There must be 50 billion joseph cochrans. Sigh! Can't you just send me a picture?
lol, I'll try to put one as my avatar later on, not sure how to post one otherwise.
Did you have any other dreams of taking people into conference rooms or just this one lady? What did the lady look like and do you know why you were taking her there?
I would like to hear more of your dreams they are very interesting. Can you share more of them?
Also I was wondering besides your dreams did you ever see any ufos or aliens?
What kind of experiences did you have with them in your dreams?
Well like I said, I'm actually in the process of writing a short book about these dreams, because if nothing else they are pretty cool sci-fi wise. I honestly do not know why I started having this series of dreams. I have never watched a movie or read a book that dealt with this type of subject matter, at least not all at the same time.
As to what this woman looks like:
The woman whom I escorted would have been in her mid to late 30's (this would have been in 99'-00' time frame). Average build, I would say 130-140lb range, around 5ft 5in-5ft 7in, wavy brown hair about shoulder length, her face was soft but very fearful, and her eyes were a shade of hazel green. She had on a pair of dirty tennis shoes, faded jeans, and sweater type shirt.
As to why I was escorting her:
This particular woman was being escorted for an interview as I remember. I believe she had witnessed something which was supposed to be secret and they wanted to know how much this woman knew. I do not recall being privileged to the exact details (of course in my book I add details, but in my dream I did not know for sure).
Did I escort any other people? No, I did not. I only remember escorting this one individual.
Have I ever seen a UFO outside of a dream?
I could never say for sure I'd seen a UFO. On two occasions I've been witness to something which I could not explain for myself, but they very well could have been a shooting star or an aircraft. I'm not one to jump to conclusions and say I saw a UFO, only that what I saw, I could not explain what it was. In dreams, yes I have seen them, and also seen what that particular race of aliens looked like as well. Although I must say, the aliens in my dreams are nothing like the ones in popular fiction. The ones in my dream are much more human like, and have features similar to ancient Egyptian types, but their skin more of a brownish wrinkly look to it, almost like the skin on those hairless cats, and they are much larger than most humans. I also have never dreamed of UFO's or alien life outside of this series of dreams.
What experiences have I had with them in this dream?
Well, they are not good. It seems they are here to reclaim earth. In my last dream, as I said, I'm getting ready to enter a cave to hide with some other people. The earth is in disarray and world governments no longer exist. People are pretty much on their own to survive how ever they can. I remember many references to ancient texts and scriptures of giants and about how old people lived to be in those days in the second dream.
I have no idea when I will have the next dream in this series, but I would sure like an ending at some