What could lead us down a path towards civil war?


Temporal Navigator

Don't focus on the core issue, the woman's fate. Rather, note the conflicting judicial decisions. One court say yes, another says no. Congress gets involved. One judge supports, another denies.

Could a dichotomy in the judiciary cause a big enough riff? We already see something of this in our country now...the infamous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals seems to make decisions that get overturned all the time. But that process always follows the set hierarchy.
Answer:A ruse by the new world order, as prison camps are already in place in America.

So this would be a planned culling, over made-up political issues.
Origional subjecyt matter amended, and a more mundane topic substituted; off toppic Im sorry!?

Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 3
Proof that looney and crazy doesn't necessarily translate into fun.
By Peer Schneider
July 9, 1999 - Like its two Game Boy predecessors, Crazy Castle 3 dishes up simple 2D item Features

Classic Looney Tunes characters, including Tweety, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester, Foghorn Leghorn, Rocky, Wile E. Coyote, Little Ghost, Pepe Le Pew, Marc Antony, Yosemite Sam and Tasmanian Devil.
Lots of items, such as bombs, cork guns, invincibility, hammers, axes and shields.
Four principal worlds divided into 60 levels.
Save via passwords.
Compatible with both Game Boy Color and Game Boy.
The Game
The background story: Witch Hazel has cast a spell on a few Looney Tunes characters to help her stop Bugs Bunny from finding the fabled "Treasure of the Old Castle." Bugs read about the treasure in an ancient book he found in an antique shop, but isn't quite sure where to find it. The book read: "Somewhere in the Old Castle, there's a treasure that will bring great happiness to its finder." The book stirred up Bugs's curiosity so he set off immediately to search for the treasure. Not a very original story to set up the game, but it gives developer/publisher Kemco an easy excuse to use many of the traditional Looney Tunes characters as bad guys Bugs Bunny has to evade. Graphics and sound are adequate and all the characters are recognizable, but the game doesn't break new grounds in either category. As a matter of fact, scrolling is somewhat jerky and the character animation is dated when compared to other Looney Tunes titles.
QUESTION: What could lead us down a path towards civil war?

MY ANSWER: Reinstating the Draft! I believe that will be one of the biggest factors...and I predict it will happen in the not-too-distant future.
Is this prediction related to Titor, i.e. the draft will start this year and result in a USA civil war and the collapse of western stability, all in this year, 2005?

Or are you saying that this worldline's future will be the same as Titor's in 2036 but be caused by different events? Titor was pretty sure that this worldline would play out pretty much like his.

From Titor:

This worldline and my own are almost exactly alike.

TimeTravel_0 : I just wish things didn;t have to happen athey way they will.
Yareisa : we cannot change it?
TimeTravel_0 : Its too late.

As far as I can tell right now, you are headed toward the same events I would call “my history” in 2036.
Some major differences did occur in our Timelines, because of his interaction in our world, so I do not believe things will happen exactly the same way. I do believe a WWIII is still a big possibility, especially because our current president has provoked the leaders of other countries to the point where they are now developing more nuclear weapons, which they have stated they are doing to defend themselves in case of a US attack (paraphrasing but that's the jist of it).

Titor was worried that our world would NOT have a Civil War, especially after he realized he altered our timeline. On his timeline, the Civil War was partially what saved people from the actions of their own government...that is why Titor was concerned about it not happening here. If you question what I've said here, read his posts. If you would like to know more, read the book.

I do not know when the Draft will happen, but I believe it will, with or without Titor's predictions. In fact I didn't even know that Titor mentioned the Draft until recently...and that was after I already came to this conclusion.

02/13/01 QUESTION TO TITOR: (Prediction #396) Was alot of the United States' 18-24 age group slaughtered in the war because of Draft?


Titor said the beginning causes of the Civil War, began around the Nov. 2004 Presidential Elections. I believe he was referring to voter tampering and fraud, which according to very reliable sources, did occur en mass.

I also believe civil unrest escalated much more quickly on his timeline, because people there were in a different frame of mind. That is why Titor was concerned that people here were seeing, but not doing anything about what was going on in our world, with respect to losing our civil rights, the election problems and other things that were happening here.

Actually many people here did try to bring attention to this, but they were quickly silenced and their legal efforts were thrown out of the courts.

That is why there is great civil unrest in the US right now that people are not aware of, (and due to the war) but the unrest and protests are not being televised. So Titor was correct about his prediction, and it happened over the 2004 Elections, just as he foretold.

I believe Titor meant, this unrest will continue to grow and fester, because of the things that continue to happen with our government with regards to the war in Iraq, and the continued removal and intrusion of our civil rights. The problems will continue to grow, and then in 2008 it will become clear and apparent that our country is having a Civil War...That is what happened on his timeline, but I do not know if we will get to that point, because people here are so complacent.

