believe me or not, its hard to understand


Temporal Novice
first off, i know that most if not everyone here will not believe me, but i am a time traveler originally from 2007, i am now 16 years of age, i lived in miami until a car accident killed both my parents, tehy died on new years driving back from a part hit by a drunk driver, my father worked for the fbi, while my mother was a house wife, when they died, the goverment came and i was forced
to stay with my fahters goverment friends, a few weeks passed, those weeks were hell for me,i was asked about my opinions in time travel one morning, and then was EXPOSED to the reality of time travel, though for the most part didnt believe it, on febuary 23rd i was flown to alberqerque, new mexico, and then driven to a military base in the norhten part of the state, called DULCE base, once there i was stripped tested, and then kept in soliatry confinement for 24 hours, the 24th at 3 a.m i was taken out and under the threat of death was todl to travel with a crew of 3 women and 2 men, teh crew as i was told was from the year 2040 and were taking me to the year 2012, my task was to take pictures of what i was instructed to take pictures of things i was instructed to, me being a child(teenager) they gave me no say in anything, and would not tell me antyhing about the supposed missions, i myslef did not even know how they achieved time travel, the ytook me to 2012 for 1 month, then at the same base, 4 years and 1 month later on march,24 2012 the crew was instructed to go back to april 24th, 2006, i have only aged a month and 6 days since the initial time travel, and i am now back in miami with the rest of my crew staying here for only 2 weeks, i am allowed to socialize but have to be accompanied by a crew member acting to be my mother, i write al lthis from a secure place in the grove, any questions, please feel free to ask, though i kno most wont believe, please keep in mind i am only 16, and as exposed as i have been to all this, i dont udnerstand quantum physics to save my life, ask me questions, and i will try my best to answer them, questions of my experiences, of future events, please keep them in florida and new mexico which where the areas i was in (or to be litteral, WILL be in), any questions and ill try my best
the questions

Well, welcome. I am sorry for your loss. I guess I have some questions.

1. Who is the President of the United States after George W. Bush?

2. What can you tell us of the future where you've been? What's different?

3. Can you call Coast To Coast AM, with George Noory and go anonymous and tell
him you are a time traveler and tell him about your experiences. You don't
have to tell him who you are, where you live or anything. You can look for
his website by typing

Look forward to hearing from you.

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gifI am really sorry for you..I wish that they would not did that to only 16 yr old....

I pray that if you be safe it too dangerous to be with a person like you 16 I hope that they don't do this to you if you die or not..

write back.
Bud, thats really harsh. I feel bad for you.

I especailly like the way they put you through all that under the cloak of secrecy, but allow you to 'socialise' by coming onto an internet forum to spread information on the whole affair...

Re: the questions

there are all these rules of not being able to tell people from the past about future, i dont really understnad why, something about the current timeline changing, or something alo-ng those lines, but i can tell you things t oa certain extenet yes, and i ill not be an idiot playing with your mind, i will give you lay down facts, but i cant say everything persay, becuase in that case, we dont go through history answer your first question in 2007 bush is still president, in 2012 we have a female president (i cant give the name, but i think that narrows it down alot)
2.there is not much if anyt difference from 2006 and 2007, except in certain areas of the country that suffered from the 2006 hurricane season and earthquakes, ill tell you one thing the whole gas price ordeal that is currently going on now, will continuesly get worse until 2007, the threat of terrosim has remained sporadic, the bird flu epidemic will be a bigger issue, and illegal immigration stays at an all time high, if not get worse due to the current problems they are having now
in 2012 there is a considerable difference, all of the country is crumbling, the u.s is fighting itself, the current president is trying to make peace with all the problems we ahd caused, while the rest of the goverment is trying to turn the country communist, russia isnt that happy with us, and they have formed "alliances" with china, the coutnries population though is booming, with floods of immigrants and baby booms, cities are expanding, and by then new york and los angeles arent the most populated cities anymore, first OPENLY TOLD cloned human, things are jsut more advanced by then, but not a HUGE difference

