Blast From The Past

In regards to Zeshua's latest clue (I cant quote for some reason)

My interpretation:

A Shorn Sqeak, A Distress, She Go. Hit News, Ever On. Line East, In As In So Fl (south Florida?) UN in Zeal(in New Zealand?) IC (I see) on IC (i see) SA, VA (could be cities states or countries) NTF A Mess (Nato Task Force) MPS myclone ie (MPS is on stock market, is an IT company) Myclone is a transformer toy. Maybe MPS is the company that will allow the technology to be "transformed" for example.

That was fun!
The poem has been successfully solved and confirmed, as follows :

3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE

Well, just what is the definition of a "massacre", anyway ?

Today, the news is carrying stories saying that today is the deadliest day in Palestine since fighting began there in 2000. Some are calling it a holocaust, which, you know, is even a stronger word than "massacre".


Israeli strikes kill 54 in Gaza

By IBRAHIM BARZAK, Associated Press Writer 21 minutes ago

Israeli troops turned heavy firepower on rocket squads bombarding southern Israel Saturday, killing 54 Palestinians in the deadliest day in Gaza since the current round of fighting erupted in 2000 [...] The violence took a heavy toll on Gaza civilians. Moderate Palestinian leaders called the killings a "genocide" and threatened to call off peace talks. "The response to these rockets can't be that harsh and heinous," said Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. "It is nowadays described as a holocaust." [...] On Friday, Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai renewed a threat to invade Gaza to crush militant rocket squads that attack southern Israel daily. At least two dozen Palestinian civilians, including a baby, were among those killed, and militants said 25 fighters died. Health officials said about 200 people were wounded, 14 of them critically. The overall death toll was the highest in a single day since the current round of violence erupted in September 2000. The highest previous death toll was 38 on March 8, 2002. The intense fighting Saturday pushed the Palestinian death toll to more than 80 since fighting flared Wednesday. About half of those were civilians [...]

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Ok, Zeshua posted this about a year and a half ago, and in that time five of the items on the list have already come true (items 3,5,8,9, and 12). Some might argue that 8 hasn't happened yet, but Iran has claimed to make great progress, and more importantly, no one has made them stop their research.

Anyway, I'm now wondering which will come next. We've got predictions of earthquakes and a MidEast War, which are self-explanatory enough, but items 2,6,11, and 13 are rather vague and/or mysterious.

What is with AHMADINEJAD's name on the list? What, he does something? Then wouldn't his act be placed on the list instead of his name? If it isn't his act, then what is it? I think that it isn't something he does, but something that happens to him; I bet that this is a prediction of his assassination.

We will see.

- Peter
Might I take a moment and request that you expand upon your personal experience with the recent change to the timeline.

There was an alteration, but the event horizont was on Feb 29...

would this help with the extensive Detailed map of a time line alteration

Maybe, maybe don t...

Best Regards
-beware the Ides of March- :D
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR

The governments of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait seem to think that something big is about to occur in Lebanon. They just told their citizens to get out of Lebanon ASAP :

From the

The Saudi's, Bahrani's and Kuwaiti's just ordered their nationals out of Lebanon, with the Saudi's saying women and children should be out in 48 hours. These aren't generic warnings, they are "GET THE HELL OUT!", drop everything and RUN type warnings. The Saudi GID has definately seen something they don''t like. And reports have said the US Task Force deploying off of Lebanon is configured for EVACUATIONS, not combat.
myclone ie
cyclone in Europe


2 march 2008

Hurricane Emma kills nine in central Europe

At least nine people have lost their lives in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic as Hurricane Emma struck central Europe.

One of Germany's high speed trains was taken out of action and several rail lines were closed as winds reached 190 kilometres an hour. Three people died in Germany.

In some areas, heavy rainfall caused flooding as well.

In Austria the death toll reached four, including two German tourists, with at least two of the people killed by trees blown down by high winds.

Some 10,000 households in the north of the country have been left without electricity.

Skiers in the Alps were warned to take extra care after a metre of snow fell and a Bundesliga football match was cancelled.

Across the countries hit by Emma, the damage is estimated to be worth tens of millions of euros. Weather experts say winds are likely to pick up again on Sunday morning.

In the Czech Republic, two people died - an 11-year-old girl who was crushed by a falling tree and a man, 80, who was hit by a piece of metal. Around 100,000 people are without electricity and transport has been disrupted throughout the country.

High waves hit the Belgian coast and across the country power cables and roofs were damaged by the storm.

end quoted:


Best Regards /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Oh, and let's not forget that Zeshua arrived online in February 2005 talking about something that no one, not even in these celebrated TT forums, had ever heard of before -- communicating through time

Absolutely first one had ever suggested communicating through a time machine. Well, except for, maybe, for Irwin Allen's 1966-1967 series "Time Tunnel" where they communicated via a "TV" time machine (in addition to physically time traveling).
Zeshua, please finish this sentence: I had a ____________ for breakfast.
2 scrambled eggs + bacon + Mushrooms


Recipe link:

Best Regards
WW3 Link
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES;_ylt=Agsg.B06C3I1uhXqxphyM8ms0NUE


Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher
Tue Mar 4, 7:02 AM ET

High on Mount Sinai, Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the Ten Commandments, an Israeli researcher claimed in a study published this week.

Such mind-altering substances formed an integral part of the religious rites of Israelites in biblical times, Benny Shanon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem wrote in the Time and Mind journal of philosophy.

"As far Moses on Mount Sinai is concerned, it was either a supernatural cosmic event, which I don't believe, or a legend, which I don't believe either, or finally, and this is very probable, an event that joined Moses and the people of Israel under the effect of narcotics," Shanon told Israeli public radio on Tuesday.

Moses was probably also on drugs when he saw the "burning bush," suggested Shanon, who said he himself has dabbled with such substances.

"The Bible says people see sounds, and that is a clasic phenomenon," he said citing the example of religious ceremonies in the Amazon in which drugs are used that induce people to "see music."

He mentioned his own experience when he used ayahuasca, a powerful psychotropic plant, during a religious ceremony in Brazil's Amazon forest in 1991. "I experienced visions that had spiritual-religious connotations," Shanon said.

He said the psychedelic effects of ayahuasca were comparable to those produced by concoctions based on bark of the acacia tree, that is frequently mentioned in the Bible.
Moses high on drugs

Just proves how easy it is to read into anything one might want to read something into. This is hardly earth-shattering news and it is CONJECTURE. Unless they have found the body of Moses and conduct a drug test on it, this is mere speculation amid 1000 of speculations of how the Bible came to be. Though I find logic in this, its far more believeable that Moses saw a burning bush while high as opposed to thru God's miracle or wrath......still, it is just a suggestion and should have never been highlighted as a "fact."

You got this from GLP no doubt where many of the news sources are about as credible as the weekly world news at the grocery store.

And it in no way affirms the validity of Zeshua. Only because you want so badly to prove Zeshua real would you lose all reason faculties and critical thinking ablities. The only thing this article "proves" is that there is some Israeli scientist who believes that the stories in the Bible were actually recounts of hallucingenic trips-and that's all. It has NOTHING to do with whether Israel is based on truths or lies. How do you connect these dots? Far as I'm concerned, the dots aren't even on the same page. Yawn.
I'm right with you (again) Risata. Perhaps Peter could get a side gig stretching things to fit Nostradamus predictions as well. That is all he is doing with Zeshua.

You're missing the point.

The point is not whether the news story is true or not, but that it occurred when Zeshua said it would.

She predicted, in her 2006 poem, that the news in 2007-2009 would include some story asserting that the very existence of Israel is based on lies and falsehoods. And just this week, a story came out that asserts that very thing. The story says that Moses' experience of meeting God on Sinai was a hallucination, and that the nation he built - Israel - was based on that falsehood.

How often do you suppose a major news service has run a story that would fit these rare parameters? I can't think of a single time an assertion like this has been carried on the news services before, but here it is, and right on Zeshua's schedule.

This story was carried by Forbes, AFP, FOX, MSNBC, and on and on. Not GLP.
She predicted, in her 2006 poem, that the news in 2007-2009 would include some story asserting that the very existence of Israel is based on lies and falsehoods.

No, it is you who are missing the point. She did NOT predict this. YOU are making it fit a word jumble. Please SHOW ME where she predicted (specifically) "a news story" and that this news story would appear in "2007-2009".

