Who believes that time travel is possible?

lol, how did I know it would be Darby that posted something?

I highly doubt I'll spend 10-12 years just posting on message boards for one thing.

Secondly, I wasn't IN a debate in the first place. The person asked if there was anyone who actually believed in time travel. I answered him.

Third, believe me, I am far from a touchy-feely type. He didn't ask if anyone believed in this or that kind of time travel. He just asked IF anyone believed.

I am well-aware that this is a discussion board. And to answer your question, yes if all or most of the people believed in time travel....on a discussion board ABOUT time travel, it WOUD be more interesting, because that's what would actually be discussed, not all the reasons it's "not possible". What is the point of that? I was attempting to start a DISCUSSION with the person who asked the question. -.-

When I said it was strange, I did not mean that it was strange to see. I have seen it all over the site. What is strange is that people who absolutely believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's impossible would have any interest in it at all, nevermind enough interest in it to be a member here.

That's like saying you don't believe in God and then joining a Bible discussion board or a church group.

It just seems to me like an awful lot of people's sole purpose here, particularly you, lol, is to tell everybody how it's not possible. And for someone who doesn't believe in it (and therefore I would think would not be interested in it)), you seem to spend A LOT of time here.

And since you use "evil debunker" as your signature, then it would seem you are mainly interested in just debunking everything. What you perceive as "evil" or "not evil" I don't know (and don't care :) ).

I have no problem with intelligent debate. Unfortunately, I have had very few because most pepple take offense and run away if you don't agree with them or if they are losing. I could care less if you agree with me or not. You are perfectly entitled to believe whatever you want to believe. I enjoy a good debate. But debating is not why I joined. If that were the case, I would have joined something geared specifically toward debate (on whatever subject I was interested in debating). Healthy debates are a good thing, and if that's why you're here, fine. That is not however, why I am.

You asked me why I believe. I COULD ask you why you don't. But A) I don't care and B) I already know what you think because I've read a lot of your posts. I don't need you to say it all again. Yes, I know a lot of the discussions are scientifically-oriented. I also know science doesn't know everything. If it did, there would be no discoveries left to make, and that would be pretty stale and boring. Lots of things used to be thought impossible. But they happened nonetheless. I actually happen to find science quite fascinating.
If the other answers to my other posts are from you, I may answer them. But I have read many of your posts and discussions and had already told myself when I joined that I wasn't likely to talk to you much. Not because I can't handle myself in a debate, but because, as I've already said, that's not why I'm here. And not because you don't agree with me, because you can believe whatever you want, but because I am interested in talking to people who are open-minded enough to believe and who are daring enough to attempt experiments and such (who unfortunately all seem to get shot down or ignored never to return). I wasn't planning on just giving the guy a yes or no answer and then stopping. I was answering him in the hopes that that might lead to a discussion.
And to answer your question just a little bit more (I'm not getting into all the reasons I believe. It would be pointless.), I believe some of the theories of why it isn't possible (such as the "grandfather paradox") are completely absurd.

And no, I am not visiting you from the future. :)
And no, I don't believe those other people are either.
ahh! so many typos! ^

Some I didn't notice. Some I was unable to fix. It kept erasing everything in the previous sentence when I tried.

Lol, okay. Completely irrelevant to the conversation, but I hate bad spelling, so this annoys me.
Er..ok..what is relevant is why all of what I said past a certain point is crossed out. What's that all about? I couldn't have gone over the text limit. I've seen much longer posts on here.

I believe in time travel. I hang out here hoping to share research notes with other researchers like me interested in developing a time machine. It must be an odd niche hobby I have though. No one else seems to be working on a time machine design.

But I have my suspicions about Darby. He seems to have a wealth of historical knowledge. More so than the average Joe. Kind of like he was there. Could be he's hanging out here in hopes of hitching a ride back home. No clue as to how he got stranded in this time zone though. He's not very forthcoming with info like that.

But I must say, posing as an evil debunker is a great cover. Who would ever suspect he was actually a time traveler.

PS: If you know of anyone else working on a time machine design, send them this way.

I believe in time travel. I hang out here hoping to share research notes with other researchers like me interested in developing a time machine. It must be an odd niche hobby I have though. No one else seems to be working on a time machine design.

But I have my suspicions about Darby. He seems to have a wealth of historical knowledge. More so than the average Joe. Kind of like he was there. Could be he's hanging out here in hopes of hitching a ride back home. No clue as to how he got stranded in this time zone though. He's not very forthcoming with info like that.

But I must say, posing as an evil debunker is a great cover. Who would ever suspect he was actually a time traveler.

PS: If you know of anyone else working on a time machine design, send them this way.