3. ill check this person out, im not sure how much freedom im given with this, and cant get very testy, so ill see what i can do
Can you tell us roughly what the time transport device looked like, not exactly where, but something about it?

well the transporting device is very basic and you would not imagine it a transporting device
its a spherical maching, very cramped inside, no windows, made out of several layers of memory metal, the whole transporting event actually takes no more then a second, litterally, no time passes, you go in you prepare for a the time travel sequince, there is alot of button pushing involved, alot like typing, but i dont udnerstand, im not allowed to touch anything, but tehn the fire away, and then thats it, you open the hatch and your in eactly the same place you where when you left just at a different time, it has something to do with the bending of time and space, and crossing parrallel univereses, it gives me a headache, thats why ive been living of advil for the last few weeks (comic releaf there)
Re: the questions

Gee... yet another doomsday prophet? It just seems they keep coming, one after the other. I wonder WHO is behind this one? (AIIDK!) Yet again we see weak covers for falsifiability, and also such covers as to avoid having to give SPECIFIC (falsifiable) answers. Furthermore, we see what amounts to purposeful misspelling (yes, one can determine when it is purposeful, ask Cipher if you want details) while at the same time showing a fairly sophisticated level of political knowledge.

So in summary: HERE WE GO AGAIN!

Right... OK, justhere, it should be perfectly obvious that I don't believe your story for a microsecond. My big question is how long you intend to stay around so that the likes of myself, and others, can rip you and your hoax to shreds? Should we take bets on the longevity of this one, folks? Now how about some proper questions:

in 2012 we have a female president (i cant give the name, but i think that narrows it down alot)
Well, yes, it certainly cuts it down to only 51% of the entire population! Some may consider that cutting it down "a lot", but I don't. Given that the US population (if you include uncounted illegals) is on the order of 300 million, your answer cuts it down to about 150,000,000 people. Not good enough for me. So please tell me WHY you can't give a NAME? (Again AIIDK the answer that is coming!)

So how about you answer Olly's question? It was a good one, and one which certainly should not get you in any "trouble" with your oppressive handlers:

I especailly like the way they put you through all that under the cloak of secrecy, but allow you to 'socialise' by coming onto an internet and spreading information on the whole thing...

So in the form of a question: Why should we accept that these terribly oppressive handlers of yours, who have "kept you in the dark" and forced you to do things against your will, would also willfully let you spread your hoax here on the internet?

And a related question: You say you are from Miami, Florida (or New Mexico, depending on which thread of your story one follows). Yet how come your IP is originating from Long Island, NY?

You poor, abused, 16 year old "child" (AS IF!)... I just hope you came here ready to accept MORE abuse, because you are getting no sympathy from me, and you can plan on getting a LOT more abuse given the story you have chosen to spin here.

Good Day, Sir:
Re: the questions

well i say, you are a fisty one, arent you, i never said you have to believe me, if you dont, then i think you and i would both be glad to be out of eachothers ways, would you not agree, im here to try and spread as much as i can before i leave, wether or not you believe that or me in general really doesnt bother me, and for everyone else likewise, believe me if you want, if not then *shrugs* alright, its your opinion not mine, you have every right to think against me, im not here to get into an argument, or as other people say "help you with your futures" im jsut here to say time travel is possible,and how dispicable our goverment is, to try and answer any questions people may have for me withing the near future, and some of the 6 year future, but otherwise, not much else
Re: the questions

oh and as a second, i dont know what ip adresses are, and what they do, but i AM CURRENTLY in miami, florida, tell me a way to prove that and i shall, but otherwise i dont have a clue on the world of computers
Re: the questions

im jsut here to say time travel is possible,and how dispicable our goverment is, to try and answer any questions people may have for me withing the near future, and some of the 6 year future, but otherwise, not much else

I really think we need to compose one thread that we can send people like to, where you can answer all the questions that have been asked before...both good and bad questions.

