Chrono Cadet
Hey Joe, why were the angels fighting the aliens again?
What happened when an alien or angel died? Did the spirit just leave the body or did something else happen?
What were you doing when all this fighting was going on?
How do you know they planned the attack in advance you mean they sat around tables or was like a football team where everyone was to go certain places?
They were fighting because the aliens had came to reclaim earth. No, nothing special happened when an angel died, but their blood was a different shade of red than ours, it was more like how our blood looks through our skin...kind of a purple color, and the alien blood was more of a oily grayish color that had a foul odor. I was always taking cover when fighting was going on, as I would have had zero effect on the alien life. They made plans similar to civil war times, orders came from a headquarters type location, which was quite a distance from the actual fighting, and in this headquarters location the leaders talked stratgey I suppose (could not understand what they were saying when they spoke to each other), because there were many maps showing the locations of various things. Once an order was given, a scout would take the orders to the battlefield commander..