
I believe Titorian already not only explained the concept of time travel but also told you folks how to build one, or a landing base at lease.

He did? Where,' prey tell, did he explain time travel? I believe his comment was something along the lines of, "I am a layman. I couldn't even explain the simplist concept..."

About all he did was state that E=mc^2 thus C = mE^2 (which means that C = m^3 and C = E^3 therefore any and all m (or E) = cube root of C. Huh?)

According to Titorian you're the brains behind the outfit. Why don't tyou take a crack at showing the mathematical proofs that lead to C=mE^2?

PS: Do it on another thread. We don't really want to hijack this one.

First Person Physics is not based on truths as you traditionally call them as much as proofs. Titorian alluded to this with the Trinity Test. The best theory ever is still a theory until it is proven, C=ME2 is based upon proofs.

Additionally (and personally, Darby), there is a whole new branch of physics that is about to open that will beget a whole new generation of physicists that will send everyone scrambling- yourself included. Foremost from this will be the practicality of time travel, and we're only a few years away from a workable theory... be patient!

And to answer your follow-up question ahead of time, traditional physics fails because although it can define the outcome, it can't tell us what caused it. As such (and since E=MC2 is based on the truth of the Big Bang), there is something bigger than traditional physics and that is where C=ME2 comes in: C=ME2 is a larger expression of E=MC2. Just as the United States is 50 states operating under one flag, C=ME2 is one proof that has many names- among them E=ME2. Think bigger.

And I believe that Bransonian registered for this site long before it was announced he was going to.

We all have Titorian45 to thank for that- he registered my name and sent confirmatory test messages before I arrived.

"Because the universe is E=MC2. It's relative to light and light is everywhere, it's not relative to any "thing" in the universe. There is no "you are here" to the universe."


About all he did was state that E=mc^2 thus C = mE^2 (which means that C = m^3 and C = E^3 therefore any and all m (or E) = cube root of C. Huh?)

This is a proof, and the only way it makes sense is it you think bigger. Perhaps there is something bigger than E=MC2 that dictates E=MC2 to tangable matter. You're looking right at the answer and still not seeing it.

(To answer the follow-up questions), physics cannot tell us what the Big Bang was, it can only tell us it mathematically happened.

According to Titorian you're the brains behind the outfit. Why don't tyou take a crack at showing the mathematical proofs that lead to C=mE^2?

Mathematical proofs? Reality is not a math formula, the outcomes of actions are. E=MC2.

The bulk of my postings here will be copy and pasted from our earlier version of this discussion.

As to other threads, Titorian's name was Joseph. We know this because of a decryption of his posts. Apart from that, I have no personal knowledge of him. I jumped after him and had the luxory of reading this entire thread in advance.
hi bransonian, good to hear from you. Hope you will stay a while.

So what is the divergence value you came from to be here? This will give us an indication on how accurate you prediction will be. Or just give us a definition of divergence if you believe in it since John Titor did.

For the two equation sitting side by side seems a bit impossible since they contain all the same variables don’t you think, so does C=ME^2 belong in another dimension to make it work?
The best theory ever is still a theory until it is proven, C=ME2 is based upon proofs.

So proove it, already. Show the math steps - the underlying equations - from which your equation was derived.

Remember, this is your story, not mine. If you want more than the two or thre people who have been following the thread to get interested stop boring them. Think bigger; be original - show the proof.

In the mean time, as I anticipate a typical post-Titor time travel saga response, I'll take a nap and dream about your best two posts..



you know, i know barely anything about physics, but i do know that this sounds very peculiar.

heres my guess, c= acceleration times velocity times a constant multiplier + no mass. or maybe c= acceleration times vibration divided by time? i know that probably sounds ridiculous, but i probably wouldnt be the only one sounding ridiculous.
also i have a question i'd like to ask. i understand that energy has mass. but does light? and if so, is it considered a different kind of mass?
The bulk of my postings here will be copy and pasted from our earlier version of this discussion.

Uh, you kind of goofed up this one, big guy. The only "our" earlier version of this conversation was between the members and Titorian. Under your current "Bransonian" handle you haven't previously discussed anything with us.

You made four posts before today:



"Because the universe is E=MC2. It's relative to light and light is everywhere, it's not relative to any "thing" in the universe. There is no "you are here" to the universe."

"I believe Titorian already not only explained the concept of time travel but also told you folks how to build one, or a landing base at lease."

So what's to cut & paste?


(I slip back into my dream..."Perhaps there is something bigger than E=MC2 that dictates E=MC2 to tangable matter.

Test, testing, tangable. Tangable? What the heck word is that? Titorian used the same word. Tangible, maybe? Maybe time travelers drink orange Time Tang before they trip. They become Time Tang Able." )

"I jumped after him and had the luxory of reading this entire thread in advance."

so youve read the entire thread already? whats next, and how does this end?