Deleted my first reply because I was going to refer you to another person I had read was working on a machine...and it turned out to be you, lol.
And I said some other things that I thought might offend you now that I know who you are and some things I don't believe apply to you now that I know you're the same person and have read a bunch of your threads. Hopefully I deleted it before you saw it, lol.
But now that I know it's you, I am curious about the pictures of the Victorian time machine that looks like the one in the old film. Do you just have that there because you like the design/the film/the book/whatever? Or are you attempting to build a machine with that design?

Interesting theory about Darby. I haven't come across any posts where he displayed any historical knowledge. Then again I wasn't looking. Maybe your machine can get him unstuck. Then he can find a whole new time zone of people to annoy. :) Just make sure no one finds out it was your doing!
In order to believe in phenomena you must have access to it. Plain and simple our senses require it so that we may understand it.

In order to accept that the phenomena may exist you would first need to understand the thought process of those that claimed it possible. Tesla and Einstein, alive at the same era both speak of reality as an electromagnetic illusion or just a persistent illusion. Illusion being the key word that everyone discards.

Of course they were both completely nuts and void of common sense until NASA stated that it had actually happened.
However our reality centers around Mass, we need it and want it and or trained to spend our lives seeking out more and more mass. This train of thought does not reveal a duality of existence, therefore nobody wants to listen to statements of experiences. Especially when Lies are performed written and verbally. We can't blame them either, They deserve and require the proof.

As for me I believe without question that it is not only possible, it has already been discovered and new technology has been achieved. I have worked with the proof but it is highly guarded and my written words could be telling lies.

I would ask yourself this however, Little boys grew up wanting to reach the moon. They sold the idea and away they went to fill a bag with moon rocks. Upon return they discovered a time travel phenomena, and then what? we hear nothing, no wide eyes!
The DoD did not buck up for the greatest discovery of all time and nobody could obtain funding to further research into Time Travel? Instead they decide to call Einsteins relativity work a theory even though it has not achieved nobility. We watch billions being poured into the LHC in search of the higgs boson? or is there an underlying reason for the LHC, Z machine and Haarp programs, that would be based on the electromagnetic illusion of reality?

What if we are experiencing the illusion of reality and Life as forms of radiation, without radiation you would not perceive reality and your body would no longer function.

The imagination is a terrible thing to discourage, it should be coveted never discarded.

It is also the last thing you would want your competition to have.
Has anybody ever thought of the fact that we have a tendency to could truly be in a very future time, presently; or maybe, in a very hobby, presently?
In order to believe in phenomena you must have access to it. Plain and simple our senses require it so that we may understand it.

In order to accept that the phenomena may exist you would first need to understand the thought process of those that claimed it possible. Tesla and Einstein, alive at the same era both speak of reality as an electromagnetic illusion or just a persistent illusion. Illusion being the key word that everyone discards.

Of course they were both completely nuts and void of common sense until NASA stated that it had actually happened.
However our reality centers around Mass, we need it and want it and or trained to spend our lives seeking out more and more mass. This train of thought does not reveal a duality of existence, therefore nobody wants to listen to statements of experiences. Especially when Lies are performed written and verbally. We can't blame them either, They deserve and require the proof.

As for me I believe without question that it is not only possible, it has already been discovered and new technology has been achieved. I have worked with the proof but it is highly guarded and my written words could be telling lies.

I would ask yourself this however, Little boys grew up wanting to reach the moon. They sold the idea and away they went to fill a bag with moon rocks. Upon return they discovered a time travel phenomena, and then what? we hear nothing, no wide eyes!
The DoD did not buck up for the greatest discovery of all time and nobody could obtain funding to further research into Time Travel? Instead they decide to call Einsteins relativity work a theory even though it has not achieved nobility. We watch billions being poured into the LHC in search of the higgs boson? or is there an underlying reason for the LHC, Z machine and Haarp programs, that would be based on the electromagnetic illusion of reality?

What if we are experiencing the illusion of reality and Life as forms of radiation, without radiation you would not perceive reality and your body would no longer function.

The imagination is a terrible thing to discourage, it should be coveted never discarded.

It is also the last thing you would want your competition to have.

