Indeed EnderX. Although my initial question was specifically targeted to whether AI can help us in the quantum field, which is obviously the main and sole key to time travel.
Yes, in fact AI is a *requirement* for time travel (in reality, multiversal traveling). It's already being used to crank out new breakthroughs in science and math just about every few weeks now. I'd say check out what Stephen Wolfram has been doing with his AI / theory of everything, what's going on with dark energy, breakthroughs on nuclear tech and small scale reactors (check out Enron egg as an example of how small things are getting now).
AI is a requirement because humans are unable to compute with infinite precision. You know how people mention "if you were to travel back in time X years, you'd just end up in space because the Earth was in a different location."
-AI handles all the space and time calculations (which requires a deep understanding of quantum mechanics and general relativity). It also doesn't take a particularly strong AI to do it, the tech is there already now. This means one does not need to be a Professor of Physics, because the AI surpasses any individual human with its depth of training data.
Heh, the Wolfram thing is just that he so happened to be working on pretty much the exact same thing around the same time as young me. Eventually he's going to stumble upon multiversal mechanics. I just gave him a head start on a few things.
To your question: Not the same & I'd honestly prefer not to give any credence to Time Travel_0 (at least the one that's been posting recently). I always lurk the forums looking for twinges of "someone knows a little of what's up" or "yep, there's another one" The nature of TTI is such that people will come and go with their claims to be the prodigal Titor or some important relation.
There in that same thread, there was another would-be Titor. Competing Titors, hence the meme. Since the bbs allows guest posting & I have nothing to gain or motive other than just entertainment at this point...I asked the admins to delete my old account ("Prez"). Call it a phase lol. That's why you see Traveler 1230941234 (or w/e it is)
The guest account is nothing special or spooky either. I just keep a consistent name when I feel like posting / responding. If I ever feel like changing it again I would say something first. I prefer the guest method anyway. There's nothing beyond posting that I need from a BBS, so it doesn't make sense for me to maintain an account. Sometimes I might just poke casual fun at the would-be Titors nonsense.
As far as the whole Titor thing in general.... I've maintained since Day 1 that I've never met a John Titor, nor would I want others to think I'm him.
I'd like to think I'm cooler than group behind Titor, because I can provide at least useful knowledge
Where do you see any evidence that the multiverse theory is wrong? There are many variants of world realities between which it is possible to move.So the Many Worlds Interpretation is wrong?
Moving backward requires much more energy than moving forward, this is due to the direction of the flow of time. It's hard for you to swim against the current, isn't it?Hello John! With your advanced technology, is it easier to travel backwards or forwards? I know you can’t disclose details, however it seems that a leap into the future requires far more energy than going back to the past, am I right?
People continue to discuss the Titor "Time Travel Gadget" as if it was representative of actual physics. Here's what TimeTravel_0 (TTO) had to say to Pamela in one of their private chatroooms. Pamela posted the following with, as it says, permission:
IP: Logged
Member posted 06 November 2000 22:13
posted with permission:
Pamela: 1. can you explain to me in detail the basic physics and mathematics behind how the machine operates? and exactly how it distorts gravity.
TimeTravel_0: For those asking how come a microsingularity doesn't swallow the Earth or want to know details about the size, stability, mass, temperature and resulting Hawking radiation from such a thing.. those details I must keep to myself.
Note that TTO says that he doesn't want to talk about the details concerning the mass of his black holes or Hawking radiation. But he does acknowledge that Hawking radiation is a factor to consider as is mass. They factor in so much that he has to keep those details to himself.
Unfortunately for Boomer, the author playing the role of Titor/TTO, he did state the mass of the Time Gadget. The details of the physics behind Hawking radiation isn't a secret and are known (apparently to everyone but Boomer)
Here is what Titor said about the mass of his Gadget:
Posted by John Titor on 01-30-2001 06:21 AM “I Am From 2036”:
<snip for brevity> The means by which I travel in time is very physical. I require a “machine” to do it. It weighs about 500 pounds and gets quite hot.
So the mass of the entire gadget, box, components and two micro-mass black holes was 500 lbs. That converts to about 226 kg. Round that down to 225 kg because it makes the math simpler - and at these scales 1 kg is irrelevant.
If the whole gadget is 225 kg then:
Let the mass of the box and components be 25 kg. Let the mass of each micro-mass black hole be 100 kg. So what will be going on with a couple of micro-mass black holes in your back yard (and by back yard I mean your planet aka Earth)?
