Re: Gravity Wave vs. Gravity Particle (Higgs Boson)?
Don't mind the wife she made me type it and right now I think 5 sets of shoes(she practical).
Difficult to find, a practical woman. You have done well in your selection, and for that I raise a Sunday toast to you (and her!). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif (Just orange juice, for now!) BTW, I take the Hemingway comment as a compliment; however, given Papa's attitude towards women in his writing style, she probably did not mean it as a compliment. Touche?
Inherent in Bohm theory he had started to make a more definitive structure based on thermal properties.
Glad you hit on that and brought it up. I don't know about the Blacklight Power thingy. I've kept my eye on them, for what seems like (probably is) years now. But in all those years, what solid results have we seen from them? It is always just another million$ away... that, in itself, makes me suspicious. But back to thermal properties and thermodynamics (implicit!)... Here is the part from the URL on Bohm that I would like to highlight:
<font color="red"> To completely resolve the issue of the limits of quantum effects, Bohm contended that:
"It would be required to connect thermodynamics and quantum mechanics in a deep ftindamental way rather than the present superficial way, which is that you start with quantum mechanics and then apply statistics. It may be that thermal properties are just as essential as quantum properties, or there's something deeper than both." [/COLOR]
I totally agree with Bohm on this point. And it is my belief (with some backing evidence) that this linking can and will occur through the concept of entropy. Specifically, finding the link between thermodynamic entropy and the less-rigorous (but certainly important) concept of information entropy that arose from the works of Shannon. This linkage has been discussed by several physicists (John Archibald Wheeler being one, rest his soul) within a holographic theory of reality. Essentially, the idea is that one measure of entropy is a meta-metric of the other. However, I have not seen where anyone attempts to definitively state which one is subordinate to the others. But I have my own ideas here. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
On the whole when I am working , Yes i do have a problem with hidden variables/ non-locality because it confuses me and leaves me feeling that I need help
Understood, and I do not claim to be devoid of that feeling on some aspects. But hidden variables is not a problem to me simply because you can see it in any "black box" control system design. And since you work with "gain tuning" as an end-user you should be able to appreciate this (I hope). Without the design details (meta-data) of how a controller achieves a specific output, all you are left to do is infer a design by subjecting the controller to known inputs and observing and quantifying its outputs. Essentially, the control law (algorithm) that performs the transform from input to output is the "hidden variable". And the more inputs and outputs it has, the lower the probability that you can (correctly) infer the design. This is always what confounds people who try to reverse-engineer a system developed by someone else.
Non-locality? This ceased being a problem to me when I learned about partial differential equations and non-linearity. They are not exactly the same thing, but one implies the other (there's that implicate order again!) :D
I think I have found a mentor in this man Bohm.
If I cheer for him does that make me a heretic?
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Only a heretic to your older ways of thinking. If Bohm is successful in getting you to look at a problem from a different vantage point, then cheer away! I like most of what Bohm has to say, and his approach. But I should caution that this does not mean I accept everything he said as truth. But of course, this should be true of everyone. Just because I think Jesus Christ had the right idea (decide what is important enough for you to give your life for), does not mean I accept that he was the "only son of God".