Re: Question #3
You said:
As always, you wish to twist the conversation in a direction that is more comfortable for you and your judging.
Ray, how about just answering the question, instead of insisting that it's some “tactic†setup to trick you. The TTA will not do that to you, I assure you.
If I happen to ask you a question, it's not to twist the conversation to judge you, but to really get a broader meaning of what your asking me.
Any show of similarities put in an analogical way as you do, is just that, not a judgment -not a twist.
You said:
My point when I said: Last I heard from Mop, no one has complained to him that I have offended them.
Was merely to inform you that I have contacted Mop, and despite all of your high-handed scolding of me as being offensive, no one has as yet complained to Mop that I have offended them. Are you going to do so?
Generally speaking, your posts can be taken as offensive. It's not up to me to notify MOP about you, it's ultimately up to others if they so choose. And as you can see from the polls and the visits to this thread, the consensus is obviously disproportional.
I should also point out to you, and the others who might be reading this wonderful discussion, that I have never been banned from this forum in the past for inappropriate behavior. Can you say as much, TTA?
That's a good one Ray. No I cannot say the same. The TTA has been banned here once before for supposedly "inappropriate behavior." However, I would argue that many of those times when I was banned, it was a misunderstanding. Grant it now things are more lenient and laid back here. But back in my time on the TTI forum, people were being banned left and right, and I am certain you would have been one of them as well, yeap right along side the TTA
As I have said before, you can go ahead and judge me as you wish. How much hostility must there be in you for you to continue to lay judgements about my character such as this? Perhaps you should conduct a public poll for each and every one of the judgements you levy against RainmanTime... let's see how many other people agree with your view. I am not afraid of what others (especially you) think of me.
Ray, you know I didn't have a problem with you before I came back on here. Even after we had our clash and I lost respect for you -for your dehumanizing approach with the TTA, I let it go and moved on, and forgave you. But when I saw you were attempting to do the same thing to this kid, I just had to say; "Ray, that's not right, how about chilling out man?" Or something along those lines.
I am not continuing to lay judgments on you Ray, I am merely reiterating the original ones. And as you keep posting, I’am simply just letting you know this.
Regardless of whether you call it spiritual, that is not my point. My point is that you seem to wish me to act in a certain way. If you are as experienced in life as you like to portray yourself, you should not be surprised when people don't adhere to the way you would wish for them to act. I've said it before to others: You do your thing, I'll do mine. If you feel offended, report me. But again, I have yet to be banned. In fact, I might even guess that some of those whom I have tangled with in the past might not hold so much hostility to me as you appear to hold towards me. Let's say MEM... clearly we have had our "moments". And he has even thrown a few insulting words at me. Do I want him banned, or have I reported him? No. Should he report me? If he wishes to, he is free to, that is for certain. But so far he has not.
That's very nice Ray... thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
However, I am not mandating you to act in any way, other then just telling you of the rules here.
For example: it's illegal to cross the border right?
Do you think that's going to stop anyone from crossing it?
The TTA just had an idea of proper conduct with another human being, you are under no obligation of mine to adhere to it.
I agree, if someone is offended, let them report you.
You said: are asking for specifics, eh? Interesting because you so love to generalize in your judgements of me without providing specifics. Tell you what: I will provide specifics of your own preaching when you provide me some specifics related to this accusation you lay on me:
Feel threated if you don't subjegate a negative view of the future don't you Ray? You feel a complusion to shove an elightnened one down everyone's throat instead.
Ray, there is so much in this thread alone to support this. I don't think I have to post it all here, and aggravate you any further on your vacation. But if you want, or if anyone else wants, they can simply just go back and read the thread from the beginning to end to determine the quality of your character if they so wish, and post what they think.
Please show me where I force anyone to accept my view of the future.
Is it not clear to you Ray? It's your relentlessness in how you approach posters who say they are from the future and how you choose to answer them.
Now how you force them to view and accept your view of the future, I think this post best says it:
Captioned here:
Oh please...just STFU and leave already! This is the most ridiculous "prediction" you have made to-date. And just like all your others that did not come true, neither will this one. May 1st will come and go without any sort of major, civil war inducing incident. And do you care to nail down this "in the coming months" to a SPECIFIC month please? And what is this "you MAY see" BS? Always hedging your bets, eh Chrono? BAH! The UN couldn't even invade Sudan, and the world knows it! And as for NATO, which member country do you think owns the vast majority of NATO military assets?
As I said in a previous post, you are evil. Plain and simple. I detest your form of evil because you try to incite fear, and inducing another human being (especially those poor human beings not intelligent enough to see through your BS) to feel fear about their future is the worst form of evil there is. It is a form of terrorism, and you are a terrorist.
Here how it works (IMO):
Now, you take their view of the future and your own. Obviously you do not like their view, so you attack it and call them names. So by default, yours is all that remains after you defeat them, ultimately subjugating their view in place of your own.
Sorta like a game of War and Conquest.
Again, this coming from the person who was banned for not following the general terms. So far, it is only you claiming that I have offended someone... if that someone is you, go ahead and report me. It really is as simple as that. I am not sure why you need such repeated theatrics with regard to this. You have a venue to lodge your complaint against me. Yet instead you just continue to preach to me in this thread. And in the same breath you say *I* have a problem? Look in the mirror. Is it possible you have a problem too?
Hahaha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif alright Ray. Yes, the TTA was banned before. But like I said, some of those incidents were hardly my fault.
Let's see the counts: I was NOT banned from the Art Bell forum, I believe the forum just went offline after someone decided it so. On Anamolies, I had an on going conflict with Rick D. (totally classic, you should have seen it, there was a main event daily) but I think I was re-instated after it had it's shake-down. Once here as the TTA for calling Creedo, (only after I was encouraged to do so, btw). And then once again for my other account here as "Enforcer of Time" for showing up after I was banned. And finally on the TTFourm; I only posted a few times there, I was attacked by some vigilante kids for some Anti-Time-Cop rule they had and banned me (I was named a Legend though /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif). Now present day, I've learned from my mistakes, that’s how I am experienced in proper inter-human conduct.
Whatever are you talking about? Are you, in essence, saying that I should simply set out one set of guidelines for how I might wish to debunk a "time traveler"? Or IOW you wish for me to only commit to using one arrow in my entire quiver? Now that would be silly, wouldn't it? Perhaps you should do the same?
The TTA does not go hunting for hoaxers (metaphorically speaking), nor do I use how you been putting it these past few days, "tactics" to make anyone post according to my will.
I make do with what I have, and what I know. Yes, this may be limiting to some others, but it seems to have gotten the job done sufficiently, well more or less.
Tell you what...since it is your idea, and you seem to think it is such a fine one, then perhaps you would like to do the footwork for this? Why should I do the legwork for your idea (one which I am not quite sure I understand the purpose for anyway).
This idea was previously proposed by others here on the Time Travel Claims threads, I am only reiterating what many have already expressed a desire for. Does it not get tired hearing the same old story time and time again?
I don't intent to be posting on a long-term basis, perhaps you can collaborative with the other fine minded intellectuals in here and come up with something creative?
Or just post however you like, regardless of the "general terms."
Again, you don't have to follow the rules, it's not up to me to enforce, I did not make the rules. I am only stating what they are.
But as far as I am concerned, you can post whatever you want RMT. I think the kid got the point, and it may be some time until another eager Time Traveler crosses your path again.
Until then... enjoy your vacation :D.