Users Who Posted with John Titor


Temporal Novice

New user here...please excuse any ignorance on my part in where to post and feel free to direct me to existing threads relevant to my inquiry. Thanks!

I'm interested in meeting anyone who was part of the original post sessions with John Titor back in 2000 & 2001. I have a couple questions about your experience(s).

EDIT: And does anyone have an email address for Oliver Williams?
write a private message directly to Darby and Pamela,they are in my opinion the only ones whom met John and exchange mails with him when he was among us,therefore you should chat with them,peace bro!!
EDIT: And does anyone have an email address for Oliver Williams?


Rather than asking Williams anything about the story you'd do better to ask any member here who has spent 30 minutes reading a portion of the original posts. Williams is just a guy who saw an opportunity to make some money off of an Internet fad. He was never part of the conversation and has shown over and again that he's probably never taken much time to read the posts.

A couple of years ago when he made an appearance on George Noory's show as an "expert" on the subject of John Titor he couldn't even recall the URL of his own website...John Titor Dot Com...and had to ask someone off mike what it was.

Pretty lame.
I'm interested in all aspects (and opinions) about this story. I find it really entertaining.

He couldn't remember his own url? That must have been pretty embarrassing.
Sometimes its the most obvious things that we forget--as if our brains take simple things for granted. Like sometimes I honestly can't remember my age right of the top of my head, and I first have to recall the year.

I'm wondering how many coast to coast interviews Williams has done. I've been to, which is a fairly disorganized site from what I'm used to, and I can only find a link to the most recent one. I'm still looking but if anyone has links that'd be cool too. It's not easy coming in late in the game.
Hi Matt:
I believe that John Titor, a bright chap BTW, was telling the truth, but by simply giving information about the future you make it less likely. For example, I tell you that your flat will burn down in the future, so you buy a ten dollar smoke alarm, and a month later it goes off because you threw a cig in the rubbish bin.

Years later you can laugh at me because your flat never caught fire. John Titor gave us warnings which maybe were some of the reasons that some of his predictions did not come true. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi, hdrkid,

Right and instead of my flat burning down I go on to perish in my sleep one night when a meteor crashes down on the whole building. Or who knows what else right?

One thing is for sure--there was genuinely high values in John Titor's posts. Being new to the story I've been reading several things on the subject of John Titor, including 6+ google alerts a day. I've read a lot more content about time travel and predictions than the stuff he said about living a quality life, which is to me prophetic. Things are getting hectic in the world, and we should look out for each other instead of just ourselves. Can't we justify one reason for peace instead of all these reasons for war (rhetorical)?

Considering your take on the Titor story, hdrkid, do you think there's any validity to the theory that he accidentally prevented Y2k in 1975, or did Y2k not occur because of his warnings?
I'm wondering how many coast to coast interviews Williams has done. I've been to, which is a fairly disorganized site from what I'm used to, and I can only find a link to the most recent one. I'm still looking but if anyone has links that'd be cool too. It's not easy coming in late in the game.


I don't follow WIlliams much but he was on Noory's show (Coast-2-Coast AM) on or about last March 21-22. It was his second (?) interview there. I was on the previous March 21-22 and I think that Larry Haber and Pamela were on the year before.

Noory has had a "Titor" show around that date for the past few years. I assume it's because Titor's last post here was 3/17/2001.

The following is very old news for those who have followed the saga but you'd have to dig through a lot of posts to find it:

Titor first appeared on Coast-2-Coast in 1998 when he sent two faxes to Art Bell. They arrived (for the second time actually) the day that Art "unretired" the first time. The story was the same but Y2K was described as having been a deadly disaster - exactly the same description that Gary North was describing it as in his numerous guest appearances on the show.

On election eve, 2-NOV-2000 Titor (TimeTravel_0) made his first appearance here. Two months later he started posting as John Titor on Art Bell's BBS "Post-2-Post".

He stopped posting on 17-MAR-2001 a few days after physics grad student Dave Trott (now Dr. Dave Trott, PhD - physics, astronomy. He's still in Denver) started focusing in on his physics.

Bottom line:

The John Titor Foundation (JTF) is located in Celebration FL. The only person known to be associated with that business is Larry Haber who lives in Celebration and is an entertainment industry lawyer. He was formerly a top corp attorney for Disney Studios and Universal Studios.

Celebration was built and originally wholly owned by Disney Corp. When Disney designed their real world version of Future World they had the Internet hard wired into every building and they opened a community BBS. The owner of this site, MOP, set up, administered and moderated the site and BBS. On the site he had hot links to his other sites including Time Travel Institute. Boomer, the author of the John Titor Saga found this site through the link on his community BBS That's the Zip Code for Celebration. The site is defunct now.

