What could lead us down a path towards civil war?

Here are just a few links to read about some of the things that I spoke of. Most of the news/information comes and goes off the internet very quickly, and you will miss it if you're not looking for it. Websites that specialize in these subjects retain a bit of it, so some of the sites may be radical, but they copied some of the related articles.

The Draft:






Stolen Elections:



Protests at Bush Inauguration



People's Choice Award - Fahrenheit 911:


With regards to Titor's mother and the book...I will not post any of her comments. That is something you will have to find yourself.

No one has to believe it is her.

The point is, if someone is truly interested in something, they will pursue the research.
I know it's not her. And I've done the research.

She didn't leave Florida because Titor's mother was not living in Florida when Titor time traveled to 2000. She didn't take John to another state. She was already living in another state.

That's how I know she is not Titor's mom.
She offers the deeper view, the deeper view into the ocean blue.

& On the day she saw, the white did draw.

Then another setting...

It was Ahab. Wild eyed in his furry, as the day sky did cloud, the waves chopped but we rowed on.

He was wild-eyed and he pointed, "Thar, she blows and we shall go after it"!

Damned this fire of Hell. Quench its thirst, as yee naves shall stoke to the order and the beat, of my helmsman. Row and stroke damned you all.

We ventured as that huge white edifice did sound.

The white devil drove straight down.Down to where the pressure can crush a man's head in an instant.

It was all quiet, cept the seagulls that flirted, chattered.

I looked forwards and saw The Rainman. That crazy sheer of strength, Moi Tribesmen, with row upon row of tattooed stitching on his face and arms.

He was pounding his chest in the rhythm as he knew, as well as the captain, that any moment that furry from Hells mouth would breach straight up.

Straight up, or beneath us.

Raiman took his thumb in a quiet chatter I could not understand, stroked his thumb on the sharp of the harpoon.

Thar!////Thar she blew! and in a frightening crimson of white froth, the white devil did just that and fell back to the sea, in an awful crescendo, showing near three quarters of its glightening mass as it rose once more.

This captain is daft and he shall have him.The eyes,... the eye of the wale, that huge white monster and Captain Ahab, tied together as a lock.

The orders were screamed...."Row, row as if your after the end of the world itself, dammed you,.. row"!

We closed, the silence glowed as the Moi hefted his harpoon high, to find that certain spot, to our demise mark.
Mark upon the beast who she saw, in the once peaceful clear, of only five fathoms.

Radpation of Melvill's Moby Dick.

Thank you Rainman, you'd make a very good Moi Tribesmen.
That's all I need to see to know it is trash. You are aware, I hope, of the documented cases where Michael Moore has either stretched the truth to suit his own political agendas, or outright LIED in his movies?

Forget Titor, as you cannot adequately prove nor disprove whether he was "real". But we know Michael Moore is real, and we know that he has twisted the truth. For example, if you are a fan of Moore's then you must have seen Bowling For Columbine. Do you know THE REAL TRUTH of the Lockheed-Martin plant that he featured in one scene in that movie? I do. I have worked with many people at that plant (on CIVILIAN SPACE programs) and I have many friends who DO work there. Guess what? Moore LIED by trying to infer that nukes are built there. They are not, and this makes him not only an irresponsible "journalist" (and I use the term lightly) but also a liar who wants to make you believe what he wants you to believe.

Michael Moore is nothing but a master of the out-of-context.
What could lead us down a path towards civil war?
I'd say that nothing that "Titor" spoke of has or will manifest that would lead us to Civil War. What MIGHT be a possibility? I'd say this: How about the nonsense right now where the Federal Government is overstepping its bounds by getting involved in the Terry Schiavo case, where the LAW is crystal clear (and inumerable other courts have upheld the existing law)....Namely: A SPOUSE is the legal guardian of another spouse. Once marriage takes place, the parents are NO LONGER the legal guardians. Therefore, Terry Schiavo's parents (sad to say, but true) have NO rights nor jurisdiction to overrule her husband's decision.

Poll by ABC News has the vast majority of Americans of the belief that the politicians in the Fed Gov who are pulling these 11th hour shenanigans are WRONG. I am one of those. Now THIS would be cause for Civil War: Government passing laws that subvert and deny due process for existing laws, not for the majority of the populace, but rather for a SINGLE PERSON. This is NOT the principles upon which our government was founded.

Now THERE you have a possible path that could lead to Civil War...and it is MUCH more pertinent and important than ANYTHING that the hoaxster we call Titor ever said! I'm a conservative, but I vehemently disagree with the conservatives who are pulling this, AND the liberals who are in the conservative's camp on this issue.

