You are a Believer therefore if you read somewhere, posted by virtually anyone, that s/he has accomplished time travel through "astral projection" then it
The person that I referred to (who I know from school) is someone that I know in real life (and by that I mean offline, as opposed to online.) So it's not some post on a forum that I've found on the web somewhere, it's somebody that I actually know and used to go to school with.
And it must be true because I read it on the Internet.
Like I said, not all of what I have learned about astral projection is from the internet. Some of is, yes, but the rest is from books, and from people that I know offline, whom I have spoken to face-to-face. My point is, I'm not
just picking up random stuff from the Internet, I explore other avenues as well.
Problems: Define "astral projection".
All right, I will try to define it (but don't you already know what astral projection is?)
Astral projection is the act of
consciously leaving one's body. According to what I have read, people can also leave their bodies while asleep but since they are sleeping, they do so unconsciously and therefore can't remember the experience. Astral projection is when one is able to leave their body whilst being consciously awake.
Again, from what I have read and from what others have told me, when the individual leaves their body, they have a body termed as the astral body (usually on a first projection most people only manage to float above their bed and fly around their room for a bit. Sometimes when they look down at their physical body in the bed it has the effect of snapping them straight back into their physical body and thus ending the projection.) This astral body is connected to the physical body by what is described as a type of white cord.
From my reading on the subject, I have learned that projectors can both interact with the physical world/dimension and the astral plane/dimension. Robert Bruce, in his book
Astral Dynamics, also spoke of what he described as "a buffer zone or intermediary area dividing the physical universe from the astral dimension proper." This he called the Real-Time Zone (or RTZ.)
Then show me an astral projector that can be tested with instruments that record the effects.
I will read up on some stuff and see if I can find any information about this. I haven't looked into astral projection tests a great deal, so I can't give you anything at the moment. I do believe that some experiments have been carried out in the past, though, so I'll see if I can find anything. I think Robert Monroe, who wrote several books about his out-of-body journeys, may have engaged in some form of experimentation to prove the reality of what was occurring, so I will look through his book and see what I can find.
Please understand though, Darby, that I am
not basing what I say about astral projection from the Internet alone. Some of what I have read is from the web, yes, but I have also spoken face-to=face with people that I know personally about this topic and read books as well.