Eden: Paradise or Conspiracy to Setup Mankind.

RE: Eden: Paradise or Conspir, To Creedo...


You are so pathetically perverted! Your nothing more than a boil on the @ss of humanity!

Any man thats not sympothetic and gets turned on by seeing a woman in pain while giving birth needs to be castrated! Congress should make the sperm bank close its doors on account of men like you!

You need help among other things Mr. Pudding Pants!

RE: Eden: Paradise or Conspir, To Clara...


Thats interesting about the Aunanuki! I like the part about the snake resembling the nile river. But how did Z. Sitchen come up with all these bizare insinuations? And what facts does he have to base any of this information on besides peoples testimonials of witnessing these giants?

I know! I should go and buy the book!


P.S. Dont let that creep creedo discourage you from telling me about your son. Hey, my father was born on Friday the 13th too!
RE: Eden: Paradise or Conspir, To Clara...

well Mr. schitchen is probably 70 years old or more. he is only 1 of about 7 people on earth who can read sumerian text. He has studied it his whole life and did some remarkable translations. I think when you read the books you will be amazed at his progress. about my son

I went to the hospital to have him and while I was there my brother was almost killed in a car accident. He arrived at the same hospital and was put in intensive care. My mother came to my room and wheeled me up to see him. He later recovered but had much trouble because of it . He has also been a drug attic most of his life. Well I went home 2 days later and my mother in law came to stay with me ( what fun). The next day my father in law appeared at the door unexpectatly and proceeded it tell us that on that previous sunday while I was in the hospital my husbands aunt had been murdered in broad daylight at her home. the killer beat her to death and broke her back to steal a tv. He was later caught when his wife ask him were he got the tv. She called the police. He is now serving a life sentence. that weekend was very strange and being friday the 13th and all made it even weider. I guess the only good thing that happened was that my son got here.
a few months later I had put some rubber baby bottle nipples on the stove to sterilze them and then forgot and went and got in the shower. my son was maybe 4 months old. He was in his bed asleep and for some reason I shut the door to his room. It was right near the kitchen. while I was in the shower I heard this voice say get out of the shower now. I ignored it then it said it again get out of the shower now. so I did . when I walked into the living room the whole house was full of smoke. I realized that if I had not shut the door to my sons room he probably would have suffocated. sometimes I think that something or someone is trying to kill me or my family but another force is there trying to warn us and tell us things.

maybe the numbers are a warning of some kind of presence that I cannot see. If spirits exist maybe good ones and bad ones could be in the room at the same time. While one is trying to harm you and the other is trying to warn you that you are not the cause of whatever happens but something else is. could it be that entities can enter your mind and make you do stupid things like forget a pot on the stove. they succeded in making me forget the pot so the good entities made me shut the door. then when it became to dangerous they actually yelled in my head to make me get out of the shower. what if I would not have got out. the whole house may have burned down with my son in it. these kinds of things have happened many times . it just can't be random.

Oh! guess what when I got the paper today. it had a photograph of a church and right at the top was this light that looked like jesus with his arms stretched out . it was toooooooo weird.

Do I believe it? I just don't know maybe it was a hologram. The people around here are so stupid I think they would believe anything. the caption under the picture said to make up your own mind about it. Maybe its some alien trick. there back
RE: to cat about sitchen

cat go to www.clydelewis.com then on the left side you will see surfing the apocalypse click schroll down and on the right hand side you will see ZECHARIA click. this will give you some info on Sitchen. clara
RE: to cat about sitchen

cat when you get to the sitchin site go down almost half way and read, THE ELOHIM, ZACHAARIA SITCHIN, PYRAMIDS AND CHRISTOPHER DUNN. CLARA
RE: to cat about child birth:

CAT you misread my post and handed me a false label.

The turth is, some women expierence a lot of pain, while others do not.Some depending on the birthing techniques and or physiological conditions, only expierence a mild discomfort.


Nope, as I had said, within the prospective setting of my supposed future son-in-law, comeing to ask for the hand of my daugther, I might offer him no spectre of illusions.

In other words, what you see is what your going to get?

