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Wanna see a cool video of a person supposely time jumping? no, its not John, but it is interesting.

theres one for real video

and one for windows media

wonder how he did it??..................



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 31 March 2001).]

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If I was to go to the stoneage, and I flicked a lighter and a torch of blue flames appeared to come out of my hands. What would these cavemen and women think? Would wonder how I did it? Or begin bowing down to me, calling me the fire god?

Magic, opps I mean sorcery or illusion?

We all have the capacity in our minds to understand that this kind of thing is not magic or real, but an illusion.

Just wanted to get that off my chest. Since I believe people should be forewarned before viewing anything. Since it at times those who post these links leave no message saying that it maybe a fake or the pictures in the background look like it’s my grandma’s house and stuff like that.

That’s all. The rest is up to you.

-Javier C.

"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."

Thanks for the additional link.

As to the video, well, I'll admit I no longer take videos and/or even photographs as "proof" of anything anymore. (Too many ways to use computer graphic technology to make effects that were impossible just 10 years ago.)

A "test" of the sort described in the video needs an entourage of witnesses and some sort of clearly documented evidence that several reliable and qualified people can attest to.

It is sad that things like photos and film/videos can't be relied on as backup for other "proof" as much as they used to be, but it IS the way it is.

Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE for somebody to be able to "prove" Time travel". (What EVER that may mean.)

But videos of '57 Chevy seats (and even the steering wheel in one) along with old alleged "Army Equipment" (that also looks suspiciously like an old Side Band Radio transmitter as well as my old Fischer), will not.

As the Documents, well think about. Today's (2001) Word Processors can do WAY better than the quality of publishing shown there. You'd think a 2034 model could do even WAY better yet. (Grin).

But it's a cool fantasy. And as I've said before, he's nothing if not thorough about it.

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If I were using some time travel machine like this, I'd be more efraid to be desintegrate then to be at the wrong date.

But if I had to use a time travel machine, I would bring back an ape from the planet of the apes, because no body believe that they will dominate the earth in some kind of way some day.

When I'll build this machine, I wont tell it to nobody, sorry my friends!
To TT_0:

Don't you think it's funny that we had the technology to put a man on the moon in 1969,
but now we can't. In fact, we will soon retire the Concorde SST. We can't build parts for them anymore. Soon the Space Shuttle will be retired. And we will not replace it with something better.

Our technology is not moving forward, it is moving backward. We are slowly loosing everything.

Case in point: take a look at Cuba. In the 1950's people used cars to get around, now they use bicycles.

In the 1950's the US had reliable power, now in the 21st Century, the Silicon Valley, home of Hi-Tech has daily power blackouts, like a third world country.

In Florida water is rationed due to the "drought" we've been having.

Our houses look very similar to houses from 50 years ago.

I could wear some blue jeans and a white T-Shirt with a pair of tennis shoes and walk around in 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010; and no-one would arrest me for looking "weird".

I have worn to work 20, even 30 year old ties. Nobody said a peep. They fit right in.

Where are the robots, the flying cars, and the trips to Mars?
Dear Deviper,

Semper Fidelis. I don't know why but I am not surprised to find out that you are a former Marine. Did you know that Time02112 is also a former Marine? He also has a high oppinion of you as do I. I think that he will be extactic when he finds out that you are a former Marine. Once a Marine...always a marine.


Lcpl Edwin G. Schasteen U.S.M.C.


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To the board:

Please don't send me any more messages for John.
John is no longer in this worldline... he has went home.
When I receive the video of John's departure I will send a copy of it to Rick to put on his web site.

the time jump one that is currently there is not John's I will make sure it is clearly marked.

John requested to please not harass anyone who was unlucky enough to have the name John Titor because it will not be him.

He said he was flattered that his words were being dissected so carefully but that he could see you were applying your own standards and thoughts to what was said.
He wanted me to remind you that people in different times do not think the same way you do and a cultures maturity is determined by how far it can plan into the future.

please be patient on the video.

