Disney - Celebration - TTI - Titor - MOP

Do you understand that your credibility and neutrality have been placed under question by this issue?

We have all enjoyed the challenge of investigating Titor, but now we are told that the place in which we meet and discuss has been constructed with some prior knowledge of this fiction.

You operate and/or participate in many other forums, most notably movie forums, and are the organizer of the Internet movie awards. You enjoy viewing and analyzing fiction. You enjoy writing and are a prolific poster on movie forums. Yet you are hardly involved on TTI.

You operate several forums, so you have a good idea what they need to continue to tick over. What good is a time travel forum without stories of time travellers? When you first set up TTI it was noted as being a fiction forum. All you want on a forum is lots of people viewing and participating, but not specifically any money. Having a time traveller story that does not ask for money would add credibility - even better for a forum.

You obviously enjoy writing and movies - are you, like many other movie critics, a failed or wannabee author or screenwriter?

I find it hard to believe that, as active as you are on other forums, you are so inactive on TTI. Either you specifically chose to step away from it and let its members churn, or you have been involved using a different logon.

But now you say you know who Titor *really* is, after being prompted by the information of you links to Disney and Celebration. Why didn't you volunteer this earlier? Doing so after being prompted sounds like you have purposely chose NOT to provide this to the forum beforehand. So we ask ourselves - what else is Mop withholding? It seems that the Titor story being developed and extended on purpose - somehow Mop seems involved? Is he playing a game with all of us?

Mop, can you see we want to hear clearly from you?
Its time to empty this bucket.


Though I can't discuss the vast majority of what Raul and I have said off line I can post some of it.

When I started this thread there was a fact that wasn't available to me.

Back at the time that Titor made his appearance here as Time Travel_O Raul was also SysAdmin of the Celebration 34747 BBS. He's since removed it but he then had a hotlink to TTI on the 34747 BBS.

So we have a reasonable explanation as to why he would "know" Brandon Haber and how a Celebration Brat could possibly find himself on TTI posting as Time Travel_O (assuming that that is really what occured).

Based on our off line conversations I can say that I'm satisfied that Raul has never followed the Titor Saga. He's a link in the story but not a participant.

As you know, over the years we've had people come onto this BBS or Anomalies and say, with a wink and a nod, they they know the real story and who is behind it. Almost all of them have been obvious trolls.

Almost all of them...but once in a while one of them has some credibility. The ones that have some credibility don't post on the boards. They post by PM or email to me (and others). I've had three of four folks post to me privately who gave me specifics but not all of the story. Another thing that sets these people apart from the trolls is that once we developed a relationship of trust they revealed their true identities to me on the proviso that I wouldn't post their identities on the boards.

In each case there has always been one theme that is consistent. They said that they didn't want to give all of the details and wanted to remain on "background" because the people (not person) behind Titor are powerful folks in their community. They feared reprisals (but didn't specify what the reprisal they feared was).

As the story has unfolded over the past few months and it appears that Brandon and/or Larry Haber are possibly behind the story we've discoverd that they are powerful in their community. The Habers are The First Family of Celebration. They moved in first. Brandon even quipped in a 34747 post, "Hello from the First Family." Larry is a powerful attorney in Celebration not to mention the entertainment industry in general. At the time that Titor was posting Brandon's uncle, Emmett Titshaw, Jr. (Titor - Titshaw?) was Chief of Staff of the Florida Air National Guard. He is now the Commander of the Florida Air NG. A powerful family indeed. I'm not surprised that people might be reluctant to openly post details.

I'm not saying that they actually have anything to fear. I haven't read a single word anywhere about Larry Haber that indicates that he's a mean spirited or vindictive person. On the contrary, everything that I've read indicates that he's an exceptional and respected lawyer and community leader.

BTW: None of this post is based on anything that Raul has said to me. It comes from a series of posts on Anomalies and from personal sources other than Raul.


Well now that we have a new MOP, does this mean we will never here your side of this?

Forgive me if I sound like I am accusing anyone of anything....but it seems very convenient we have a new moderator suddenly and no answers!
Darby knows everything I know. He is certainly on the right track. John Titor is a hoax. It will be exposed.

I'm allowed to say for histories sake.

I think that this entire Titor affair was a smoke screen for something else.

Darby took to a direction, in a certain way.

However I had suffered a direction.

I have both missing time and very weird contacts as a result of this entire Titor affair.

I have missing time.