Much of what you say sounds like you are contradicting yourself, however I do agree with you that it has already happened. I don't agree that Einstein and Tesla were nuts. I've heard other people say Einstein was crazy, but this is not popular opinion. I've heard people say that Steven Hawking was nuts too. I don't think he was nuts, just close-minded.
I Believe its possible, is even occurring even as we write in this thread. Its a reality more complex and daunting than our wildest dreams. Its real alright....you just wait around and you will all see.
I don't think a lot of them will "see". If they just adamantly don't believe it's possible and can never happen, then for them, it won't. I agree that it's being done, has been done, and always has been and always will be, but I don't think the die-hard scientist types are ever going to be convinced, and I really don't think anybody wants them to be. Real time travellers aren't likely to go around announcing themselves or trying to "prove" things to them. You always hear "well, if time travel is real, why aren't we overrun with time travellers from the future?" My answer to that is twofold: 1) How do you know we're not? Do you really think they're going to tell?" and 2) The people who say these things are the ones who say that "IF" it's possible, that it would only be forward and not back. So they've answered their own question. If you can't go back..how can we have tourists from the FUTURE, when to them this would be the past and they'd have to go BACKWARDS to get here? Lol. They make no sense. That's science?

Apparently "science" also consists of sitting around coming up with absurd theories such as "the grandfather paradox". Why on earth would you go back in time and kill your own grandfather? Lol. If you know it would make you not be born (which I hope they'd be smart enough to realize, if they can figure out how to build a time machine!), why would you do it? And if you're a homicidal maniac who hates his grandfather, I don't think you need a time machine to go back and kill him. If you're depressed and wish you were never born, suicide is a much easier option than time travel. If you're that depressed, I don't think you'd have the presence of mind to build a time machine. And if you did something as incredible as build a time machine...why would you be depressed? That would be quite an accomplishment. ( I don't necessarily even believe in the need for "machines". I'm not saying it CAN'T be done with machines, I just don't think it's likely to be necessary). I am NOT recommending suicide or killing grandfathers!! I'm just trying to prove a point about how ridiculous it all is. It's about as dumb as that episode of Futurama where Frye goes back in time and sleeps with his grandmother and "becomes his own grandfather". -.- And these guys think WE'RE the weird ones??!!!
Most of the things I've seen that claim to "disprove" other peoples'stories, prove nothing..except that they're lying or that they think we're really naive and stupid. Now, I know I'm getting into dangerous territory here, because people are going to start jumping on this and saying how ridiculous it is to believe in government conspiracy theories and all (but I don't put anything past our government)
...but as an example..I read one guy's website that was trying to discredit stories of the Montauk project, claiming that the Delta T antenna is fake, etc. His supposed proof was that he saw the same item in a military supply catalogue. He had a link to it. The product he was showing looked not even remotely anything like the Delta T, lol. And even if it had, why would it be surprising that a MILITARY catalogue, would be selling something that the military used? I'm sure these catalogues are not accessible to the general public (at least I certainly hope military equipment, which I assume would include all kinds of weaponry and tanks and who-knows-what-else, isn't!), so why would the military need to keep things they know they're doing..from themselves?? And of course they're going to say it isn't true and make these guys out to be whackos. If they're using it for nefarious purposes, do you really think they're going to admit it?

They wouldn't admit remote viewing was real either until they had no choice. I find many of the doubters on here have the same type of attitude, unless you have what they consider concrete material proof, they're never going to believe in it. And since I don't believe it is entirely a material process, that's not going to work for them. And who's going to bother trying to prove it to people that close-minded and set in their ways? I don't consider these staunch unbelievers true scientists. The scientists who have accomplished great things, did not think that way. And I don't believe it's strictly about science. There are other factors, possibly many other factors.

I'll have to admit, Transient, this is the first post of yours I've understood much of. A lot of what you say seems over my head. I'd like to understand what you're talking about. Your theories sound quite interesting. At least, I'm pretty sure it's you I'm thinking of. For some reason I always get you confused with that person who talks about the museum exhibit.
Unfortunately I can't do that. All I can give is testimony from those I have spoken to who have told me they have managed to travel through time through astral projection. I know that you won't see that as being "enough" and I understand why. However, I trust those who have related their experiences to me.

A friend of mine whom I know from school has been interested in paranormal and metaphysical matters for several years and he told me that he has, on several occasions while projecting, travelled back into the 1970s and viewed our hometown as it was then. He has nothing to gain by lying about something like this and it is clear that he genuinely believes in what he is saying and really believes that he has had these experiences.

Either he's wrong, in which case he's misguided, or he's right, and has had these experiences. I believe that he has had these experiences, which is why I believe that time travel is possible through astral projection.

I can't give concrete evidence, as I said, all I have to go on is testimonials by those that I trust.

What your friend experienced actually sounds a biit more like remote viewing than time travel. Some people consider remote viewing a form of time travel though.

Although many people believe that astral time travel is possible and physical isn't and vice versa. Some believe in both. Some think they are related to one another.

I know of one course where the first part is remote viewing, the second is astral projection, and the third is "time travel", but it is astral travel, not physical. And that's the order it's meant to be taken in, which implies I suppose, that doing one makes it easier to accomplish the next (or else it just implies that they just want more of your money).