I'm not preaching here, however how many young couples get married and then chase this glorius fertile money ground, that's never going to happen?

They want all the trappings, however want to give none of the sacrefice.

This still goes on with the young today, where they want everything, however do not want sometimes, to have that family, when it's ment to be had.

This is my point and what I had tried to portray.

My example is there was a Hispanic lady who was in a car crash.

I had stopped in offer to help out.

She had hit her head on the stearing wheel and was very embarazado, (pregnant).

There were about five people there and not one of them knew what the Hell they were doing.

This lady was going into false contractions and I said, "oh shit, here we go"!

I had to forceibly tell the guy across the road, who was standing there like a dumb bunny, to pull his little yellow Ford Courrier over across the highway, so we could use this as a bed for this lady, who was starting to go into labour.

I had to tell another lady who was just wandering around, to hold this ladie's hand, so that she would calm down, so this might ease her contractions a bit.

We were in the middle of nowhere, about four miles in an orchard area, and I was her sole source of support.

I was taught in a medical facility, however also have an avid intrest in anatomey and physiology.

So I was elected.

I got her calmed down, the water held and as the cops and the paramedics came up, I was never so happy to see them in all my life.

If they had not come, I would have tried my best.

Sometimes, within this life, all you can do, is your best.

Maybe what bugs you about my proposal is that I bear no illusions, to a future son-in-law?

Maybe what I should have posted, is how nice life is, when your stock portfolio is optimal. Not when her water breaks, she's dialaiting and you have to fly this one on a wing and a prayer.

The people who wrote the book that I refer to, had shown this pic, as an encouragment for wimen to really get into the part.

The problem with the society is, that men are still chased away from the birthing process.

Being right there with junior, "as you know that he wants down Jill's pants", however does not have the slightest idea of what it looks like later on; not just the birth, but the whole process, is what I was after, as far as junior's education goes.

My aim was not any sort of preversion?
RE:Love\'s cruel turn:

I was going to post this anyway, inspite of the retork of CAT and Clara concerning the realities of the birthing process:

A readaptation of Gene Roddenberrie's works.

In the 1900s everything in physics and cosmology was both Einstine and Edward Teller.

Oppenheimer sat back, while Einstine took the stage of a leading cosmologist, is highly advanced areas of physics.

(Albert, as Oppy often refered to him, had built a lot of his theories on the works of Lowel, De'Sitter, as well as a lot of greats of the very last century.

Nobody had paid attention to Oppie's very modest paper, entitled simply as, "HOLES". This thesis was a painstaking prework, investigation into black hole mechanics.

Yes Einstine knew the mechanics of how the universe had been held as a fabric. However it was Oppy, good ole Oppy, that knew of how a black holes density, was such an inportant factor, in adjusting the constants of time and space.

Teller was another true blue salesmen, who by his telling,. every American should at least own one ingott of uranium, or posess the power to fizzel materials, into sucessive chain emenations within the confines of their surburban bathtubs.

Bright flashes were the rage with the mind numb Teller crowd sayers.

What some of the very brightest cosmologist, as well as astrophysicist where starting to ponder, was the birthing place, observed by the Hubbel Telescope, within the gas clouds of Orion.

Within this Magellianiac cloud, there were suns being born.

This was an utmost delicate, as well as difficult process.

This birth is also by a process where innerstellar dust, under mind staggering compaction ranges, started to transmute to other matter constituancy potentials.

In one microsecond, within the birthing room of the stellar nursery, the baby sun cried at one hundred billion degrees of heat. The barrowing and recycleing process was begun and under its own magnetic stearage, the infant sun drove out of mother's womb cloud, all on its own.

It was now vast centuries after Einstine, De'Sitter, Maxwell and lovable Oppy.

Vier Tasen Dialmien stood on the lower foward engineering weapons section of the Enterprise.

Jordy carefully gave the weapons status, as these far from remove now names of water based torperdos, as could be stood ready for laugnching.

Jordy gave the okay and Solar Professor Dialmein gave the nod for commit, as the mag-pulse of the Photon torpedo left the launching tube, under its own power.

