Do you have any children? Are any of them teenagers? So are you saying that because you have created a child that you ALWAYS know where it is (position) and what it is doing (velocity and/or momentum)?
I create the algorithms that stabilize and control aircraft. But do I know EVERYTHING about the aircraft? Heck no! That is why we have a team of designers. In fact, because the range of conditions that a flight control system or automatic pilot may encounter is limitless, I cannot even say I know EVERYTHING about how my own design would react under all circumstances. In fact, no engineer could make such a statement. We design to the "mean" (average) condition and we tweak our designs to handle "3 sigma" cases (i.e. those cases which have a low but measurable probability of occurrence).
I am a man of 32 and yes I have a child., but I cannot say I created her. Well, RMT, to my mind, it is necessary to make a distinction between God's creation and that of others. But as I said before, this is true if one has faith in God. If one is an atheist, it is not necessary to talk about God at all, ie whether He knows or not. Well, God creates things out of nothing. Man creates things using things available. Even if I have the ability to cause a child to come to life, I, by no means, know anything about how this happens. I have a body but I cannot say I am in full control of it. If it were so, people would not die of heart attacks. I do not wanna turn this into a theological discussion, but God is omniscent so nothing can be considered outside the realm of His knowledge which surrounds everything. In my opinion Hawking said this as he wants to spread his atheistic views. He seems uneasy about Einstein and the like of him being deterministic, ie having faith in God, but I think this is not fair, using science this way. I would respect him more if he said "I do not believe in God so I prefer to completely exclude Him from my theorization, or even not mentioning Him at all, but he ends up attributing a disability to God. Saying that God cannot know the position and speed of a particle at the same is like this question: Can God create a rock so big that he can't lift? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif If we are going to speak with God's terms, He says in one of His Holy Scriptures, Man has been given little of what He knows. Why can't Hawking think that God might have created a universe in which some scientists like himself would, at a certain point in time (in our case in his lifetime), think that God cannot know both the position and the speed of a particle?
Do you watch Lost? Have you noticed in one of the series, what Ben says about the hatch, the Swan, He says this place is a joke, man. Can't this universe be a joke? Why does Hawking think that he can use this universe to be able to learn everything about God, even what He is capable of. Sorry but I really cannot understand this: Even God is bound by this Uncertainty Principle. God creates a princinciple (Uncertainty in this case) and he makes himself bound with it. Can God create a principle and make Himself bound with it? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif What a question! And even we have an answer to this question from Hawking: Yes! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif