Hi all...don't know if anyone's seen this yet...I'll post it anyway
Daniel/Fred is the user name. He claims to be the poster on several threads which have
gained some notoriety over the internet.
These posters include Fred, Daniel, and John Titor. He also claims to have a
hand in the Dan Burish saga.
"Yes Please be advised that all my material is copyrighted.
It will be used in a book soon for your viewing pleasure."
"I am also astral girl, predicting all those peoples futures just
by using the psychological profile of the woo woo´s here."
"I also have one more revalation for all of you.
I am the John Titor hoaxer as well. I used my car , along with an old ammunition carton
from when I was in the army. I used Photoshop to edit alot of the laser trickery, and
edited a picture from one of my survival guides with the time machine."
"Now the whole Dan Burisch stuff. I won´t go into details, but I am a "part" of that.
I wont go any further. I don´t want to totally ruin all of your nights."
"The whole Burisch stuff though. Well I´m just warning you about that! Please do your
homework on that! He´s not exactly all there, but there is some truth to it. But most
of it is not. But thats not my gig. They are hoping to make some money off of that!"
"There comes a time when you have to come clean. I´ve had so many laughs at all of your expenses.
But to be honest, now I have a terminal disease, and will be dying soon. I wanted to have a
good last laugh before I go. I also wanted the truth to be revealed. Please forward this
information to all people concerned. Including all the John Titor fans. I do donate most
of the money I receive from the John Titor book to charities, for the sake of good Karma.
Unfortunately I have a hereditary disease that makes me recently immobile and stuck to a chair.
I have no life and no time on my hands other than to cause trouble on the internet. I have an
old car, among other things and many books to peak my interest."
Here's the thread;