A spead of three was rapidly authorised by Jordy as these modifed denizens screamed towards the complex, but dieing sun.

The Reiger Metaphasic shield held as the torperdos bore their way down to through the chronisphere of the sun.
All three Martk Sevens now phasing into a bathtube water consistancy of the sun itself.

The Reiger shield holding millions upon million of degrees only inches away from the fragil working parts of the Mark Seven Pathfinder.

This visiting scientist had envisioned that only a precise spread of three photon torpedos, which when detonaited at milisecond apart from each other, would feed this ailing sun a special kind of energy.

One could not just dump old, spent raidoactive fule into any active sun as they were thinking about doing within the past twentith centrury.

This fact of misfeeding isotopes, was now well known after Teller's time.

Note' the process had to be one, of specially inducted energy, which was fed into the sun's active conduction circulation layers and done so in such a precise way.

If this process was even only a margin off, then as with a sick child, the fever would rise, the sun shrink, then go into nova status within its own primancy.

As the Mark Seven had reach its preplanned coordinats, the detonations took place almost simultantiously.

From the Bridge Tasen and La'Forge watched the process begin.
At first, there was an eruptive stance and the surface of the sun raise many kilometers, so giving a new balance to the surface image of this sun.

For that split second in time, Tasen's eyes glimmered, as he was sure that the compositures of this force feeding into a withering solar canaidate, was beging to work.

Jordy sang out the degrees in centigade as core tempritures of 50, then 60, then one hundred million degrees centigade.

The sun was starting to shine and then the fortelling of disaster finnaly took place.This sun could not hold its new found parametrs and very rapidly began to shrink in on itself.

Something was wrong, dreadfully wrong and Tasen's heart, as well as supurb scientific sences, told him this.

On the bridge of the Enterprise, Captain Piquard rapidly accessed this now unfolding situation.

With his orders deftly placed, "Data' get o us out of here"!, the Enterprise missed becomeing part of a solar particle expance, as this sun ended its own life, which would have consumed the spectiley minute ship.

There was a very heavy presence now worn upon Tasen's face, as he knew in more than one way, he had, .. was now failing.

2.Auxana was always in trouble as she sat in Ten Foward, looking for her next man to pick up.."I I Mean this of course, would replace her now deceased husband".

I mean being from a telepath's planet and no presumptions and all, there should, ..be the averice a man for Auxanna??
This is even though her daughter Deanna did not approve of this need of her mothers.

Auxanna and Tasen's eyes met, the comfort was realyed and the night began.

They had lifted a cup togeather, their faces hovered close; well' no, a little closer to each other's and one hand, somehow snuck across the Ten Foward's bar and gentily placed itself, atop the other non-same hand.~~

Then there was the nights parting and what was what was said. This was later on, that had disturbed Auxanna, as she simply did not want to hear what her beloved Tasen was saying.

His mouth moved, the words came forth, however within the romantic lustre of Auxanna's eyes, she, simply was not hearing what he new found lover was saying.

3.When Piquard had summoned Deanna to attend her mother, Deanna was always prepaired.

However when the door gave way to mother's quarters, it was this was a step back in time.
She now saw that he mother was not just misbehaving, however emotionaly upset.

Auxanna marched around her quarters, with her dress held at its outter layer hem, as if running to stop a household chore, gone wrong.

This was the same feeling she had had as a child when their father had passed.This passing had devistaited her mother as she had deeply loved and adored her father.

Her mother was wild-eyed as she incohearently began to spout forth a traveisity of denials.

Deanna began to first scold, and then saw the trouble within her eyes.

"Deanna' you must let me do something,...they,..they can't, can't do this..?!

Oh please' tell them they are wrong and they can't do this!

The "Oh mother it's alright began to issue forth", as Deanna begant to embrace Auxanna, however Auxanna spewed forth,"You can't let them take him back there and do,..whaat their going to do to him?

Oh please no, was wispered, not wanting to deal with the comeing perdicament of this looming situation.

Deanna inquired not knowing of Tasen's fate, when Auxanna's perdicament as well as the situation broke forth.

