Why John Titor's trip was unlikely

Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

What is entanglement? Is that fully explained? This is an honest question. I was told photons appear to communicate over massive distances, faster than light. You change the spin of one photon and the other photon matches the spin without any external force. (Well, at least without any measurable force we understand yet). Was this explained to me correctly?

To initiate the bond of quantum entanglement, the two photons must be acted on together with an external force. When they are then separated, and one's properties have changed, so does the other. Does the second photon's properties really update faster than the speed of light? My response is, how was this proven? The furthest in space man has been was the moon. The moon, at it's closest point, is 221,331 miles away. Light travels approx. 186,000 miles per second. How would you surmise that two photons on Earth (observable) that react to one another are able to do so over 'massive' distances and faster than light?
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

what if the sun at the center of our solar system were disappeared out of existence. would the planets fly off immediately? Or would it take 8-1/2 minutes on earth before it happened because thats how long it takes light to travel to earth from the sun.

I've heard it both ways that gravity functions at the speed of light, and that gravity is instantaneous regardless of distance. I prefer the later as it explains some things about the universe, as well as some things Einstein theorized such as the gravitational constant.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

what if the sun at the center of our solar system were disappeared out of existence. would the planets fly off immediately? Or would it take 8-1/2 minutes on earth before it happened because thats how long it takes light to travel to earth from the sun.

That's a good question. I think, since gravity doesn't pull two masses together immediately (there is a speed involved in which the intensity is determined by the gravitational source), that there must also be a speed involved in it's cancellation all together.

Maybe Einstein would like to comment his ideas since he has been trying to figure out gravity for a while now.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

personally I have arrived at the strange belief that gravity is more of a repulsive than attractive force. the repulsive force comes from the expanse of space, which would tend to push things together.

they always say gravity is an attractive force, well maybe they're wrong! If gravity where a force resulting from the emptiness of space, the coldness of space, pressing in all the heat and matter together, it could account for everything just as we think of it today.

hell maybe its both!
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

Regardless, Titor's journey would not work. The Earth does not have a significant force that would assist in keeping a time traveler attached to it.

If you want to accept that his time machine works, but would leave him stranded in space then thats fine. I'm not going to make bold predictions that certain discoveries will never nor ever be made.

To initiate the bond of quantum entanglement, the two photons must be acted on together with an external force. When they are then separated, and one's properties have changed, so does the other. Does the second photon's properties really update faster than the speed of light? My response is, how was this proven?

You're right, I can't find any theories or experiments that suggest it's happening at a rate faster than light.

I did read about something interesting though, Hidden variable theory.

Such a view contradicts the simple idea of local events that is used in both classical atomism and relativity theory. It points to a more holistic, mutually interpenetrating and interacting view of the world.

It references, Bohm mechanics. The article states that it's not proof that there is communication happening faster than light, but it's enough evidence at least that it can't be ruled out.

I'm going to try to read more about this... It's weird stuff. Maybe if you use a gravitational field, you can change these "variables". If the variables are represented by the frequency that a string is vibrating it shouldn't be too hard for someone with math skills to figure it out. I wasted my youth perfecting bow-staff so I'd be of no help.

The article does explain though,

Most physicists however are of the position that the true theory of the universe is not a hidden variable theory and that particles do not have any extra information which is not present in their quantum mechanics description.

RMT, you know about this stuff, why don't you tell me to read up these topics instead of me having to find them myself. Cman!!
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

That's short sighted don't you think? Good thing JT didn't travel back to 1692.
Methinks you are not reading my statement with a full understanding of its technical accuracy. Let me try it another way to help you understand:

"But if his answer to the question defies scientific inquiry, then it cannot be true or correct."

JT's answer cannot be falsified, today, tomorrow, or 300 years ago. You are making the error of thinking scientific inquiry is subject to technology of any given time. It is not. Any statement that cannot be falsified is incomplete, and therefore incorrect.

If he did, he would have violated his main characters primary rule that he isn't going to help people get rich.
Awfully convenient excuse to shadow the truth, don't you think? The last I recall, verified scientific theories trump any made-up rule.

