Users Who Posted with John Titor

Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

I could have sworn that it was you Darby, but, my ears and eyes constantly deceive me.

Forgive me for asking such an obtuse question. At least ruthless remembered so I know I am not completely crazy.

I think that whole line of misunderstanding started in me from a sequence of some obscure dialog having to do with people experiencing "timeshifts" concerning their "interaction" with john titor.

It was nothing, but just a refresher, seemed out of character for you-hence the reason I asked...

i may said "you may got "time-shifts", "time-rifts" or "alter-vues" with the "interactions" with a "timetraveler" or his/her "info" or "riddless" post somewhere on papper or online, not only with John...

You are not crazy....I remember the Links of the discussions of "timeshifts" LOL...but they called "altervues!" on and is between Pam and Jim...and they discuss e-mails that alter the past and paradoxes...time shifts and Altervues...

Link to Anomalies

Link to Anomalies

Link to Anomalies

Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

To Matt:
Perhaps John Titors real mission was to seed technology from the future in 1975.

Taken From
"One such time travel mission was called Project Southern Cross. It was used to win WW2 in favor of the allies. What the US government did using time travel was to go back in time to the 1940's to help us win the war. We would deliver communication devices, weapons and technologies made out of 1940's parts. These would be delivered to the 1940's along with a complete set of drawings on how to make them out of 1940's parts. I took part in several of these deliveries, one time I was sent to Germany and another time to England. I was not allowed to speak to anyone, other than deliver my parcel and quickly return back to our time. And this was all done under deep hypnotic programming, so I didn't have a lot of freedom to explore. I was gone no longer than two hours for the deliveries."

To rain:
Fuel shortage is on its way. Yesterday I paid over $2/gal for gas. In December it went as low as $1.39/gallon for gasoline, but I said back then that it would not be long before it went up over two. Using remote viewing I have seen riots and a situation very similar to that which was reported on by one John Titor. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

To Darby:
Laughing at me is not going to save you. You were warn back in 2005 of what was coming. Smart people are getting ready. Day before yesterday, yet another neighbor told me that he was digging out an old quarry. Yet another shelter is being built. Huge earth moving machines are digging into the mountains even as we speak. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

To Kanigo:
It's like the Alaska volcano, you know its going to blow, but you do not know the exact moment. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...


If Titor was seeding the past with technology from the future then pigs would able to fly. Not making fun, just making a blunt point. BUT, since my realistic approach could be described as boring, alow me to speculate with you for a second.

Don't you think it more likely, assuming time travel is not possible, that the poster known as Titor was planting seeds in the mind's of us users and posters of this site and other sites around the world. Isn't it just as remarkable to imagine that the words of one person could influence the masses, as it would be to imagine a man could time travel?

Yes it is, to me anyhow. But I'll take your theory on it's entertainment value any day over my theory of a subtle yet effective preacher.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

To rain:
Fuel shortage is on its way. Yesterday I paid over $2/gal for gas. In December it went as low as $1.39/gallon for gasoline, but I said back then that it would not be long before it went up over two. Using remote viewing I have seen riots and a situation very similar to that which was reported on by one John Titor.

So now you are back to spot-price fuel predictions instead of the US national average for regular grade? Have I not already proven that I am better at predicting fuel prices than you? And aren't you posting outside your little fantasy thread?

Other folks should notice the little game HDRKID plays with his "predictions" of fuel prices. First, he starts out talking about "spot prices" (i.e. somewhere in the country, usually wherever he buys gas) where the price "meets his predictions". Then, whenever he sees a prediction not being met by his spot-price, he shifts over to the "oh, but I was predicting the US average price." I have caught him/her/it using this change-up game twice over in his/her/its fantasy thread. And we see it here again: He/she/it has been humiliated (by yours truly) with regard to his/her/its prediction for gas prices (US national average) remaining below $4/gallon for 2008. I correctly predicted that the US national average would, indeed, exceed $4/gallon and I even predicted the precise week that it would do so. Hence, above, he/she/it thinks he/she/it is fooling someone (certainly not me) by shifting back to discussions of spot price where it buys gas, instead of sticking with the US national average.

