A document you may want to look at

Time travelers are NOT psychics. I repeat....Time travelers are NOT psychics.

Splitting hairs. Someone in possession of any knowledge of future events before they occur is as near as damnit 'psychic'. I don't think most people would be too concerned at such hair splitting if either a psychic or a time traveller appeared at 8am on September 11 2001 and issued a warning of the attack.

For some reason it is SO irritating to hear individuals ask these kinds of questions to people claiming to be time travelers.

Lol ! This is the CLASSIC 'true believer' syndrome. I get it everywhere I go. Anyone who dares ask the right questions, or pokes a well deserved hole in the story, is just mean and nasty and irritating. I mean....how dare people subject outrageous claims to proper scrutiny !!
If John would have predicted 911 where do you think I would be right now?
Since most people do not believe in time travel known events mean you had
something to do with it.
You act like you are an expert on time travel but it seems like you do not even
know even certain basics.

your experiment
Perhaps I will try your experiment on aliens give them ten minutes to land in my
backyard and if they don't do as I say when and how I say it I will simply conclude
they do not exist.

If I didn't believe aliens existed what would be my purpose to go to an alien forum
and post and tear down every person who claims to have had an experience with one?
Where is my proof that they didn't? Would I be being fair? Or just mean?
If John would have predicted 911 where do you think I would be right now?
Since most people do not believe in time travel known events mean you had
something to do with it.
You act like you are an expert on time travel but it seems like you do not even
know even certain basics.

Lol....when you can give me a lecture on SU(3) symmetry then you can lecture me on basics. I most certainly DO know my stuff.

Personally I DO believe in time travel....as it happens all the time. ISS astronauts are time travellers...by about a second or so a year. In fact, just getting up to make the tea you are a time traveller. And technically, experiments in quantum entanglement involve 'time like' violations due to the instantaneous nature of the interaction ( I note that recent experiments hint at possible entanglement at a 'classical' physics level....Schrodinger's cat may finally be released ).

Why do I not believe John Titor was ( or is that will be ) a time traveller ?

1) His device CANNOT be a time machine.....as mini black holes do not have the capacity to bend space or time. A major faux pas. Not to mention that any such black hole would evaporate in milliseconds due to Hawking radiation ( the smaller the singularity is....the faster it evaporates ). Titor's time machine is just not physically possible.....period.

2) It's a great forum here.....but hell, why would some guy from 2036 pop in here ( or the other places he posted ) RATHER that drop an email to, say, Professor Ron Mallet to say 'Hey..we did it ! '.

3) I've seen more internet hoaxes than I've had hot dinners.......and believe me, I've had a lot of hot dinners.

4) Oh...and a dozen or so totally flunked 'predictions'.
Oh..I would add another reservation.....perhaps the most damning of all.

The whole ' I've gone back to 1975 to get an IMB computer ' malarkey. Well..Rainman can ( rightly ) argue the whole issue of a missing computer ( or person, or whatever ) violating the laws of conservation of mass/energy........but there is something far more basic to damn with :-

You see....one does not NEED a physical computer from 1975. Titor was posting at just around the time that the whole notion of a 'virtual computer' really got going. These days it is possible, for example, to run an entire simulated 80s computer.....complete with operating system.....as a virtual PC on one's computer.

So why would the geeks in 2036 go to all the bother of sending a guy back in time 60 years...when...er.....they can just simulate the operating system he was after ????
Consider this.. had the alien landed in my backyard and given me a ride I may not be able to tell you all of the physics of how the ship operated but I could describe to you what it felt like, looked like, some basics of space travel, perhaps some aspects of alien life,How some of the controls worked and which controls operated what and perhaps what you do on some journeys and etc.
Some of the do's and don'ts and why. If I had a relationship with the alien I would know even more.

All of this info would be much more than you would ever know by studying all the UFO books in the library.
There is much I must keep to myself.


