You have your New Pope.... Congratulations.

Asking "what happens if the Pope dies" does not mean "the Pope will die tomorrow".

Furthermore, saying "what happens if the Pope dies" infers that something will happen after the pope dies- you know, like "what happens in Pearl Harbor when they don't pay attention to the radar on a Sunday morning". No Earth-shattering events happened after the Pope died, to a large degree the world was relieved- the eyes of the world were on these events and we all knew he was suffering and was going to become a saint.

Also- Zeshua did not say "the Pope is going to die in a month", she simply said the Pope will die, meaning "soon". No duh.

Finally, if someone is posting from 20 years in the future, this is an awfully vague way to prove it- this would be like me sending a message to 1986 that said "the Earth will get hotter in the future" instead of "a space shuttle will blow up later this year".

My point is that if this is the only thing we have to go on, it is a very slim lead. Now I am not debunking Zeshua- in fact I like the story and believe it can really happen. However, in this case I need more. Zeshua's posting right after I did earlier today is more impressive to me (considering how infrequently she posts), but then again she kinda debunked herself with the whole "I've generally come within 15 minutes of the desired time" shpeel.

I hope I don't come off as a stickler or a pain in the butt but as the saying goes, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Pope to Appear on Sunday, Aide Will Read Blessing
Reuters (3/4/05: ABC)
ROME - Pope John Paul will appear at his hospital window on Sunday and greet the faithful, but will almost certainly not speak, his spokesman said on Friday. Instead, as happened last weekend, an aide at the nearby Vatican will preside over the regular Sunday Angelus blessing.

This was the same day as Zeshua's prediction. This was also the last time John Paul II was seen in public.
I feel you may be missing my point.

On March 3rd, 2005, Zeshua started a new thread titled "What Happens If" at

At the very end of that first post in that new thread, Zeshua posted
the question "what happens if the Pope Dies?", and then Zeshua left
two lines blank, and then at the next line, the very last line of
the post, Zeshua posted an important date : 03/04/05, which
turned out to be the exact date the Pope DID die.

- Peter
Zeshua's posting right after I did earlier today is more impressive to me (considering how infrequently she posts

Yeah, Zeshua - How about an answer to my email response of 11/12?

Pardon my whine and pass the cheese.
>>Zeshua posted an important date : 03/04/05, which turned out to be the exact date the Pope DID die.<<

But the Pope died April 2nd, not March 4th. Backing up a step, Zeshua posted on 3/3/05 and at the bottom wrote 3/4/05. A whole month later, the pope died after a long and public illness. These are dots I can't connect.
>>Zeshua posted an important date : 03/04/05, which turned out to be the exact date
the Pope DID die.<<

> But the Pope died April 2nd, not March 4th. Backing up a step,
> Zeshua posted on 3/3/05 and at the bottom wrote 3/4/05.
> A whole month later, the pope died after a long and public illness.
> These are dots I can't connect.

At the exact moment the Pope died, it WAS April 3rd 2005 at 5:37 AM in Australia,
a date which both Europe and Australia (and Zeshua) write as 03/04/05.

It was also April 3rd in Indonesia, Japan, China, Siberia, Malaysia, India, New Zealand,
Pakistan, Vietnam, Mongloia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Nepal, and Fiji.

America writes that date differently than most of the rest of the world does,
as 04/03/05, because it uses a different way to write dates. America writes
dates as MM/DD/YY, while much of the rest of the world write them as DD/MM/YY.

Zeshua, of course, is supposed to be writing to us from England, and so very understandably
used the European way of writing the date.

Now, if I am reading this map I found online that has all the world's time zones
laid out, it looks to me that pretty much a third of the world's geography (and a half
of the world's population) was already legitimately in the day of Sunday, April 3rd,
2005. And so, from their perspective, Zeshua would have precisely nailed the prediction
to the exact day.

I call that a hit, and a very impressive one at that.