What I have been trying to get you to admit is that you do the same thing that the Nostradamus postdiction people do: You read a "riddle" and see how many things you can make fit that riddle. Look for yourself at your own "fittings" of "Massacre In Palestine". FIRST you tried to make it fit the war in Lebanon (which was not part of the old Palestine, BTW). But now you make it fit what is going on in Gaza.

The REAL question is, if there is a "massacre in Palestine" AFTER 2009, then will you NOT try to fit that one? And what of all the OTHER massacres in Palestine that came BEFORE Zeshua's "prediction"?

And of course, this is assuming that Peter's interpretations of Zeshua's riddles is even correct! Who's to say what the heck Zeshua predicted?!

Here. I can play this game, too.

A RENAISSANCE PI MELTS:-a mathamatical theory based on PI that is discovered to be erroneous. Or is discovered to "melt" something, maybe in the Quantum field.

A figure from the Renaissance period or a theory formulated from that time-discovers an anomolie in fusion.

A renaissance painting is "melting" revealing the truth of the "dark ages" of science just being put underground.

A LIBERAL DISSES ONE: Obama talks trash about Hilary.
Hilary talks trash about Obama.

A democrat wins the Presidential title.

yet, Peter got Palastine and Israel out of both. I mean, you could go on and on with "guesstimates" about what any of these riddles should mean.

Of course, none of my theories are in the news, whereas the odds of Palastine or Israel in the news on any given day are about 100:100.

Just sayin'.

Nostradamus indeed.
On January 11th 2007, I posted herein the assertion that Zeshua had confirmed to me that the correct solution to the poem was :

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

That confirmation occurred via private email, and has not been posted here.

Within the last few months, she asserted to me also via private email that most (perhaps all,
I forget exactly) of the predictions she has made since showing up on the Internet in 2005 were
taken from stories in newspapers and the media, often right out of the headlines.

I apparently have a very poor memory, because a little review of this thread reveals that she said
much the same thing here at TTI quite some time ago: where she stated :

"These words were taken from titles and brief summaries of news events, circa 2007-2009"

A little later she clarified further, saying "I thought it clear my initial post answered these
questions. Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009 Author and Title Anonymous. The poem, made up from
headlines of news stories circulating between 2007-2009, of which no Author was given specific
credit due to the fact that their names and titles of their stories were not included within the
text archives I was able to obtain."

Zeshua posted the original poem here on November 15, 2006, defining it with the phrase "Circa
2007-2009". Line 11 was shown here to be a functional anagram for "Israel based on lies" on January
11, 2007, and at that time it was claimed herein that those words predicted something that would
occur between 2007-2009. A year later that prediction has proven correct.

Whether the words “Israel based on lies” is the correct or incorrect solution to the line
“A Liberal Disses One” is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that :

(A) The words “Israel based on lies” was publically presented here on January 11, 2007 as a
prediction of a news story that would appear in the media in 2007-2009, and

(B) A year after that prediction was posted here at TTI, it has come true. A story indeed has
appeared in the press claiming that the original foundation that the state of Israel was based
on – the mystical claims of Moses – were falsehoods.

Every historian will tell you the same thing, that the people of Israel, and the Jewish faith
itself, was founded upon the teachings of Moses. Moses is to Judaism what Jesus is to Christianity
– the rock upon which it was built. The nation, the people, the religion, all were built upon Moses
and his teachings. To whatever degree Israel has a foundation, he is it. And now the media is
running a story claiming that foundation was false, that Israel was based on a lie, that their
illustrious founder was a stoner, and the media ran that story more than a year after that very
thing was predicted here.

Whether or not you credit Zeshua with that prediction, the prediction itself was posted here over
a year ago, and it came true on schedule.

Furthermore, it cannot be argued that this prediction is so vague that one could point to stories
in the news media of any year that could fulfill it. This is a very odd and rare statement, and
other than this current news story, I cannot think of any other I have ever heard of that would
satisfy the conditions of the prediction. But an international news story claiming that Moses'
mystical experiences were nothing more than drug-induced hallucinations, well, that does the job
quite nicely. It is certainly not uncommon in this secular age for people to assert that Moses,
for example, was mistaken, or even that there was no such person as Moses. That is not the point
either. The point is, that such a story got carried by the international media, and right on
schedule. Anti-Semites regularly claim that Judaism is a false religion, but it is irregular in
the extreme for such assertions to be run on the wire services.

