Hi Matt:
Meteor is right, I believe that it might be the cause of a 2012 disaster, which John Titor refused to talk about.
You said
"Considering your take on the Titor story, hdrkid, do you think there's any validity to the theory that he accidentally prevented Y2k in 1975, or did Y2k not occur because of his warnings?"
Yes, Y2K did not occur because computer programmers changed the six digit dates to eight digit dates. Millions of lines of code had to be changed. The cost was sky high, but well worth it. Think of Y2K as a global Katrina, it shattered people's faith in the government.
Also, without 911 to unify the country there was a civil war in 2004.
Still many of his predictions did come true. Back in 2000 John Titor said
"Do you have television in 2036?
Information does arrive on video but cathode ray tubes are out and crystal or plasma is in. Distribution is over the net, not broadcast."
Well, he got the end of CRT right, the distribution of TV over IP right, but he got the technology of 2036 wrong.
For one thing on our own timeline PLASMA will be banned.
I predicted in 2001 that by the end of the decade LCD TV would sell more than plasma, tube, OLED, and projection combined. This is certainly the case. Also, that we would move to high speed broadband over the internet (Hulu, Youtube, Vimeo) HD. That analog film would still be around, but most photos would be digital.
Sadly, I got one prediction wrong, I said that HD would replace DVD by the end of the decade. Well, go into a blockbuster video, and you see thousands of DVDs and a few blurays. I doubt that by Dec 31, 2009 most sales will be HD. Timing was a bit off. but it will happen, and I did say that by 2036 we would have better technology than LCD TV or plasma. In fact, we have OLED right now...
I believe that John Titor came from a timeline without 911 and that it was affected by Y2K disruptions so they have less technology than we do.