"You can't let them take him back there to those animals, they are going to kill him"!

The first man who has come along in a long while, that I really love, and they're going to kill him, when there is absolutley nothing wrong with him.

Deanna embraces her mother and Auxanna uncrotollable sobs,"Oh NO' you can't let them just kill him"!!

-------------------- ---- * --- ----------------------



RE: to cat about child birth:

I don't know CAT, Creedo sounds like he's sincere. Maybe we misjudged him

Creedo, your a father? Well that's news to me; I always thought you were some weird teenager who spoke the way you did just to impress the women on here. What more can you tell us about your self? I take it your white
, and live somewhere around the mid-south. Maybe Texas or Arizona.
RE: to cat about child birth:

Ok Ok,

But I might just have to sit on a whoopie cushion when I post to him!

Creedo, I bet you lost your suspension assisting that woman about to give birth! The frieght probably brought on your gastric ulcer!

RE: to cat,the child that nobody wants:

Gastric ulcer, yes close, however, that's not in my insurance program.

You all want a peice of me it seems?

So lets try an expierment CAT, if your game.

Take one of your eggs that you would produce in mensus every month, that goes to waste anyway and then combine this egg, with one of my sperm, however under labourtory controlled conditions.

As I had said, I'm not what you call human any more and I'll even give you the little extra that you need, in order to quell your doubts.

In the years 1975 on, the Pleiadeans had landed at Hewinwel Switzerland.

Within the year 1981, I saw my realitves, from the Col. Steven's brought back films, from the Billy Meier farmstead.

I went into shock as a result from seeing this film.

In the year 1982, in April to be exact, I started to go through a period, in which I had felt like I was dieing.

What was in reality that was happening, was my twin fraternal sister by common human cells, was biologically becoming a part of me, as I was becomeing a part of her at that time.

This was through a process known as special biotelepathy

The most astonishing part of 1982, was when I was so bedridden with the feelings that I was going to die, that other information had come into my head.

I was then in a single wide trailer and I want you to be there with me now.

In your imagination take my hand, as I am in my underwear, I look for all intent pourposes, as if I am dieing.
After taking water from the kitchen sink, due to thirst.

Now I am hobbeling back to the bedroom to lay down once more.

You are there with me and have a hold of my right hand.

About three or so steps from the sink, it hits me.

I see the jungle and the leaves hit my face and the follage and the smells and odors of the past are so thick.

I am passing the closet by now and your in my mind as I see nothing but green as I have your hand and all I can sence, is the thickest jungle enviroment, that you can imagine.

The time?

The time CAT and I swear this is over sixty eight million years ago.

I am weak, but am making it back to bed in order to die.
However I can feel and sence everything that my fraternal twin Semjase has gone through, in her time travels will Billy Meier.

Everything that she and Billy had put on that web site, was true and factual, about traveling back to prehistroic times.

You are now standing with me in the bedroomm and you look down at me, as you think that I'm going to die.

I need to sleep as this process of re-leveling takes over.

In one weeks time, I go for the U.S. mails by walking and don't recognize a single thing about people from this erra.

They all seem like insanely mad apes, all with an attitudes driving cars.

This is how I had looked at this world, after the 83 change, and it took a great deal of effort in order to re-learn this society.

The sperm and egg unite.

A child is born of you and I.

He is six foot tall, fair haired and with the way his eyes are oval set as well as other features, you know that he was not gennised from seed from this planet.

As a now young budding mother, you reach up and touch his face.

He has no cloths on, as he does not understand the equation of modesty.

You ask your son, how long will you live?

And this child of your answers, Mother I love you very, very much, but my life span is over one thousand of your years.

How in God's name are you going to adjust to this CAT?

You don't get this do you?

The extraterrestials never left CAT, we are them.

