Disney - Celebration - TTI - Titor - MOP

Newbe0' How stupid can you get.

Of course in reality, using many worldlines, there has to be at least some version of Titor.

Darby is a homeland security boy, so of course he's going to wax hard to get, tit.

The many worldline's phenomenon, exist simply because radial axial polarity along simple power wires exist.

Place a simple dot at the center of a piece of paper and then over this dot, place an apteryx, which radiates outward.

Because of divisional lines, in time and space, plus frequency strength, there will be divisions in time and space.

It's as simple as that.

Build an appliance which can shift the user in the frequency of time and space, then you have a dimensional jump vehicle.

As I had said before, there is now a purported 73% divergence in our said timeline, which was in-part reported here, as well as Anomalies.net.

You would cop a better feel, as the Bard had once said in his many plays, if you ask Darby's advice on served evening aperitifs, rather than J.T.'s universe?

Yikes! I was busy for a couple of days. Go and get a "sammich." This Titor Saga is a game. No need to go on a hunger strike.

Is Titor's World plausible? Sure, it's plausible. But that's not my issue with Boomer. What's not plausible is his physics.

So that I am absolutely clear with you let's digress a bit:

I have absolutely no problem with black holes - charged, spinning, both or static. The physics behind all of them is solid. It's not likely that we would find a static black hole (neither spinning nor charged) but I have no problem with the physics of them at all.

But with Titor's Saga I have grave concerns about the scale. It's far, far too small.

If we are to accept black holes and the weird effects that they cause they have to have some mass. Chevy trucks cannot be gulped down by a black hole formed by a mass less than (or even equal to) an electron. That's the problem with Titor's physics...no mass.

When we talk about black holes that form traversable wormholes we're talking about multi-solar mass black holes. Whatever effets that Titor's infinitesinally tiny BH might cause it would only have an effect at a range so incredibly short that for all intents and purposes the effect is zero. Everything in the universe, including the electromagnetic field that is supposed to capture and contain his holes, dwarf them.

His holes are so small that the amplitude and length of the wave form of any conceivable electromagnetic field that would attempt to contain them effectively renders them invisible to the field. They are effectively the same thing as a neutrino. They do not interact with anything.

This isn't a matter of discovering a new theory or some advancement in physics. The physics is already well established.

I know that you've said that we haven't created a black hole nor have we injected electrons into a black hole. First, if we do create a BH of sufficient mass injecting electrons will be no problem - until the charge is so high that it rejects any further electrons that we try to inject.

Likewise, we have never seen a proton, electron or neutron. "Seeing" such objects isn't possible. To see one we have to use "light" that has a wavelength considerably shorter than the wavelength of the objects that we are attempting to see. But to shorten the wavelength we have to increase the energy of the photon. Ultimately, when the wavelength is short enough, we end up shooting cosmic rays at the objects. The cosmic ray photon has more mass than the particle itself. It sends the particle careening away from us. We still cannot see them because they aren't where we though they should be. But there is absolutely no doubt that matter is composed of electrons, protons and neutrons.

That we can't see the three basic sub-atomic particles doesn't mean that the physics behind them is suspect.

Looking at a car and looking at a proton is not the same thing. A beam of light does not propell a car away from us.

I still invite you to read the books and the website that I suggested. It helps to have some background information about the subject so that you can make some informed conjectures about Titor's Physics.

We will probably create micro-mass BH's in colliders in the near future. They will exist for a billionth of a second, evaporate and we will learn a lot about BH's and Hawking Radiation. But they won't be of any direct use as time machines.