Hello there. How are you? Well I hope.
I must say my dear, that I have a couple of minor problems with your reply. Firstly your assumption that I'm some kind of gullible fool. Secondly, that I will stand for the kind of misguided patronising that you've just posted.
The belief that you can 'intellectually' belittle a regular of this forum through the means that you are doing so is deeply mistaken. I hope that your conviction to this ill advised path has prepared you for the following analysis. (Actually I hope that it hasn't)
1. Do you believe that saying that you don't expect to be believed makes your claim more credible? I feel that you believe this to be a new angle on that old chestnut "look at me, I'm a time traveller".
Since you insist that you know that nobody believes you, why do you persist in wasting your time? You may not find the exercise futile, but I'm afraid everyone else does..Can you not see that?
It's quite simple..PROVE IT. Or SHUT UP. You have now reached the threshold of mild amusement and you're rapidly becoming very tedious. Do you understand. It's not clever, it's not witty, it's certainly not original. It's DULL, it's BORING. WE'VE SEEN IT ALL BEFORE!
2. You are using your flimsy premise to claim that you are more socially advanced than us 'primitive' natives. Unfortunately for you, but fortunately for us, the things that you say contradict this offensive, arrogant nonsense. You see, you show an incredible lack of understanding of human nature.
I practice no organised religion and my 'beliefs' lean more towards pragmatism than dogma, but you are grossly mistaken in the assumption that religion and science aren't closely related. You should read some history. They have always ferverently fed off one another. When science has challenged religion, religion has adapted and asked bigger questions, which science has strived to answer. On and on it has gone..
It's ironic. If you actually were a time traveller, you could offer insights into how it 'was' achieved, but you appear to be surprisingly ignorant of the human development (scientific, religious and philosophical) that would have lead you to be here. You would know that they are all parts of the essence of human inginuity. Every pioneering scientist has had to use pure faith at times, has had to go out on a limb. Your irritating sense of intellectual superiority is utterly false. Your basic understanding of the most important element - the human element, falls way short of some of the 'primitive' intellects that regularly visit this forum.
You really should employ some dignity while you still have some and drop this charade. You are not a time traveller. If you were you could presumably offer some proof. Any less and you are just willfully making a fool of yourself. Why would you do that? You tell me..
3. I mention drug induced states just ONCE off hand and you manage to equate that with a 'fascination'. How's that??
Oh no, I've mentioned it again, is that an obssession???
4. I am always asking questions by the way. I don't know how time and the universe works. Nobody does. You don't. Why are you pretending that you do?
Is this some form of rampant insecurity?
Do you feel that it is preferable to concoct this 'cushion' to give supposed weight to your opinions rather than accept that you are in the same boat as the rest of us, even though you'll be made to look foolish in the process?
If you'd just let your thoughts speak for themselves instead of clouding them, dressing them up in the ludicrous fashion that you have, you'd get as fair a hearing as anyone. But you can't admit your idiocy now can you? You've taken it too far, haven't you?
Do you have some deep seated inadequacy complex?
Or are you simply a peurile piss talking adolescent? No friends?
That may be off the mark, but I have to tell you, I'm having real doubts that you're above the age of consent..
I am also overwhelming convinced that you are no more than a snivelling piss taker. Please read the "for all the urine extractors out there" message. I think that you may well fit the bill.
Just as long as you know that I'm under no misconception...I think I've got your card.
One last bit of advice, if you're still there...
You're probarbly racking your none too extensive imagination for something dismissive enough to offset this message. Well, good luck.
You'd better get it right the first time though, because I've just about had enough of your moronic indulgences and unless it's useful or interesting, It will be the last of your messages that I waste my time reading..
If you feel that I'm being way too harsh, then maybe you'll think twice before levelling your childish fantasies at me again!
I'm actually normally very amiable, but at the monent I'm at the end of my tether with 'bloody time wasters'.
You do still have one form of reprieve though. PROVE CATEGORICALLY THAT YOU'RE A TIME TRAVELLER. PROVE IT . PROVE IT.......Do you get the picture? PROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!