I think the reinstatement of the Draft would push people towards a civil war, more quickly than anything else.

Let me give you one more thing to think about...George Bush supposedly won the Presidential Election by popular vote, right?

There is much evidence to dispute the results of the elections...and many people protested the outcome because of that evidence, including electronic voting machines that registered "Bush" when people actually voted for "Kerry", but of course, the machines leave 'no paper trial', so even if this did occur, there is no way to prove it. And there were many more complaints about other problems, but regardless, Bush became president.

IMPORTANT QUESTION HERE: If you believe that G.W. Bush was voted in by the people's popular vote, without any voter tampering, then see if you can answer this question. How could a film like "Fahrenheit 911", which is a documentary against Bush that tells the truth about his connections with the Saudis, Bin Laden and lots more...(and details what could be his true motives for starting a war)...How could "Fahrenheit 911" win the "People's Choice Awards" only 2 months after Bush won the 2004 Election?

That award is voted on by 'the People'. To me, that screams voter fraud.

I won't get into a political discussion over this...I have done the research and I know what I'm talking about.

So perhaps John Titor was correct in his prediction about a Civil War. His concern about it not happening was that the government would become incredibly powerful and we would all be doomed.

Why do you think Titor went online and started interacting with people? He had a specific purpose for that, which a person could figure out if they studied his material.

I believe the part Titor was sure about was the coming of WWIII. I agree with him on that...it is on the horizon, although it will probably happen in the distant future, perhaps 2015 as it did on his timeline.

The question is, what will occur between now and then?
Some major differences did occur in our Timelines, because of his interaction in our world,

Do you have references to Titor's posts that support that opinion? He said this world line and his were "almost exactly alike." Why do you say it's different?

Titor was worried that our world would NOT have a Civil War

Again, can you provide references to Titor's post that support that opinion?

I do not know when the Draft will happen, but I believe it will

Why do you say that? What supports your belief that a draft will happen?

Titor said the beginning causes of the Civil War, began around the Nov. 2004 Presidential Elections.

No he did not say that. He did say:

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

This can be interpreted many different ways, including the way you interpreted it. I can also interpret it as:

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This (degrading US foreign policy and consistency) becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops (in the Middle East, note the question was about the ME) near the next presidential election.

Civil unrest in Iraq, which is in the middle east, really got started when the USA invaded Fallajah just days after the 2004 USA presidential election.

I also believe civil unrest escalated much more quickly on his timeline

What did Titor say to make you think that?
Forgive me,

I live in the UK not the US. But usually we keep an eye on what things that are going on over the great river.

To me I dont see any evidence at all of any type of major Civil unrest. Or anything large enough that would 'build up' to a civil war.

Things seem more relaxed, as people are focusing their energies on Iraq and the middle east. I think once this is died down, which wont be for a long while yet. The US should and most likely will turn their attention to world resources (something they should have got their hands dirty with a long time ago).

I cant see any civil war happening here.

What is supposed to happen if 'Titors' Civil war doesnt happen.

Kind regards,
Hello OllyB,

You said, "To me I dont see any evidence at all of any type of major Civil unrest. Or anything large enough that would 'build up' to a civil war."

Of course this was not included in the TV news, and it was not in the mainstream news, because it was hidden...but did you see all the huge protests around major cities in the US (and in some cities around the world) when Bush was inaugurated? Most people did not find this in the news, but it was there.

Did you read about all the objections that numerous politicians and lawyers made over the voter tampering, including the "Why I must object" statement from Senator Barbara Boxer? Hers was one of the MANY voices who tried to bring voter fraud to the forefront.

Titor said the Civil War would not become apparent until 2008.

And to MEM, I did state that I was "paraphrasing" when I made the statements, as I saw that you were using my quote as one of Titor's. When I am quoting, I use quotation marks.

We will all interpret Titor's remarks in whatever way we do. I analyze and research each statement he made, and then I put it all together and come to a conclusion, if the evidence is there. I am not trying to convince anyone of what I'm saying here, but I am sharing some of it. If you really want to know the answers to the questions, they are there, but you must go over all of the material, including the book.
What book are you referring to? The book that is simply a compilation of Titor's posts that are readily available on the Internet? Or are you referring to another book.

And you still have not answered my questions.
Notes thread:George Bush was warned that involvement in the middleeast, overly, would be bad for western relations.

This is because there is a detent felt in that part of the world, since the cessation of the crusades.

In some areas, westerners, simply are not liked, They are not desired, or even wanted.

This is a cultural gap difference. Not a political one,.This is as westerners in their ways, to some of the Islamic worlds, are considered as unclean and unknowlebale in their ways.

The other problem are now current alliances that Iran and Syria have with other, non-western nations, such as Russia and China.

After the horror of the Shaw Of Iran being in power, the Iranians do not, defiantly don't want another western government being in, or near them.