And, of course, HDRKID will never be able to provide a quote where it even made the prediction that it claims in the quote above.

Pitiful... Stay in your own thread, KID.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

To Matt:

Here is evidence that John Titor came from another timeline. Getting a very important events date wrong three times cannot be oversight.

"Imagine you live in the year 1900 and a "time traveler" attempts to explain how a jet engine works. Even though the invention of the airplane is only a decade in the future"

On our line the airplane was almost ready in 1900 and the first flight came in 1903.

"First, I’m trying to do this from memory. Imagine you are back in 1911 trying to explain a jet engine to the Wright brothers."

I mean c'mon how many times can he get it wrong?

"Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to approach the Wright Brothers in 1910, before their first flight, and make the suggestion that in a mere thirty years, man would be on the brink of flying through the air at the speed of sound.”

Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...


So following that logic, no history student will ever fail an exam...
after all if they make a mistake, obviously they are from another timeline.

I'm hoping you are being sarcastic and just fooling around here. :oops:
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...


The problem with the jet engine analogy is that it is based on a false premise.

If you explained to a scientist or engineer in 1800, let alone 1900, how a basic jet engine works they'd understand the theory. You'd be explaining it in terms of Newtonian mechanics and the meaning would be absolutely crystal clear to them. If you explained how a basic jet engine works to Galileo in 1542 he'd understand the underlying theory.

Now they might have some problems understanding the complete theory of how a modern multi-stage turbo fan jet engine works but with some advanced training they'd get the picture.

Basic jet engine theory isn't mysterious or even particularly complex. If you can grasp how a rocket motor works, and we've understood that theory for about 1,000 years, you can grasp the basics of how a jet engine works.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...


I'll even go a bit farther out on a limb regarding who might understand jet engine theory. If you went back to the mid-1800's and explained it to a group of railroad engineers (not the one's who design and build them - the engineers who drive the train) they'd likely understand. Steam loco engineers fully understood heat, expanding gas, gas compression and how hot high pressure gases are used to turn shafts to move vehicles. That's how steam choo-choo's work.

Small scale steam turbines were invented about 3,000 years ago. Galileo, Michelangelo, Newton, ancient Roman Empire engineers and ancient Egyptian engineers all experimented with steam turbines. A basic jet engine isn't much different and works on precisely the same principle as a steam turbine. It just uses a different liquid to make the hot compressed gas to drive the turbine.

The point of these two posts is that you should always question it when you see an Urban Legend posted as fact on the boards.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Him Matt:
You said "If Titor was seeding the past with technology from the future then pigs would able to fly."

Well, people said for thousands of years - "man cannot fly". You have to think outside the box.

Actually if John Titor went back to 1975 and told IBM people about computer technology to avert Y2K. This could explain the PC revolution of the 80's. Back in 1975 people were talking about moon bases and going to mars.

Here is a guy making fun of my predictions. I can assure you that in the future he will not be laughing.

Here is a vehicle for tomorrow

To Angleochoas:
If John Titor made the mistake one time, clearly you could make a case for a typo. I feel that it was not a mistake and that he was from a worldline similar to our own, but not the same. John Titor did mention that one our worldline certain books were not written and the "wrong" team won a game.

"For starters, the fact that I'm here makes it different. I've also noticed little things like news events that happen at different times, football games won by other teams, things like that. I would guess the temporal divergence between this world line and my original is about 1 or 2 percent. Of course, the longer I am here, the larger that divergence becomes from my point of view."

"While details have not been 100% correct that is what multiverse theory predicts across slightly divergent worldlines as Titor illustrated by books not written and sporting events ending differently."

To Darby:
Yes, we had steam engines thousands of years ago and ancient rome used water power, hence the aqueducts. Also we had batteries long ago, see Baghdad Battery.

