Anybody have any dreams or encouters with aliens?

In my dream the guy sat beside me after he unhandcuffed me but in your dream you went outside the door. Its weird that the dreams are so similiar though.

I had no intention of running away from him since he took the handcuffs off.... but dang!!! Here was this thing coming right toward me I didn't know what it was!
Actually it might had been better had it just continued down the row. What would you have done?? That was one scary dream.
Did your dream involve aliens?
I know this is an old thread, but I want to add my recent dream to this.

A few months ago, as I lay in bed nearly asleep, a strange tingly sensation enveloped my entire body, and I found myself, in my mind, standing in a dark room with a long table (like a conference table) and an alien standing nearby. The alien was the grey type with dark eyes like you see in pictures. He did not speak, but communicated telepathically, telling me he was a teacher. I felt calm and got a very good feeling about the whole thing. I don't recall details of the communication other than that, and I went to sleep afterward. When I read the first dream you listed, it sounded eerily familiar in some basic ways. But in my dream, there was nobody except him & me.

Also, as I read your 3rd dream, regarding angels, a song came on the radio talking about god and angels, etc. Seemed like an amazing "coincidence". :D
What do you look like?

lol, normal I suppose /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif [email protected]. Pics there are about 6 months- 1 year old, but still pretty close to 10 years ago looks.

Did your dream involve aliens?

Oh god, this dream has had aliens, space ships, dark forces, demons, ancient scholars, things impacting earth, angels. Like I said, this dream has went on for a while now, and it's like watching a really cool movie now. When I wake up after having another chapter in this dream I'm mad that I woke up. It's like trying to put a good book down.

The thing is, nothing seems to bring it on. I will have long forgotten about the dream then BAM!...another chapter of the dream, and it's like I never left it in the first place.

As I stated in the other thread, when I had the first dream of this series of dreams it was freaky. I just remember feeling strange because the dream seemed so real and it was such dark subject matter, but over the years it's gotten to where I look foward to when ever the next one will be.
I can relate to your sentiments. Everytime I hop into bed, I view it as climbing into a vehicle that will take me to places unknown.

Interesting that I've never seen aliens in my dreams, and if they are such, never have been seen as anything other than human in appearance.

Something that I accepted long ago, as a child, was that aliens don't exist here on Earth. However, have a belief system deeply rooted in mythology and religious subjects and/or figures.

This causes me to wonder if this is the reason why I never have seen any alien's, but, instead, see angelic or ( in my mind ) holy figures ?

I know that I don't have any emotional attachments to alien's, since I don't really believe there are any on Earth. Not that there might not be, but from a personal emotional perspective, don't believe it.

As posted elsewhere around this site, I feel that dreams utilize emotional attachments, and define whatever is included in certain dreams, not for whatever the item actually may appear to be, but is included because of what the item has as far as emotional identification.

However, this doesn't seem to be the case for every dream.

I had a dream of a liquid metal spacecraft. I say liquid only because that was how the image of the craft was preceived by me as I was looking at it. The smooth metallic surface that responded "like" a liquid to certain acts, as in entering the vehicle, the doorway didn't "swing" open, but allowed me to pass "through" it, as piercing the watery surface of a smooth swimming pool.

In touching the material, it felt hard as any metal would feel normally, but still had the capacity to adapt to the envionment as required. The reasoning part of my mind said that the craft was constructed of biological nano-type bots. Thus the liquid type impression.

Living metal, probably would be more accurate of a definition.

Now, where my subconscious mind came up with the craft, is still a wonder. I've never seen one, never imagined one as in the dream, I mean, the details were uncanny.

It seemed so real, that I feel that if I had the materials and/or the resources, I could build the thing.
I have seen a lot of cool things in dreams. I don't know where it all comes from.
People in my dreams just show it to me willingly.

My favorite are the angel dreams. And the ones with the cool inventions.

Trojan I can't see a picture with the link you provided. Does the link work for anyone else?
Your liquid metal seemed very familiar. I seen it on a show or something. They had a piece of metal that when balled up returned to its original shape. Want to say more but out of time for now.
I posted about the liquid metal craft some years ago. Can't remember the timing of the dream, with regards to the 2nd Terminator movie. Whether that had any influence on the dream or not, couldn't say.

Although the details of the space craft were nothing near to the liquid metal of the Terminator. Neither was the metal, but, maybe that did influence my definition of what I was shown in the dream.

And yes, there is a kids movie with a spacecraft that is very similar. Still, many variations between that craft and the one in the dream.

The angelic and/or holy figures in many of my dreams DO seem to be different than other dreams. Especially the ones with Jesus included. Those usually are quite profound.

Also, reminds me there has been one figure that has been involved in multiple dreams through-out my life, from the first dreams I can remember as a small child all the way into adulthood.
I much rather dream of Jesus, angels or timetravelers than aliens. Infact there was a short time I dreamed about aliens but I really don't anymore. and I don't want to either. I never got a good feeling about them like the one guy posted. I would love to dream about the angels again. Talk about a good feeling. That was awesome.
Love dreams like that.
Trojan I can't see a picture with the link you provided. Does the link work for anyone else?