John......goodbye my friend.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 03 April 2001).>

within one hundred years you would not be understand. Because now in this piece of future that the present thinking about is passed that or step to him, one knows that it is not possible to travel of a universe to other without being located in some, is to say to have one energy To in that universe, the unico way is to interchange energy between that and this universe ( the now). but all relation is indetermine as the possible space wrinkles or limit of the material universe give the answer in teory inflationary of the universe teory, where the enlazante agent of universes is until this indetermine but reused future.

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the way you speak, and words you use, leave me much to question? and ponder,,,

Although I am aware that your speech pattern gives an indication, that you are not of English, or Euro decent; that tells me that you must in no doubt, be frome some other region of the globe.

On the other hand, your speech pattern enhances words that seem foriegn, and very seldom used, (Please explain)

Additionaly, you have expressed words that are not common, below levels of a standard 2yr. graduate program, which demonstrates a higher learning experience on your part.

(Who are you?)

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 05 April 2001).>
pardon by my ingles.

And my single commentary is a form to see the things that here are discussed.

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I Want to ask you about -The Gravity Distortion Time Displacement Unit- you have. Could you send me the full technical manual to thanks! I watched your video using this device and was awesome! I built up a time portal years later with some similar effects.


Time & Space Bureau Commission
Time Machines Forever
I Want to ask you about -The Gravity Distortion Time Displacement Unit- you have. Could you send me the full technical manual to [email redacted] thanks! I watched your video using this device and was awesome! I built up a time portal years later with some similar effects.


Time &amp; Space Bureau Commission

Time Machines Forever

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Carlo's speech in English may not be what we are accustomed to, but his semantic attempts lend new credence and contemplation to the thoughts he expresses very well indeed.



Your thoughts are very much appreciated by this reader.

In YOUR case, the lack of fluency in commonly accepted "English", is turning out to be an ASSET for you in expression itself.

I like your thoughts.

And I wish I spoke Spanish as well as you speak English.

You've seen my attempts, and they pale in comparison.

Give us more.


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P.S. Time02112:

rgrunt says you're a "jar" too huh.


SSgt. L. Hill (Former)

MOS 2533

(Microwave Communications Instructor, CW Operator. 1st ANGLICO - no longer existent as a unit.)


... STILL in Hawaii. As a civie. And one of the FEW people here who has actually ever been to Kaho'olawe. (Check it out on your map. It's the little one just south of Maui.)

I love it here.


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(Repeated Posting)...

The Parr Gravity Wheel Experiment, The Gravity Wheel, Gravity Car Proposal, Single Pole Generator The Bedini Hamel Magnetic gate, means of propulsion for a flying disk UFO, An examination of the energy machine of Joseph Newman, Method and apparratus for accumulating electrical energy and transforming ether electricity, Structural Shape and Design of a UFO, Making a wimshurst electro static generator, Electrical Current Generator including Torque Reducing Countermagnetic Field, Sonic Levitation, High Frequency generator, Apparatus for transmission of electrical energy, The Hubbard Energy Transformer by Gaston Burridge, A motor operated by radio waves, Some Improvement in the construction of electro magnets, Hydrogen Fuel generator, Marko Rodin's on his unusual coil design, An Ion electrical generator, Your Car can run on water using this device without pollution, Making your own electrostatic machine, Water Powered Motors, FREE - GEET Multi-Fuel Conversion Plans updated, Very detailed Indian Research Paper on some perpetual motion observations, Extracting Energy from a Permanent Magnet with Energy-Replenishing from the Active Vacuum...
Dedication: In memory of TT_0...

Your "Questions, Coments, Concerns" are respectively appreciated with utmost sencerity, in liue they are indeed provided with "Integrity" and likewise sincerity "Without" ulteriour motives to make mockery, or undermine the intentions of the author!

