Ray, I’m going to chime in here as I believe this is a valuable lesson in time travel…
Really, if one wants to be technical when the term "time travel" is used I’d like to think of it as a "non local" quantum phenomenon… I'll get to the significance of the pyramid shape soon enough...
To understand what I’m talking about when I say "non local" I copied and pasted a segment of one of my old posts:
Lets imagine we are listening to Beethoven on the radio and we know that if we tear the radio apart hoping to find Beethoven inside the radio - we wont! Were not going to find him there for a technical reason, he’s not there… Because the radio is an instrument that traps a non local field of energy and information and creates a space time event out of it…
A space-time event is any event that has a location in space and has moments in time…
This computer has this location here… it has moments in time, it had a beginning a middle and has an ending… A tree is a space-time event, this body is a space-time event… once upon a time this body was just a spec of information and DNA. It occupies different locations in space and has moments in time… everything that we perceive with our senses is a space-time event or a continuum of space-time events. So the radio is an instrument that takes a non-local field of information and energy and creates a space-time event of it. If the radio is in Chicago but the symphony is in New York - a different location in space and different time zone… if this radio is on the moon than its a completely different location in space and moment in time… if the radio is in another galaxy 100 million light years away than we are in a completely different location but also a completely different dimension of time… but the symphony by itself is non local and can not be localized in space or in time - that’s what the word means - non local…
So if we are not in the body than where are we? The answer seems to be that it’s the wrong question!
Because as soon as we say “where†it implies a location in space to something that does not occupy space… and we also apply moments in time to something that is eternal and timeless. The soul is space-less, its dimensionless, its eternal, therefore timeless and we cant say where it is?
Even birth and death are space-time events with locations in space and a moment in time. These are just parenthesis in our existence - Mortality in disguise!
So we are space less, dimensionless, timeless without beginning and end… only that which has a beginning has an end but that which has no beginning cant die… there is no end to that…
Because of this “non local†condition, I don’t believe time travel will be achieved in the terms that we may think of it… I think that time travel may be already occurring, in fact it always has occurred, but by way of the mind and soul touching base and intermingling with the ether worlds (dimensions) where we are privy to vast amounts of information if we know how to tap in… There is also a strong possibly that biolocation exists… This is where one can emanate a complete duplicate, or look-alike of themselves and be in multiple places at once, thanks to natures variances of non locality. Jesus tried to teach us this at the resurrection...
Ok, I may be going off track here, but hopefully this will all join together… Getting back on track, the importance of this thread is about pyramids and I’m going to venture as far as to say that it’s the magnificence of the shape alone…
This is a symbol of a lost knowledge... In revealing this "shape", that we call a pyramid, I’d like to refer to as a Tetrahedron, that is shaped like a pointy thorn and has 4 sides. It is also the “first platonic solid†in which all other life forms follow…
This tetrahedron symbol was used in part as a seal that when we join with a higher power it becomes two merging tetrahedrons creating a shield… this is a widely known symbol as the Jewish Star of David… and this defining mark is used/displayed when one merges with Gd in unity for strength… It was used as far back as Moses time when they covered the holly ark of the covenant with a cloth using that symbol and it was later used again in history to depict King David’s name. The ancient letter D/Daled/Delta was the shape of a triangle. And DaviDs name started and ended with a D thus forming a 6 pointed star.
Though, there is much more that proceeds the intelligent design of just a “single†tetrahedron. It also depicts the instruction given to natures growth sequence… It is known by many names such as the Fibonacci sequence, Golden Mean Spiral, Phi - call it whatever you wish, but it is any sequence of intelligent design that show a pattern that increases by units.
Here is a picture of thorns. As they grow up and taper off at the tip they contain the Fibonacci growth sequence:
And now I know this is going to be appreciated by Ray, Zerub, Transient and OverLord… a most miraculous finding as if Gd had intended it to be found! In the very first verse of the Hebrew bible Genesis 1:1 in the act of creation when the Hebrew words are broken down and derived from Qabalah, and part of the “Tree Of Life†lessons… The first word of Genesis 1:1 is Bara-shith is translated to mean in the beginning, but in Qabalah it also symbolizes and means - He created 6.
ShITh, Shith, is the Chaldee (Chaldean Aramaic of the old testament) form of the Hebrew ShSh, Shash, six.
It describes the "Seven Days of Creation", In Zohar B’reshith, it says that the entire cycle of creation is contained in the first verse of Torah B’reshith…
In Qabalah (Tree Of Life diagram) the word B’shith can be broken down… the B represents the head (Malkuth) and the 6 others (Yesod, Hod, Netzah, Tifareth, Geburah, Hesed…
Ironically! This also represents the Chariot or what some call the Merkaba (vehicle of light).
So now we can see that "time travel" or what is to be perceived as time travel has already been taught centuries ago in the form of Qabalah… Though, this teaches so much more as it opens ones mind and heart to the essence of Gd - which might be the only true reality any of us are ever going to find…