To All! The TRUTH about JT from 2026!


Temporal Novice
You want to know who John Titor is? This fictitious
character supposedly from 2038. Well, living now in
2026, We don't know who John Titor is. You, None of you,
know what’s Coming for you. There is a war looming, on
the horizon, just as John Said.

There Will be Waco type events, there will be a
continuation of what you now only sense as small
vibrations. I have answered many of your questions, many
Many times. As a result of the original experiment,
which I have now disbanded, we posted 28 messages at the
same system, scattered over 4 years and delayed by more
than 3 days. In that time we quickly realized the truth
of what was happening and decided upon a course of

Before our whole occurrence it was decided upon a cryptex,
a Key, would be encoded and placed in a message were we
to need to fix a mistake. Although we do not know the
exact details of the event, as it has now never happened,
we received the message, from ourselves, Loud and clear.

Here is what we, and now only myself, were able to
accomplish. Over 200 threads and thousands of
correspondence stretching from February 22nd 2005-March
1st 2009. We learned quickly to only communicate with
the most current of timelines we had interacted with. I
took it upon myself to routinely test the boundaries of
what I could and could not say. "Tomorrow, for the
Power ball drawing, 5 of the winning numbers are
x,x,x,x,x" and providing the details, awaiting the almost
immediate response, I was able to see just how much the
timeline diverged. Let me tell you, giving away all 6
numbers was a total nightmare. From a time alteration
perspective, that is.

Every time there was too much of a major occurrence, we
would send a message to the previous timeline with our
coded message, which we would receive immediately, and
then target the new timeline (More in the past) than the
one we had been corresponding with.

Although this did function, it still left minute
fluctuations in the timeline. I believe these will work
themselves out, but, I feel compelled to share the truth
with all of you whom I have grown to trust over the last

All scenario's and questions Must be run through our
caus-sim which you'll be happy to know is above 98%
accurate now due to testing. Gravitons as it seems
travel through Time and not Space. Thus, Gravity, is
time, over 3 dimensional space. Every single one of you
who has responded to me from 2006-2009 has agreed with
that statement, sometimes after a long discussion, I will
admit. lol. you guys (and gals) have been great, and I
do look forward to helping, I am now pretty certain what
can be said and what will alter the timeline too

Please feel free, Ask away. Here are the answers to most
of your questions. (We have responded to these countless
times, the top 3 are always the same).

1.) <Comment : It had to be a JT question..> " Have you
seen/met/heard of/know about/killed/questioned/agreed
with/worked with/hung out with John Titor?"


As I said, we don't know who JT was(is). Nobody I know,
but surprisingly he's considered similar to a modern day
Nostradamus. The Story seemed to fall apart but the
facts remained? Does that make sense? The basics of
this John Titor (this fictitious character) actually came
to pass, many things will happen in your immediate
futures. I remained steadfast that we would not
communicate with any timeline later than 2009. Waco type
events, he should have just come right out and said 9/11
type events. You will all be surprised when the veil
comes down and you realize that you aren't 100% free

2.) "Will there be a war/civil war in the future?"

The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not
started by anything you might think. No its not
Yellowstone erupting (I Love you yellies), although that
hasn't happened yet. Mt St Helens blew her cap again,
bigger than the last but nothing that really concerned
anybody. Lets just say, it was one of those "I know
where I was on that day, even though it was no big deal."
The Civil War, which is more of a Global Civil War, is
the same all over the globe. It is truly a David versus
Goliath scenario and this is one thing JT never said,
this is a worldwide phenomenon. It just happens to be
Focused on the United States. You will feel as though
you've just been through a movie in which the last 5
minutes changed the entire first 2 hours of the movie,
the Twist, as it were, which Cannot be guessed (we are
sure, you have Tried, every single time), and cannot be
revealed, is very "Unexpected".

Once the initial panic is over, the confusion sets in,
this is the time Big Brother steps in and you no longer
have that cushy 100% freedom you treasure so Dearly.
Well, get Used to it.

3.) <Any time traveler, time communicator, etc etc, gets
this one.> "How did you travel here/fly here/get
here/speak here/communicate here/talk here?"

I don't know if physical Time Travel is possible, not
that any of us at the college have heard of. I suppose
anything is possible. We figured out long ago it was
easier to send information back. All we had done here at
the college, over 1 year ago now, was put together
existing technologies for the purpose of posting and
monitoring messages sent back in time.

Although I have gone into great Great detail about this
in your future, with many of you, and answered almost
every single question pertaining to the "Bridge", I will
attempt to Sum up and I hope that you can accept this. If
any of you have specific questions pertaining to this
process, feel free to ask on a personal basis only. (I
know 4 of you who question me every single time, you know
who you are.)