However if on John Titor's original timeline the Wright Bros built their airplane in 1911 instead of 1903 the world would be quite different. This might explain why some of his predictions did not happen.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Hi Matt:

Perhaps, one of the most important predictions made by one John Titor was that the United States government would split into five pieces and have five presidents. Igor Panarian, dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats, says that the US will split into six parts and that Alaska will be returned to russia. In fact, he predicts that is will happen in 2010. This is interesting since few believed that this could happen in 2000 when John Titor made his prediction of US splitting into five regions and the new capital being relocated to Omaha, Nebraska.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Now he is listening to (and apparantly believing) the Russians!?!?!?! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Are you really that naieve HDRKID? Do you know what propaganda is? (I am sure you do, because you use it here all the time!)

Anyone who trusts anything coming out of the Russian government without substantiation deserves what they get. They are trying to play us at our own game which we mastered against them.

What is to deny that this Russkie didn't simply pick up on the Titor hoax and base his statement on it for maximum political benefit? Chicken or egg?
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

No, I don't think Titor was planting seeds to anyone. To me, it is still a story, just the players in the game have changed but some of the habits are still the same. This has in a sense been going on for years, but then the question becomes whether it will ever get any better or if it will get worse?

You know what a lot of people state in this Country, now it does seem that both political parties are "out of touch with reality"??

But then I do not favor N. Korea's dictator either, and now again we play the waiting game or the in a sense "the we won't do it game" like discussing anything.

I suppose bully kids are the same way in the end, and just last night (again always late night) I saw a commercial on the TV about stopping "bullys".

I just wonder why many people do not think that they are "bullys" with the ideas and thoughts (although I guess that being a bully implies physical action or some sort).

Well, again the world is the same, but still the taxes will be increased once again - not personal income tax, but every other tax they always want to increase again for spending, spending, spending.

I guess just some people (whom you elect) can just not get it through their heads that it seems to be them who are not worth the money anymore - but again they always want an increase in their pay.

Congress did that already, and yet the Stock Market is going down, down, down still.

Again, we can try and get along with this world, and work for less, and also then pay less for everything - except - some people do not think that way. It just seems that it has to fail for many of those reasons, and yet, some people heads seem to be way too dense to have it actually mean something in their brain. However, making the world better may not even include anything like that in the end.

It's the push and pull of everything that changes according to which political party is in Office. There is no continuity with such divisions in the general populance. It always comes back as sort of being some sort of "bully" attitude.

So, no seeds were planted by Titor at least to me, for the same attitude was also present when he decided to post. Living is "Time Travel" and that has to come first before anything else can happen or even be discussed.

Well, you all know -- it's HEAVY!
russian bombers in cuba

To TimeNot_0:
John Titor back in 2000 warns us that russia will attack america in 2015. Well, today we find out that russia will place bombers in Cuba & Venezuela.

Yes folk, 90 miles from our coast nuclear armed long range strategic russian bombers will wait to get orders to bomb our cities. Obama looks like he will soon have a JFK moment.

Zhikharev said Chavez had offered "a whole island with an airdrome, which we can use as a temporary base for strategic bombers," the agency reported. "If there is a corresponding political decision, then the use of the island ... by the Russian Air Force is possible."

John Titor predicted a civil war. I believe it will happen.

To rain:
The russians which you ridicule were minutes from nuking the US in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. For several days the world was on the brink of nuclear war. The problem is now they are planning to attack us. Putting russian nuclear armed bombers in Cuba is scary. It appears that russian are going to help foment a civil war in america to weaken it before they attack. The question is how?
Someone instigating another \"Civil War\", perhaps?

John Titor was Right, Again
Why a violent revolution in America now is inevitable.
How nationwide rioting will erupt, leading to an open race war.
De facto invasion by Mexico.
Why bailouts will bury us, not save us.
The wave of States' Rights movements in America.
Exactly who killed America and "The Axis of Morons."
How to protect yourself.

more at:
Link to GLP
