You're going to find some truth in the Titor Saga if for no other reason than the topics that he chose to speak to.
If you check all of his topical material and then Google for articles on the same subjects while focusing on the same time frame as his posts you'll discover that he didn't talk about anything that wasn't already a hot topic on the Internet.
If you couple that with the fact that
1) he kept everything extremely vague;
2) he targeted a specific audience;
3) he was speaking to potential Believers;
you might recognize that he was taking people that he targeted down the current Dan Rather Path. They want to believe therefore they will find only the information that supports their system of belief and conclude that it is more likely true than not.
For the sake of argument I'll concede for that limited purpose that the story could be true. That being the case, the truth testing applied to this story by both the majority of anti-Titors and the Believers is appallingly inadequate. They are shooting from the hip and the heart instead of from the brain.
The physics part of the story is very easy to dismiss. Even if a community member currently has little or no knowledge of physical science they can do the homework, spend some time doing the self-education and then compare science fact to the story.
This story does not come down to a matter of Titor's having access to physics that we are not currently aware of.
In the case of a real time traveler that would be the case. But whatever that new information would be it would not be unphysical, meaning that it would not violate virtually every known law of physics.
Physics doesn't change. Our knowledge of physics does change and in every case where it changes it incorporates the old ideas completely into the new theory and extends the old theory. For example, in Special and General Relativity you will find Newtonian Mechanics fully and faithfully described. It is consistent with Newton until velocities become extreme and/or gravitational fields become extreme.
The differences also pop out if you look very closely at a situation such as the tiny but important relativistic effects involved with the GPS system because the satellites are in space and orbiting the Earth. Those satellites are moving WRT the ground receivers and are in a less intense gravitational field than the ground receivers.
But were getting far off topic on my thread here.
The purpose of this thread is to explain the connection between the John Titor Foundation, Celebration, Florida and how TimeTravel_O/John Titor initially just happened by "coincidence" to land on this site.
We've completely cleared up any involvement by Raul/MOP. He simply posted a hotlink to this site on the Celebration, Florida community BBS while he was the SysAdmin and Moderator. He also posted hotlinks on the Celebration BBS to several other sites that he owned and operated.
It wasn't a coincidence that a BBS member in Celebration happened to land here. It's also no coincidence that the John Titor Foundation is located in Celebration, Florida nor is it a coincidence that Group Titor chose a high priced entertainment industry attorney, Larry Haber, to be their attorney.
If all Group Titor had in mind was to copyright the Titor self-published book and to form a limited liability corporation any attorney or paralegal would have sufficed. But they chose Haber, also a Celebration, Florida resident (actually the first resident of that community). His office is at 606 Front Street, Celebration, Florida. The John Titor Foundation's mailing address is the same. The same address also houses a movie studio, sound recording studio, graphics arts studio and a radio/TV/print ad agency. Haber is involved in those businesses.
Do we actually need to prove that the story is untrue? No - it was Titor's obligation to prove that it was true.
But we can ask ourselves if it took a genius and tons of money to produce the Titor documents and "black box" or... it possible that with a sound studio, movie studio and graphic arts studio available could everything that was proferred be easily created in that environment?
We can also ask ourselves, "Celebration, Florida?!"
Given the context of Titor's Politics which is not Libertarian but Libertarian themes wrapped in Maoist-Leninist dialectic why on God's green Earth would his "mother" choose Celebration, Florida to house Titor's Foundation? Celebration, Florida and Larry Haber represent his enemy - the very people that he would have his Russian allies invite to the nuclear BBQ. Celebration is anathema to everything that Titor said he hated. Money, luxory, capitalism, consumerism, privilege, elitism. A non sequitur.
Money is the bottom line here - not politics or physics. If safety, security, secrecy and a pending nuclear war that will kill 3 billion people was the issue hiring an entertainment lawyer and initiating a product sales campaign on the Internet is a bit of a stretch and another non sequitur.