You seem to have taken a few good lessons from our friend John Titor. The one that troubles me the most is how you are intent upon tying together the issues of time travel and "how dispicable our goverment is". You keep doing it over and over again. And because you do this, NO, I am NOT going to agree with the following:

then i think you and i would both be glad to be out of eachothers ways, would you not agree
The only way you will be "out of my way" is if you stop creating characters to spread your political agendas, and your view of some terrible future we are heading towards. you want to play the game that you don't know what I am talking about above... that you are a completely new person, who knows nothing about what has come before. RIGHT! Then in that case I have two more questions I would like for you to answer:

1) What is your UNDERLYING intention for having to tie together time travel and "how dispicable our government is"? Why do you feel the need to convince people of this opinion?

2) Would you be willing to take a personality test, administered by myself? If so, I will give you the clear ground rules and conditions of this personality test.

Re: the questions

#1. i can tell, you REALLY dont like me (just something i noticed, has nothing to do with anything)

#2 i do not believe in john titor, i find his supposed predictions false

#3. there is no need to CONVINCE people of my opinion that the goverment is terrible and driving us down a path the self destruction, i think that is pretty obvious by now

#4. im not trying to tie a terrible goverment and time travel together, im trying to show what they do when no one is looking,

#5. yes i would be willing to let you take a "personality test" though i wont give you overly personal information of myself, for i know you wouldnt eitehr, to someone you barely even know, let alone care if they liek you
Re: the questions

#1. i can tell, you REALLY dont like me (just something i noticed, has nothing to do with anything)
Wrong. What I don't like is what I believe is your underlying intention. It has little to do with your extant personality, which is constantly changing anyway.
#2 i do not believe in john titor, i find his supposed predictions false
Then why do you mimic both his tactics, and his message?
#3. there is no need to CONVINCE people of my opinion that the goverment is terrible and driving us down a path the self destruction, i think that is pretty obvious by now
Really? No, it is not obvious to me, and I am 41 years old. Given that you are only (allegedly) 16 years old, I would think I have a much larger slice of time to make such judgments than you do, wouldn't you agree? So what sorts of things (without referring to an unverfiable FUTURE) do you think make it "obvious"?
#4. im not trying to tie a terrible goverment and time travel together
That is PRECISELY what you were doing in the quote that I used above! YOU were the one who tied them together in your statement of why you are here. Do you now deny it?
im trying to show what they do when no one is looking,
Ever study relativity? It applies to this sort of stuff as well. What sorts of things do you think the governments of Iran, or North Korea, or even Russia or China do "when no one is looking"? (Look up the word "gulag") And do you think there is a possibility that the things THOSE governments do when no one is looking might be even worse than what "our" government does when no one is looking? IOW, what is the underlying INTENTION behind why governments act covertly?
#5. yes i would be willing to let you take a "personality test" though i wont give you overly personal information of myself
Right. Well, we will have to deal with "overly personal" on a case by case basis. A standard personality test can be construed as having information "overly personal", but not ones that would reveal who you really are (AIIDK!).

I'm going to go grab some breakfast, play 9 holes of golf, and I will be back with a description of the personality test and the ground rules.

Re: the questions

#1 well, forgive me for my constantly changing personality, im feel though, that you are on no groudns to tell me that my personality has changed through few poss, and not knowing me prior to all this (but hey thats my opinion)

#2 i dont really know john titors tactics, and his message, he proclaimed of vast amounts of death due to a raging world war starting 2015, i said no such thing, i had no inclination that a war would take place in the following 3 years in 2012, our goverment was jsut unstable and throwing itself into communism, i took no notice ofother countries being any more or lesss mad then they are currently

