Users Who Posted with John Titor

well Matt there is another face of this coin...

<font color="blue"> Looks like John Titor was only off by four years in his predictions. Titor may have done this on purpose to avoid contaminating our timeline, but he already did by his very appearance.

Obama is trying very hard to be like Lincoln. He's written articles about him in Time Magazine, he mentioned Lincoln when he announced his run for the White House in 2007, he's being sworn in on the same Bible Lincoln used for his inauguration, and the food at Obama's inauguration will be the same as at Lincoln's(according to Entertainment Tonight).

Therefore the "Lincoln" president, instead of appearing in 2004/2005, appears in 2008/2009.

The Civil War, instead of having it's origins in 2004/2005, has it's origins in 2008/2009. This explains why people have been cleaning out the gun stores all over America since Obama was elected.

This also means the Civil War really begins in 2012 instead of 2008 and the Olympics will be canceled in 2012 instead of 2008.

The Nuclear War between the U.S. and Russia, which is supposed to begin in 2015, really begins in 2019. [/COLOR]

end quoted...

more at:
Link to G L P
If true I think the comparisons to Lincoln and Obama are interesting at best and not prophetic. I mean to say, thanks for posting that because it is interesting. Sincerely.

And I know this wasn't the intent of your post, recall15, (and thanks for that link!), but allow me a short rant please. Look out, I'm feeling passionate tonight.

Here's my BIG problem with predicting the future. Someone says there's gonna be a civil war and then people start counting on it. Good grief! How depressing it is it to count on or anticipate a civil war in our country. Anyone out there emptying the gun stores and going around counting on a civil war, take my advice and stop now. Have a proactive focus on peace and you'll find happiness in your life. I mean if time is really running out then hurry up and make peace with your enemies and spend time with your loved ones.

I know it's fun and interesting to keep pace with current affairs and see if certain things Titor or Nostradamus said actually come to be, but I hate knowing even one person out there is preparing for civil and/or nuclear war. Learn to defend yourself, become a sharp shooter or learn different survival techniques, but let's keep our chins up huh?

Again thanks for the link!
Like why would Titor's supposed mother contact this particular lawyer when she published her book? Things like this could be investigated, and I guess already have been, to the point where I'm sure this would wind up being his hoax.


According to how Haber tells the story its even more convoluted than that. In Haber's telling Momma Kay Titor moves with anonymous Dad Titor and John to the Nebraska area from the area described in the online story as obviously being the Orlando-Celebration locale circa the summer of 2003. She picks, apparently at random, an attorney in her home town to represent her. She tells him a long tale about time travel, her son John and the great apocolypse that's coming in order to get The Book published without the MIBs snatching son John Connor...errr...John Titor . The attorney doesn't know what to do so he decides to engage the assistance of another attorney. Does he call an attorney who deals with criminal cases that might involve witness protection? No, he decides to call Larry Haber, an entertainment attorney with whom he hasn't had contact for 25 years. They were pals, you see, in law school but had lost contact with each other after law school. An obvious choice for sharing information with about a client who is deathly afraid that the MIBs are going to kill her entire family before the New USSR nukes planet Earth into the stone age. I know that given the choice my first call for a client would be to a Hollywood movie maker and shaker attorney.

And that atorney just happens to be known as The First Person of Celebration Florida (he was the first person to move into Celebration when it was built); and John Titor just happened to choose TTI as the first forum to post on; and MOP just happened to be the first person to build and design the first BBS in Celebration; and the Celebration BBS just happened to have a link to TTI and...

just a coincidence.

Buzzmaker aka Ben Z, a friend of Larry's, was the person hired by the JTF (Larry) to produce The Radio Program. He said it best. He came online and chided everyone for thinking that this was anything more than an online RPG because no one involved with the JTF believed it to be anything else. If I recall correctly his exact quote was, "Come on people, this isn’t life or death here. It’s Bigfoot for God’s sake!"

He was very direct in saying that The Book Staff made up those things in The Book that hadn't been in the online posts ("I know for a fact that the two extra pages are fabrications by the book staff. At this point, I would take anything new that comes out with a grain of salt.").

There was no Momma Kay Titor writing anything. It was all done at 606 Front St. "Momma Kay Titor" is Group Titor - The Book Staff.

