Temporal Navigator
Re: Doing Donuts In Your Car! 
Yeah I did read what you wrote. Let me clarify it with you clearly. What you say is if you intend to Time Travel two years backward, you sit in the Time Machine and activate it 2 years to the past. I watch you activate the Time Machine. Your mind travels back to your body two years back. But what I see is you lose your physical form. I can NEVER see you again.
But YOUR mind travels two years back. The “I†there is also two years younger and I see you i.e. your mind which is two years older.
Did I get your concept correctly(I hope I did)?
Theoretically if you see, IF there are INFINITE Worldlines, then the RESOURCES are also INFINITE. If you go back to a Worldline where there is no human being(human beings are yet to evolve), THAT Worldline belongs to YOU.
That is where Singularities come in.
Can I say that YOU are also HOPING to get a working model of a Time Machine? You haven’t yet realized it. You are only WORKING on IT. SO unless you ACHIEVE it, YOU CANNOT UNDERESTIMATE the other POSSIBILITIES.

Yeah I did read what you wrote. Let me clarify it with you clearly. What you say is if you intend to Time Travel two years backward, you sit in the Time Machine and activate it 2 years to the past. I watch you activate the Time Machine. Your mind travels back to your body two years back. But what I see is you lose your physical form. I can NEVER see you again.
But YOUR mind travels two years back. The “I†there is also two years younger and I see you i.e. your mind which is two years older.
Did I get your concept correctly(I hope I did)?
Personally, I think you've got some dangerous ideas. From the above it would seem like your ideas would seek to expand the resource wars we have in our own worldline to other times. Is that really smart?
Theoretically if you see, IF there are INFINITE Worldlines, then the RESOURCES are also INFINITE. If you go back to a Worldline where there is no human being(human beings are yet to evolve), THAT Worldline belongs to YOU.
The laws of Energy simply will not allow it to happen. We've been through this before, and I still don't think you understand the basics of how Energy is a 3-way manifold of Mass, Space, and Time. If you want to alter one (say, Time) then you must give on the other two. If you do not, you will violate the Conservation of Energy law.
That is where Singularities come in.
Only if it works. If it is an incorrect theory, then it has no value. Again, I do not see you being very scientific about this. Rather, it sounds more like you are dreaming and hoping.
Can I say that YOU are also HOPING to get a working model of a Time Machine? You haven’t yet realized it. You are only WORKING on IT. SO unless you ACHIEVE it, YOU CANNOT UNDERESTIMATE the other POSSIBILITIES.