Darby, I think you are overlooking the basic objective. I will elaborate a little further....
In 1994 or 1995 I met a fellow who used to work for a governement think tank in Venturta California. I met this person at Ocean Beach california and actaully lived with him and some others in a nice big beach pad. This fellow, Peter B., was very unique in his knowledge and he showed me some very interesting (and slightly disturbing) things.
Peters experiences in Ventura were such that this group of people would create a news headline. Something unique and not general. The would write it down on apiece of paper in a conference room with no knowledge of actual or predicted sequences leading to this event. They all believed that they could make this fictional event happen in reality if they could get enough of the world collective conscious to believe that this event would happen. (There are a few posters on this web forum who I think know what I am talking about.) Apparently larger evenets require more brains to believe. This whole idea suggests that human thought patterns are an energy within itself that can have interaction with physcical materials. The Ventura group would plant news stories such as "tressure ship found off coast of ________ containing $50M of gold bullion". Within days, weeks or months, the Ventura group was having a success rate around 20%. Which is pretty impressive if you understand that these "predictions" were fabricated out of thin air in a conference room. One out of five event were comming true.
When I lived with peter we did smaller scale experiments and I being there myself, I can not honestly tell you that I do not think this is real. I believe.
The experiments we did ranged from local events, weather patterns, earthquakes. With the earthquakes we were having 40-50% success rates. We would predict a scale AND location for a new quake. we would mark them on maps and wait until the desired hour. Almost one out of two were predicted with accuracy in the magnitude and locations of these earthquakes. We were able to create 4-5 richter scale quakes where we chose to.
I went off to finish a degree and kept in touch with peter and his reaserch until December 1999, when he disappeared.
So, this forum, I thought might be a good place to revive some of this research and test the waters again. It does not require one to type letter for letter "I believe", in fact it does not even require a posted response. The energy comes from within the human mind. It is like teh elusive Ether flowing through the universe. I just figured that with people declaring "I believe this can happen and we can do this" in writting, that other readers of the post who may be less inclined to respond in a written post, would have more reason to believe in the experiment and the stronger the beliefs, the less people needed to manifest the event.
hope this helps.