JT's tactic was to use Tippler's old time travel theory. Invent something as elaborate as JT's time machine. I challenge you. (Half kidding, it's waste of time, but you never know, you'd have better chance than I would at making something cool)
Here we go again. In your zeal to try to prove that JT's story could be possible (which you cannot), you want to somehow turn this back to me as my problem. The challenge is not mine, it is yours. You have the burden of proof, not I. And so far you are doing a lousy job, speaking strictly scientifically.

My believability rating as a percent score would vary day to day from 0 to 100. Depending on how much mental anguish the story is putting on me, my rating approaches 100. Mostly hovers around 50 though. The author didn't trip on his words, or give up and admit the hoax. He carried through with it to the end.
Your very words belie your dilemma. Notice that none of your stated criteria for getting to even a level "hovering around 50" are not at all scientific. Again speaking from a scientific vantage point, the following is true:

1) Just because a liar is persistent and does not give up his lies does not change the fact that he is lying.
2) Just because a liar can be smooth with his prose, and not "trip up" does not change the fact that he is lying.
3) Just because a liar never admits that he is/was lying does not change the fact that he is lying.

I think you might get less grief from family, girlfriends, employers and perhaps even other members of this forum if you applied primarily scientific methods to your thoughts about Titor. People with much more knowledge of physics than myself (and perhaps yourself) have summarily debunked the Titor story. Yet folks like you seem to wish to keep it alive with non-scientific logic. Is there some reason in your being that urges you to keep it alive? Why do you persist? Will you continue this train of thought even after 2005 passes without Civil War in the USA?

My pixel example is not really decoupling these concepts.
Nor can it ever, which is my point. You were using this analogy (and do recall it is an analogy, not fact) to try to give an example where something could move without actually moving in space.

Just as there are forces at works in JT's story. Altering gravitational forces has an effect on matter contained within the field, so the story goes.
Any/all of this MAY be true, but what I can tell you is NOT true is that none of this could occur without MOTION. Any effect on matter within any kind of force field will induce motion of one form or another. It's the way the universe works. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The OP insisted there is no other way to move through the universe than the SINGLE method we have discovered after existing for a only a few years compared to the age of the universe. I'm just saying we don't know for sure yet.
No he didn't. He merely exposed you to what millions upon millions of experimental results have told us about how Mass, Space, and Time interact with one another to form the laws of physics.

I'm not trying to convince you, I'm just saying I don't refute the possibility that matter can "appear" out of nowhere. If a single particle can pop into existence because of changing forces, then it sounds possible we can figure a way how to control all particles.
I asked for an example not because I needed convincing, but rather to apply one of the rules of logic to show you why motion is always required. Let me try it another way. The rule of logic goes roughly like this:

* Any ONE specific result that negates a general statement of truth is enough to completely negate the statement in question. IOW: A specific truth always overrules a general truth.

If you can find one, JUST ONE, case of a body of matter in our universe that does not move, then you will have trumped my statement of general truth about Matter and Motion. But I don't think you can. And logic then says that since you cannot disprove this fact, then you must account for it in any theory of time travel (which is what 1122's post was all about).

You cannot use non-scientific prose to bolster Titor's story, for it is fundamentally flawed with respect to science on at least this one level, if not more!
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

RMT, you know about this stuff, why don't you tell me to read up these topics instead of me having to find them myself. Cman!!
The joy is found in the journey itself, not at the final destination. There's lots of stuff I know about...but I only act like a teacher when I am getting paid for it! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

Any statement that cannot be falsified is incomplete, and therefore incorrect.

I've never heard this before. If it's incomplete it just needs more work. Don't you have to prove something is impossible as well as possible?

Awfully convenient excuse to shadow the truth, don't you think? The last I recall, verified scientific theories trump any made-up rule.

Yes, he's got all these "rules" to keep people in the story, but the rules are just lax enough that he can corrupt our worldline and shoot his mouth off about how everyone in this time is stupid. I agree it's suspect.