Understand this,
I would not expect anything less than an equal application of those who sincerly wish to make an honest effort to contribute to this forum with simplicity of a sincere charachture, one with "Integrety, and Mutual Respect" Please follow this "Code of Honour" and you will be treted likewise.

Godspeed on your Journies of adventure, whereverst they taketh you too, my friend...
may Good Health, and a Prosporous & Productive Long Life of many works you leave behind, continue to follow you untill the end of days.

Photons are bosons, having no electric charge or rest mass. They are the carriers of the electromagnetic field. If only at absolute zero the inertial and gravitational forces are unified as believed by some researchers, then a simulation of the absolute zero condition may be possible. EM standing wave confinement of a symmetrical resonance state should approximate the required conditions at temperatures well above the absolute zero point. The approximation could result in a type of inertia we don’t normally encounter. Provided that a standing wave confinement condition is achieved for a time sufficient to be measured. A standing wave appears to be stationary hence the term standing wave. It is this condition that should approximate a frozen in time state. Just how this type of inertia reacts or interact with the ZPF will provide possible new insights. The above model is a suggestion of this idea.

The subatomic proton and neutron are both believed made from three quarks. Could this design be a MACRO proton or antiproton? Since gravity fields act on and in proportion to the fundamental structures of matter, what if that basic structure became huge? If we could then freeze the resonance of that
particle would it act strangely? Would it have an inertia or gravitational effect?

We have found that when an object is forced to accelerate, it will see the ZPF to be asymmetric, or in other words, distorted. Due to this distortion the accelerating object will see a zero-point flux of energy and momentum coming at it, whereas ordinarily, when the object is not being accelerated, the ZPF is perfectly uniform and symmetric. A key result of our analysis is that these fluxes prove to be proportional to the acceleration of the object, i.e. the more rapid the acceleration, the more the ZPF is distorted. Material objects consist of charged quarks and electrons, which will tend to scatter any oncoming electromagnetic flux. When all the quarks and electrons in an object scatter the distorted ZPF passing through, the object will experience a kind of drag force. We are proposing that this might be what the inertia reaction force really is... the drag force due to being accelerated through the vacuum fields. In this view, objects would not intrinsically resist being accelerated; objects would not possess mass. Mass would really be just a way of characterizing the resistance due to the ZPF molasses (or in the future more general case, the quantum vacuum molasses) that kicks in upon acceleration.……..A non-geometric (i.e. flat spacetime) approach to gravity is legitimate in quantum gravity. Similarly another non-geometric approach would be to assume that the dielectric properties of space itself may change in the presence of matter: this can be called the polarizable vacuum (PV) approach to gravity. Propagation of light in the presence of matter would deviate from straight lines due to variable refraction of space itself, and other GR effects such as the slowing down of light (as judged by a distant observer) in a gravitational potential would also occur. But of course it is the propagation of light from which we infer that spacetime is curved in the first place. This raises the interesting possibility that GR may be successful and yet not because spacetime is really curved: rather because the point-to-point changes in the dielectric (refractive) properties of space in the presence of matter create the illusion of geometrical curvature. A PV type of model does not directly relate gravitation to the ZPF (or to the more general quantum vacuum) but it does appear to provide a theoretical framework conducive to developing the conjecture of Sakharov that it is changes in the ZPF that create gravitational forces"

Excerpt Below from: Fran De Aquino
"Fran De Aquino's research involves many aspects of
Gravitation and Cosmology. After thirty years of research the professor De Aquino discovered that the gravitational and inertial masses are correlated by a factor, which depends on the incident radiation upon the particle. He showed that there is a direct correlation between the radiation absorbed by the particle and its gravitational mass, independently of the inertial mass….here is the possibility of control of the gravitational mass by means of the incident radiation. This theoretical result was recently experimentally confirmed …..Consequently there is a strong evidence that the gravitational forces can be reduced, nullified and inverted by means of electromagnetic radiation." ( Italics Added )

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"- Albert Einstein