Timeline changed


Temporal Novice
FYI - sometime in past 90 days, timeline was changed. From what I can tell the alteration made our timeline diverge a while back. . . I;d say at least 15 yrs. , but maybe longer. I;m not going to explain how I know, as that is not important. But do know that sometime with in the year 2011 (thus far) a decision was made to alter the past.

Take it for what its worth. It's not a debate. Post a comment if you've sensed it.

That's what I gathered as well, but I wasn't sure if it was true. I only heard of it and don't know much about it.

Yeah what changes though?

Yes, you would remember how the old time line was. The phenomena has been named altervus. You remember how the past was. But all present indications show that it is no longer that way anymore. A lot of people would just dismiss it as a faulty memory. But that only works as a believable explanation if you're the only one with a faulty memory. Shared altervus with others tend to suggest that the problem is not a memory malfunction. As an example, we all know that Michael Jackson is dead. Right? Drug overdose as I recollect. Seem to recall an autopsy was performed. Also his doctor being charged with a crime relating to his death. But Michael Jackson is rumored to be alive.

Well how would this guy change the time line? or how would he notice the time line has been changed? and as for people thinking Michael Jackson is still alive......pls. Sounds like all that Elvis [censored] all over again.

DP, i did not say I changed the timeline. I just relayed the information that it has been changed recently and that the span of time from present to past when it was changed was around 15 yrs to best of my knowledge. Just a guess on the distance to past. It could be dbl, but I doubt it.

I know because my mind is not grounded (for lack of a better word) the way most peoples are.

UPDATE: Timeline changed again 4.28.11 10:00 EST, and 4.29.11 14:30 EST +or-

Either things aren't working as planned or there are two factions working against each other.



While I agree with you that a lot of the posts are nonsense, I disagree with your ad hominem attacks. If you have a problem with a post go after the logic. If you have a problem with the poster as an individual grin and bear it. You can make your point and have sufficient support by taking apart the post itself without attacking the poster directly.

And, yes, at times I have engaged, out of frustration, in directly going after the poster. In most cases I, thereafter, make my apology for the attack on the poster. And then I go after the content of the, as we agree, silliness of the post itself.

So, go head on with your thoughts but do try to minimize the personal attacks.

Thank you for your cooperation.

You're all a bunch of crackpots. Reason this place doesn't have more activity is because the insanity is tolerated here. Go post in the fiction forum with this nonsense.
Hmm...ever visited other forums that discuss the same topics? And we're ALL crackpots? insanity here on TTI? ROFL!Don't know if you noticed, but, as mentioned at the bottom of the index page, this entire site is "fictional".

The MOP even pinned it in the thread " The Conversation Here Is...

" Time Travel. So talk about Time Travel. If you're upset because someone isn't making sense or is posting nonsense... well, surprise... the entire concept of Time Travel is nonsense right now! Deal with it. "

The reason why it is slow here at TTI, is actually because the true "nonsense" is NOT being tolerated. Seems that if some people can't personally attack other posters, then apparently they have nothing else to say.

It might be but it's different. The poster might not be claiming to be the time traveler, but rather observing a timeline change.

I want to know more such as how is it happening? Who knows the time line is being changed? And where are they getting this information?

I thought "crackpot" was a complimentary term in the sense it means one can think for themselves independent of accepted knowledge or peer pressure. Anyways, this post was not claiming that I travel through time. All I was doing was offering little known information that our timeline was altered a few times in the beginning of 2011.

I am not here to prove anything. Don't believe me. I'm ok with that. The information was not meant for you anyways.
