Experiment 002 - Cognitive Future Building

"PAmela, maybe you want to propose an event which is more feminine? I figured a burst of light might be inspiring to many people and if it came from an undeveloped solar system, no harm done. Those things do happen anyways, very rarely, but maybe we could push the time table for one to August 10th, or 11th, or 12th, etc. I have that whole week off. ;-)
If the burst of light still causes you anguish over little space bugs getting a tan, then maybe we can try to heart shaped clouds?"

Hmmmm...Exploding supernovas wasn't really on my agenda to do this summer.:)
To be more accurate shouldn't you pick out the star first? I mean you really wouldn't want stars
exploding into supernovas all over the place would you?
"If the burst of light still causes you anguish over little space bugs getting a tan, then maybe we can try to heart shaped clouds?"

There is a lot of things you have not considered. You want a fantastic light show so you have to pick a rather close one. Such as ETA CARINAE. But what happens if it explodes before its time?
Its about 7500 light years away. However the lobes appear right now to be tilted away from us at about 40 degrees or so. Thats actually a good thing. Because when stars like this explode they tend to shoot off beams of energy and matter and gamma rays which at a distance of 7500 light years could kill every living thing on Earth.
But since it is pointed away all we would get is a spectacular light show.
So in picking your star consider this:

a. gamma-ray burst aimed at you-bad
b. Pretty supernova with no accompanying high energy radiation-good.

The risk is a little more than space bugs getting a tan. You want a brilliant light show bright as the moon at night and also seen in the day. Then you have to pick one that if not aimed right could also destroy the planet.

iN My experiences, sometimes the less one knows the better in these situations. Prior to your last post, a light show was all that was to be expected. People would think light show and get light show. Not radiation pulses and downed satellites and airplanes.

Now that you brought it to everyones attention that there may be radiation associated the light, the collective conscious will be focusing on radiation as well as a visible light show. So yes, now we need to be more careful, thanks to your insight.

Another way of looking at it is this: if a lonely man walks down a street and falls visually inlove with a girl on the street, goes home and posts a "missed connection" add on Craigs List looking for the girl who he was too shy to talk to when he had teh chance, and posts the add looking for "the hot blond walking the white dog on Main Street". He may get a response the girl he saw, not knowing that she is married, used to be a guy, and has herpes, ...or, he could get a response from another blond girl who walked her white dog down main street 15 minutes before the other girl did. This girl happens to be single, well mannered, and looking for love too. The end result is what teh man was looking for,but he achieved that result without going all teh hassles of discovering one drunk night that his girlfriend has a dick.

Ok, thats a bad analogy. Less is sometimes more.
"Another way of looking at it is this: if a lonely man walks down a street and falls visually inlove with a girl on the street, goes home and posts a "missed connection" add on Craigs List looking for the girl who he was too shy to talk to when he had teh chance, and posts the add looking for "the hot blond walking the white dog on Main Street". He may get a response the girl he saw, not knowing that she is married, used to be a guy, and has herpes, ...or, he could get a response from another blond girl who walked her white dog down main street 15 minutes before the other girl did. This girl happens to be single, well mannered, and looking for love too. The end result is what teh man was looking for,but he achieved that result without going all teh hassles of discovering one drunk night that his girlfriend has a dick."

In other words if we all saw a bright light that looked like an exploding supernova and later
found out it was just a display of several UFO's that thought they had stealthed themselves
but didn't then everything is A-OK? Because all we wanted was a safe light show?
It would be like the same result minus the dick? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Let's try a headline that dosen't invlove special relativity (a super nova on a star 700+ light years away as is Rigel

We might want to think into existence something that is possible but otherwise not very likely - and which doesn't involve endangering life and property.

Let's try this not-too-likely headline:

Alex Rodriguez is traded to the Cincinnati Reds on July 31st, 2007 just prior to the trading deadline (August 1st).

(This one might involve some threat to life and limb for George Steinbrenner but it isn't a national disaster like a bombing, war, etc. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif)

If it happens then we can conclude that there is the possibility that the think system had some effect (but its not a slam dunk - it could happen anyway).

There is a very definite way to verify that the event occured -

Very specific date (July 31st)

Very specific teams - Yankees and Reds

Very specific player - Alex Rodriguez

Steinbrenner might be in a mood to unload salaries and Alex could be traded by August 1st if the Yankees continue to falter. But the Reds are cellar dwellers this year and would most likely also be unloading salaries, not taking on a hundred million dollars in new salaries. So a trade to just any team (not the Reds) is a miss. Only a trade to the Reds is a hit. A trade of any other player to the Reds by the Yankees is a miss. Only a trade of Alex Rodriguez is a hit. The same trade on any other date is a miss (but would obviously be the subject of further research investigation if that specific player and teams make the transaction given the current situation). A miss, yes - but an interesting one.

