Re: Question #3
I should again make it clear to you that I have studied the TTA quite thoroughly. As long as the TTA is comfortable with someone using the TTA's own tactics on the TTA, then feel free to continue in your comfort.
Boast all you want. But your retaliation is clearly evident in your post.
Why? Does the TTA have a concern about what people think about him, and his actions? It would seem from this statement that the TTA does care about what people think about him.
One may even say the same thing about you Ray and your unwillingness to let things go. Especially when lured to a corner by the TTA or anyone else willing to take a stance against you.
I believe I made it clear the last time, when I acknowledged I did not have very many fans here. So sorry, but your wrong RMT.
The TTA can easily leave and let you have the last word if that's what's concerning you so much. I don't depend on posting on a daily basis to rack up an excess of posts, and boast about how scientific my approch is, like yours is!
Ahhh, yes. Classic TTA is what I would call this. You seem to believe yourself to be quite good in directing other people's beliefs for them. For example, in this case you set out only two possibilities. When in reality, no one is bound to accept only one of the two possibilities that you have outlined here. You are aware, I would hope, that there is an entire, infinite range of what I, or others here, may believe about how either you or I act?
Why the incorrigible approach RMT?
Really, your making a bigger deal then needs to be made.
Did I offend you?
Strawman alert. In my studies of the TTA, I have found a preponderance for the usage of the strawman argument. If the TTA is as advanced as he thinks himself to be, then the TTA will understand that one does not respond in kind to strawman arguments. IOW, you are the one coming to conclusions and judgments, and therefore hypothesizing. I have simply asked you a question, and you have slyly (or so you think) avoided answering it by setting up a strawman. Did you think I would not notice this?
I don't bother to think about what you may be thinking Ray.
Take my approach as cautiously as you want if that's how you feel about it.
You mean like the strawman argument that you have setup? See, you can recognize the tactic when it is used!
Did you use that rebuttal while in the school yard with the other kids too?
Again you attempt another strawman. Not going to work with me, friend. I believe what I said was quite clear, and I was purposeful in my use of the lead-in words "One thing that I wonder..." Are you catching on now how your tactics will not work with me?
And you should be catching on to the fact that I don't care. "Debunk" all you want Ray, really when all is said and done, people will still not like you or me.
I said:
Do you find this characteristic something to be proud of?
You said:
I don't believe I ever made that claim, no. But what we see here is yet another attempt for you to shift the purpose of my words. To be frank, the purpose of my words was the "own up" to something about myself that I know is true. In my reading of the TTA, this is something that the TTA has often extolled other people to do. So I am doing this. I am admitting that I am, indeed, course.
I don't think I was claiming that you did find it something to be proud! I was asking you a question. It was a challege to see if you could be honest with your self.
Do you now have a problem with me owning up to my own words, which are used for my own purpose?
Nope, no problem. Did you think I had a problem?
Yes, perhaps we should talk about purpose. For if my reading of the TTA is correct, the TTA has often told people that he acts in certain ways for specific purposes...most often to "help people learn something about themselves." So (to attempt your own tactic of strawman): Do you wish to deny me my own purpose in taking certain tones, as a means to show you something about yourself?
What are you talking about?
If I am reading RMT correctly, you always have to have some nitch to justify your actions.
I said:
apologized to those I have hurt. Whether they accept it and believe I am sincere is not up to me.
You said:
Perhaps a quote is best to reply to this statement from the TTA:
"That's the trouble with being insincere, you have to make up for it later, and it's so hard when you know you don't want to, but what choice do you have? It's natural to be afraid of the unknown now, but at least your no longer lying to your self and adding to the deception, and that ain't half bad."
What was your point?
You take something I said many years ago as current to what I just said yesterday?
I said:
Yes, and much like my self, was subject to the description of the character described in my post above.
You said:
That would be your opinion, and a judgment if I might add.
Here's another one of your tactics Ray. Deny the truth when it's blindly facing you, and say it's someone's "opinion" and "judgment." But when it's the other way around, you don't have a problem with that, do you?
You persona is so double-standard here on the threads. Your own disagreements for the way others act and wish for them to see, is the very same things you deny to see.
Well now... this is quite an admission from the great TTA. I believe I can find statements from the TTA where he crows about his ability to "read people". So here you say "no one knows but you..." Does that mean that you are denying the capability you claim to have in this quote?
I have not posted in 3 yrs. Since that time, my ability to "read people" has brodened. You can read anything you want to read Ray. If you want to read people too, I don't care. But I do care when you pick on people who have done nothing to you, and you ruthlessly use your "justified intentions" to make your point.
You are the one who seems to be so good (and quick) at judging others. What does your judgment tell you about this?
Is that a complement Ray?
Actually, I believe it is you who are making this harder than it needs to be, and that is supported by the fact that you were the one who initiated this apparant attack on me.
Ray, I only stopped your attack of this kid and told the truth. No one has attacked you, but your self.
Do you have a problem with me stating the truth about you here? Wait... perhaps once again the sagely words of the TTA can help us in this quandary:
"if maintaining your façade matters that much to you, why post at all? Ask Pamela, she can attest to how long someone can fool people for so long. In the end, they usually leave because they know they can't keep up the disguise. Just some constructive criticism to make you aware of the reality of the situation."
First of all, I want to apologize to Pamela for saying that about her many years ago. I was wrong to have said that about you Pamela, I know you may never forgive me, but I just hope you know I am sorry.
Second, you want to dig up history about me that I've already accepted, just to make your self feel better Ray? You don't see me living in the past, bringing up past post from you. Come on, is this your scientific approach at it's best?
Obviously by now, if the TTA is astute as he has claimed himself to be in the past, the TTA will see what is transpiring here. May I again remind you that it is you who have initiated this action against me. And I shall not let you, nor the other readers, ever forget this. I learned this tactic from someone whom I have studied in depth.
Relentless aren't you? You started off your post by first insinuating that I care what the readers have to say about me, and now you feel adamantly about making them aware of your feelings!
Well it's your vacation Ray. It's up to you how you want to spend it. Bring up things I've said from the past, or discuss the here and now.
Interesting how you come back to the forum at this specific time, when I am in the process of debunking the latest person who is attempting to propagate a negative view of the future. Is there some underlying reason for why you have come back now?
Yes I know you take your work very personal and seriously. Perhaps a little to much. You don't care that this kid is just a kid do you Ray? You need some serious help dealing with some of your past issues my friend.
Feel threated if you don't subjegate a negative view of the future don't you Ray? You feel a complusion to shove an elightnened one down everyone's throat instead.
Metaphorically speaking of course.
Have a nice day.