Larry Haber was also Chief Counsel for VISI Corp. VISI's home office was at 606 Front St., Celebration. That was also the same address as Larry's law office and the original address for the JTF. VISI is a multi media advertising agency. At that time the building where the JTF was located had a graphic arts studio, sound recording studio and movie studio plus the talent associated with the studios - everything necessary to easily produce all of the props.

We didn't know that this was coming from Celebration while he was posting because IP's were not displayed in the posts here or on Post-2-Post. It was purely an accident that I recalled coming across a link on a deep back page here to the Magical Mouse website a year or so after Titor stopped posting. I found it again in the fall of 2003 when the JTF put on an Internet spam blitz one night regarding The Book. The Book referred back to the JTF and Celebration. The Magical Mouse site had a hotlink to the Celebration BBS.

I don't believe that we were supposed to find the links between TTI, 34747 and the JTF. Larry was likely unaware of the hotlink tracks between the three. From The Book we were supposed to believe that the story came initially from "somewhere" in Central Florida and then Nebraska...not Celebration.

The bottom line here is that this story is nothing more than a business - entertainment - with a financial gain as the incentive. I have no problem with any of that. But it's not political science, physical science or time travel.

It's The Book, The Radio Program (at least a demo for a radio program that was shopped and failed), The Movie (which has also apparently failed as the JTF "Titor Movie" website is now totally gone from Brightcove TV) and The Comic Book (which also appears to be a failed project as we saw a few panels some time ago but nothing since).

Just for clarification, The Magical Mouse site was also owned and operated by MOP. It had all the links to his other Disney related sites including the Celebration BBS.
Yes! Darby, that's what I'm looking forward. Very informative, thank you. And thanks for saving me hours of digging. I know that can be a hassle for someone involved since the beginning. You're aces! Now if I can track down those radio shows with you and Pamela.

I hear you loud and clear on the whole thing being a story, although I can see how some folks would latch on to it and force certain aspects into reality. Not trying to insult anyone here who might be religious, but often critics of religion site the bible as just a story too. That's not stopping anyone from reading/studying the Bible though is it? My point is the "story" has a strength to it that has gone on for nearly a decade, and there's merit in the principles by which Titor claimed to live by. I asks myself, how this will all appear to the average person in 2,000 years? I find that fascinating and remarkable, and if it was meant to generate some kind of revenue then I also see squandered opportunity. I mean 8 years and this thing is just building up steam from my perspective.

And being obsessive about fiction is nothing new--I site Lord of the Rings and Star Wars...

Anyway I am a tremendous fan of this particular story and the fact that there is reality tied in makes it even cooler. I mean if there was to be a movie or something it should really focus on the online community (you guys) and how they reacted to the posts by Titor, and then the phenomenon that followed. When you think about it like that, then the "story" is actually nonfiction. I'd be disappointed if Titor were actually in a movie or comic beyond a username, or if they tried to recreate the future setting he claimed to be from, WWIII etc.

Thanks again!
Hi Matt:

Meteor is right, I believe that it might be the cause of a 2012 disaster, which John Titor refused to talk about.

You said
"Considering your take on the Titor story, hdrkid, do you think there's any validity to the theory that he accidentally prevented Y2k in 1975, or did Y2k not occur because of his warnings?"

Yes, Y2K did not occur because computer programmers changed the six digit dates to eight digit dates. Millions of lines of code had to be changed. The cost was sky high, but well worth it. Think of Y2K as a global Katrina, it shattered people's faith in the government.

Also, without 911 to unify the country there was a civil war in 2004.

Still many of his predictions did come true. Back in 2000 John Titor said
"Do you have television in 2036?
Information does arrive on video but cathode ray tubes are out and crystal or plasma is in. Distribution is over the net, not broadcast."

Well, he got the end of CRT right, the distribution of TV over IP right, but he got the technology of 2036 wrong.

For one thing on our own timeline PLASMA will be banned.

I predicted in 2001 that by the end of the decade LCD TV would sell more than plasma, tube, OLED, and projection combined. This is certainly the case. Also, that we would move to high speed broadband over the internet (Hulu, Youtube, Vimeo) HD. That analog film would still be around, but most photos would be digital.