<font color="purple"> Above &amp; Beyond - Far from in Love [/COLOR]

link to youtube


<font color="red"> Transparent Aluminum Is ‘New State Of Matter’

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2009) — Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. ‘Transparent aluminium’ previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion. [/COLOR] More at:
<a href="http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090727130814.htm" target="_blank">http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090727130814.htm </a>
Consider this.. had the alien landed in my backyard and given me a ride I may not be able to tell you all of the physics of how the ship operated but I could describe to you what it felt like, looked like, some basics of space travel, perhaps some aspects of alien life,How some of the controls worked and which controls operated what and perhaps what you do on some journeys and etc.
Some of the do's and don'ts and why. If I had a relationship with the alien I would know even more.

All of this info would be much more than you would ever know by studying all the UFO books in the library.
if you use a new camera you may find the visitors in the backyard:


Consider this.. had the alien landed in my backyard and given me a ride I may not be able to tell you all of the physics of how the ship operated but I could describe to you what it felt like, looked like, some basics of space travel, perhaps some aspects of alien life,How some of the controls worked and which controls operated what and perhaps what you do on some journeys and etc.
Some of the do's and don'ts and why. If I had a relationship with the alien I would know even more.

All of this info would be much more than you would ever know by studying all the UFO books in the library.

What is there to consider ? Titor's 'time machine' is not physically possible. He falls over at the first hurdle. No different to your alien claiming his UFO runs on chicken poop.

Anyone could invent a ride on an imaginary alien ship. George Adamski ( probably a better hoaxer than Titor ) was doing it as far back as the 50s.

Personally I would substitute 'bandwaggon' for 'space ship'....for what you have gotten on.
Well...Wishing you luck in your time travel experiment. Hope one shows up with what you requested....However....don't hold your breath.

Because we all know they don't exist anyway. right? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
If I didn't believe aliens existed what would be my purpose to go to an alien forum
and post and tear down every person who claims to have had an experience with one?
Where is my proof that they didn't? Would I be being fair? Or just mean?

I've had endless arguments with your type. It is so typical of the 'true believers' that they seek to hide behind emotive language. The appeal is never to science, or evidence, but always to emotion.

Scientific enquiry is not concerned with what is 'fair'...it is concerned with what is TRUE.

If there's one thing I've observed in years of scientific scepticism, it is that true believers have a state of mind bordering on cognitive dissonance or even that of religious faith. You can demolish the entire basis of what they believe in....for example even point out that Titor's machine is impossible......yet still they carry on being a 'believer'.
In ur Quantum box

Cesium clocks + John Titor`s cat:

Why Cesium is so Special...

Computer scientists have only begun to realize the potential of quantum computing and algorithms, where computers use quantum principles to store data in qubits. One thing that could help in the development of algorithms is the "quantum walk," which involves the movement of a particle as a superposition of all possible states. Until recently, quantum walks were a theoretical construct. However, according to Science, physicists in Germany are now able to make cesium atoms arranged in an optical lattice perform a physical quantum walk.

Quantum walks were first proposed by physicist Richard Feynman and are, in terms of probability, the opposite of a random walk. A random walk might be modeled by a person flipping a coin, and for each flip he steps left for heads and right for tails. In this case, his most probable location is the center, with the probability distribution tapering off in either direction. A quantum walk involves the use of internal states and superpositions, and results in the hypothetical person "exploring" every possible position simultaneously.

When a quantum walker flips a coin, it directs him to move one way, but he maintains an "internal state" that moves the other way, making him a superposition of both directions of movement. During a quantum walk, as the quantum object takes more steps, it becomes "delocalized" over all available positions, as if its presence is blurred.

A second feature of quantum walking is matter-wave interference, as when the person flips heads and next flips tails. The second step makes the new superposition overlap the old one, and the new superposition can either amplify the old position or remove it. After all this occurs and the desired number of steps have been taken, an attempted observation will collapse the superposition and "resolve" the object to a single position.

As previously mentioned, a random walk's probability distribution has a single peak tapering off in either direction. A quantum walk's probability distribution generally has two peaks placed evenly on either side of the starting position. However, this distribution can vary depending on the initial internal state of the particle doing the walking, which can cause the final position to strongly favor one side or the other.