Just a bit more to the scenario...

Alex has a no trade clause in his contract as he did in Texas. He left both Texas and Seattle for the salary and to be a part of a winning organization. He landed with the Yankees for those reasons and for the very unique New York City life of fame of Big Apple professional athletes. So for this scenario to come to pass a lot has to happen...

Alex has to waive his no trade clause, the salary has to be right and he has to like the new situation.

If it occurs, given this additional information, it bolsters the cause-effect relationship. Still not a slam dunk, but makes a positive outcome something to look into - to extend the experiment to one or more similar scenarios and see if the positive result can be repeated (experimental verification).

Darby you are adding too many details. I say we should try to do something funny and useful like raining fish all over a place or something. LOL I mean clean up might be a pain but atleast you could hold your frying pan out the window and fry some. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think we should pick somewhere in california so Darby can witness it in the newspaper.
Darby would have to pick an area by a large amount of water. Less than 100 miles inland.Its not impossible but it is very rare. and Paladius you said you had some success with controlling weather. ???

raining fish article
Hypothesis: The future is a manifestation of the present world collective conscious and subconsciousness'. Any future can be manipulated through the beliefs and mental trains of a group of individuals.
Your bucking against the odds here maybe!

Tony Blair is to become Middle East envoy. Is he the right man for the job?

The outgoing UK prime minister will work on behalf of the US, Russia, the UN and the EU.

Mr Blair has said: "The absolute priority is to try to give effect to what is now the consensus across the international community - that the only way of bringing stability and peace to the Middle East is a two-state solution."

Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, criticised the appointment and said Blair had not been honest or helpful while prime minister.


The English remain an unsentimental lot when it comes to prime ministers.


And all the while Tony Blair spoke not about the minutiae of policies and quotas but reached for the stars with speeches about values and faith. He began to sound less and less like the man in Number 10 and more like the guy in the White House.

The combination of presidential charisma with a parliamentary majority was at its most successful when he persuaded his party against their better judgement to go along with the war of choice in Iraq.

The infatuation with America, emboldened by the belief that Britain must stand solidly behind its strongest ally, became Tony's fatal attraction. The hour of success began the countdown to failure.


"I believe" may be a fundamental thought that adheres to forces out of your control.
Also for a very brief moment, it must be the News that had me think of a sinister thought.

Something about a very large sand storm covering over the Middle East, Iran, and Afghanistan, only to be dug up looking for remains after a couple of thousand years.

Have to develop thought control first, but being positive is the hardest sometime thing to do.


Wait and see?

Ya, right!
Quoted Paladius to avoid over-exposition to X-Ray/Gamma Radiatoin and Time/Gravitational Waves to this planet -: 1drfl, just what the planet need...

"iN My experiences, sometimes the less one knows the better in these situations."

No this Time...

"Tens of millions of years ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a massive star suffered a nasty double whammy.

A color image of SN2006jc (center) taken by the Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT) at Lick Observatory on Oct. 13, 2006. The smudge to the upper left of the supernova is the visible part of the galaxy in which it occurred, UGC 4904, located 77 million light years from Earth. (Credit: Mohan Ganeshalingam, Alex Filippenko & Weidong Li/UC Berkeley/KAIT/Lick Observatory)

Signs of the first shock reached Earth on Oct. 20, 2004, when the star was observed letting loose an outburst so enormous and bright that Japanese amateur astronomer Koichi Itagaki initially mistook it for a supernova. The star survived for nearly two years, however, until on Oct. 11, 2006, professional and amateur astronomers witnessed it blowing itself to smithereens as Supernova (SN) 2006jc.

-crunch to avoid images-

The Swift satellite saw the supernova continue to brighten in X-rays for 100 days, something that has never been seen before in a supernova. All supernovae previously observed in X-rays have started off bright and then quickly faded to invisibility.