And we do know that Ben Z was not just some hoaxer who claimed to be involved with the JTF. The JTF had one common email account. That was the account that the JTF used in the Internet spam campaign to promote The Book as well as being used by Ben Z to register on We (the admin staff at Anomalies) were able to communicate with him and Larry directly at that email address. In addition to that verification Ben Z mailed copies of the Radio Program promo disc to six of us.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Here's my BIG problem with predicting the future. Someone says there's gonna be a civil war and then people start counting on it. Good grief! How depressing it is it to count on or anticipate a civil war in our country. Anyone out there emptying the gun stores and going around counting on a civil war, take my advice and stop now. Have a proactive focus on peace and you'll find happiness in your life. I mean if time is really running out then hurry up and make peace with your enemies and spend time with your loved ones.

Matt, just add another ingredient to the mix...

Joint Forces report warns Mexico could destabilize
EL PASO -- Mexico is one of two countries that "bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse," according to a report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command on worldwide security threats.

The command's "Joint Operating Environment (JOE 2008)" report, which contains projections of global threats and potential next wars, puts Pakistan on the same level as Mexico. "In terms of worse-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world, two large and important states bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse: Pakistan and Mexico.

"The Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and pressure by criminal gangs and drug cartels. How that internal conflict turns out over the next several years will have a major impact on the stability of the Mexican state. Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone."

The Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Va., is a Defense Department combat command that includes different military service branches, active and reserves. One of its roles is to transform the military's capabilities.

In the report's foreword, Marine Gen. J.N. Mattis, the Joint Forces commander, said "Predictions about the future are always risky. ... ... Regardless, if we do not
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon announces a new economic stimulus package in Mexico City, Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2009. In an attempt to head off layoffs at companies vulnerable to the economic crisis, Calderon announced the government will invest 2 billion pesos into the country's troubled industries. (AP photo)
try to forecast the future, there is no doubt that we will be caught off guard as we strive to protect this experiment in democracy that we call America."

end quoted
more at:
link to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Darby, thanks again! Now if they make a John Titor movie I think it should be sort of like Oliver Stone's JFK, because this hoax is more like a conspiracy, what with all it's twists and turns.


Confession time! I'm actually a time traveler from the future, and I can tell you that the world is a peaceful place, and united under the flag of love and kindness. Now, hopefully everyone is going to start leaning in that direction.

But seriously if it takes a huge violent conflict to finally get people to see a wiser way, then that's pretty weak. I'll say it again, there's all these reason to justify war and none to justify peace.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Hi Recall:
Last week I was helping a neighbor build his shelter. It is a big massive dwelling. Unit of modular steel on a concrete slab. They are rushing to get the thing built. I helped and so did many other neighbors.

The sad part is that many of my neighbors are getting ready for a war. They bought bullets in 2008 and now practice defending their farms and storage facilities against the townies. When the city runs out of food the people will head out to attack the farms.

It saddens me to say this, but there are more city folk than rural, not sure how this war will turn out. I do not want to be a part of this war, I am even thinking of leaving the country.

To Mike:
I wish I could have talked to John Titor one on one. Asked him why he did what he did. I often wonder who John Titor was, I mean, was he a soldier, a rebel, a whistleblower?

My take is that he was dying, a certain sadness in his posts made me feel he was not long with us. Perhaps this is why he broke protocol and told us what he did, a dying soldier trying to save a few of his countrymen.

Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Last week I was helping a neighbor build his shelter.

It's a wonder you have time for anything, it seems you are building/helping to build a shelter every other post.... by the time you're finished there should be enough shelters for everyone....then there will be no one left to fight, they'll all be sheltered up........
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...


It's a wonder you have time for anything, it seems you are building/helping to build a shelter every other

...and "considering" moving to Europe every other post. A couple of years ago Daddy Kid was outta here with The Kid in tow...headed to Swiss.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Calling all neighbors - build a huge survival shelter or die a Debunker's death! Install gas tanks and everyone buy 4,000 gallons of gasoline. Stockpile food for a decade! Everyone is laughing at us...we'll show them and have the last laugh when they have no food, there are riots in the streets, everyone is starving to death and looking for food...and we grow food out here!

Oh, yeah. Daddy and I are moving to "Swiss"...we're considering moving to Swiss...we're moving to Swiss...we're might move to Swiss. What the frack! The Debunkers are making fun of us...they're looking at us...they're laughing at us...but we'll be laughing at them soon. Oh, they'll see...and they'll pay for laughing at us!


Scene: Somewhere in Occupied Indiana Behind Enemy Lines

(The Kid is seated at his keyboard posting while rolling three steel balls in his hand. Outside the window a large survival bunker and several gasoline storeage tanks can be seen)

"Ahh, but the Peak Oil...that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the HDR icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled The Kid out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow Debunkers..."