It looks like at this point in time, that Iran will throw everything that it has, at the west, if they should try to intervening into the borders of Iran and attempt to tell it what to do, or how it should act.

The fundamental parliament of Iran, is closer to traditional sected Islamic ways of thinking and life.A move into Iran, or even an intimation that the west would ever do this, more than likely would enrage Iran?

This entire problem is up-scoped in complexity, by modern times, as the Islamics still want a modern world, however are outraged at the west more flippant social attitudes, over a more kurt, traditional way of thinking.

This is why in the time ahead, you will see Iran cotton to both Russia and China for its stability, in order to keep itself righted in the world political arena.

As told on National Public Radio, the latest incursion by remote aircraft, flown by the west, onto the Iran border frontier, was outline by Iranian radar specialist, who told the reporters, "What do they think we are about their aircraft, dumb?Afterall it was U.S. trained radar operators that taught us how to use our radars under the Shaw.We knew exactly what and where they were, when these craft appear on our radar screens."

I am not castigating here, only offering these known differences.

In the production Christopher Columbus, which aired not long ago, Queen Isabella of Spain is shown riding roughly with her soldiers in a remote area, up to the Moors in 1400's era Spain.She speaks to them with respect and authority and they return this note of courtsey.

However, mind you this text of conversation is near the point of a sword and with the mutual respect of a from war detent, after many years of war with the Moors.

It was probably from that point in time, that it was understood, that after the crusades, that all agreements with the Islamic world, would be under the letter of a won detent, not a liberty taken by the perceived highest ruler?
Of course this was not included in the TV news, and it was not in the mainstream news, because it was hidden

That statement is a complete fabrication. OllyB, you are correct in your assessment.

as I saw that you were using my quote as one of Titor's

No. I'm using quotes to quote you. And I use quotes to quote Titor. I thought I was clear when I was quoting you and when I was quoting Titor.

If you really want to know the answers to the questions, they are there, but you must go over all of the material, including the book.

Why are you pushing "the book?"
I'm pushing the book because you and others keep asking questions that it would answer. Seek and you will find...(I have no personal connection to the book.)

I guess it comes down to this...I have made up my mind after investing hours and hours of research. Other people who really want to know the answers can find them, but they must go over all the material first. (I'm not going to do it for them.) On the other hand, sometimes even when people do this, they miss the obvious.
I said, "Of course this was not included in the TV news, and it was not in the mainstream news, because it was hidden."

I was speaking about all the protests that took place during the Bush inauguration. Did you see them in the news? Were they on TV? Did you read about them on the internet?

If that is what you are referring to when you posted this, "That statement is a complete fabrication. OllyB, you are correct in your assessment," then you are WRONG!

I did not fabricate any of that information. However, if you chose to believe I made it up, then that is your choice.
Note to the uninformed. The Titor book contains no new Titor material. It is simply a reproduction of the posts on the Internet. Don't waste you're money. You can get the same information for free.

And be aware that there are people who have a political axe to grind and attempt to hijack the Titor story to bend his predictions to adhere to their view of where the USA is heading.

No offense everaftergirl, but your interpretations are biased.
Did you read about all the objections that numerous politicians and lawyers made over the voter tampering, including the "Why I must object" statement from Senator Barbara Boxer? Hers was one of the MANY voices who tried to bring voter fraud to the forefront.
Interesting. I wonder why, then, that John Kerry himself publicly distanced himself from Ms. Boxer's actions?

I live in California, so I have more right than anyone else to state my opinion on the senator from California. I do not like her...not one bit. Not a Repub/Dem thing either, as I much prefer Dianne Feinstein over Babs. We must recall how Babs got her gig: The ancient (and some would say outdated) law of Congress where if a sitting member of Congress dies in office, his/her spouse inherits the seat (I thought we got rid of royalty and "blue blood" when we declared our independence from England?). What qualifications did Babs have to take on her husband's job? You're right...none. And she has simply been the beneficiary of an uninformed electorate who always have a tendency to re-vote for the incumbent, unless the incumbent has serisously screwed up (i.e. broken the law in some way).

Barbara Boxer is also EXTREMELY condescending in her speeches to the Senate. Much moreso that Senator Feinstein, which is one reason I like Dianne and can't stand Babs.

Just because Babs spouts off on the Senate floor does not mean she carries the support of a majority of her constituents in this state! She has been known to go out on limbs in the past, as well.

MEM said, "The Titor book contains no new Titor material. It is simply a reproduction of the posts on the Internet. Don't waste you're money. You can get the same information for free."

WRONG again MEM! There are comments by John's mother integrated in his postings.

If you call that 'no new Titor material', then you are foolish. Or perhaps it is that you have not read the book yourself.
How do you know if the comments from "JT's Mother" are realy from "JT's Mother"?
Can you post some of her convincing comments?