"You don't need a lot of mass in the ejecta to produce a lot of X-rays," noted Immler. Swift's ability to monitor the supernova's X-ray rise and decline over six months was crucial to the mass determination by Immler's team. But he added that Chandra's sharp resolution enabled his group to resolve the supernova from a bright X-ray source that appears in the field of view of Swift's X-ray telescope. "
end quoted...
Apollo 20 Alien Spaceship on The Moon CSM Flyover
Well Darby, I've never watched more than 2 minutes of baseball game in my entire life. And as Pamela said, its way tooo detailed. Our experiences with earthquke prediction was one that we could predict the general features (a scale of 5 as opposed to 4 or 6, but not 5.4 for example). When we tried predicting a very specif location, such as 34 degrees 17' 39.60" N and 116 d 24' 13.30" W we were always wrong, as we never came that close to hitting the mark exactly. A prediction like that may result in a quake along the same fault, but a few miles away. For us, that was considered a likely event being that we came within a few miles of the envisioned location among millions of sqaure miles of desert. If you baseball scenario followed through, I would not expect the details to all match up. The date may be a day or two off, one of the teams may be different, or even the player. A positive hit would be if 2 or more of your details manifested themselves.

With the quakes, we discovered that our "guidance" or thought control over the vision was only that, guidance. Its like playing darts. You aim at a bullseye, but offten hit the outside the bullseye. In many games, the area near the bullseye still count as points, as long as you hit the board.

try this... put a darr board in an empty room. have a dart in your hand and spin around till you are dizzy with your eyes closed. Keeping your eyes closed, after you gain your balance again, shoot the dart. If you hit the dart board at all, that is considered impressive, and a positive hit in my book.

Timenot, Blair-no, sandstorm, yes.

Pamela, I like the fish idea. Could be frogs too. If we were to suggest raining reptiles in georgia on August 10th, and fish rained down in North Carolina, I'd say that we are getting somewhere being that raining any animals is so rare.

Recall, how about a X class solar flare eruption on August 10th that is aimed such that is only skimms the earths northern atmosphere. So, yeah it;ll fry a few government satelittes, but the aURORA B could be visible all the way down to florida. Lets hope for clear skys too.
"shoot the dart. If you hit the dart board at all, that is considered impressive, and a positive hit in my book."

"I would not expect the details to all match up. The date may be a day or two off, one of the teams may be different, or even the player. A positive hit would be if 2 or more of your details manifested themselves.

Timenot, Blair-no, sandstorm, yes.

Pamela, I like the fish idea. Could be frogs too. If we were to suggest raining reptiles in georgia on August 10th, and fish rained down in North Carolina, I'd say that we are getting somewhere being that raining any animals is so rare.

Recall, how about a X class solar flare eruption on August 10th that is aimed such that is only skimms the earths northern atmosphere. So, yeah it;ll fry a few government satelittes, but the aURORA B could be visible all the way down to florida. Lets hope for clear skys too."

You want to do ALL of them at the same time? Isn't that a little much?
Are you saying you actually want to do a sandstorm over all of the area Timenot suggested and bury a bunch of people like that? Frying a few gov. satellites? And no I did not want to do frogs. I wanted to do fish.

Saying you want to do an earthquake over california and then one appears in Minn. Is not a hit for me.

Besides I don't want to be part of anything that causes harm to someone I am dropping out of the experiment. Are you sure that "you" were not the one kicked out for questionable behavior?

Well Darby, I've never watched more than 2 minutes of baseball game in my entire life.

That's two minutes more than the time you've spent watching a supernova.

You asked for someone to post a headline. I posted a headline. I asked for a tight experimental design. I posted a tightly designed experiment.

I have to ask, relative to the headline that I posed versus any other headline posted, what relevence does having experience with the subject of the headline have to do with your hypothesis? That you have no experience helps to eliminate researcher bias. That you have no particular interest in the outcome of the event is a positive element to the design, not a negative.

But if you are rejecting particular headlines, instead of asking for members to post one, why don't you eliminate the middle people and post your own headline?
"That you have no particular interest in the outcome of the event is a positive element to the design, not a negative."

You would have to have SOME interest or it would be too boring to visualize and think on.

Don't worry Darb according to him he is doing them all.

Maybe he figures the more dart boards there are the better chance he has of hitting one.

The problem with earthquake predictions, if they are loosely defined, is that there are so many of them. We have, at a minimum, 500 earthquakes every month in California. And during the course of a year there isn't any particular 100 square mile area of California that doesn't experience at least one quake. You end up with a debate over the outcome. If the outcome is subject to a lot of debate then the outcome, so far as proving the hypothesis, is negative. That's why I strongly suggest a tightly drawn design.

You don't want debatable results if you're doing honest scientific research. The kind of debate that I'm talking about is the sort where the test is a magnitude X earthquake on date Y at location Z and you have a result of magnitude A on date B at location C and call a hit because "it was close enough".