Here we go again. In your zeal to try to prove that JT's story could be possible (which you cannot), you want to somehow turn this back to me as my problem. The challenge is not mine, it is yours. You have the burden of proof, not I. And so far you are doing a lousy job, speaking strictly scientifically.

Historical note, newbie_0 begins at time indicated of current posting researching gravitational fields interaction with hidden quantum variables contained in extra-dimensional strings. (Gonna be a while though... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif )

Why do you persist? Will you continue this train of thought even after 2005 passes without Civil War in the USA?

I'm worried as hell firstly which makes it hard not to get panicy over the smallest news about mad cow or liberties lost. An intrest in time travel since I was a kid. My teachers told me we would never get time travel and I hate them for not agreeing with my parents view that "anything is possible". It's probably more complex than I am able to explain but I hope you get the idea.

If you can find one, JUST ONE, case of a body of matter in our universe that does not move

You know I can never give one on my own because I don't have the math skills to back it up. You keep ignoring me when I mention entanglement. Two entagled photons, A and B. change the spin on A and if you observe the spin on B it matches, but it shouldn't. How did B's spin change without an external force applied directly?
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

If it's incomplete it just needs more work.
That's not the way it works. Have you ever heard of the Godel Incompleteness Theorem. In a final analysis of all logical systems, EVERYTHING can be deemed incomplete (as Godel said it, you can form logically incorrect and contradicting statements in any form of closed logic, including language). Since that definition of incomplete yields no information for anything, we have arrived at the understanding (per Karl Popper) that in order for a scientific theory to be complete, it must be falsifiable.

Don't you have to prove something is impossible
Prove a negative? The only way one could prove something is impossible would be if that person had total knowledge of all things and all events in the universe. Being that I am not God, nor is anyone I know, the ability to prove a negative would be a task that would, literally, take forever.

I'm worried as hell firstly
Application of strict science in analyzing and understanding phenomenon can be quite comforting. I suggest you worry less and analyze more. (and by analyze I don't mean saying "this could happen", but rather "could this happen?" there is a difference).

My teachers told me we would never get time travel and I hate them for not agreeing with my parents view that "anything is possible".
Your parents are guilty of nothing more than idealism that is intended to encourage you. What is possible is distinctly different than what is probable.

keep ignoring me when I mention entanglement.
That is because it is a theory that is much less mature than the experimental results of physics that we already know. I also ignore it because it is not germain to this discussion. Even particles that could theoretically be entangled are still in motion. Hence, you cannot travel in time without MOVING. You are trying to pursue a line of questioning to see if "entanglement" might make JT's assertion true. That's not how science works. First, you must prove that entanglement is real (experimental evidence) and then propose a mathematical theory that explains the mechanics of how it works. Science does not state "well, this could be true, so let's assume it is true, and how would it affect other things." Too loosy-goosy.

Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

That is because it is a theory that is much less mature than the experimental results of physics that we already know. I also ignore it because it is not germain to this discussion. Even particles that could theoretically be entangled are still in motion.

Yes they're in motion - but when the spin changes in photon B without applying any force we don't know why. Perhaps there is a strong far reaching force that acts only on particles that are entangled. Or maybe it's hidden variables.

We're going in circles now, so I'm off to figure out how to change the hidden variables to make something move. Anyone want to help?
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

K I give up on that project and admit there is ample proof Titor is a hoax because the physics are impossible. By the same logic, I also abandon my belief in god, love, yeti, ufo's, utopia and anything else incomplete.

If you were keeping a pool, points go to 1122 because it's his thread.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely


We're going in circles now, so I'm off to figure out how to change the hidden variables to make something move. Anyone want to help?

That's my project. And things are proceeding along smoothly.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

I read something similar in a childrens story from the 80's (reprinted in a book around 2000). My brother and I are big fans of "scary stories" of all kinds and just happened on this one. Its about these 2 kids who happen to find a time machine in the basement of an old man who dissapeared. needless to say, it ends off with a girl drifting through space.

