Notes thread:George Bush was warned that involvement in the middleeast, overly, would be bad for western relations.
This is because there is a detent felt in that part of the world, since the cessation of the crusades.
In some areas, westerners, simply are not liked, They are not desired, or even wanted.
This is a cultural gap difference. Not a political one,.This is as westerners in their ways, to some of the Islamic worlds, are considered as unclean and unknowlebale in their ways.
The other problem are now current alliances that Iran and Syria have with other, non-western nations, such as Russia and China.
After the horror of the Shaw Of Iran being in power, the Iranians do not, defiantly don't want another western government being in, or near them.
It looks like at this point in time, that Iran will throw everything that it has, at the west, if they should try to intervening into the borders of Iran and attempt to tell it what to do, or how it should act.
The fundamental parliament of Iran, is closer to traditional sected Islamic ways of thinking and life.A move into Iran, or even an intimation that the west would ever do this, more than likely would enrage Iran?
This entire problem is up-scoped in complexity, by modern times, as the Islamics still want a modern world, however are outraged at the west more flippant social attitudes, over a more kurt, traditional way of thinking.
This is why in the time ahead, you will see Iran cotton to both Russia and China for its stability, in order to keep itself righted in the world political arena.
As told on National Public Radio, the latest incursion by remote aircraft, flown by the west, onto the Iran border frontier, was outline by Iranian radar specialist, who told the reporters, "What do they think we are about their aircraft, dumb?Afterall it was U.S. trained radar operators that taught us how to use our radars under the Shaw.We knew exactly what and where they were, when these craft appear on our radar screens."
I am not castigating here, only offering these known differences.
In the production Christopher Columbus, which aired not long ago, Queen Isabella of Spain is shown riding roughly with her soldiers in a remote area, up to the Moors in 1400's era Spain.She speaks to them with respect and authority and they return this note of courtsey.
However, mind you this text of conversation is near the point of a sword and with the mutual respect of a from war detent, after many years of war with the Moors.
It was probably from that point in time, that it was understood, that after the crusades, that all agreements with the Islamic world, would be under the letter of a won detent, not a liberty taken by the perceived highest ruler?