Oh, that was just a link to my myspace page, I think the link included my dots or something. Just go to myspace and look up harley29906 under user ID or you can go to face book if you have one and look up joseph cochran (that would be me :D ) prob more than one though, so i'm the one in SC and 36 years old. I've always been open in people knowing who I am, so it's no biggie for me to give my name.
I had an uncle who was in the military who was staffed at wright patterson airforce base I tried to get him to talk to me on what he knew but he kept telling me he couldn't confirm nor deny if they existed.

I only saw him a couple times in my life. But he did tell me once after thousands of questions. (I was always good at that!) That they were not green. Lol.

Did you have any other dreams of taking people into conference rooms or just this one lady? What did the lady look like and do you know why you were taking her there?

I would like to hear more of your dreams they are very interesting. Can you share more of them?

Also I was wondering besides your dreams did you ever see any ufos or aliens?

What kind of experiences did you have with them in your dreams?
Hmmm....sounds like they were coming through when no one was there as well.;) Its weird everyone had similiar dreams.

Do you think we all saw similiar movies or something
That affected our dreams?
Do you think we all saw similiar movies or something
That affected our dreams?
It's possible. I've only had 2 dreams of aliens, and both were very vivid. The first was years ago. Now that I think of it, both were followed by amazing scientific inspiration. Could be coincidence, I suppose. :D
There must be 50 billion joseph cochrans. Sigh! Can't you just send me a picture?

lol, I'll try to put one as my avatar later on, not sure how to post one otherwise.

Did you have any other dreams of taking people into conference rooms or just this one lady? What did the lady look like and do you know why you were taking her there?

I would like to hear more of your dreams they are very interesting. Can you share more of them?

Also I was wondering besides your dreams did you ever see any ufos or aliens?

What kind of experiences did you have with them in your dreams?

Well like I said, I'm actually in the process of writing a short book about these dreams, because if nothing else they are pretty cool sci-fi wise. I honestly do not know why I started having this series of dreams. I have never watched a movie or read a book that dealt with this type of subject matter, at least not all at the same time.

As to what this woman looks like:

The woman whom I escorted would have been in her mid to late 30's (this would have been in 99'-00' time frame). Average build, I would say 130-140lb range, around 5ft 5in-5ft 7in, wavy brown hair about shoulder length, her face was soft but very fearful, and her eyes were a shade of hazel green. She had on a pair of dirty tennis shoes, faded jeans, and sweater type shirt.

As to why I was escorting her:

This particular woman was being escorted for an interview as I remember. I believe she had witnessed something which was supposed to be secret and they wanted to know how much this woman knew. I do not recall being privileged to the exact details (of course in my book I add details, but in my dream I did not know for sure).

Did I escort any other people? No, I did not. I only remember escorting this one individual.

Have I ever seen a UFO outside of a dream?

I could never say for sure I'd seen a UFO. On two occasions I've been witness to something which I could not explain for myself, but they very well could have been a shooting star or an aircraft. I'm not one to jump to conclusions and say I saw a UFO, only that what I saw, I could not explain what it was. In dreams, yes I have seen them, and also seen what that particular race of aliens looked like as well. Although I must say, the aliens in my dreams are nothing like the ones in popular fiction. The ones in my dream are much more human like, and have features similar to ancient Egyptian types, but their skin more of a brownish wrinkly look to it, almost like the skin on those hairless cats, and they are much larger than most humans. I also have never dreamed of UFO's or alien life outside of this series of dreams.

What experiences have I had with them in this dream?

Well, they are not good. It seems they are here to reclaim earth. In my last dream, as I said, I'm getting ready to enter a cave to hide with some other people. The earth is in disarray and world governments no longer exist. People are pretty much on their own to survive how ever they can. I remember many references to ancient texts and scriptures of giants and about how old people lived to be in those days in the second dream.

I have no idea when I will have the next dream in this series, but I would sure like an ending at some
You said you also took this woman back. How long was she in there and what was her state of mind when you took her back. Did she say anything? Where did you take her to?

I have seen those hairless cats and they are butt ugly! Lol

Did any of your dreams involve sitting down with a military man watching a dvd on blackholes/wormholes that you were told was classified?

I wish I could see your picture.

Ok... I was able to see your picture on the myspace account.

What the hell are you involved in. That's what I want to know! Is this some kind of freakin joke??? You know what this is a little too freaky for me.
This is a little too much for even me to believe. Who the hell are you??
I know I am not a freakin psychic. I do know that!
Ok....maybe you just look similiar to the guy in my dream.
Last night I was doing searches for your name and it brought your picture up but I couldn't tell if it was you. I thought this guy looks almost exactly like the guy I saw in my dream. the face looks the same but this guy I saw did not have blond hair in the front it was all brown in a military cut.
Then this morning I found a way to access myspace and looked the name up again and it brought up the whole profiles. And I saw that that was indeed you!! Freaked me out!!! However the guy I saw had all brown hair. So maybe it wasn't you. You sure the heck look like the guy in my dream and I have to say it really freaks me out. That's a little too weird for me. I was having a good day today to.