We take Particle Accelerator rings, there are 16 of
various sizes, the number is not important, only the
ratios of the diameters of each circle. The Mini
particle accelerators are not powerful individually, but
they have the inherent ability such as electricity
through a coil of making magnetism. This type of
magnetism is much Much different, in fact, this would be
considered magnetism Through time. Not through space.
these waves are then amplified (This is the Graviton
Generator, focusing and redirecting to a point all of the
waves), and then frequency adjusted. Okay, at this point
we have a bank of supercomputers crunching away and
attempting to determine a specific space/time coordinate.
As I said previously there is guesswork involved in
hitting a specific time. The frequency is tuned in,
locked in, and once a communiqué is made the locking is
almost instantaneous and can be remade again and again.
The information is then sent through wireless tcp/ip
protocols, this "Bridge" is bi-directional and as we
adjust forward in space-time for each command given, we
are able to send/receive as if in real-time. The problem
with the initial communications and very first attempts
just to navigate the http interface (which is now
considered Ancient). The problem was trying to time the
focus of our gravitons to a specific space-time
coordinate, even time is 3x3. Once an "Adjustment" was
put into place, we were able to batch commands, send
entire messages as fast as computerly possible. Just had
to write them here first. Around Feb 2005 certain
wireless routers come online in an area where I am
currently located. This is the furthest back I would be
able to communicate.

Let the doors of communication begin. My focuses have
changed, as has my major, but I will respond in time...

Good luck everyone.
holy crap you're fast. been watching tv and sitting on the "who's online" screen all night long. now I have to read all this. grrr its bed time for me dude, it better be good its loooongggg.
ok now that I read all of this.

1.) <Comment : It had to be a JT question..> " Have you
seen/met/heard of/know about/killed/questioned/agreed
with/worked with/hung out with John Titor?"


so you Did kill John Titor! I knew it all along, it was The Professor in the Library with the Wrench.
I am still waiting for you to transmit a message back to 2004. Until you can meet that challenge, IMHO, you are simply wasting your time and your brain power.

I am still waiting for you to transmit a message back to 2004. Until you can meet that challenge, IMHO, you are simply wasting your time and your brain power.

I don't think that this will be possible, we havn't seen it yet. Its just another lame duck. I guess I am tired of the hoaxes and I just want real proof. show me some video of a scorching delorean screaming through the streets. Some wheel tracks lit on fire, a spinning license plate. A flying car, a UFO, a really cool skateboard that floats, or else just forget it....
<Sigh> It appears we have yet another hoaxer attempting to live off of the John Titor story. Will it ever end?

Yes. When we capture a real time traveler, travel back to when johnny boy first showed up and take him out. LOL! j/k all I love the JT saga! US UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO EVERYONES INTERNET INC

This is what I found on his I.P.
So if your form the fucher how can I trase your I.P???

He mentioned something about tunneling through "our" proxy. I'm not sure what that means, maybe someone could elaborate on that I'm no expert on computers or the Web. Anyhow, perhaps he's somehow "mirroring" or "masking" his connection to make it look like he's posting from that location in our present time. I am in no way believing in him, my stance firmly remains he's a hoax. I'm just coming up with ways he may defend his hoax.
True. But i would still like to map him out and go noking on the door that the i.p it trased to.Im in Mo thow so its to far for me to go to see if he is real or not.
How about you send a pic of you holding a new paper form your time. but mack it so we can see the date on the paper and maybe some of the hedlins.
LOL, what would you do if you knocked on his door and he answers, Avery? Have a cup of tea and eat biscuits? At least we would have some resolution to this matter. I would have liked to have dinner with John Titor and discuss the fallacies of his "time machine" in a polite and civil manner.

"Tomorrow, for the
Power ball drawing, 5 of the winning numbers are
x,x,x,x,x" and providing the details, awaiting the almost
immediate response, I was able to see just how much the
timeline diverged. Let me tell you, giving away all 6
numbers was a total nightmare. From a time alteration
perspective, that is.

What nightmare did giving away all 6 numbers cause? I'm assuming that you gae them away on this or some similar sight (correct me if I'm wrong).

Let the doors of communication begin. My focuses have changed, as has my major, but I will respond in time...

Q: Why should we have any particular reason to ask you questions about time travel?

Q: What's in it for us if we do ask you questions?

Q: If we chose to simply ignore you would you be offended?

Q: If your major has changed do we assume that you are just an Frosh-Soph undergrad student?

Q: If you are porting in from the future why are you using The Cloak to mask your IP? You're not "here" (or now for that matter) and you can port in anyplace on the Net so masking your IP is a bit unnecessary, isn't it?
My take on this -> The cloak service completely reveals he's a hoax, as someone supposedly "tunneling" from the future using advanced computer technology would not need an I.P. cloak. Only a hoaxer, who doesn't want his true identity/location revealed would. I doubt he will post on here again... well, he probably will, with another identity and another hoax story. <Sigh> It will never end.