1st Annual "Titor Was BS" Party- 1 Jan 2006


Super Moderator
Time to initiate a pop culture trend. If we are lucky, this could supplant the nauseating omnipresence of "reality TV", most of which sucks bigtime!

I am planning to hold the original "John Titor was BS" party on New Years Day here at my home in Huntington Beach, CA. We'll drink bloody marys (how appropriate! maybe for that day we will call them bloody Titors?), we can watch the Rose Parade, and watch some good college football.

Just like when we used to have Monty Python & the Holy Grail parties, I would expect attendees to come dressed in their favorite John Titor theme. Who will build the Titor Time Machine? Can someone bring a laser pen? We need someone to come who has a '73 Corvette! Oh, I can think of LOTS of fun kitsch that we can have at this party! Here are a few more themes to get us started:

1) We can fire up the BBQ and grill nice, juicy "Mad Cow burgers" with all the trimmings! :)
2) If we are lucky, we can kill 100K brain cells all in one day. ;) (Some may have killed even more partying on New Years Eve)
3) We'll have a card table or two set up so people can engage in spirited games of "Civil War".
4) We can have "Hillary for President - 2008" signs (even though I'd never vote for her)
5) Since I will be your cordial host, I will pledge to dress up as the last "black pope". We can throw in some santanic rituals during bowl game halftimes just to keep things interesting. ;)
6) If we are lucky, we can coerce some of the real people who took part in the Titor postings to attend our little shindig: Pamela would be the first on the list. Of course my old pal Creedo is welcome, and Darby would certainly be the life of any party! :)

Please chime in with your own ideas that would make a "Titor is BS" party fun and entertaining for all. This is gonna be GREAT! We'll probably make the news.
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Good idea, RMT.

Maybe Roel van Houten and me could organize one on new year's eve in Amsterdam (which is appropriate because of its many bikes). Everyone who visits the party should come by bike and bring some spare tires. We'll check all visitors with a geiger counter - afterall Europe will be nuked soon - just to test how that feels. I think it spoils the party if we have pictures on the wall of Hiroshima, so we won't do that. Instead we'll put up a picture of Theo van Gogh. We could import one bottle of orange wine. Nobody is likely to drink more of that anyway and we could serve some orange Queensday beer instead. When the clock strikes twelve we could play that the fireworks are the gunfire of the missing montly Waco-type incidents.
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Count me in!

I think it would only be fair if we let even the strongest supporters in the of pro-Titor camp to attend. But only if they agree to wear " I believed in John Titor and all I got was this lousy T shirt" badges on their T-shirts. Extra Orange juice to those that agree their mugs! (sorry - agree to bring their mugs /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif)
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Hiya MadIce,

Maybe Roel van Houten and me could organize one on new year's eve in Amsterdam (which is appropriate because of its many bikes). Everyone who visits the party should come by bike and bring some spare tires.
I like that entreprenuerial spirit! We could take this idea world-wide! A "John Titor was BS" party in every time zone should be our goal. Hell, if we can accomplish that, there is NO DOUBT we will be covered by international news. This forum could be our rallying point.

Keep the ideas coming, lads.
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Yo Skeptisaur,

I think it would only be fair if we let even the strongest supporters in the of pro-Titor camp to attend. But only if they agree to wear " I believed in John Titor and all I got was this lousy T shirt" badges on their T-shirts.
Another great idea! Yes, we would make all the pro-Titor believers our honored guests. Not sure how many would want to attend, given that we would be exposing their hero as a fake (albeit a literate and creative fake!).

Now, the big, BIG, B I G question is going to be: Who will bring the IBM 5100? Of course, it must be a WORKING model... a mockup will simply not do. Maybe we could get MEM to look for one? Any other ideas on this one? Maybe Larry Haber of the John Titor Foundation might have one that he would be willing to donate for our party?

Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Now, the big, BIG, B I G question is going to be: Who will bring the IBM 5100?
I happen to know that the University of Amsterdam has a working IBM 5110. These can be fitted with 2 external 8" floppy drives, but the conservator (or maybe one of the students) fitted the machine with 5.25" drives. We should definitely make that guy the guest of honor. Ruining the machine this way is certainly in the spirit of the party.
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Sounds fun, but will there be a webcast for people who don't travel?
Perhaps... if we can find a sponsor. Hmmmm... maybe GoldenPalace.com will foot the bill and sponsor this shindig? God knows they've done anything/everything else for publicity!