While it has been asserted that quantum walks might be observable in many different systems, it has long been a theoretical construct. This has changed with scientists' ability to realize a quantum walk with laser-cooled cesium atoms held in the potential wells of a one-dimensional optical lattice. Using Hadamard-type gates, which perform a sort of Fourier transform on the atoms, the cesium atoms' physical and internal states can be shifted, resulting in a distribution of locations like that seen in a theoretical quantum walk, with two peaks or one heavily-favored off-center peak.

The authors of the new paper were able to replicate the theoretical quantum behavior on walks of up to ten steps and could refocus the delocalized particle backwards through the gates to its initial site on the lattice.

The ability to conduct quantum walks has enormous implications for the field of computer science. Quantum algorithms abandon the use of transistors and bits in favor of "qubits," or quantum binary digits. While a bit can only hold one piece of data, like a 0 or 1, a qubit can hold a superposition of all possible states of data (a 0, a 1, or both). Furthermore, a qubit can be entangled with other qubits to hold all possible collective states—three qubits can simultaneously hold states 000, 001, 011, and so on, covering all combinations.

more at:
Well...Wishing you luck in your time travel experiment. Hope one shows up with what you requested....However....don't hold your breath.

Because we all know they don't exist anyway. right?

See...this is typical 'true believer' style attempt at diversion via sarcasm.

I never said there were no time travellers.....merely that Titor is not one of them. That is something I can be sure of 'beyond all reasonable doubt'.

But I notice you steadfastly ignore the fact that Titor's 'time machine' is a physical impossibility and his story is thus false before he even presses the 'Go' button.

Perhaps you could explain to us mean sceptics just exactly how Titor got to 2001 in a device that CANNOT work.
Perhaps you could explain to us mean sceptics just exactly how Titor got to 2001 in a device that CANNOT work.

Your right its a useless piece of junk and it does not work at all. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Time travelers do not exist. Time travelers do not exist.
Feel better?
Goodnight Twilight.

See...this is typical 'true believer' style attempt at diversion via sarcasm.

oops! I did it again! :D
Perhaps you could explain to us mean sceptics just exactly how Titor got to 2001 in a device that CANNOT work.

As you know there was a bug in the software of the Experimental Time travel device of John, that prevent him to return to his timeworld...
As you know there was a bug in the software of the Experimental Time travel device of John, that prevent him to return to his timeworld...

It was a beetle bug, Twilight, it was the darndest thing. :D
Re: In ur Quantum box

All very nice...but Titor didn't claim to travel via quantum anything....but via the gravitational field produced by two spinning singularities. The only effect Titor could possibly be using is relativistic frame dragging ( a phenomenon predicted by Einstein in which the rotation drags space itself with it and leads to a 'relative' ability to travel faster than light ).

Titor's problems are :-

1) A singularity small enough to fit in suitcase. Hmm. Even a singularity a millimeter across would weigh about 10^20 tons ( about 1/10 of the mass of the Earth ). A bit heavy for Titor to carry !

2) OK....so a really small singularity. BUT.....a singularity small enough to be carried would be SO small ( atomic nucleus size ) that it would have NO measurable gravitational effect at all !! It would have less gravitational effect than Titor's car !

3) The problems don't stop there. The last one is insurmountable. A singularity small enough to be carried would evaporate within a few milliseconds due to Hawking radiation ( the smaller the singularity...the faster the evaporation ). Titor would not even have time to blink ( let alone cavort around in the past for 6 months ) before the time experiment was over....lol.

Logical and scientific proof that Titor is a hoax. Believers can rant all they like.....the above is cold hard, inescapable science.
Time travelers do not exist. Time travelers do not exist.

Hey....if you'll let me jump on the bandwaggon too...maybe make a few bucks out of it, publish a book, make a film, get all set up for ' My frolics with Titor's sister in 2036' ( a proposed cross time love story )....then I'll say time travellers exist and even thrown in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy too !