Quantum Scribe
Bohm (early 1950's), de Broglie (mid 1920's) and others brought forward theories challenging the Copenhagen Interpretation before Davies was born.
The only other serious contender these days is the 'many worlds' interpretation. Depending on who one listens to, either many worlds or Copenhagen are the most widely accepted versions.
I do not like the many worlds version at all. It seems to me even more outrageous than your truck converting into a carton of cream cheese.
I myself tried to come up with a many worlds version that did not require whole new universes to be created for every probablistic outcome for any particle. After all, as the effects spread out at the speed of light, most of the universe does not 'know' yet that any change has occured here. But of course...eventually it will do, and you cannot have some particle millions of light years away responding to two or more different outcomes and still have just one universe. So the many worlds theorem does indeed imply entire new universes.
There seems to me something very outrageous indeed about any theory that requires entire new universes.....zillions of them....every millisecond just in order to get round the observer effect.
You then get down to the REAL problem with many worlds......just exactly what constitutes an 'event' ? The whole thing runs into Zeno's paradox......and also the curious Quantum Zeno Effect ( the act of observing can not only affect the outcome...but also prevent an outcome from occuring...forcing 'no change' ). One is left having to define some period of time that seperates one 'event' from another....this MUST be the case as one surely cannot get discrete new universes from some purely analogue progression.
This would imply a basic unit of time, probably defined by the Plank limit. But even then, one has the problem that the Plank limit is so small that one could have different time 'frames' even within a single atom. To my mind the problems for many worlds just become insurmountable. It seems to me more to be a scientific 'cop out'.....for scientists who refuse to accept the full implications of the Copenhagen model.