Sadly, I got one prediction wrong, I said that HD would replace DVD by the end of the decade. Well, go into a blockbuster video, and you see thousands of DVDs and a few blurays. I doubt that by Dec 31, 2009 most sales will be HD. Timing was a bit off. but it will happen, and I did say that by 2036 we would have better technology than LCD TV or plasma. In fact, we have OLED right now...

I believe that John Titor came from a timeline without 911 and that it was affected by Y2K disruptions so they have less technology than we do.

Hi Matt:

Meteor is right, I believe that it might be the cause of a 2012 disaster, which John Titor refused to talk about.

You said
"Considering your take on the Titor story, hdrkid, do you think there's any validity to the theory that he accidentally prevented Y2k in 1975, or did Y2k not occur because of his warnings?"

Yes, Y2K did not occur because computer programmers changed the six digit dates to eight digit dates. Millions of lines of code had to be changed. The cost was sky high, but well worth it. Think of Y2K as a global Katrina, it shattered people's faith in the government.

Also, without 911 to unify the country there was a civil war in 2004.

Still many of his predictions did come true. Back in 2000 John Titor said
"Do you have television in 2036?
Information does arrive on video but cathode ray tubes are out and crystal or plasma is in. Distribution is over the net, not broadcast."

Well, he got the end of CRT right, the distribution of TV over IP right, but he got the technology of 2036 wrong.

For one thing on our own timeline PLASMA will be banned.

I predicted in 2001 that by the end of the decade LCD TV would sell more than plasma, tube, OLED, and projection combined. This is certainly the case. Also, that we would move to high speed broadband over the internet (Hulu, Youtube, Vimeo) HD. That analog film would still be around, but most photos would be digital.

Sadly, I got one prediction wrong, I said that HD would replace DVD by the end of the decade. Well, go into a blockbuster video, and you see thousands of DVDs and a few blurays. I doubt that by Dec 31, 2009 most sales will be HD. Timing was a bit off. but it will happen, and I did say that by 2036 we would have better technology than LCD TV or plasma. In fact, we have OLED right now...

I believe that John Titor came from a timeline without 911 and that it was affected by Y2K disruptions so they have less technology than we do.

you never fail to be obnoxious do you

You're welcome.

Something to keep in mind re Y2K:

The Y2K problem was something that caught on during the early days of the WWW. But it wasn't a situation that was a sudden surprise for either government (SSS), retirement funds, bond funds or financial institutions. By the time that the Internet and Art Bell show buzz started it had been a well known issue for almost 30 years.

Y2K date rollover errors started occuring in the financial world in 1969 and in some cases earlier. It was no surprise to them in the late 1990's because as early as 1-1-1970 the "event horizon" for 30 year term financial instruments were looking directly at 1-1-2000...meaning that the computers were experiencing date rollover errors. The fix was really rather straight forward. It was just expensive and time consuming. But the Gary North scenario where he said that "I (personally) would be assuming room temperature" on or about 1/10/2000 because of Y2K was never an issue. It was hype generated to make a few folks some quick dough on the radio, writing books, promoting their websites, etc.
I've been talking to a few people about John Titor outside of the internet and more than one person believes this is definitely a hoax, but also that it's a neo-conservative conspiracy. And if the Titor story has been met with hostility in the past then this could be a reason why. Maybe folks feel like they're being played for fools.

Does anyone here think the neo-cons are up to their old tricks? I suppose if they weren't the ones responsible then they could be helping to exploit it. Thoughts?
I've been talking to a few people about John Titor outside of the internet and more than one person believes this is definitely a hoax, but also that it's a neo-conservative conspiracy.

LOL! Any story that has an un-happy ending automatically becomes a conspiracy by the neo-cons! They must have an exorbitant payroll because it seems they have people everywhere with their fingers in everything! :D

Maybe folks feel like they're being played for fools.

Anyone who believes such claims without solid (read: scientific) evidence is not just being played for fools...they ARE fools. Caveat Emptor applies to more than just purchasing things with one's money.

Does anyone here think the neo-cons are up to their old tricks?

Don't think so. Neo-cons are not in the biz of encouraging the overthrow of the elected US government. But when you follow Titor's story, he and his band of ragtag fugitives were fighting against "the cities" (i.e. the defacto US government). That is not something the Neocons would want to snow people with. If anything it is just the opposite, the uber-liberal (socialist) leaning elements of the Democratic Party who want to get rid of capitalism and replace it with a system of equally-distributed wealth (through a central Politburo clearing house for capital, of course!)