And then there is the theory that astral time travel can lead to the abillity to physically time travel. I have seen that idea expressed at least twice. Once on a site with astral projection and chakra opening exercises and the like, where the author said that you must first learn to astrally teleport before you can physically teleport, and I know we are not talking about teleportation, but she had info on time travel too, and I concluded from what I read that she had the same opinion about that too. And the other is a guy who invented a machine..I think it's called the HDR or something? (I'm sure someone here must have heard of it and can correct me if I have the wrong name) who says it assists you in astral time travel, but some people claim they have achieved physical time travel with the device. It's not a "time machine" in the sense of you get in a vehicle and drive/fly off in it. It's just a little device about the size of say..an old Sony walkman or so. I think you're supposed to just hook it to your belt or something. Sounds a lot more convenient! I don't know all the details. What I do know is that it's really expensive.

And the person who said that astral projection can either be practised and done intentionally, but sometimes is not intentional, is correct. I know people who have experienced spontaneous astral projection, people who didn't even know what astral projection was when it happened to them. I'm not sure how and i'm not sure why, but like you, I have no reason to doubt them as they have nothing to gain by making things like that up.

By the way, I wouldn't waste my time "debating" with darby if I were you. You won't get anywhere. He just likes to argue his point. I think he just likes to play scientist. I seriously think he must be a lawyer in real life (Lol, I almost typed "liar". Freudian slip. :P Not saying darby's a liar. Although I'm not saying he isn't. I don't know him and don't want to. He looks and sounds like a very angry man. I was speaking of lawyers in general.)
Thanks for the compliments...I guess :)

But its true, time travel is more real than anyone here would care to admit. The problem is that when you don't see it you tend to disbelieve it. But there is ample proof out there that time travel has occurred.
I think it's fairly likely time travel will become commonplace within the next 200 years. Rather like the internet, it will be a free-for-all at first but governments will gradually try to exercise tighter control. Regulation will prove ultimately impossible and widespread use of time travel technology will lead to a breakdown in the stability of reality, something I for one would welcome.
Thanks for the compliments...I guess :)

But its true, time travel is more real than anyone here would care to admit. The problem is that when you don't see it you tend to disbelieve it. But there is ample proof out there that time travel has occurred.

Can you point us in the direction of this alleged "ample proof"? Or better yet, provide us with this proof.
Here is my time travel script: Ondi Timoner is directing it as her first fiction feature:
A punk band goes back in time to a past they know nothing about...1913 Los Angeles! Proving if you don't remember history, you are bound to make it.


Proving if you don't remember history, you are bound to make it.

There is a school of thought which suggests that once a day has done, its done forever. If it is possible to travel back in time, then it could be argued that you are not only bound to make history, but you are part of that history (and inextricably bound to that period of history) If person X travelled back to 8th May 1891, from 2001 and ran around the houses of parliment, butt naked wearing only a bluetooth earpiece, we would read about that occurence in the history books. If that school of thought is correct (once a day has done, its done forever) then NOBODY is EVER going to travel back in time to the 8th May 1891 and run around the houses of parliment wearing a bluetooth earpiece, because NO such occurence has been recorded.
As said before, if we watch a film from 1891, we are transported back to 1891. That is a form of time travel. Primitive, but it is the basis.

When I watch a film from 1891, I am not transported back to that time, because I am well aware that 1891 is not some black & white, undersaturated, grainy, vignetted period in time.
As said before, if we watch a film from 1891, we are transported back to 1891. That is a form of time travel. Primitive, but it is the basis.

True but trivial (trivial not in the demeaning sense but as used in math and science).

Everything that you perceive; given the speed of light, the speed of sound, the speed of neurotransmission, etc.; is a view of the past once the signal is received. All sensory inputs are transmitted over a given distance and it takes some period of time to arrive at and be processed by the receiver. The film simply captured the light signal and used the energy to convert it to a chemical compound that further delayed the period of transmission. It is, however, trivially true to equate that to time travel.
It is, however, trivially true to equate that to time travel.

Of course, when light reflects off of a surface and hits our eyes, we are seeing that surface as it was at the time light reflected off of it. Now imagine that everything we experience is being recorded like an 1891 movie. Our eyes, our brains, the neurons. This is nature's television and HD recorder. Imagine that in the future we will have Google Glasses that record everything we experience. I then come to your home, we have dinner, and I give you my Google Glasses. You put the glasses on and you experience my past -- for real, you have just time travelled to my immediate past. Now, in reality, you did not travel to the past of this universe. But what if many years from now -- you could?

I am also referring here to an old movie called "BrainStorm".