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If the book was published by John's mother, then YOU are wrong MEM. You are wrong about the date John arrived at his mother's doorstep, which was in Florida. You are wrong about when they moved.

You have not read the book, so you are in a poor position to comment on it one way or another.

You may have heard things about it from others, and if you did you may have gotten some details mixed up, but you have not read it yourself.

The book was Copyrighted in 2001 through the John Titor Foundation, which was registered through the attorney, Larry Haber (from memory, I think that's his name). This was a good way for the mother to keep her anonimity.

So perhaps there is no one else on this board who believes John Titor was a time traveler. If that is the case, then I've come to the wrong place.

Perhaps it will be better for me to wait until the year 2009 to visit this board again. By then we will all be in a better position to debate whether or not Titor's predictions were genuine.

Take care
Oh! ... I get it now! ... DOH!

But you have me wondering Creedo 299. Is .. the Captain and the re-adapter of the story the same soul?

The "tandumness" of your posts are intriguing.

Thus my wondering.

Calm down everaftergirl!

Why are you so upset?

I have been reading this forum for years now (but I only registered last year) and the one thing it is, ...is well … intellectual debate as well as being enlightening and amusing for the most part.

Don't take everything so seriously.

With this much conviction, then surely, Everaftergirl could not be Pamela Moore?

No she couldn't.

The odds of two wimen, being afilleate of Titor and his motives, would have to be on the order, of one hundred and sixty six to one, in the odds.

This would mean that Pamela through her proxy, Everaftergirl, would have left the TTI posting board twice.
So perhaps there is no one else on this board who believes John Titor was a time traveler. If that is the case, then I've come to the wrong place.

I'm not trying to chase you off. Let's discuss Titor. Not his book or what other people have to say about it. Let's talk about what events you think will happen based on what he wrote. I only ask that you provide some basis for your interpretation. Is that too much to ask?
Everaftergirl, or someone out there, do you think that it could also be this and not the revolution indicated by Titor?

From link http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?message=90555&mpage=1&topic=3&showdate=3/22/05

This seems like vintaged David Booth if you know him?

a WARNING for what it´s worth

I have to be as brief as possible and I won´t stay on this computer more than an hour, as I´m sure it´s monitored, and they will be watching the net for this news.

Anyway, I was a bartender in a tennessee town in a local dive. There was this regular guy that came in frequently, and over time, I learned a LOT about him, other than the fact that he seemed to be drinking away bad thoughts. I soon understood why.

The guy told me once, while drunk, that he was an ex-CIA agent that "knew things noone needs to know." I laughed at first, thinking it was the rantings of a drunk. Well, he frequently stayed until closing time, entertaining me with his tall tales.

After a few months, we kind of became friends, and he invited me over for dinner, saying he wanted to "show me some things."

Well, I went to dinner, he showed me pix of him in the military as well as his medals for various operations he said he did, confirming some of his stories. Then, he showed me some documents that kind of confirmed many fears that many have been having for years: that SOMETHING is about to happen to shake the fabric of our society to a point that will send us all back to the dark ages. I can´t be specific, as I´m not sure I understood it all completely, but it is environmental in nature, and it is a phenomenon that is affecting our entire solar system. He then showed me a picture of something in space, coming from the direction of the south, that frightens me to the core. It looked like a dark mass with fire inside it. Not bright, but smoldering. Very large, and with much debris around it, like a cloud. It didn´t look like a planet to me, but I´m not sure what it could be. I´m no scientist. But, HE KNEW WHAT IT WOULD DO AS IT GOT CLOSER. And that is why he drank so much, because he said nothing mattered anymore.

I´m sorry, this is taking longer than I thought it would, but to get to the point, he said a time would come very shortly and there would be a sign. When the sign came, it would be time to hunker down and try to deal with it as best he can. He talked about his "escape route" and "bunker in the hills." It was all surreal, like telling ghost stories around the camp fire.

anyway, i think the sign came, as the other day when I went to see him at his house, it was totally empty. The door was open just a little so I walked in and on his kitchen counter, where we shared drinks and talked about these things to come, he left me a note...it said simply "SIX WEEKS."

well, that´s about it, for what it´s worth. don´t do anything silly as i don´t think there is anything any of us can do about it. just say your prayers and make peace and be happy. love each other and hopefully, this will turn out to be the rantings of an old drunk. just thought you all should know.

Oh Everaftergirl, pa'lease, don't leave us, wes needs yous, as yous is one of the lights of our lives.

Don't shut us off and leave us in da dark!???