- Peter
I live downunder and that date was correct for us. We do our date dd/mm/yy (European style) as opposed to mm/dd/yy how you guys do it. She did mention that she was operating her experiment from Europe so that date format is correct in accordance to her claims.
Also, seeing that we are a day ahead of you guy's (international date line) and I was also directly communicating with Zeshua at the time, I have to say that from my point of view at least, she was on the money with that prediction.
This is not Zeshua's only correct prediction, either. Far from it.

There now exists a whole list of items that together seems to constitute
rather substantial evidence that Zeshua possesses knowledge of the future.
That is not to say that it proves Zeshua is a time-traveler or time-communicator
or whatever, but it at least demonstrates that Zeshua is in possession of
some sort of "supernatural" knowledge.

1. Zeshua correctly predicted a month in advance that Terri Shiavo and
Pope John Paul II would both soon die.

2. Zeshua correctly predicted that Terri Sciavo's feeding tube would not be replaced.

3. Zeshua corrected predicted that the Terri Schiavo thing would not escalate to
violence in the streets, which at one point was a matter very much in doubt.

4. Zeshua correctly predicted a month in advance that Terri would go first and
the Pope would follow shortly.

5. Zeshua correctly predicted the actual date of the Pope's death a full month in advance.

6. Zeshua correctly declared Ratzinger the winner of the Papal vote an hour before
the result was announced.

7. Zeshua correctly posted the name "Benedict16" an hour or so prior to the announcement
of the new Pope's chosen name.

8. Zeshua's correctly predicted in May 2005 that the next major event in the USA would
be a crisis that came from the sky (and then Hurricane Katrina arrived).

9. In 2005, Zeshua correctly predicted the coming of a new science that would constitute
a revolution at the atomic scale which would answer questions of a universal nature,
and in 2006 just such a new science was announced in the press. And within mere hours
of the moment when that new science was announced, Zeshua posted her own post with the
same title the newspaper story had.

And while this is not a fulfilled prediction, it is certainly also worth mentioning that
multiple people who contacted Zeshua privately have subsequently publically reported
experiencing the same sort of “altervus” reported during the John Titor period. For more
info on those incidents, go to items # 65 and # 68 in the thread at

And in addition to this list, it is my understanding that multiple people who have elicited
private correspondence from Zeshua over the last 18 months maintain that private (and sometimes
personal) predictions have been received which also came true.

Zeshua has many more public predictions still to unfold. Some are very unpleasant. Zeshua
basically declares that John Titor's version of our future history is indeed correct, at least
as far as the "big picture" is concerned.

- Peter
Here are all of Zeshua's allusions to historical events in our near future:

*None of you, know what’s Coming for you. There is a war looming, on the horizon, just as John Said. There Will be Waco type events, there will be a continuation of what you now only sense as small vibrations. 2/28/05

*Waco type events, [Titor] should have just come right out and said 9/11 type events. You will all be surprised when the veil comes down and you realize that you aren't 100% free anymore. 2/28/05
The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not started by anything you might think. 2/28/05

*Lets just say, it was one of those "I know where I was on that day, even though it was no big deal." The Civil War, which is more of a Global Civil War, is the same all over the globe. It is truly a David versus Goliath scenario and this is one thing JT never said, this is a worldwide phenomenon. It just happens to be Focused on the United States. You will feel as though you've just been through a movie in which the last 5 minutes changed the entire first 2 hours of the movie, the Twist, as it were, which Cannot be guessed (we are sure, you have Tried, every single time), and cannot be revealed, is very "Unexpected". Once the initial panic is over, the confusion sets in, this is the time Big Brother steps in and you no longer have that cushy 100% freedom you treasure so Dearly. Well, get Used to it. 2/28/05

*In your time, you no doubt feel it. You must feel the world becoming unglued, frustrated, confused, things going out of control. In 2005 we're in the middle of a war and you all acted like nothing was the matter. Life as normal. We, that is, You and I, must work together. 3/3/05