How long will it take one of Titor’s 100 kg black holes to evaporate? The time (t) can be estimated using the formula:
Let the following equal:
Plug and chug and the approximate time for a 100 kg black hole to evaporate by Hawking Radiation will be 8.4*10^-11 seconds. In about one hundred millionth of a billionth of a second 100 kg of mass will be converted to pure energy.
- G is the gravitational constant (6.674×10^-11 m^3 kg -1s^-2)
- ℏ (h-bar) is the reduced Planck constant (1.055×10^-34 J/s)
- c is the speed of light (3.00×10^8 m/s)
- M is the mass of the black hole in kilograms
- 5120 is a dimensionless scaling factor derived from the Stefan-Boltzman Law
At a distance of 100 km (60 miles) from the evaporated black hole what will the temperature (T) be? Using the Stefan-Boltzman Law:
T = (P/4r^2σ)^1/4
Plug and chug and you discover that the temperature 100 km/60 miles from the black hole 10^-11 seconds later is ~22,200,000 K (or Celsius) or 40 million degrees F. Just for comparison, the temperature of our star Sol, at its core where the nuclear fusion is taking place, is about 15 million Kelvin or 22 million degrees Fahrenheit.
- P is the power radiated from a black hole
- R is the radial distance from the black hole
- σ (lower case sigma) is the Stefan-Boltzman Constant 5.67*10^-8 W/m^2K^2
- At the temperatures we are considering a temperature given in Kelvin is the same as a temperature given in Celsius.
The earth, of course, is a globe with a circumference of ~40,000 km. The greatest distance you can separate two objects on the surface is half that value, 20,000 km. So what is the temperature 20,000 km away, on the surface, considering the surface is a globe? It’s 1,370,000 Kelvin (1,370,000 degrees Celsius).
In other words, if you exposed our little planet to a 100 kg micro-mass black hole it will completely evaporate in about one hundred millionth of a billionth of a second and instantly raise the surface temperature of the entire planet to about 1.37 million degrees Celsius which is 228 times hotter than the surface of the sun.
One can hand wave all they want and talk about Wiggle VGLs and gravity til the cows come home. But this is just one place in the Titor Saga where his version of physics fails the reality check.
You can always join us if you have special knowledge in math, programming or physics.Heh, the Wolfram thing is just that he so happened to be working on pretty much the exact same thing around the same time as young me. Eventually he's going to stumble upon multiversal mechanics. I just gave him a head start on a few things.
To your question: Not the same & I'd honestly prefer not to give any credence to Time Travel_0 (at least the one that's been posting recently). I always lurk the forums looking for twinges of "someone knows a little of what's up" or "yep, there's another one" The nature of TTI is such that people will come and go with their claims to be the prodigal Titor or some important relation.
There in that same thread, there was another would-be Titor. Competing Titors, hence the meme. Since the bbs allows guest posting & I have nothing to gain or motive other than just entertainment at this point...I asked the admins to delete my old account ("Prez"). Call it a phase lol. That's why you see Traveler 1230941234 (or w/e it is)
The guest account is nothing special or spooky either. I just keep a consistent name when I feel like posting / responding. If I ever feel like changing it again I would say something first. I prefer the guest method anyway. There's nothing beyond posting that I need from a BBS, so it doesn't make sense for me to maintain an account. Sometimes I might just poke casual fun at the would-be Titors nonsense.
As far as the whole Titor thing in general.... I've maintained since Day 1 that I've never met a John Titor, nor would I want others to think I'm him.
I'd like to think I'm cooler than group behind Titor, because I can provide at least useful knowledge
Can you clarify for the public the principle due to which there is a division of worldline into different universes? You so confidently speak about who and who was in another world line that you are obliged to know bases of origin of world lines from the point of view of quantum and atomic world.Nope. Never met Wolfram in this universe. Tried to reach out to him several times a while back & only ever heard back from one of his students. He seems to be quite busy. I did however, receive a personal application to submit to the Wolfram Physics Winter School, which I declined to really do anything with (because that's a very small crowd and a lot of attention.)
Stephen and I were old friends in a different universe (which has no real bearing on this one). He was way cooler this universe he's kind of a pretentious know it all (which he has some grounds I suppose to stand on)
What?! Electrons are Fermions and leptons. Fermions obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle - among other thing they cannot fuse like protons/neutrons because two electrons cannot occupy the same quantum state. Electrons are also spin 1/2 leptons. They do not react to the Strong Force - among other things they cannot fuse to eventually form a singularity like protons and neutrons form black holes under proper circumstances.electron singularity is maintained