You have all the proof we need. You have all the old post before you jumped to this time period from the future. You said it would be just a cut and past job so just do it. Then just past all the result into this thread. I would just love to see what I have said even before I thought it. It would just be amazing to me personally and everyone involved. I would literally freak out. Darby, Ruthless and PamelaM217 would definitely agree. So just do it and be a king and past the entire thread since we would just love and see our future self in action from that specific time line. It is the easy proof we will ever get. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
And when I see it I will know it was from me. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
There was so much hype from Titorian about you showing up but then when you finally arrive here there doesn't seem like there was anything really exciting worth waiting for...I mean so far anyway.

Its kind of like when everyone was looking forward to the Segway coming out there was so much hype on it and it was finally revealed and everyone was a little disappointed and said "Is that it?" sigh!

Oh yeah if you have the thread post it ..otherwise why even mention it.
First Person Physics is not based on truths as you traditionally call them as much as proofs

Ah! I gather that you mean "proof" as in "logical proof"? Excellent!

Mathematical proofs?

Well, yeah. Logic is part of mathematics, ain't it? So that's really the only kind of proof which can exist.

So why don't you cut the New Agey vogue stuff, and supply us with a post which makes actual logical sense?

First Titorian attempts to post this saga on several sites and is rebuffed - and he complains about the rebuff. Then he announces the Earth shattering appearance of Bransonian who is to announce yet more Earth shattering information.

What do we receive?




"TimeTang Able"


(Back to my dream state where yet another two week wonder comes and goes on TTI.)
The most important thing a time traveller could ever possibly bring back with him is information. Anything else is a trinket or souvenier.

I apologize for the short version folks.

I am willing to share the truth of C=ME2, but with only one of you folks, only by PM and only if that person agrees to keep this information secret. That person is free to then post whether or not they believe the truths of C=ME2, but my words must be kept private.

I would pick Darby as the "test subject" but Darby- if you're up for it, this will definetly change your perspective of things and as they say- there ain't no coming back once you understand what I am saying.

If you're up to playing Cassandra, I will give you the information- it's twelve words or less that will change your life. But once you know the secret, it's up to you to make your peace with it just as you will then understand why all the secrecy.

Well? You ready to drink the Cool-Aid?

I am willing to share the truth of C=ME2, but with only one of you folks, only by PM and only if that person agrees to keep this information secret. That person is free to then post whether or not they believe the truths of C=ME2, but my words must be kept private.

Rather than go through all of that why don't you do this:

As you established both as Titorian and Bransonian this is not your theory. Instead, it is Dr. Michio Kaku's theory.

As I posted earlier today, it's not as if Dr. Kaku is a dead theoretical physicist. He's alive, well and lives in New York. He also has his own forum site and he does accept email.

Why don't you convince Dr. Kaku to take a look at his theory and explain it. You can then post his response.

Hyperspace Forums

Due to the volume of e-mail Dr. Kaku receives every day, he cannot answer every letter, especially those from individuals who have a new "theory of everything". If you would like to learn more about submitting your theory, please read the article "What to Do If You Have a Proposal for the Unified Field Theory?".

Dr. Michio Kaku: [email protected]

Hmmm...Interesting allusion - Cassandra.

The only other poster that I can recall who made reference to Cassandra in a post to me and who also made the offer to "talk" in secrecy on PM to get the "answers" was Zeshua.


Reged: 02/21/05
Posts: 39

Re: To All! The TRUTH about JT from 2026! [re: Darby]
03/01/05 10:21 AM (

[snip] As I have said, all questions (if I do not already know how divergent they could be), must be put through the paces with the caus-sim. Whats in it for you? How about Knowledge of your immediate futures. 2005-2006 are Interesting years and no doubt there will be many questions. I ask that you be patient, be succinct, and ask me what you want to know. In Public or Private. Some answers will only be given through the Private Messaging system on this forum.

If you choose to ignore me, that would be splendid. It would only help to further my belief that knowledge from the future is a double edged sword, why you have only to look to the eyes of Cassandra of Greek Mythology, as also mentioned in Homers "The Iliad".

Post from Zeshua
The allegory of Cassandra is a good fit. So is "drinking the cool aid" and I suppose so would Orpheus. There is a higher branch of science and mathematics that better and more simply defines the universe, and once you understand this higher concept, you'll understand that E=MC2 is only a part of the big picture. I am offering to show you the big picture.

Were I to make this knowledge publically known, it would change the lives of millions of people and life on this planet as we know it starting with myself. It would throw us all into chaos- trust me on this.

After an eight page debate on this forum, you finally had me to where I PMmed you this information on 1/19/08 at which point you validated everything I said then stopped posting on this forum. I asked if you folks wanted to see the short version of this debate- the part where we get to C=ME2.

And no Darby- I am not using you to validate new sciences as much as presenting the scientifically obvious to a scientific mind in the hopes you'll obviously see larger things in front of you- kinda like explaining Hawking Radiation to Einstein in 1907. I am asking you to listen then come here and say either "Bransonian is a real time traveller" or "he is not"- that's all.

And Sigo- no, I don't have any formulas to expound here.
And no CSM, I am not an op.
All anyone has to do is lie to you and say they wont share it, and then share it when they get it. Your sense of quality control seems to be a bit lacking.