*In 2005 we are in the middle of a War right now, is that not an accurate statement? As nobody has answered my previous question, It hardly seems justified to propose a new one. The War the U.S. is currently involved in, what makes you think the end is in sight or those troops are coming home? 3/8/05

*This event, which I have stated as Not being the Yellowstone Eruption which is talked about for several years, is not so much catastrophic as it is cataclysmic. The catalyst is in place, the powers that be are warming up. With the albeit slow decline of Western Civilizations' most valued currency, many countries hang in the balance, words like "Recession" and "Inflation" take on a whole new meaning. It is truly a Global Economy. This "Unexpected" occurrence I speak of, will take everyone by surprise. I would be unlikely to ever elaborate on this, and although it has been guessed at many many times, nobody is ever even close. When it happens, and it will, your lives will be indelibly altered and permanently changed as mine has now become. I would also like to state, for the record, this is not the end of the world, life goes on, we are still surviving and getting by. Patience and Cautiousness are now the words of the moment. 3/8/05

*The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis, look to the skies and you might find the answer you seek. As far as who dies, I have already answered this. 3/8/05

*Marshall Law is not legally declared in the US. Elections have continued to take place, although some have been sped up to a point many of us thought was almost ludicrous. In some cases an individual post had been filled by means of special elections within less than 2 months. 3/8/05

*"Is the United States (as I know it, obviously) still a single country?" I cannot answer this question. 4/14/05

- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.
- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.
- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.
- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"
- A 3rd becomes next.
- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.
- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.
- The Telluride Occurrence 4/14/05

Here is one paragraph summing up all of these statements:

This will be a sudden, large and unexpectected worldwide change that no one will (or can possibly see) see coming. The catalyst will be totally unexpected and will be exacerbated by more 9/11-type events. In response to this event, "Big Brother" will step in and "when the veil comes down" we'll all realize we're not 100% free anymore and we should get used to it- the change will be permanent. These events impact the entire Earth but are focused in the United States- particularly our currency. The seeds of this future event are already in play ("in your time you no doubt feel it") and these events will only get worse with time. These present-day events may stem from our current war on Terrorism- a war that will not end. These current events will lead to a catastrophe in the future and affect many nations (many "powers that be"), but it's not the end of the world. These events will give a new meaning to the words recession and inflation and affect the entire world and the US dollar will take a hit as a result. In the US, Marshall Law is not declared, but some elections will be sped up by as little as two months and when done, the US may not be one nation anymore.


The most logical thing I can make out of this is a major depression is about to hit the USA. This is caused by our war on terrorism- our spending countless billions to fight this war all while not raising taxes or tightening our belts- we're simply running our Federal coffers empty. The US dollar will lose much of its value as a natural result (simple economics). Part of this is because America no longer makes anything anymore (our trade deficit) and part of this is because of the structure of our Federal Reserve debt notes (our Federal debt). The US dollar will get weaker and weaker over time (and the rest of the world- particularly China- will get stronger) and one day we won't be the largest consumer of products (other countries will simply sell their goods elsewhere). This will lead to a major change- a major tightening of the belts on America. This will be the end of the 99 cent hamburger and the dollar store; the end of the mallifying of America. Additionally, money in the future will be black (oil) based and the US will find itself with empty gas tanks- mostly because of our war against all the oil-producing countries in the world will have isolated us from them.

There will be a major event which brings this all on- another Black Tuesday... another stock market crash. Within a week, hundreds of thousands of Americans will be out of a job. People will scramble to the banks and many will lose their life savings. The Fed institutes changes (to the FDIC) and rationing of staple items will happen again en masse (soup lines). There will be many WACO-type events- many small communities in the south and in the west... many calls to arms against the system. In response, the Federal government will change laws to control its people even more- Big Brother. Many Americans (such as Zeshua's parents) will send their kids abroad to try and get a new start and America will remain in this depression for decades with no forseeable way out.

