Topics Limited to 11 Pages?

Subject: Could "EMP Weapons" (elctro-magneticp pulse/beam weapons) of
the Future, pose a threat to any "Techno-Dependant" Nation, resisting
the efforts of progression to NWO's Global Dominace by enforcement
plans of reducing them to a 3rd world nation overnight, via
implementation, and deployment of these "EMP" weapons?

Please give this careful thought to those concerned, or NOT! because
this just migh be comming soon, to a neighborhood near you! I mean
when you really think about it folks, this would not even have been
an option 30n yrs ago, or prior!

"Everything depends on the global computer grid now, including
communications, transportation of passangers & goods, and right down
wher it hurts the most... Banks & Power to run this great & wonderful
Economy of ours.

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth.

We must "Envision" - Forward, be deducing what is happening all over again."

There is a fine line between "Art Imitating Life" and "Life Imitating Art" which often confuses the medium of our perceptions of Reality.


<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 20 April 2001).>
<hidden message...hey, whats going on lately?...are you still selling out TTI, or did you change you mind?> DELETE...

<just let me know...619-387-7399ext4312>

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 18 April 2001).>
And why not? It was a request, and I don't need your permission.
If anything, it is your problem, since someone else wanted to read it.

This thread is merely a thread of words.
What this thread really needs in the end is a win-win conclusion, not an opinion, not a one-sided I win-you lose conclusion, or a I lose-you win conclusion, but the result of a I win- you win conclusion, or any other combination of that form. I think I will quit dreaming then about it.
If you're bumping a thread for no other reason than to bump it, than you're a troll. If you bump a thread to make a point, then you have a point but you do not- apparently you bumped this thread just to insult whoever take objections to you bumping this thread for no good reason. Why shouldn't this thread be bumped? Because it's over five years old, because no one who was engaged in this discussion is still here and because you have no point to make. This makes you a troll, troll.

I know this is good stuff but it's more archival information than anything else- all we can ever do is comment on it and that's why we have threadS.
NO, I am on one of the original threads of this person. And I had a comment now about this type of situation, but only a small comment while it seems you think you can refer to your version of anything.
Today, yet another thing Titor predicted has finally turned up in the news. It's not real surprising, because everyone who read Titor knew that he was probably right about this, but its still worth acknowledging that he saw this coming a long ways off, and comprehended the significance of it.


China facing major gender imbalance

36 minutes ago

China will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women in less than 15 years as a gender imbalance resulting in part from the country's tough one-child policy becomes more pronounced, state media reported Friday. Traditional preferences for sons has led to the widespread - but illegal - practice of women aborting babies if an early term sonogram shows it is a girl.

The tens of millions of men who will not be able to find a wife could also lead to social instability problems, the China Daily said in a front-page report.

China imposed strict population controls in the 1970s to limit growth of its huge population, but one side effect has been a jump in gender selection of babies.

"Discrimination against the female sex remains the primary cause of China's growing gender imbalance," Liu Bohong, vice director of the women studies institute under the All-China Women's Federation, was quoted as saying in a report from the State Population and Family Planning Commission.

Sex selective abortion is prohibited but the government says the practice remains widespread, especially in rural areas.

The report, carried in the newspaper, said China's sex ratio for newborn babies in 2005 was 118 boys to 100 girls, a huge jump from 110 to 100 in 2000.

In some regions such as the southern provinces of Guangdong and Hainan, the ratio has ballooned to 130 boys to 100 girls, the newspaper said. The average for industrialized countries is between 104 and 107 boys for every 100 girls.

The report predicted that by 2020 the imbalance would mean men of marriageable age — especially those with low income or little education — would find it difficult to find wives, resulting in possible social problems.

The problem is not just a rural issue, with the newborn gender imbalance also widening in cities. In the first 11 months of 2006, there were 109 boys born in Beijing for every 100 girls.

China Daily said one way to solve the problem would be to create a proper social security system so rural couples would not feel they needed a son to depend on when they get old.

Up to 800 million of China's 1.3 billion people live in the countryside.
If the last post made on this thread before you bumped it was on 4/18/01, and you've been a registered user since 9/14/03, then how could you have been one of the original posters?

And I don't see how "Scotty, can you give her any more? Captain, I don't think she can take any more!" refers to ANYTHING on this thread apart from trolling.

Well- what is your reason for reviving this thread?
And I don't see how "Scotty, can you give her any more? Captain, I don't think she can take any more!" refers to ANYTHING on this thread *snip*

It refers to my follow-up post.

He posted in response to a post that I would make.




You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

Keep calling people "trolls", and you'll soon find yourself being called "flamebait..."

Back later...

The pages use to stop at page 11, and anyway that was just an old StarTrek line or one that is similiar as the Enterprise always was in trouble sometimes. If the thread did not take another page, then the post I made would not appear.
<font color="blue"> I don't Know..
I'm very interested ABout he and his TRavel..
But at same time i'm so scared about he...
Is he a really man who can travel in time? [/COLOR]