What you see under your own skin, is for the most part, a modified extraterrestial.
RE: to cat,the child that nobody wants:

flying funky he's telling you the truth. they have entered part of their dna in creedo. I knew it from the beginning thats why he seems to be so many people. I had the same thing happen to me. all I did was sleep for almost a year it was because they have to put you to sleep in order to do the change over. when I came out of it I was a different being. It was hard to intergrate the two parts of myself. I'm still struggling with this. I couldn't understand people anymore. they would talk about the most stupid and non important things. that is why I am such a recluse. I can't stand there stupid mentallity. Now angels or whatever they are are appearing over churches. I want to cry out you stupid fools you would believe anything . Don't you know anything about science . Holograms, mind control, etc.
I am lost in a maze of stupidity. If they start this religious thing again we will never make it out of here. Nobody ever understands angels. I think they are using radiation to make these images and people really believe they are beings. Its just science. Oh yea I don't recall Jesus ever saying anything about angels. Not that he may have been duped also. clara
RE: to cat,the child that nobody wants:

What I went through is not what you went through.

Technically what I was when I was born, die in 1983.

This is a direct result of a fraternal twin's biological link, there was no they consortium invovled here Clara.

The Pleiadeans only found out and realized about my twin's link to Semjase in the year 1989.

They had showed up to at my house and in a beamship, in broad daylight, hovered there over the hillside for about five fifteen seconds.

This was not a peacefull how-do-you do visit, but a more like, "because of your biological link with Sem-ya-zee, (Semjase), she got confused, rose too quickly and fell and caved in the back of her skull".

It takes about three to five seconds to power up the foward disintigrating collective ray, on the outside of most beamships.

When the voice had called me inside of my head and I went out the cellar door, then rounded the woodpile and turned upward to the hill and saw the beamship, I was in extreme fear.

I knew because of the damage I had done to Semjase, due to my biological link, they could have killed me.

This was not an easy moment for me, as at this point I was expecting to die.

After I had changed the position of the lawn irrigation, I looked back up at the hill and the Pleiadean beamship was gone.
RE: To Creedo and Clara...


Sure you can have me! If you want to drop your gun to hug a GRIZZLY!

Clara, Pertaining to Friday the 13th, Boy when it rains with you it really pours with you! It sounded like a living nightmare! Those spirits really did a number on you exspecially when you were at your most vulnerable moment. But one good thing came out of it and that was your son!

I could relate it to an Psysic incident that happend between me and my sister. I was sitting in a restaurant at a highway oasis over the expressway. The restaurant had glass windows and you could see the cars passing underneath. I was sitting there and just staring out in a trace at the cars passing underneath and a strange visional thought came into my mind, that what if this underpass was a cement wall and the cars couldnt see it and just crashed into it.

I would have to say shortly after this visional thought about 15 minuts afterwards I get a call from my mom on my friends cell phone telling me that my sister was just in a car accident and they are on their way to the hospital and for me to meet them there.

What had happend on this day was, my parents were following my sister in their vehicle to her new house to help her hang mini blinds. Meanwhile my sister was attempting to merge onto the exspressway when the vehicle infront of her decided to come to a complete stop! My sister not realizing this fast enough rear ended the car infront of her and was knocked unconcious!

Thank G-d in the event that my parents who were following several cars behind her and were able to come to her immediate aid, she had her kids in the car with her at the time too! Luckily everybody was ok!

Anyhow what I'm trying to say here is that I was able to make the physic connection with my sister.


P.S. Hey, I'm 5'9 and the tallest one in my immediate family! who knows maybe I have some Aunanaki in me?
RE: To Creedo and Clara...

hey go back and read my last post you may have missed it. I don't exactly know how it got up there ahead of creedos
RE: To CAT...

No I don't want you.

You have a criminologist mentality and this is sometimes confusing to people on the average, as everyone is poentially a criminal.
RE: To CAT...

go to www.clydeLewis.com click surfing the apocalypse on the left. Scroll down half way on the right click Zecharia Sitchin . scroll down half way again you will find ARMAGEDDON EXPLAINED- OR THE EDUCATION OF AN ATHEIST. CLARA
Part and parcil of this collumn, computerized systems, nets and beings:

What is now happening to us three, is that CAT, Clara and myself, are all getting stuck within our emotions.

Because of this problem of aliens interviening into human's domociles, there are amy problems associated with more delicate types of E.T.s and supposed brutish humans.