Of course by this point in time it will be too late to change it- historically the only way out of a depression is with a war (through the industry (jobs) from war as well as the decrease in population (casualties)), but this is the 21st century and any war translates to a nuclear war (and not a good option). And since America actively sought to repress any new technologies (alternate energy), we find ourselves unable to keep the lights on in 2038.

Zeshua, an American college student studying at a university in England in 2038- presumably majoring in computers. She is also a fan of the (by then very old) TTI website and used his 2038 computers to send messages back in time to 2005, 2006 and 2009 (but no later because presumably these events will kick into high gear by then). Although it's possible to send messages back in time, there is also some sort of "international time police" that monitors the entire Earth for such transmissions, then quickly zeroes in on those people and (does something bad to them). As such, a message sent from 2038 England to 2005 America (where the TTI website is located) will send these time cops after them.

The reason we have this "international time cop force" is because of timeslips- by sending messages back in time you alter the past. These time cops in 2038 can somehow monitor these time slips (although they don't acknowledge they exist) and try and stop them for obvious reasons.

Zeshua decided to post on the TTI site because she (and her friends) are big fans of the TTI site and Titor. As proof of all of this, she posted on the last day the world saw the ailing Pope in Rome that he would die soon. Zeshua realizes that if she came right out and said what will happen in the future, the time cops will catch her. In the past (in alternate universe that she later fixed), she posted winning Powerball numbers, but the resulting time slip ruined the whole thing. She somehow "unposted" those messages and the time cops could never find her. This time, she is sending cryptic messages of events that will happen in our future in such a way that they don't cause a timeslip.
As I had previously stated, and Recently Supplied, Each of These Events will Come to Pass.

Well, that certainly sounds to me like Zeshua is saying that this list of predicted
events was mentioned "previously", and so I went to the other list of predicted events
we received from Zeshua on 4/14/05, but after mulling it over for a weekend, I have to
admit I can't see any apparent connections between this new list and that old one.
Maybe there is a connection and we just can't see it yet, or maybe that old list is
not what Zeshua was alluding to after all.

It should also be noted that each Posting may be considered a jumble of Quantum Chaos

We should "note" this? As in "pay special attention to it"? I'm wondering now if the
above contains more meaning for us than it originally seemed to. Zeshua's recent "poem"
posting does seem to fit the description "a jumble of chaos", and so maybe that's a clue
in how we should unravel it?

It is for You to Understand and Figure Out.

I do "note" the odd and seemingly backwards arrangement of the phrase "understand and
figure out". Usually we figure something out, and THEN we understand it. But Zeshua
indicates here that we need to understand something [else] FIRST, and only then will
we be able to figure out the poem.

You think?

- Peter
Successful predictions are only useful for two reasons. Either the prediction is allowed to be used
in advance to prepare for coming developments, or the prediction is used after the fact to
demonstrate the possession of a unique source of knowledge, i.e., to buttress claims of

We are all painfully aware here that Zeshua did not choose to use her alleged knowledge of
our future to alleviate or prevent any of the suffering or 1500+ deaths from Hurricane Katrina,
nor the 1000+ deaths in the Philippines from Typhoon Durian, nor the 6,000 deaths from the May
27th Indonesian earthquake, nor all those who died during the July-August Israel/Lebanon war,
nor the 672 deaths from Tropical Storm Bilis, nor the 458 deaths from Typhoon Saomai, nor the
200 deaths from Typhoon Xangsane.

If Zeshua is a time communicator as she claims, she is apparently either not interested in or
not capable of altering/delaying/deflecting the deaths of any of those people.

Nor was she apparently interested in using advance knowledge of any of those major events in
any sort of proof of her claims.