Also a bite wound of some kind, above one of my inner ankles.

I went as far as the hidden real, not fake vampire community in New Orleans, in order to find this truth.

The vampires I got to know, had finally said, that this type of bite was not theirs, even though, like the fictional movie Blade, they do some sort of lab held research now.

I guess with new information coming in, that even the real vamps, are not hedging their bets and are looking out for their own.

These past contacts, are as far as I dare go and now I'm out of this, letting it drop.

However the Titor affair, is not pure white and pristine.

There are many weird angles to this case, that defy explanation.

I know Pamela, like the saying Norwegians fight, but the Swedes escape through the weeds, seems not to post here for some reason?

This is all I can and am allowed to say.

To find out the origin of this bite, I got as far as Art Bell's archives and found one particular creature.
But much to my chagrin, I have not found a claimer from either the said shadow government or the vamp community, which maybe in some way, might be in cahoots?

Sometimes it's hard for me to read your posts because they are "encrypted."

Vampires = suck the life out of something.

Book/movie/play not directly from Titor but from reading IRC's and posts.

Pamela believed Titor. Because of this belief, others believed. Pamela tricked.

Titor's story derived from a shadow gov't, warning us of what is to come.

Correct me if I'm wrong here. I'm open minded.
What I had learned from my contact and I quote, "A female vampire can have intercourse with just about anything, as they can change their own cellular structure".

My contact went on to say, that the product of a vampire woman and a mortal man, is sometimes a dark wizard.

Now who and why would want a dark wizard?

Now on the claim that vampires suck the life out of everything.
Let me inform you, that when any society become stale and they do not either divest or augment their potentials, then that society becomes extinct.

Vampires use their whole brains.

For the most part, they are not reactive as humans are, however very thoughtful and quite intelligent.

There is one special telling of half vampires birth in Bohemia, due to an infestation two hundred years ago.

Sixty percent of this village was bitten, however those that were not dispatched themselves, or on account of blood archetypes survived, gave birth to what is known as half vampires.

These people appear as anyone else, however because they posses contributing genes, they have some of the traits of vampires, however in most cases, are not predatory.

The real, not the goth vampires are smart, don't you think in order to survive, that they would want to augment their abilities? Possably have some of their heirs survive and possibly be transplanted elsewhere, if dire conditions should come to earth?

That is precisely what has happened, however this is all I can say.

You're thinking of a being that was exposed from a grave dug up in Western Europe, not of a descendent that is either half or full, that works as an accountant, owns a condo, is a member of a health club, or drives a Lexus and is a college grad.

Things change, but is every social clique, there is the old main line.

This is all I'm saying, as apparently things have changed.

Don't look too deep in this, let things lay?
:) Do these vampires time travel too? Imagine that, a vampire going back to cleopatra times, and sucking her blood off.GOSH, i don't know what to say, i'm speechless....

Are you here talking about vampires again?!? I THOUGHT I ORDERED YOU TO CLEAN the portable particle-accelerator! If the boss hears about this, he'll have our matter re-arranged....get off the internet and go think of new ways to clean it. That's an order, creedo.

KnowThyself, Chief of Operations - Galactical Time-Travel Security 2219
I'm not so sure creedo299 is the escaped mental patient he makes himself out to be.

His vampire post is time-stamped "04/27/04 10:39 PM".

from this page: http://www.anomalies.net/time_travel/john.html
"The IRC Logs
The Anomalies Network has just obtained some IRC logs of a conversation from October 2000 with John the time Traveler for 2035/2036. Click here to find out more."

"here" links to: http://www.anomalies.net/time_travel/irc.html
which shows a chat log dated 14 October 2000 involving Yareisa, G degrees, and TimeTravel_0.

In this thread at anomalies: www.anomalies.net/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=001238
Topic "From Yareisa", in a post time stamped "April 27, 2004 15:14", Shana aka MysticWarrior aka Yareisa (or at least "claiming to be Yareisa") shows up. MysticWarrior's sig contains a link to http://darchangels.com, which is obviously a personal home page as the front page is signed "Chris and Shana". On this website, a set of three articles about - you guessed it! (I'll just link one.) "Psi Vamping - Secrets" - http://darchangels.com/psi_vamping_secrets.shtml

I haven't been able to find any information on what time zone the time stamps reflect.