#3, well, sir, im sorry to say, but i think age does not have anything to do with the amount of things you know happening in the world, i think it has to do with how much you pay attention, or ignorance (not saying that you are ignorant), but there are clear signs everywhere, look at bush, he is cuasing the goverment to crumble, he is not doing much. do you not notice all the protests?
i may not know everything that was/is/will be (take ur pick), but i do notice that the goverment slowly started tearing itself apart, and well on continued until the next president.if you still dont agree, then please go and turn on the tv, and turn on cnn and watch al lthe scandals taking place in the goveremnt then tell me nothing is happening for you to notice that, and if you have and havent noticed, then im sry to say, but i cant prove you wrong when you wont even try to see

#4. the goveremtn and time travel are 2 totally different issues that happen to fall in together at the same time, the goverment taking away innocent people that have no future for their own purposes, mine ending up being time travel, why that and not for experimination or soemthing liek that i dont know
Re: the questions

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gifcool it rainman keep your self clean and stop asking so many question..listin and learn.
Re: the questions

cool it rainman keep your self clean and stop asking so many question..listin and learn.
Hey Warrior... you do your thing, and I'll do mine. If you have that weak of a mind, and cannot see what is going on "under the covers" here, then that is not my problem. If you wish to buy-into a pre-determined future that is full of gloom, doom, and death, then I feel sorry for you, and you are going to live thru a terrible future. My future will be different, as I will take an active part in formulating it. I am at cause over my universe. Are you? Or are you just at the whim of others who exert their cause?

Re: the questions

#1 well, forgive me for my constantly changing personality, im feel though, that you are on no groudns to tell me that my personality has changed through few poss, and not knowing me prior to all this (but hey thats my opinion)
You may think I have not known you prior to this, but your "signature" is certainly clear. You may fool others, but you're not fooling me.
#3, well, sir, im sorry to say, but i think age does not have anything to do with the amount of things you know happening in the world, i think it has to do with how much you pay attention
Well, with this response you seem to be validating that you are a teenager. Anyone of my age (with a stable mind) will admit that we all went thru the adolescent phase where we thought we knew it all, and we thought our parents didn't know as much as we did. You see, contrary to what you claim, age DOES matter. I have the advantage of having gone thru the phase you appear to be at...the know-it-all adolescent. Yes, yes, I am sure you think you are so much more intelligent and introspective than the adults around you. It's part and parcel of the process you are going thru youngster. Yet just like all of us who have gone thru that phase, and eventually really did "grow up", you will also look back on your adolescent days and realize just how little you really did know in this phase of your life.
look at bush, he is cuasing the goverment to crumble, he is not doing much. do you not notice all the protests?
Well there we go, part of your intention is showing. "Bash Bush" seems to be part of your non-thinking, "follow the masses even if I don't know what they stand for" approach. People who claim to be centrists, but yet will bash a president who is on the opposite side of the political fence from them, show themselves to be anything but centrist when they ignore the good any president has done and only bash on what they THINK is the bad. Do you even KNOW where Bush stands on the illegal immigration issue? If you did, you would not bash him on this regard, because he is actually ARGUING FOR what many protesters want and ARGUING AGAINST what the radical elements of his own party want. Do you realize that Bush SUPPORTS a limited immunity program? Do you know that Bush SUPPORTS a defined path to citizenship for those who qualify for this immunity? Do you comprehend that he, the President, does NOT agree with branding all illegals as felons? As any teenager would tend to do, you look at the issues in the news at a very shallow level. You don't bother to dig deep, understand the issues, and you certainly don't do your homework on understanding where the President stands on certain, key issues. Such is the anathema of your age group.
then please go and turn on the tv, and turn on cnn and watch al lthe scandals taking place in the goveremnt then tell me nothing is happening for you to notice that
Are you claiming that CNN does not have a left-leaning bias in their stories? Do you honestly beleive they are "centrist" reporters? I'd guess, from your political thoughts expressed so far, that you would certainly agree that FOX is a right-leaning news outlet, wouldn't you? But more importantly, how deeply do you dig-into and research these news stories that are served-up to you on the TV or internet? Or do you just take them at the face-value, biased slant within which they are delivered to you?