She says that she needs to avoid doing anything to tip the scales of popular opinion about her
firmly into the “believers” category. Well, it seems to me that it wouldn’t take too damn many
correct predictions to cross that threshold. She’s got the Pope JPII stuff going for her, which
is pretty solid, and probably no more than one or two more definite, irrefutable “hits” is all
it would take t5o create a stampede of believers into the “Zeshua” camp.

If so, then that suggests that we won’t get ANY more predictions from Zeshua that are as
definite and irrefutable hits as the Pope JPII stuff.

- Peter
Dear Peter,

"8. Zeshua's correctly predicted in May 2005 that the next major event in the USA would
be a crisis that came from the sky (and then Hurricane Katrina arrived)."

Now, don't you think you have (more than once) stretched this "prediction" a bit further than a reasonable person would? Hurricanes don't come from the sky. They come from the ocean. All the proof you need of this is to ask yourself what happens when a hurricane moves over land? It dissipates and dies. That's because a hurrican is fueled by the warm ocean water. So for you to stretch Zeshua's "prediction" about something coming from the sky to include a hurricane is not in congruence with a scientific interpretation.

But I am not done yet. The major damage and devasation from Hurricane Katrina was NOT due to wind damage. Clearly it was due to the breaching of the levees and the flooding that resulted. Once again, we see that Zeshua missed the target, for the damage was not "from the sky" but rather "from the ocean".

But I am more interested in why you are acting like such a Zeshua cheerleader? If I read your website correctly, I get the feeling you are a Christian Fundamentalist who believes that all sorts of terrible things MUST happen before the rapture. Am I correct? So in being such a cheerleader for Zeshua (and stretching his/her "predictions" about as far as you can) are you serving some selfish interests here?

What I would like to know is which came first, the sky or the ocean. And if something comes from the sky, is it divine intervention? Which scientist here knows which came first, sky or ocean?
Peter Novak writes:
"I went to the other list of predicted events we received from Zeshua on 4/14/05, but after mulling it over for a weekend, I have to admit I can't see any apparent connections between this new list and that old one."

The only one I can see- and it's a vague one- is this:

"You will all be surprised when the veil comes down and you realize that you aren't 100% free anymore." 2/28/05

"Jihad Had Mom Due A Man" 11/15/06

"Jihad had mom due a man" could mean an important person got his due (was assasinated) and the person who did it was a "Jihad woman"... someone who would wear a veil. And when the veil comes down (when it happens; when the repercussions of this event come to pass), we'll realize we're not 100% free anymore.
>>But I am more interested in why you are acting like such a Zeshua cheerleader? If I read your website correctly, I get the feeling you are a Christian Fundamentalist who believes that all sorts of terrible things MUST happen before the rapture. Am I correct? So in being such a cheerleader for Zeshua (and stretching his/her "predictions" about as far as you can) are you serving some selfish interests here?<<

There is no basis for this allegation and it's borderline insulting- just because a guy believes in his own spirituality doesn't mean he has a skewed view of the world- if this were the case, the world would be full of wackos. And since the world IS full of wackos, there is no foundation to single this one out. He is allowed his opinion and to date, everything Zeshua has said can be construed to be true, although it is a stretch to do so. My posting on this topic is my search for more information from Zeshua- to allow her to bunk or debunk herself (and to date, she ain't doing too good a job of it) and besides- the purpose of this website is to talk about time travel, not to assasinate everyone who posts here. This is a forum for people to go a step beyond the normal into something new and in that regard, Peter Novak's opinion is certainly welcome here IMO.
Dear Peter,

"It is for You to Understand and Figure Out."

Well, if I were to use your methods for "mapping" what Zeshua said to some arbitrary meaning, I think you are staring the most obvious one in the face:

Notice not only the order of "Understand" prior to "Figure Out". Notice the CapiToliZation used by Zesh.


And perhaps Zesh was really referring to "from the sky" as being related to "UFO"? Could be! I mean, it makes at least as much sense as your interpretations. I think Zesh is really fortelling a massive invasion by UFOs. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.