I don't claim to get it 100%. But if creedo299 is raving about vampires right after a (self-professed) vampire shows up, he's not that far OT. I don't understand the "dark wizard" or "change their own cellular structure" parts, though.
I don't understand the "dark wizard" or "change their own cellular structure" parts, though.

dark wizard = John Titor

change cellular structure = change postname change character

Shana aka MysticWarrior aka Yareisa is John Titor or knows who John is.

Just thinking out loud.
The Anomalies sources are not what I'm taking about.

There is one very well written book, in simple form, on vampires.

Simply to understand this equation, there are many kinds of these beings.

The most popular, because of the middle era vampire plagues in Europe, probably as retribution from the Indians, from the Atlantians attacking them during the era of Atlantis, are the bite to box sitter stiles.

There were two types of plagues that hit Europe, as created by the Indian Shamans, one was the Werewolf plagues and the second was the vampire plagues.

These plauges were started in India, to effect the heirs of Atlantis, as Atlantis while it was here, outcoloney married, widely.

Know that there were other groups, of vampires aside from the plague made ones.

The plauge made ones, were relatives, friends etc,. that were bitten by semi-living beings from the plague wave.

When villagers exumed these people, weeks down the line, they found them as fresh as the day they were put to rest.

What is more startling, is that they could open their eyes, look around but not move in daylight.

These are not psy vampires, as mentioned in the other net.

The problem had become so bad during the middle centuries, that whole armies were raised to stop both werewolf and vampire plagues.

It was found that the turn of the century, vampires started to migrate to America and became a problem to where the government was recruited to stop overproliferation.

The problem lies, that many people's ancestors were bitten by vampires in Europe, during these plagues and carried influences from these bites, giving birth to children that had both vampire and human traits.

A vampire is still a human, or humanoid, however functions at a very different energy profile.

The CAT scan brain studies that I have seen, show utilization of the entire brain, much over what a mortal utilizes.

There must have been in social anthropology, a golden point?

This point to where some of their community had said, in order to survive, we must adapt.

This is why true to the storyline of the Blade series, I feel that vampires have adopted a method of making their children more humanlike and able to run with the human crowd.

*What most of you are not getting, is that in order for the creative process to occur, there must also be dark side.

This might be why in some respects, that the Christian God allowed vampires, as they in some capacity served as an ethereal balance.

To address the issues of plastic DNA in female vampires, know that some more powerful vampires, can alter their DNA patterns in order to keep their line going.

My contact told me that they could mate with horses and almost all kinds of animals.

The purposeful mating between a human man and a female vampires, yields what is known as a dark wizard.

The fabled leader of the future, is supposed to be a dark wizard.

A dark wizards, human looking, could be passed off for any politician.

Maybe this is the area that I'm eluding to?

Female vampire DNA can be augmented to encompass the ribosome flavorings of her opposite intended, as their DNA is under control of their psyches, due to the enormity of the power of their minds.

The female must augment her DNA profile, as the match once inception occurs with a human, will not recognize the opposing DNA ribosome structure of her intended mate.

Telophase will not occur, nor mitosis, nor pairing of chromisonal bodies, which is in the process of in vetro cellular replication within the womb.

The other side of the coin that your all not getting, is that the lizarian influence, in some ways, is also counted as a dark creative influence.

It may be that these elements had been necessary to build leaders for the future, as this new guest at the forum has intimated?

Psy vamps prey on a person's energy.

Blood fetishes, enjoy drinking blood, for what that's worth to them.

However' still in some parts of the world, is say you take that walk beneath an underpass and encounter what at first look like another human walking the other way and when you get closer you find that it is anything but human and this being is now coming at you, then you'll have figured out that there are real vampires.
Well, that pretty much does it for me. If Haber practices entertainment and IP law, he certainly has the resources to pull this caper off. Hat's off to you and Darby for digging down to the bottom of things.

Holy crap!

I get it.

Creedo is in on this whole thing! I'm not even kidding. BRAVO! You had me thinking you were schizophrenic. Good job there, creedo ole pal!
Nice analysis Mr. Siegmund.
Was your comment directed to reinforce creedo's post or a poor attempt at sarcasm? Or does it have anything to do with you having fantasies about your mother? Good luck with either.
It would be predictable and deserving of little emotional response if the Titor story came out for sure as a hoax by one or two people.

It would be annoying, and a little bit shocking (to me at least; perhaps my lingering shred of faith in humanity is too much) to find out that it was a conspiracy by several people to make a buck.