And even more irregular for such a rarity to be correctly predicted a year in advance.

Whether or not you give credit to Zeshua, the fact remains that a year ago, it was predicted in
this forum that a news story would appear in 2007-2009 asserting that Israel was based on a lie,
and now just such a news story has appeared.

- Peter
You still are not getting it... and given your "inside" PMs from Zeshua, that makes you the subject of scrutiny for your panderings for her hoax.

You choose to twist the following explicit words to suit your needs:

"These words were taken from titles and brief summaries of news events, circa 2007-2009"

Now I would like you to show me where the words "Israel Based On Lies" show up in the headline you have put forward for the "Moses was high on drugs" story.

Your issue with this is that you do not take her predictions literally. You stretch them in any way you can to make them fit. I could do the same thing for a great many posts by some of our most hapless TT claimaints here. We could do something similar with Chronohistorian's crap..bless his little muscle-tree loving heart.

Every historian will tell you the same thing, that the people of Israel, and the Jewish faith itself, was founded upon the teachings of Moses. Moses is to Judaism what Jesus is to Christianity – the rock upon which it was built. The nation, the people, the religion, all were built upon Moses and his teachings. To whatever degree Israel has a foundation, he is it.

This is the clearest evidence yet that you are "selective" in your use of history to support your love for the Zeshua hoax. Tohite: Ever heard of Abraham? Every Jew I know speaks of him as "Father Abraham". From him came all 12 tribes of Israel. But that just wouldn't twist the way you want for your "prediction", would it?

Furthermore, it must be pointed out:

Furthermore, it cannot be argued that this prediction is so vague that one could point to stories in the news media of any year that could fulfill it. This is a very odd and rare statement, and other than this current news story, I cannot think of any other I have ever heard of that would
satisfy the conditions of the prediction. But an international news story claiming that Moses'
mystical experiences were nothing more than drug-induced hallucinations, well, that does the job
quite nicely. It is certainly not uncommon in this secular age for people to assert that Moses,
for example, was mistaken, or even that there was no such person as Moses. That is not the point
either. The point is, that such a story got carried by the international media, and right on
schedule. Anti-Semites regularly claim that Judaism is a false religion, but it is irregular in
the extreme for such assertions to be run on the wire services.

You have made an assumption about your assumption (interpretation). You have assumed (and invoked confirmation bias with this news story) that Zeshua was talking about the RELIGION of Israel, and not the STATE of Israel. Indeed, one can find PLENTY of citations from Muslims who will openly state that the creation of the state of Israel is based on lies. And indeed these citations stretch well before 2005 and will, no doubt, stretch far beyond 2009.

So you have assumed Zeshua was talking about the religion of Israel and not the creation of the new state of Israel in 1948. THAT IS RELEVANT!

Here is an interesting article that, if you did not reject it because of your bias, could cause VERY different interpretation of TWO of your "solutions":

Title: The Big Arab Lie

And here is an interesting quote from this article. See if you can figure out why it may be relevant:

Deir Yassin: The events that took place at Deir Yassin are still hotly disputed. But by their own admission, Arab leadership today acknowledges that the lies created by the Arabs then about the fictitious "massacre" were concocted in order to shame the Arab armies into fighting against the Jews, and to frighten the Arabs and encourage them to flee.

If I wanted to, I could twist the Zeshua "solutions" to support a different conclusion. Look, here are some more choice words from this article:

So where did the idea of a massacre come from? The same Arab sources that confess to having urged the Arabs to flee have also acknowledged that Arab spokespersons at the time galacticly exaggerated the Deir Yassin fight, making up stories of gang rape, brutalizing of pregnant women, killing unborn children cut from their mothers' wombs by blood-thirsty Jews, and massive murders with bodies thrown into a nearby quarry. These same Arab sources admit that their purpose in these exaggerations and lies was to shame the Arab nations into entering the conflict with greater alacrity, so that the Jews would be destroyed by the overwhelming numbers of Arab invaders.