For example: I am sure you will probably want to bring-up the Darfur protests and that wonderful political activist George Clooney. I am sure, if you just take the "Hollywood" statements at face value, you can get all worked-up for their cause. But if you dig deeper, can you understand the hypocritical stance these people are taking? On one hand they want immediate, unconditional withdrawl from Iraq (which would clearly INCREASE the bloodshed there many-fold). But on the other hand, they are ASKING FOR the US to UNILATERALLY intervene in Sudan... and these same people are the ones who so voiciferously OPPOSED unilateral US intervention in Iraq. When you scratch the surface of their information-driven propaganda machine, it is quite easy to see the hypocrisy.

Yes, age and the longer view of history that comes with it, DOES matter, sonny. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

#4. the goveremtn and time travel are 2 totally different issues that happen to fall in together at the same time,
YOU are the one tying them together. And what's more you can't (and won't) provide any sort of verfiable proof for your stories. Moreover, since I am quite aware of how classified information and operations are performed by the government, it is ridiculous to think your story is true AND, at the same time, your "handlers/oppressors" (take ur pick) freely allow you to spill your guts on this public forum. Notice that you did NOT answer this question that was put to you!

All that aside, if you are now ready to take the personality test, let's set out the precepts of it:

1) This test is about evaluating YOUR personality, not mine. I am the person administrating the questions. I am not here to answer your questions. Got it?
2) If you wish for me to avoid analyzing your answers until AFTER the test is over, I will do that. Just let me know.
3) You may think you can thwart this test, but I assure you that you cannot. It is based on a standard psychological screening test that has been well established to reveal your true personality.
4) In general, the questions can be answered as True/False or Yes/No. However, you are not limited to only these answers. You are free to expound as much as you wish in answering these questions.
5) These are NOT "my questions", so if you choose to expound upon why I might be putting such questions to you (in an attempt to paint me as manipulative or something else) then this will certainly backfire on you and reveal more about your personality that you may wish to reveal. Most of these questions are put to police, intelligence, corrections, and "trust-based" positions in a standard format. The questions themselves are not a reflection of me, you, or our interaction. They are intended to uncover your personality.

With all that said, are you ready to take this test?
Re: the questions

In reply to:

cool it rainman keep your self clean and stop asking so many question..listin and learn.


Hey Warrior... you do your thing, and I'll do mine. If you have that weak of a mind, and cannot see what is going on "under the covers" here, then that is not my problem. If you wish to buy-into a pre-determined future that is full of gloom, doom, and death, then I feel sorry for you, and you are going to live thru a terrible future. My future will be different, as I will take an active part in formulating it. I am at cause over my universe. Are you? Or are you just at the whim of others who exert their cause?

(want to clarify, you have never even asked about anything positive about the future, im here to answer questions, how would i know what all of you wish to know)
Re: the questions

alright go for your personality test, but i would liek to add, that i rather admire your stubborness, though i may find it very frustrating and that you predetermine way too much, but your skeptism is actually enjoyed by my part. though i strongly disagree with ALOT of your opinions, but i will not get into that, for that not why im here, though i know you believe im here jsut to cause a rucuss, and not tell you of what is out there and what you will see, but that is not my loss, cuz i never even knew this site existed when i was 15 in 2006, oh and and by the way, jsut cuz you may have 30 siome years on me, does not mean i dont understand as much as you, becuase by what i see, you seem to close your mind a bit, and not open your mind to things that dont often, not everyone or everything in life is the same
Re: the questions

you have never even asked about anything positive about the future
Indeed. And yet all you have offered is a negative story of our future. Why is that? And do you not think this reveals something of your intention?

im here to answer questions
A copied Titor tactic. The reality is you will only answer the questions you want to answer, and nothing more. For the other Titor tactic which you already appear to have adopted is giving "excuses" for why you cannot answer certain questions (those you cannot "protect" against hoax-unwraveling inquiries).

Why not just "spill your guts" about anything and everything, positive and negative? Why do you require people to ask you questions? And why do you continue to ignore the more important questions I have put to you already?
