RE: to cat about child birth:
CAT you misread my post and handed me a false label.
The turth is, some women expierence a lot of pain, while others do not.Some depending on the birthing techniques and or physiological conditions, only expierence a mild discomfort.
Nope, as I had said, within the prospective setting of my supposed future son-in-law, comeing to ask for the hand of my daugther, I might offer him no spectre of illusions.
In other words, what you see is what your going to get?
I'm not preaching here, however how many young couples get married and then chase this glorius fertile money ground, that's never going to happen?
They want all the trappings, however want to give none of the sacrefice.
This still goes on with the young today, where they want everything, however do not want sometimes, to have that family, when it's ment to be had.
This is my point and what I had tried to portray.
My example is there was a Hispanic lady who was in a car crash.
I had stopped in offer to help out.
She had hit her head on the stearing wheel and was very embarazado, (pregnant).
There were about five people there and not one of them knew what the Hell they were doing.
This lady was going into false contractions and I said, "oh shit, here we go"!
I had to forceibly tell the guy across the road, who was standing there like a dumb bunny, to pull his little yellow Ford Courrier over across the highway, so we could use this as a bed for this lady, who was starting to go into labour.
I had to tell another lady who was just wandering around, to hold this ladie's hand, so that she would calm down, so this might ease her contractions a bit.
We were in the middle of nowhere, about four miles in an orchard area, and I was her sole source of support.
I was taught in a medical facility, however also have an avid intrest in anatomey and physiology.
So I was elected.
I got her calmed down, the water held and as the cops and the paramedics came up, I was never so happy to see them in all my life.
If they had not come, I would have tried my best.
Sometimes, within this life, all you can do, is your best.
Maybe what bugs you about my proposal is that I bear no illusions, to a future son-in-law?
Maybe what I should have posted, is how nice life is, when your stock portfolio is optimal. Not when her water breaks, she's dialaiting and you have to fly this one on a wing and a prayer.
The people who wrote the book that I refer to, had shown this pic, as an encouragment for wimen to really get into the part.
The problem with the society is, that men are still chased away from the birthing process.
Being right there with junior, "as you know that he wants down Jill's pants", however does not have the slightest idea of what it looks like later on; not just the birth, but the whole process, is what I was after, as far as junior's education goes.
My aim was not any sort of preversion?