(Pauses to reflect on the post so far)

"Naturally I ... I can only cover these things from RV. If I've left anything out, why ... just ask me specific questions and ... I'll be glad to answer them ... one by one."

(Fade to black and roll credits at the sound of falling bombs on the Indiana farm plains in the background}

And now she laments that her equally wacko neighbors are preparing for war. Gosh, who would have thunk it.
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...


Confession time! I'm actually a time traveler from the future, and I can tell you that the world is a peaceful place, and united under the flag of love and kindness. Now, hopefully everyone is going to start leaning in that direction.

But seriously if it takes a huge violent conflict to finally get people to see a wiser way, then that's pretty weak. I'll say it again, there's all these reason to justify war and none to justify peace.

Wise Words

<font color="white"> Greetings to the Council!!! [/COLOR]

<font color="blue"> Wise Worlds [/COLOR]
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

I am even thinking of leaving the country.

I'll make you an offer of $1.55/gallon for all of those 4000 gallons of gas that you bought at almost $4/gallon. But this is a one-time offer because you are leaving for Swiss. Offer only good until midnight 1/18/2009.

(Darby) and MOP just happened to be the first person to build and design the first BBS in Celebration; and the Celebration BBS just happened to have a link to TTI and...

I hadn't heard that one before.

Glad to know , I may possibly have a neighbor./ or used to.

Hey Darby, there is also one other thing that bothered me with you: How much truth to the story is there: to you having experienced a timeline change and discussing with your wife in the car that you had never seen that "furniture store there before, in that location....."

It may be an obtuse reference and I may be remembering it wrong, but it is all hearsay I quote forgive me , If I am incorrect in asking.

I was really just wasting my time laughing at HDR.. but what the hell, I mind as well ask.
It may be an obtuse reference and I may be remembering it wrong, but it is all hearsay I quote forgive me , If I am incorrect in asking.

I don't know if there is anything correct or incorrect "in asking" but my response to the "furniture store" reference is, "Huh?"

I don't have a clue about what you're refering to.
Hey Darby, there is also one other thing that bothered me with you: How much truth to the story is there: to you having experienced a timeline change and discussing with your wife in the car that you had never seen that "furniture store there before, in that location....."

if i recall correctly, that was florida jim. that was a good while ago, so i may be incorrect, but im pretty sure it was him. mightve been jmpet, but i doubt it. his "shoe" kinda stuck with me. :D
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

uh? Again about Titor. Still on the Internet, and at Wikipedia, so find the threads there of what he posted. is the place where those threads still exist, I am guessing, and everyone is busy at this time especially when it gets to -46 wind-chill factor. It is called the vehicle froze again, so it needs of all things a new (where you put in the key to start it) ignition switch.

Now, Matt you may ask, but then, a lot of people may just be busy and future telling is something like fortune telling and yes, some people are worried and anything else about what may come about in the future.

But some people only see the negative instead of anything positive and if anything else should be thought, perhaps spending less will be the norm because how much can a person really buy in a consumer type economy. It is bound to run out of steam at some point and steam is not used much to move anything.

So the most you could do is read all the viewpoints from other people and the pros and cons of anything about Titor and anything else, but then it is just another opinion like with anything else.

In other words, it has to be invented first before he becomes anything else but a story and by that time it may well be twenty-thirty-six on the calendar and other poeple will be born and other people will have died. Such is life.

But then, this Country (the USA) may just mull around for the next few years anyway, until people actually decide to do things better and some other people make some sense and rationalness. Then, there will be winners and losers again just like with any Civilization in the Past, the Present, or in the Future.

The rest was sort of like being a slave to all of it, and well, noone really had to be, they were either Leading, Following, or Getting Out Of The Way.

People have to think of some new phrases, I guess to communicate because like always, the communicating gets redundant. Better sometimes to put on an old movie or music album or something else that is more interesting. Perhaps I will even snap out of it someday, whatever it is, wherever it came from, how it became and how it will go, and why and what it was all about, which always leads to just being another opinion. One thing about the Internet, there is an opinion just about everywhere on it.

Just think of it this way. Humans will be idiots and morons forever, and that is just the way that it will be. If there was not that, then whoever knew everything would be like God. So much for that, because at this time, and probably far into the future, that will never ever happen, where someone knows so much, that person became a God as the definition goes.

Well, back to straining the brain on something else.
f i recall correctly, that was florida jim. that was a good while ago, so i may be incorrect, but im pretty sure it was him.

As I recall, Florida Jim saw a "new" Burger King logo and some building that he didn't recall being there or existing.

I can assure you and eveyone else that I've never seen a furniture store that didn't previously exist nor does my wife even have an inkling of what a "John Titor" is.

As to the latter it's not surprising. If one asked on the street what a John Titor was...and then explained what one was refering's probable that one would quickly find ones's self in the County psych unit. We few online subjects might know what a John Titor is but the general population has never heard of him and wouldn't care a whit about him if we explained the (absurd) "situation" to them.

Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

"Just think of it this way. Humans will be idiots and morons forever, and that is just the way that it will be."

Well, that's interesting. I mean I've never thought of myself as an idiot or a moron. Oh there out all right, but personally I don't know too many idiots or morons.

I suppose you could mean "humans" in the general sense, or the collective species, in which case I hope you don't categorize yourself as an idiot or a moron. Although if we can rule ourselves out of that category then your statement must be wrong, whether you were being literal or not.

Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Yes, but according to the religious view of say like the Catholics you would have to become either a Saint or an Angel to know the future and then what, know everything? It is not possible perhaps because of Exact Uncertainty found out by some mathematicians in 2003. It was proved, we will be just idiots and morons forever! I guess I am just getting use to it. But some people with the two trains of thoughts ( or so they say ) say we will not be idiots or morons forever. To not be an idiot or moron is to sort of say that you are out of this physical world with the Universe and every physics law now known or even into the far future and everything else and every subject taken in a higher institution of learning.

But just for yukes it may now be known where our roots are and where most humans came from:

But then not actually being there physically in the Past no human would actually ever know in the Now or Future, but then as soon as the so-called human (s) travel back to that point in time - everything may change. Thus, the Relativeness of the Einstein Theory that is still proved to this day.

Perhaps someday humans (generally) will move on from this point of consciousness, but until then, it has been going on about the same for like say the last 3.2 million years, or even longer.

So although not really being idiots and morons, we (humans generally) still are and will be.
It is just another word with a definition in a book that was invented in the end in the first place, and although it may not be interesting to some, to others, even the Dictionary is an interesting book to read. I just forget what page I am on, at this moment in time.

But the Titor's posts can still be read over at in Time-Travel.
or even here, but just not listed on the Titor's Page over at the Wikipedia because again, someone else has to change it over there, but those threads may be listed partially on the "discussion" page of the place. Just got tired of looking it all up again, and again, and again, and again, and still again.

Let's hope there is something else to do.
(if the link does not work now, it is because I edited my response by mis-spelling a word, and well, I guess back to the dictionary.)

(Which also led up to the question in the tread of Titor's back then of "Do we blow up the Universe someday and call it the Big Bang (such a name for creation)? Is the last War between men and women?
Do run-on sentences create a buldge in the Universe or merely does it split in two?)

(which was then answered in his next book or by Dr. Kaku by stating that someday humans may have to escape from this Universe and physically go to a parallel universe.)

Well, it still is kind of on-going with the politics of it all and the viewpoints expressed then, I guess.


(And then some other people always want to remind men or a man that they think men are nutty?)
And well, then another discussion comes about usually then or some kind of act (leading into the future or just making another future or just something noone else can define as of yet, until another label comes out to damn the action or bless the action in a sense?)

Thus here we are, humans in the middle of the Universe (not) on this Planet!
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

Just paste the darn link up above in the previous post.

Which then led to Darby at the end stating something about blowing up the lab where Titor came from (invented time-travel in the first place) because trusting a human, perhaps not perhaps or just the subject of time-travel in the first place and humans being all over this Universe someday perhaps?)

Well, you would have to ask Darby about that as such.
Here we are, humans, on this Planet in the Universe!
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

As far as humans being unintelligent in one way or another all I can say is...

Sometimes we choose to use our powers for bad rather then good. But we still have the power. If the focus were put on our ability we may realize that idiocy is a choice, which is still pretty smart.

Now our collective ignorance has lead us down some cruddy paths, but as long as one of us is trying, the future may be brighter for it. I choose to stay positive...I know it's corny but I cannot help it!
Re: Joint Forces report warns Mexico could ...

I could have sworn that it was you Darby, but, my ears and eyes constantly deceive me.

Forgive me for asking such an obtuse question. At least ruthless remembered so I know I am not completely crazy.

I think that whole line of misunderstanding started in me from a sequence of some obscure dialog having to do with people experiencing "timeshifts" concerning their "interaction" with john titor.

It was nothing, but just a refresher, seemed out of character for you-hence the reason I asked...