growing greenhouse near the property.