Your hypothesis is that the power of thought can cause an event to occur - not that it can cause a similar event to occur or a "close enough" event to occur.

It's better to have a false negative than a false positive.

A false positive brings the experiment to a close because the wrong inference is made - hypothesis is true. You're satisfied with the (wrong) result and probably won't question it.

A false negative does not necessarily end the experiment. You go back, look at the design, see if you made any bad decisions in the design, make alterations as necessary and try it again. If you continue to get negative results you then conclude that the hypothesis is false.

You're funny.

On the serious side I really don't have a problem with this experiment. A good experiment, properly put together, can be fun to participate in no matter what the result. If this experiment unambiguously concludes that there is some validity in the hypothesis then we've made a real discovery. That much alone makes it worth a proper design.

If his pal really worked for a legitimate "think tank" he'd agree. Think tanks do work for clients. Clients pay real (big)money to the tank. The client expects a professional job and useful output. Apparently this experiment was the subject of research in the anonymous tank - which means that a real client paid real money for the work. Unless the guy was terminated for using company resources for his personal unauthorized research. (Just a guess on my part).
I am not suggesting anything for the experiment. I think this world is in enough of a mess to not and try to make any predictions coming up in August or anything else. The heat will be hot then, and as always, August seems to be a month when people start doing weird things again. (I think Saddam started off war in August?)

You see, to me, all three major religions have been sort of fighting complaining about radicals while they are being radicals against the freedom of religion here in the USA sort of. There are deep divisions and the result is a bunch of stalemates with people again not paying any fines and involving the rest of us while they apply their whims here. The Democrats again to seek revenge (being mainly maybe the Catholics complaining about the Republicans) while seeking their kind of revenge seeking and anti-social agenda because it is they who would claim that there is not enough money to move the illegals back out of the Country so first, they would make money and then remove them, all the time while it was them who wanted them in the Country in the first place to help them get more time to probably try and make more money, while stating that the Republicans are there to help people out, so to them it is to help out Catholics, and again this has been going on for years between these two major religions. Or why do not people go to Church in this Nation? Add to that the President of Iran (is He the Lord Jesus Christ?) wanting to join in, but actually does he want to get blown off the planet again, to set a precedent because of the religions not being able to get along, while creating the same circumstances like when the Lord was crucified because the Romans made the Jews do that?

This all leads to only some people stating that they can do what they want to, and this has been going on for 40 some years, and started up because these people in the end are liars and cheats and unethical characters who state that they are better because they keep wanting to state that?

This in the end leaves the Devil to work out his plan in the last few remaining years as some people think about what is going on via websites on the Internet.

With the illegals this happened I guess back in 1986 also when Reagan was President.

I guess these people can not get it through their heads that they do not run any Churches but have been doing their falsehoods and such for many a year. It is wrong, some refuse to pay any fines, and I do not like arrogant people who think they can do what they want to, because they will not be charged for anything like they should be. It started in Illinois when I was married and it was Iowa that started it up as far as I am concerned although some was going on in Illinois. Some babyboomers can not straighten up on this Planet, and they never intend to, and never wanted to -- with some form of seeking revenge or spite because they continue to deny what it is they are doing.
They in some cases have tried to blame some others, and it is they the ones doing that who are not paying any fines. It is not going to continue, because I think what was said above about the President of Iran.

Of course no one has to agree and all of it could be just some stubborness, but if anything this Nation is in no condition to dictate to others on this Planet as well as some other Nations.

So, well Blair being sent off, a sort of prayer to get him shot over there for starting up some of this crap over there in the first place?
Of course, again the other people will state that it is not their intention, but actually they are volunteering him because of something or other and I would be wondering what the volunteering is all about -- like hey, everyone is in the Army now? Not really if you do not Draft them in the first place. And what is going on, is that kind of attitude and it is not warranted without proper paper work. (as far as I know.) To me it is suspect and may be underhanded like a lot of other things that have happpened over the years in this Nation.


I think the attitude will get worse if something severe happens like what Titor said about Iran.

So, thinking about something about the experiment is harder to do, if the World is going to Hell lately.

I have nothing further to say except, do not have radicals who think that they are not interfere in people's life because they are stating falsehoods usually.
And they infer to assume everyone is like that, when that is not necessarily true. Afterall, kind of reminds me of 911, but discrimination continues because radicals do not know when to quit doing their radical behaviors and think they are normal when to me, they never have been.