I would figure that this WOULDN'T be a problem for no other reason than the fact that if they DID make a time machine, this would be an obvious problem and that would be the thing they would fix first. besides, if we're talking different dimentions here then they could pinpoint where the earth would be in this one and just send the time machine there. but this does, by no means, mean I believe him. I still have too many reasons to believe this whole thing is bunk.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

[...] if we're talking different dimentions here then [...]
But we are not.

[...] they could pinpoint where the earth would be in this one and just send the time machine there.
This is exactly what John Titor's machine should be able to do. But it can't. It moves through spacetime from one parallel universe to another. In each of those the time machine has to "stick" to an Earth (which you call pinpoint, but in fact it should compensate to keep its position - using a system which John Titor called VGL) and the laws of physics should apply. 1122 just calculated whether that would be possible or not.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

Using only the speed of the Earth around the Sun, I calculated that John's machine would have had to take him 8.7x the speed of light to maintain it's position on the Earth.

here is what Titor said regarding his Travel:

“I wouldn't quite say it "scoops" up the ground cleanly. It sort of vibrates it loose and takes it along for the ride. It looks like someone raked the ground an inch or so deep with a small hand hoe or shovel. The negative ergosphere "scoops" up the front and back areas of the field.”

This is simple to understand. If the machine takes some amount of “ground” beneath it for the ride, then it does not mean it is sticking to earth and it is not traveling through space, rather the donut shaped singularity is taking the unit to another worldline. I like to hear your opinion on this. I am just pointing out something which is contradicting your claim.

Neverthless, the fact that Titor is real or not, I feel according to “his” logic, what he told was correct (which does not match with your present day “logic”). Though I readily admit that I am not a “Genius” in Physics, I can understand his point is correct. Today, what you call “logic” could be rewritten tomorrow if it is proved that multiverses existed. Does Newton’s laws of physics and Einstein’s laws are the same?
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

here is what Titor said regarding his Travel:

In reply to:
“I wouldn't quite say it "scoops" up the ground cleanly. It sort of vibrates it loose and takes it along for the ride. It looks like someone raked the ground an inch or so deep with a small hand hoe or shovel. The negative ergosphere "scoops" up the front and back areas of the field.”

This is simple to understand. If the machine takes some amount of “ground” beneath it for the ride, then it does not mean it is sticking to earth and it is not traveling through space, rather the donut shaped singularity is taking the unit to another worldline. I like to hear your opinion on this. I am just pointing out something which is contradicting your claim.

Of course it's simple to understand. All he was saying is that dirt from his time gets taken to his destination time. If you don't believe that his VGL (variable gravity lock) keeps him locked in on his position on the Earth, and that he is not traveling through space to get to his destination (which he does not say he is), then where do you believe he goes? The simple fact to understand here is that Earth in the future is in a different location than Earth in the past. There isn't some universal cheat which will, so conveniently, automatically allow a traveler to gracefully arrive at the destination in the past on Earth. Even if what you claim about sitting inside of the singularity works, why would he be set back down on Earth, when Earth, back in time, is no where near the Earth he left? I think most of us here would agree that there is no logic to that.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

so maybe JT didn't travel here in a time machine. in fact there's no physical proof the guy was ever here. but if the stuff he said hits, then maybe he had knowledge of the future.
Re: Why John Titor\'s trip was unlikely

There isn't some universal cheat which will, so conveniently, automatically allow a traveler to gracefully arrive at the destination in the past on Earth. Even if what you claim about sitting inside of the singularity works, why would he be set back down on Earth, when Earth, back in time, is no where near the Earth he left? I think most of us here would agree that there is no logic to that.


Hercules, you are not presenting scientific fact. You are extending a theory of what MIGHT happen were we able to sit inside a microsingularity. The scientific facts that are established with respect to our universe, as I point out tirelessly, are that the metrics we call Mass, Space, and Time are interlocked... a web whose over-arching property is energy, if you will. If you say you are going to "move through" (a better word is "transform") any of these metrics, then by necessity you will also affect the other two. When we move through space, we do so at the expense of modifying Mass and Time. The same is true if you wish to "move through" either Mass or Time.

This is fact, and it has been and will be backed-up by the Conversation of Energy and Momentum Laws.