Maybe you should work on this aspect of the party, Newbie...?
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006


Heck, I'm only 90 minutes away. Dan might have a problem - he's 1200 miles away in the Greater Sea-Tac area.

Now, the big, BIG, B I G question is going to be: Who will bring the IBM 5100?

Well, if the current eBay auction is any indication then no one will be bringing an IBM 5100. The current bid is $1,025 for one that won't boot up. Too expensive an item for a Drunken Titor Party.

Should I brew up some Orange Wine (or Orange Mead)?
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

now I never really thought like this before, but don't you think its possible you are initiating some kind of self fulfilling prophecy by holding a party of such significance?

What if your party is somehow responsible for altering the timeline, as you claim John Titor has not done. and all because you held it, when if you had never heard of Titor you would not have.
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

now I never really thought like this before, but don't you think its possible you are initiating some kind of self fulfilling prophecy by holding a party of such significance?




C'mon Ren! I really hope you're kidding here, cuz if you buy into this whole infinite timelines business, then you should realize that ALL decisions to do ANYTHING (which goes for taking some action as well as refraining from some action) serve to "alter timelines". And since all things are connected then there is no possible way to predict whether we are on the timeline we are "supposed" to be on. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif If you think THIS party will be altering the timeline significantly, you should've been there for the dorm party I organized in college back in '83! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif That party erased huge segments of timelines for quite a few people. And all I remember is waking up in a room in one of the girl's wings of the dorm... wishing I could chew my arm off!

Seriously, though... if the infinite timelines (worldlines) theory is true, then this is even more evidence that would back my perception that each of us, individually, has complete control over our timeline via the decisions we make, and how these decisions influence people around us. And if that is the case, then I am working very hard to make damn sure Titor's world never dawns! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

RMT said> Seriously, though... if the infinite timelines (worldlines) theory is true, then this is even more evidence that would back my perception that each of us, individually, has complete control over our timeline via the decisions we make, and how these decisions influence people around us. And if that is the case, then I am working very hard to make damn sure Titor's world never dawns!

Cree ans> If it's a major felon, you can't do that.

This is what I have been trying to tell you.
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Personally i believe in infinite world theory. However i still maintain that there is only a finite number of material timelines. As the material universe is (bar the nature of its infinite ability to constantly cycle) only a finite fixture in the super-universe.

There are only so many combinations of outcomes for all events. Even if there is no known number by any universal race or quantum computer to estimate it.

when its discovered [or rather every one knows] that travel to other world lines is possible. then there is the very real realisation that there are other dimensions of time that connect all the linear timelines together. this means that all points of now are connected into a singular dimension of 'time'. Here you'd be able to work out someones life events before they were even born.

This will also raise the issue of to what degree we really are in control of our life events. How is it possible can we have total free will to choose, if our decisions are already made in horizontal time?

Well, actually its very possible. As in this Horizontal time, Its was or will be YOU making them. Timelines will be constantly be on the move, solidifying, changing, new ones blinking in and other ones phasing out. Like a storm, all due to individuals free will. This is in linear terms. Of course in non linear terms, this will all be predictable.

I'd like to set up a thread about part of this topic later today.

kind regards,
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

im over here in michigan.. ill hold my hiding in the forest with a shotgun party! i will be about a 3 hours drive north of detroit in the middle of 100k acres of federal land (my family owns 20 acres that borders it) we will light fireworks in defiance towards the enemy they will never be able to find us and we will setup some aluminum foil internet nodes as decoration!
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Count me in on this one.

You know, Ray, we would have to find that roadkill you tossed off of the road to bring to the party, and dont forget to park the red car with the stickers on the windows on the front lawn. I havent been able to use my garage since you had me store it in there. This party may be a good way of finally getting my garage back!
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Oh, BTW to ussfletcher: I happen to be in Michigan all this week on business... Grand Rapids to be exact! Heading down to a friend's place at Three Rivers' Fisher Lake after work today for some frosty brewskis.

Life is good since we know Titor was bogus! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif