Titor story is all a lie, heres why:


Epochal Historian
In reality, the amount of deviancy, placed on the timeline by a said time traveler, would have variated the visited timeline, so much, that at least fifty percent of the events predicted to happen by said Titor, would not have happened.

Moore said herself, "Why are you trying to ruin everything"?

Ruin what?__Is Titor really a plan and not an actual happening?

This all comes under the heading of a planned series of happenings, not reality as it actually would have happened.
I do believe Titor flubbed up when it was discovered that all the pictures he provided were either edited in Photoshop or fabricated with a graphics program. When examining the photos by opening them with notepad, the software that created the photo is displayed. None of the photos had the tell tale mark of a digital cameras namebrand. All have gone through either a photoshop program or a Lead Technologies software imaging program. I do believe Titor specifically said the laser photo was taken with a cheap digital camera. But opening up that photo with notepad tells a different story. The photo has been through Photoshop 3.0. So apparently Titor was actually caught lying. That throws into question Titor's credibility. In fact in a court of law Titor's entire story would be discredited on finding out this factual evidence. It does stand to reason that if Titor was supplying us with faked pictures then the story that went along with them was probably faked as well. Remember he introduced those pictures initially to enhance his credibility. The very thing he used to make his story convincing is what actually now appears to make his story unconvincing. Of course I believe Mem will ignore these facts again. The facts that definitively prove Titor was lying.
None of the photos had the tell tale mark of a digital cameras namebrand. All have gone through either a photoshop program or a Lead Technologies software imaging program. I do believe Titor specifically said the laser photo was taken with a cheap digital camera. But opening up that photo with notepad tells a different story. The photo has been through Photoshop 3.0. So apparently Titor was actually caught lying.

If the photos were taken by an ordinary camera, then you develop it and get the copies of the photos in your hand. When you scan them with a SCANNER, they are saved in either .jpg or some other format compatible with computer applications. That would not contain the namebrand of a digital camera if the printed photos were scanned and then fed into the computer, unless it is a digital camera and the photos are directly fed into the computer.

If you scan two or three photos at the same time in a SCANNER, you would need a graphics software like Adobe Photoshop 3.0 to cut them to individual photos.

If you think he is a fraud and he “created” the pictures, he would have taken print out and then scanned it to easily avoid the evidence of a graphics software involved in it.
I think I will make a website about another obscure science fiction concept like travelling through black holes. I will make up some story and name about my travels through black hole waypoints throughout the universe. I will say I come from a planet that is much like Earth far away in a distant galaxy.

Then spread it around so that the interest in the mysterious will drag in all those people that want to believe in this so bad they will believe anything.


Why would I do this? Because my black hole travel website doesn't get much traffic. I realized not many people care about this concept and so I had to do something to bring some damn traffic! I got lonely!

The end. This comedy is based on a true story. SEE : John Titor.
There goes Herc, making up lame excuses for Titor again. You so desperately want him to be real that you will try (without success) to challenge a rational analysis of the faking of evidence that Titor left behind.

I again throw my support to Einstein, and also admit that when considered from the perspective of a court of law, no sane person on a jury would think the evidence proves Titor was real.

Disclaim at this point.

In a bid for the position of offworld ambassador, my bid was based on the principle that in some way, open liaison would be provided for mankind, in an approved fashion.
Tell me RMT, do you exactly know what the issue is, and what my response means to that issue?
I know one thing for certain: No matter how I were to answer this question, you would claim I did not understand "your point", and you would keep changing that point each time I cornered you. You have consistently demonstrated this trait in more than one thread here. How's that for some facts you can't deny? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

You have consistently demonstrated this trait in more than one thread here. How's that for some facts you can't deny?

I would certainly deny that. If you want, you can go back and read the threads. Especially the emulator thread. Discuss it with someone who has deep knowledge about computers. You will know what I was saying. From your responses, I found you simply wanted to cut and paste and contradict my words. You initially showed up strongly backing up someone's argument(who never responded).

So now in this thread you might do the same. If you dont know what an issue is, then how can you judge it? You make no technical comments regarding the issue, but simply said I am desperete to prove Titor is real, ASSUMING that I am providing an irrelevent or lame respose. How do you assume it? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
There goes Herc, making up lame excuses for Titor again. You so desperately want him to be real that you will try (without success) to challenge a rational analysis of the faking of evidence that Titor left behind.
I see that he is offering an alternative explaination. What's wrong with that?

no sane person on a jury would think the evidence proves Titor was real.
That wasn't Herc's point. He simply offered an alternative explaination to the "titor photos are a fake" discussion.

Is that a tactic you use to paint people either for or against titor?
Point on que:

I did not stipulate as to whether the Titor affair was fake or not. All I have said so far, is that it seemed to be a plan.
I really appreciate the in depth analysis by Einstein. I opened the pictures with notepad.

It is indicated that they are created by either Accusoft corp or Lead technologies or Photoshop 3.0 . But that does not mean the pictures are created by them. These warez are involved with scanners. Whenever any picture is scanned and gone through one of these software, it would mark that item as “created by <software name>”.

LEADTOOLS provides a powerful set of tools spanning the full spectrum of digital imaging, including in-depth support for image acquisition through industry standard interfaces from a wide variety of hardware devices.

With LEADTOOLS you can control any scanner, digital camera or capture card that has a TWAIN device driver. High-level acquisition support is provided for ease of use, and low-level functionality is provided for flexibility and control in even the most demanding applications.


AccuSoft Scanner Certification Program
This program began in 2003 with the goal of verifying ImageGear's compatibility with hardware from leading vendors. This program also allows AccuSoft to establish technology partnerships with various manufacturers, helping to keep us on the cutting edge of technology.


An interesting rebuttal at first read, but not convincing after analysis. Bring more rebuttals, its very interesting to analyze it.
I see that he is offering an alternative explaination. What's wrong with that?
One can come up with alternative explanations for anything and everything, but that does not make them likely, especially if there is no evidence to support them. It used to be an alternative theory that the moon was made of cheese. It seems both you and Hercules ignore Occam's Razor when you provide "analysis of alternative options."

He simply offered an alternative explaination to the "titor photos are a fake" discussion.
Yes, and it seems to suffer from the same problems that all of Hercules' alternative explanations suffer from: They rely on many other things being true that you have no way to verify. Whereas the simplest answer (they ARE faked) does not rely on such assumptions.

Is that a tactic you use to paint people either for or against titor?
No, it is a tactic I use to expose shallow/incomplete thinking, and show how it can lead to wild conspiracy theories and the like.

I again remind you MEM, that Hercules has been one who has called for being SCIENTIFIC, dealing with FACTS, and adhering to LOGIC. And yet when I show him where he violates these principles he suddenly doesn't care about being scientific or dealing with facts. That's call hypocrisy where I come from. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

MEM has been through your cut and paste logic. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You simply come in and pour YOUR WORDS. So far in the thread, you have not provided any "technical" information or explanation regarding the issue so as WHY you claim it is irrelelevant. You simply ASSUME. That is not a good practice in analyzing issues.
It seems both you and Hercules ignore Occam's Razor when you provide "analysis of alternative options."
The most abused maxim ever created - Occam's Razor

William of Ockham, 1285-1349 English philosopher and one of the founders of logic, proposed a maxim for judging theories which says that hypotheses should not be multiplied beyond necessity. This is known as Ockham's razor and is interpreted, today, as meaning that to account for any set of facts the simplest theories are to be preferred over more complex ones. Many-worlds is viewed as unnecessarily complex, by some, by requiring the existence of a multiplicity of worlds to explain what we see, at any time, in just one world.

This is to mistake what is meant by "complex". Here's an example. Analysis of starlight reveals that starlight is very similar to faint sunlight, both with spectroscopic absorption and emission lines. Assuming the universality of physical law we are led to conclude that other stars and worlds are scattered, in great numbers, across the cosmos. The theory that "the stars are distant suns" is the simplest theory and so to be preferred by Ockham's Razor to other geocentric theories.

Similarly many-worlds is the simplest and most economical quantum theory because it proposes that same laws of physics apply to animate observers as has been observed for inanimate objects. The multiplicity of worlds predicted by the theory is not a weakness of many-worlds, any more than the multiplicity of stars are for astronomers, since the non-interacting worlds emerge from a simpler theory.

As an historical aside it is worth noting that Ockham's razor was also falsely used to argue in favour of the older heliocentric theories against Galileo's notion of the vastness of the cosmos. The notion of vast empty interstellar spaces was too uneconomical to be believable to the Medieval mind. Again they were confusing the notion of vastness with complexity.
No, it is a tactic I use to expose shallow/incomplete thinking, and show how it can lead to wild conspiracy theories and the like.
I got news for you RMT. Time travel is a pretty far-fetched topic for most. WTF are you doing even posting on a tt board? What don't you go post on a board that won't upset you, like a bb devoted to the basics of concrete making? Something that is easy for you to grasp.
I again remind you MEM, that Hercules has been one who has called for being SCIENTIFIC, dealing with FACTS, and adhering to LOGIC. And yet when I show him where he violates these principles he suddenly doesn't care about being scientific or dealing with facts.
I believe he did respond to your SCIENTIFIC, dealing with FACTS, and adhering to LOGIC post. You just didn't like what he wrote. I call that bb bullying.

As Einstein pointed out, every photo and graphic that Titor submitted to Art Bell or to Pamela were processed with software that uses the Lead Technologies V1.01 processing engine. That includes all of his photos, all of the schematics of his gadget and the form letter from Florida DMV noticing him that his auto insurance had expired. All of those 2000-2001 documents have the Lead Technologies V1.01 header enbedded in teh grahpic code.

Move ahead in time almost 4 years to early 2004:

When Buzzmaker (the producer of the Radio Program) was posting on Anomalies he flat out admitted that the extra manual pages that were added to the Titor Book were faked in (late) 2003 by the Book Staff at the JTF.

Those pages were also processed with software that used the Lead Technologies V1.01 engine. Same embedded header as the 2000-2001 documents.


Heh - I see that the Sierra Hotel is on your case for a change. Fox two!