If you can, I'll take it all back....
I must say my dear, that I have a couple of minor problems with your reply. Firstly your assumption that I'm some kind of gullible fool. Secondly, that I will stand for the kind of misguided patronising that you've just posted.
The belief that you can 'intellectually' belittle a regular of this forum through the means that you are doing so is deeply mistaken. I hope that your conviction to this ill advised path has prepared you for the following analysis. (Actually I hope that it hasn't)
1. Do you believe that saying that you don't expect to be believed makes your claim more credible? I feel that you believe this to be a new angle on that old chestnut "look at me, I'm a time traveller".
Since you insist that you know that nobody believes you, why do you persist in wasting your time? You may not find the exercise futile, but I'm afraid everyone else does..Can you not see that?
It's quite simple..PROVE IT. Or SHUT UP. You have now reached the threshold of mild amusement and you're rapidly becoming very tedious. Do you understand. It's not clever, it's not witty, it's certainly not original. It's DULL, it's BORING. WE'VE SEEN IT ALL BEFORE!
2. You are using your flimsy premise to claim that you are more socially advanced than us 'primitive' natives. Unfortunately for you, but fortunately for us, the things that you say contradict this offensive, arrogant nonsense. You see, you show an incredible lack of understanding of human nature.
I practice no organised religion and my 'beliefs' lean more towards pragmatism than dogma, but you are grossly mistaken in the assumption that religion and science aren't closely related. You should read some history. They have always ferverently fed off one another. When science has challenged religion, religion has adapted and asked bigger questions, which science has strived to answer. On and on it has gone..
It's ironic. If you actually were a time traveller, you could offer insights into how it 'was' achieved, but you appear to be surprisingly ignorant of the human development (scientific, religious and philosophical) that would have lead you to be here. You would know that they are all parts of the essence of human inginuity. Every pioneering scientist has had to use pure faith at times, has had to go out on a limb. Your irritating sense of intellectual superiority is utterly false. Your basic understanding of the most important element - the human element, falls way short of some of the 'primitive' intellects that regularly visit this forum.
You really should employ some dignity while you still have some and drop this charade. You are not a time traveller. If you were you could presumably offer some proof. Any less and you are just willfully making a fool of yourself. Why would you do that? You tell me..
3. I mention drug induced states just ONCE off hand and you manage to equate that with a 'fascination'. How's that??
Oh no, I've mentioned it again, is that an obssession???
4. I am always asking questions by the way. I don't know how time and the universe works. Nobody does. You don't. Why are you pretending that you do?
Is this some form of rampant insecurity?
Do you feel that it is preferable to concoct this 'cushion' to give supposed weight to your opinions rather than accept that you are in the same boat as the rest of us, even though you'll be made to look foolish in the process?
If you'd just let your thoughts speak for themselves instead of clouding them, dressing them up in the ludicrous fashion that you have, you'd get as fair a hearing as anyone. But you can't admit your idiocy now can you? You've taken it too far, haven't you?
Do you have some deep seated inadequacy complex?
Or are you simply a peurile piss talking adolescent? No friends?
That may be off the mark, but I have to tell you, I'm having real doubts that you're above the age of consent..
I am also overwhelming convinced that you are no more than a snivelling piss taker. Please read the "for all the urine extractors out there" message. I think that you may well fit the bill.
Just as long as you know that I'm under no misconception...I think I've got your card.
One last bit of advice, if you're still there...
You're probarbly racking your none too extensive imagination for something dismissive enough to offset this message. Well, good luck.
You'd better get it right the first time though, because I've just about had enough of your moronic indulgences and unless it's useful or interesting, It will be the last of your messages that I waste my time reading..
If you feel that I'm being way too harsh, then maybe you'll think twice before levelling your childish fantasies at me again!
I'm actually normally very amiable, but at the monent I'm at the end of my tether with 'bloody time wasters'.
You do still have one form of reprieve though. PROVE CATEGORICALLY THAT YOU'RE A TIME TRAVELLER. PROVE IT . PROVE IT.......Do you get the picture? PROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!
If you can, I'll take it all back....