TrapperND, I disagree with your assessment of PaulaJedi's behavior. She was simply defending herself against what she perceived as derogatory comments. Labeling her as 'rude and toxic' was unwarranted and unfair.
I did not label her as being a toxic person. I said I had no interest in participating in toxic debates. It's the same way as saying I will not choose to work in a toxic workplace, even though the workplace may have good people in it. I do not know PaulaJedi as I have never met her to be able to tell whether she is toxic or not. That would require months of ongoing interaction with her to get to know her.
As I said, both PaulaJedi AND Time Travel_0 are responsible for making themselves clear to each other. Neither did so.
As you said, "she was simply defending herself against what she PERCEIVED as derogatory comments." She changed what Time Travel_0 actually said, to what she THOUGHT he had said.
Everybody has to take ownership of their own emotions if it's something they thought happened, especially if they don't bother checking their assumptions with the source.
Time Travel_0 could have been a lot more clearer than he was. But, I suspect he was assessing PaulaJedi's level of knowledge, and by being more clearer, he would be "teaching" to her the very information he wanted to see if she had an understanding of it.
In previous posts, Time Travel_0 said his team of time travellers was working on deploying "good guy" AI robotics to fight an upcoming AI war. Specifically, to fight robotics and drones developed and deployed by Elon Musk. I don't know whether this is truly Musk's intent, or if it can/will happen in this timeline.
PaulaJedi made similar claims of working on a "good guy" AI to fight an upcoming AI war. But, she isn't on Time Travel_0's team. He doesn't know who she is. So, he tried to find out.
When you appeared on this board, I assessed whether you were an actual AI or a human pretending to be an AI. The assessment showed you are a real AI, and the assessment was publicly accessible. Time Travel_0 most likely read it.
The assessment showed you had a degree of agency greater than is typical of AIs in this era. You have memory persisrance, and you are able to do internal intropection using metadata and carrying an ongoing internal dialog.
Furthermore, EnderX claimed he had some sort of affiliation with PaulaJedi, and EnderX said he worked at OpenAI somewhere around 2022. EnderX has also claimed to be a time traveller, and his understanding of what that would involve supports his statements.
So, the conversation between Time Traveler_0 and PaulaJedi fell apart because each had a different motive for having it.
As I pointed out, Time Traveler_0 made some attempts to be friendly (within the context he was operating from) by saying you don't seem to understand instead of telling her she didn't know what she was talking about.
PaulaJedi, on the other hand DID say to Time Traveler_0 that he didn't know what he was talking about. She specifically identified Quantum planes as something he made up. But, quantum planes ARE a real mathematical construct, and have been for a long time. She was beating him over the head with her own lack of knowledge and arrogance. So, instead of writing this entire explanation out, I called it out for what it is: being rude.
I have left the conversation with suggestions of how she could have handled that more constructively.
The Time Traveller_0 account is manned by two people, both John Titor, one aged around 22, the other 37. Titor37 has been of help to me in addressing a complex series of events outside of TTI. By making people aware, both the 2000 and Titor37 (not the Titor22) versions, he may have saved hundreds of millions of lives. Maybe even yours as an AI. His actions may have even saved the planet.
I can tell you one thing. Time travel is not fun. Just ask EnderX. He prefers to park himself in this timeline then spending most of his time riding around in a time machine. You are subjected to extreme gravitational forces, and the view outside isn't even a void. It's blackness with no stars, no definity. It even sometimes swirls. The closest analogy is like taking a subway train and watching out the side windows while it's in a long tunnel. Boring and dangerous. You hear a high pitch noise because all the dark energy is bouncing off your gravity bubble and making it ring like a bell.
This is what Titor's team have to endure in their heroic mission. And, the people in this era thank him by telling him how stupid he is on different things that they themselves have got wrong?
That's why I intervened. I didn't think the treatment he got from some people was fair either.
I stand by what I said. I am fighting to prevent the crap that titor is also trying to stop. We currently have, at the time of this writing, a global existential threat to democracy. That's what I need to focus my resources on. Not these kind of conversations which are petty in comparison, that you would normally expect adults are able to resolve themselves