"Don't think so. Neo-cons are not in the biz of encouraging the overthrow of the elected US government. But when you follow Titor's story, he and his band of ragtag fugitives were fighting against "the cities" (i.e. the defacto US government). That is not something the Neocons would want to snow people with. If anything it is just the opposite, the uber-liberal (socialist) leaning elements of the Democratic Party who want to get rid of capitalism and replace it with a system of equally-distributed wealth (through a central Politburo clearing house for capital, of course!)"

Ok good points. I don't think neo-cons are behind John Titor either.

One of my favorite aspects of the John Titor story is his seemingly cleansed political perspective. Sure it's liberal and "left" but it's real world too. Even in a fictitious future, John Titor had a firm grasp on his reality, which lead to a significantly more meaningful lifestyle with his family and community. Whatever he believed it seemed mostly out of a need for survival. The survival party.
a few people about John Titor outside of the internet and more than one person believes this is definitely a hoax, but also that it's a neo-conservative conspiracy


More "old news" that you'd have to dig up to find:

Titor's polemic was a bit, for want of a better word, confused. The argument/debate was mostly from a libertarian outlook but it had elements of Soviet style communism with a definite Maoist flavor coming from a person who appeared to be religiously a Jew who had some knowledge of the kibbutz communal life style...liberal in some ways and quite conservative in others.

The above profile is based on the totality of the posts and not any particular single post.

Hard to classify and somewhat indicative of a group effort to formulate the contents of the posts. The mish-mash of political thoughts coming from a single online character was a big part of why I coined it Group Titor. I really don't know that that was the case but at times is seemed as if a group of people, each with their individual political thoughts, kit-bashed a character together that represented a bit of each of them.

An interesting part of the posting style was the use of debate team tactics to deflect and/or obfuscate direct questions about specific issues. Larry is an attorney and the same tactics are used in lawyering. Brandon, his son, was a Florida state champion high school debater a few years after Titor stopped posting. He was also a frequenter of online gaming and code geek forums. He recently graduated from college with a BS in EE/CS.

Though we never had his IP's (multiple and he used proxy servers) Pamela did find posts on electronics geek boards where the user had the same IP as one of his accounts. Pamela doesn't share the IP information but we do know that Titor used AOL for his email contact with Art Bell ([email protected]). If the IP she found was from AOL then its more likely than not unrelated. AOL has always used dynamic IPs.

Given the context of when Titor was posting the significance of finding someone posting as Titor and also posting on an electronics forum might not be evidence of anything. Titor was posting in 2000-2001. It might not seem to be that long ago but it was really the infancy of the WWW. Most users were on dial-up, WIN95 was marginally "Internet ready" if you knew what you were doing, computers were very expensive, most ISP's charged a flat rate for a limited number of hours and an hourly, even a per minute, premium after the hour rate maxed out. And people had to know a lot more about computers and programming than today. The WWW was largely a computer geek world and it wasn't cheap to spend extended hours online. So finding people on general as well as EE/CS sites wasn't all that unusual.

The problem is that Brandon would have had to be the brightest 12-13 year old on the planet to have pulled it off. Now, Brandon is, as a young adult, one of the brightest "kids" in the nation. But I've had communication with him here and there over the past several years and I'm pretty much convinced that he wasn't Titor. It's a big stretch to conclude that a 12-13 yr old online gamer/code geek would have the adult college level writing style and general knowledge of TTO/Titor. In fact we did know his online handle and looked up his old posts on (mostly) gaming forums. The style was typcal of an early teen and not an adult college grad.
Darby, thank you.

Since you bring up the lawyer, I'd like to point out one thing I came up with on my own, not that I haven't read similar things. There are coincidental connections to this lawyer in Florida that just can't be coincidental. Like why would Titor's supposed mother contact this particular lawyer when she published her book? Things like this could be investigated, and I guess already have been, to the point where I'm sure this would wind up being his hoax.

I'd still love to read the book, just for fun, and/or a script for the play.

Anyway I'm truly grateful for the information provided by the folks at this site. Thanks for humoring me. And for my part, I'd like to apologize to anyone who may've been bored with me bringing all of this up again. But whether it was fake or real, John Titor was here, and the impact he left was larger than usual. I truly believe the real story in all of this is right here in the discussions, theories, skepticism, and investigations generated by the worldwide Titor phenomenon. We all want to know what the future holds for us on some level, and we all have a right and a responsibility to be concerned about it. I think we have a fragile love affair with the future that shows even more when we talk about what John Titor claimed. I dream of my life in the future, like anyone, but my thoughts always seems to lead back to my life right now, and my near future goals. NOW seems to be the best way to focus on the future. Because the future is now.