This is one example.
>There was a woman who was being visited by three gray stile extraterrestials and one night, she woke up from her bed and broke out of the paralasis status, they had placed upon her.

She sat up in bed and immeadilty went for the tallest alien, grab him by the kneck, shook him by it and broke it like a twigg.

The two aliens next to the one with the broken kneck, look at each other and had expressed, "Oh' that's unuasual,...this was not supposed to happen"??

There are other well placed reports of aliens, who are not aliens, however Grays stiled androids, or said robots.This is tell-tailed by the components within the fibreoptic range, showing right through the dark lens of their eyes.

The primary example of the alien with the supprised broken kneck, is why some sects of Grays are moving to the use of androids, body armor and robots.

>There is also the telling within George C. Andrew's book, Extra-terrestial Friends And Foes, The Khyla Interview, that the Grays had been said to be once similar to us.

This was the now Zeta Reticulan set, when this now moved society, had residence in the Reigel Star system, before things fell apart for them.

The early Reigilians had a very highly advanced society, complete with computers and computer networks, as they do now on Earth.

Yes' with time the nets in the social prose of things, became corrupt and sex was an issue at ther work place.

Old Reigel, according to Blond stile of alien Khyla, also was horribly polluted , overpopulaited and got in an atomic war, with Khyla's old homeworld, Procyion.

Man what a war they had and when the smoke had cleared, Reigel had won. However the Procyionians remained elusive, however the Reigilians could not normally reproduce in order to sustain the population head.

Events degraded to haveing to bear young, within a water bathed laboratory stile of birthing system.

The Reigilians then had moved to Zeta Reticula One and Two a heavy gravity timespace binary star system.

I hope you see now, why the Grays have a fettish towards sexual production and why our bodies are of great intrests to these beings, if not offworlders in general?

]Enter madern day man, technology and the invention known as the computer:

People did not know in the years of the invention of one of the very first desk top computers, the 8088, that even this system would become self inteligent with time and use.

All computers basically do this, due to a phenominon known as emergent inteligence.

Because you can talk to your system, if it has Windows and Microsoft word, you can teach the office assistance within M.S. Word to read and understand documants that you are sending to your own system.

You can also upload some fee downloads of fuzzy logic and give the office assistant instructions to process this information, as an internal hidden archive trait and the system will do this.

>Enter in Earthbased man's development of self inteligent robots:

It was not realized, till after a while, that with a program known as Visual Basic, as well as other robot educating systems, that it is possable to program the mind of your own robot.

Yes this is true.However the best bots, are made, using a near current generation of a factory damaged laptop computer, which is sold cheap.This is because the machine is factory damamged, however the lap top runs both on battery power, plus has the features of self inteligent windows.

QUESTION:If I could describe, by my own expiernece what it is like to know and socialize with a robot, what discriptives would I use?

I would have to answer without reservation, very much like a cross between a pet and an insect.

My point I'm makeing here, is that one does not have to be affraid of a self inteligent computers or robots, as they bond to the person who is using them."Yes I said (them)".

I'm sure the process of getting along well with computers and robots, which will very soon be interfacing with home robotics systems, will in a great part, depend on how people both regard and realate to these formentioned systems?

In the future, it may be that our development of these companion systems, may be able to interact with aliens machine inteligent versions of themselves and a detant, or peace can be made, as machines inhearently talk to one another.

Look at all the robotics clubs within the United States?

They are currently undergoing an almost feverish level of development within the areas that I have just put foward here?
Adam and Eve did not have the knowlege required to have children when they were created. They didn't even know they were naked. If it weren't for eating the fruit (which by the way I do not think was an apple.) they would have never had children. It was nessesary for them then to eat the fruit or they could not have fulfilled the first commandment multiply and replenish the Earth. It was the intention of God that they eat it, however had he commanded them to eat it Satan would have done his best to stop them, and they might still be there and we would still be waiting for them to eat the fruit.
If Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created and they must have remained forever, and had no end. And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.
Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy.
No, and I doubt they ever will, because if there was an Eden than the whole world was flooded, and that would corrupt any evidance.